Preparing for delivery of my 2023 Tesla Model Y

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I'm two days away from taking delivery of my 2023 model y that I ordered back in January in this video I'll be talking about the final price I paid out the door how much more I'll be paying on my insurance and I'll be sharing some of the top items that I've selected to ride along with me in my new model y so one of the things that's unique about buying and following through with the purchase process of a Tesla is how much of it you can do from your phone the Tesla app is pretty much where they direct you to every step of the delivery tasks everything from shopping for Tesla Insurance making your final payment to scheduling a delivery is done through the app when you open up the app on your phone you're greeted with a picture of your car and a status on where you're at in your delivery timeline I've already chosen a date and a place for delivery so that shows up underneath the car it says complete your delivery tasks to avoid delays and delivery so we'll go ahead and hit continue and see what is outstanding still at this point you add your registration information where you live you specify whether or not you want to do a trade-in the trade-in process was really cool you'd actually take pictures of the vehicle you want to trade in in the app and it would actually show you your trade-in offer in the app and whether or not you accept or reject the offer the financing is taken care of through the app if you choose cash at the point you place your order on Tesla's website you can go back and change that to financing later or vice versa there's no need to jump to your final decision there next you will be asked to schedule the delivery and pickup of your vehicle I got a text from Tesla that said delivery is available for me I simply followed the link it took me to the app and I chose a date from there another thing I'll have you do is upload proof of insurance now one thing I learned in this process is that you just need to be insured on a vehicle to accept delivery now I went in and adjusted my policy to add this vehicle the day before I took delivery but as far as proof goes for uploading it to the app you only need a PDF or an image of your current policy showing that it is active and then finally the final payment you can see I've already made the payment on my vehicle in total it ended up costing me fifty nine thousand nine hundred and four dollars and forty five cents out the door where I live in Minnesota we have a sales tax on vehicles and it's not waived for electric vehicles like the Tesla next are some of the agreements now these haven't been populated yet when I click view there's nothing that shows up in the documents section so I'm assuming that's just something that I'll have to take care of when I take delivery of the car on Monday finally accept delivery I'm told that all I need to really show up with is my driver's license I need to be present since I am taking ownership of this vehicle and you need to have your phone because your phone will serve as the key to the vehicle there's the update on the delivery so far it's been a very painless process to manage all of the steps to take delivery of the vehicle probably the hardest part of the whole process is the anticipation and question of when will I take delivery of this car at the very beginning it didn't really give me an estimate on when my car would arrive after a while it started to get more focused and it said sometime between February 4th and March 4th at the point I got my VIN I got an updated delivery timeline of February 22nd to March 1st at the point I got the text saying they're ready for me to schedule pickup the delivery timeline hadn't changed from the 22nd to the first but I was able to choose a delivery on the 20th so it's quite possible that it could be before or after that time window that they narrow down for you other questions I've had along the way I've been able to Simply ask through my Tesla advisor that texted me after I purchased the vehicle her name is Rudy all correspondence I've had with Tesla after the point I ordered has been through that one phone number which has been very easy and simple to ask questions so here are some of the things that I'm going to bring with me when I go to pick up my Tesla sunglasses a pair of work gloves an umbrella I have a tri-fold organizer we'll have a flashlight and a tire pressure gauge in it USBC cables a USB to SSD adapter I have a cheap SSD here I got at Micro Center along with a USB type A enclosure for it I saw on Tesla Motors Club forum can format multiple partitions on an SSD like this and name them such that you can use one partition for Sentry mode and another partition for your media we'll see how this goes using the xfat partition but I'm definitely going to plan on using an SSD just because ssds are designed for more frequent reads and writes as opposed to the 128 gigabyte USB drive that will come with the car I've also seen on forums that these USBS get fried with the amount of times that Sentry mode writes to them so I'm hoping that a cheap SSD will be able to hold up better than just a regular old off-the-shelf USB drive I have a garage door opener and an FM transmitter next is the original GM evse that came with my Chevy bolt Tesla no longer includes a charging cord with new vehicles however they do include a j1772 adapter that will allow me to use my existing level 2 AC charging equipment the GM AC charging cord is only rated for 120 volts but it secretly supports up to 240 volt charging at 12 amps I have an adapter that will allow me to plug this into a standard Nema 620 Outlet which effectively doubles my charging rate compared to a standard outlet I also have an adapter to convert this 620 plug to a Nema 1450 plug that's commonly available at campgrounds and other facilities in my tri-fold I'll have my proof of insurance I actually decided to go with Progressive I got a cheaper rate on Progressive to ensure both my vehicles then on any other insurance carrier to ensure just the Tesla so shout out to Progressive for giving me a good rate on that I ended up going with a 500 deductible on that Progressive plan whereas all of the other plans that you see here came with a thousand dollar deductible for collision and comprehensive coverage so got a really good deal maybe it's because I've been a progressive customer for five years but uh certainly makes the pill to swallow of a brand new vehicle's Insurance a lot easier when it ended up actually being cheaper than the insurance I had on my Bowl TV Tesla did provide a competitive quote but again compared to my existing carrier didn't quite compete with them at that price rate and Tesla will adjust that rate depending on your driving habits which I wasn't super excited about maybe if the pencils out that that was cheaper than the others I would have been okay with it but I like being able to pay a low rate for my insurance and not having anyone watching over my shoulder on how I drive I'll throw in a couple generic floor mats a shovel and a sun shade and I'll be off to the races well there you have it just as I've finished editing the video I got a text from Tesla confirming my delivery appointment tomorrow so thank you for watching hopefully you enjoyed watching this video uh stay tuned for more Tesla videos and thank you for coming along with me on this new Journey
Channel: Alex Knoll
Views: 17,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NxMALm0BLrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 19 2023
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