Prepared not Punished | Pastor Ken Claytor

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hey family what's up everybody so good to be with you guys today I'm excited to be able to share God's word with you hey do this very quickly why don't you grab a Bible grab a note-taker I really believe that God's gonna speak some things to us um today and our life is never going to be the same again I want to jump over into Jove okay let's go deep into the Bible today and I want to look at job chapter number 42 and if you can very quickly go there we're gonna put it on the screen in just a moment and we're gonna look at NIV and we're literally going to read the entire chapter are you ready say I'm ready verse number one then job replied to the Lord I know that you can do all things how many of you all know God can do anything he wants no purpose of yours can be thwarted you ask what does this that obscures my plans without knowledge surely I spoke with these things I did not understand things too wonderful for me to know and you said listen now and I will speak I will question you and you shall answer me my ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you therefore I despised myself and I repent in dust and ashes of course this is coming to the end of job's story and before he gets his breakthrough there's this word repentance and I believe like every plague everything that happens in our land there comes a place in all of our lives where when we repent and we go back to God and we turn from our way to his way then things start to flow verse number seven after the Lord has said these things to jovi said the Elf ass the temanite I am angry with you and your two friends because you've not spoken the truth about me as my servant job hands so now take these seven bulls and seven Rams and go to my servant job and sacrifice a burnt offering for yourself my servant job will be will pray for you and I will accept his prayer not deal with you according to your folly how many of you all are glad that God doesn't deal with us according to how ratchet we can be sometimes you have not spoken the truth about me as my servant job has so Elif asked Tim a night bildad the shuhite and so far the name of theit I'm just throwing that out there I hope that I hope that's how you say their names on did what the Lord told him in the Lord accepted job's prayer stick with me and after job had prayed for his friends the Lord restored his fortunes and don't miss this and he gave him twice as much as he had before now please underline that very quickly I need you to highlight that I want this to stick out to you that job went through a lot and then God gave him double for his trouble everybody saved the double and right here he says in verse number 11 all his brothers and sisters and everyone who had known him they came and they ate with him in his house and so now he's restoring his reputation okay and they comforted and consoled him over all the trouble the Lord had brought on him and each one gave him a piece of silver and a gold ring so now he begins to restore job's wealth the Lord blessed the latter part of job's life more than the former part how many of you all believe that your best days are still out in front of you that God can bless the latter days even greater than the glory of the former days he had 14 thousand sheep six thousand camels a thousand yoke of oxen and a thousand donkeys all right translations he was he was loaded yah he was rich he is a very wealthy man and God made it happen so God didn't just bless him spiritually God also provided for him materially and I love this part and he also had seven sons and three daughters the first daughter her name was Gemma mine the second was keziah and the third let's just call her Karen first 15 nowhere in all of the land where there found women as beautiful as job's daughter and so when God restores you he can bring you back even looking better than you ever did before and so they were pretty and job's daughters and their father granted them an inheritance along with their brothers and verse 16 says after this job lived a hundred and forty years now what job went through many scholars say took about nine months but the rest of his life for the next 140 years he lived in the double portion he saw his children and their children to a fourth generation that means that he was a great great grandfather and so job died and watch how he died he didn't die broken and beaten and sick he was an old man full of years meaning that he lived an abundant life and he enjoyed his life and this was the end of job's life so today we are starting a new five-part series entitled stronger than ever come on say it with me everybody say stronger than ever now we've all been through something with covet 19 we've all been through a pandemic and I believe that somehow someway God can bring us out of a pandemic and he can use a pandemic to really push us into his purposes does anybody believe that today and this is what we believe we believe that we are coming out of this pandemic stronger than ever in five major categories relationally financially emotionally physically and spiritually all right and these are five areas that I want you to go home and I want you to kind of check these areas out and do a self evaluation and say hey as we come through the pandemic am i stronger relationally financially emotionally physically spiritually and if not I think we can make some adjustments okay and so I believe by faith that we are going to come out of this season stronger than ever if anybody believes that say man I don't believe that today is just a series I believe this is more than a message I believe it's a prophetic promise from God I believe that God has given me this topic as a topic to declare to us that we should expect to come out stronger than ever we're not coming out weakened and beaten up and downtrodden there might be some crazy things happening in the world but I'm here to tell you that it's the time not just to survive but to thrive somebody say Amen and there's a scripture that I want you to kind of meditate on I mean this is the scripture that's gonna be the highlight scripture for the whole five weeks it's a scripture that I want you to study I want you to talk about I want you to remember if you got to I want you to quote I want you to do everything you can to get this scripture deep in your heart in its Romans chapter 8 verse 28 and it says and we know that all things work together for the good of those who love God does anybody here love God is anybody watching online do you love God ha let me put some hearts in your comments in your chat section so those who are called or according to his purposes so the principle is this that all things God can turn it around to work it out for your good I love it in the amplified bible watch this it says we know that with great confidence that God who is deeply concerned about us causes all things to work together as a plan for good to those who love God to those who are called according to his his plan and his purpose I love it in the message Bible I'll give you one more translation it says that's why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives every single detail god knows about it every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something that's good something that's that's beautiful and this is what we believe by faith we're coming out stronger than ever come on say it till you believe it's safe stronger than ever come on somebody say it to your computer screen somebody say stronger than ever come on look at your family that's around you and just say stronger than ever because I believe that if that's what you believe you got to speak it and you got to act like it so that's how faith is released y'all all right and so listen people say well I you know I hear what you're saying but that just might not be my reality well that's this depending upon what you base your reality on see my reality it's not that I'm denying reality I just believe that the kingdom reality is greater than the world's reality and that the kingdom reality will always trump the world's reality see people who people of faith people say well you just are in denial I'm not in denial I'm just denying the circumstance is the ability to take a authority over the affairs of my life and so I denied the world system and everything that's in it to tell me that I'm coming out broken and battered and beaten I'm here to prophesy and declare that I'm coming out stronger than ever somebody say stronger than ever and so we've all been affected by covet 19 in some way all right we realize that we acknowledge that we understand that matter of fact it's one of those things that kind of connect us as humans right now that we're all going through this together meaning that some of you have lost your jobs some of you have been furloughed some of you-all there's all kinds of fear is relation to the the economic downturn there's all kinds of people who've experienced sickness many of us have lost loved ones and we've been affected some kind of way by covet 19 and I think it's okay for us to acknowledge that we've been through something I just don't think it's okay for us to stay there see sometimes when you go through something in life you create a pity party for yourself and I believe what God is saying to us today is that we can't have a pity party in a power party we got a chicken choose what kind of party we want to have because those two things don't go at the same time you're either gonna be in pity or you gonna be in power and I believe what God is asking us to do today is acknowledge what we've been through to lock arms and what we've been through through but look to the future for what he's about to do and then and only then can we walk in power how many of you already to walk in power I really believe this is gonna be the strongest time for the church I know I've come out of this stronger than ever anybody here please let me know in the chat have you come out stronger than ever I mean the last month and a half quarantine the last week I thought I was gonna go Kanye I can take y'all no more oh my god you know I mean people is breathing it was getting on my nerves like you're breathing you're getting on my nerves when you stop breathing go in the other room please and breathe right we've all been through something but at the same time as I look back you know what I realized I realize that I'm stronger now than I was 45 days ago I'm stronger in my relationships with my children I've been doing the Divo with my oldest daughter every morning or at least Monday through Thursday and we've been worshiping together praying together and getting in the Bible together and our relationship is getting closer but more importantly her relationship with God is getting closer we're stronger now than we were back then my relationship with my wife it is stronger now my relationship with with with God is stronger now I'm more sensitive to him one of the things that he he's been sharing with me during the pandemic is how to love like he loves you know I thought I was loving people and he's been teaching you how to love those who don't love me love those that I feel like have used me or not not not honored and not respected or just used my gifting or not so you know all of that God has been teaching me how to love not just the lovely but the unlovely how to turn the other cheek how to bless those who persecute you and literally won't good to happen for those who don't want good to happen for you I think it's remarkable to say that God can use a silent moments like moments in seasons where things are going wrong outside our home but you can get your house in order so I'm stronger as a person and I believe the people of our church are stronger than ever if that's you and you're watching this please let us know in the chat box let us know how you feel stronger spiritually physically financially emotionally I've been hearing their stories about how husbands and wives are spending more time together I've been hearing the stories my team has been telling me about the people who have more worship happening in their home and they've been able to focus more on God that which we thought was the worst thing that could happen actually God's turning it around to bring some of us closer to him and I've been hearing the stories about people who are connecting online and they're finding relationships and literally the people of our church are now even stronger spiritually than we were before covet 19 I know our church is stronger than ever you know I'm stronger the people of our church our church as a as a body of believers I want you to hear this that we're stronger than ever Oh throughout this pandemic we've been able to feed people thousands and thousands of meals we've been able to give we set aside twenty five thousand dollars let's just I have my team actually give me a list of all of the things that we did with Meridian and an Advent and Gainesville housing authorities and I'm source of feeding the homeless and on the dream Center in Los Angeles and the list goes on let's just put it like this we put aside about twenty five thousand dollars and we just gave that into people who were going through things and other organizations to be able to help those who were to be able to feed people and clothe people in this time and we did that in a in an economic downturn where people are losing their jobs and everybody's holding back as a church we decided that the church blossoms in crisis and so what we've been doing is being the hands and feet of Jesus because of your generosity and we've been going out taking care of the homeless just this past week we showed up at Shands emergency room and we gave out a hundred meals to those who our health care workers and we've just been doing everything we can as a church to meet the needs of people you should just give yourself a big round of applause because ain't nobody mad about that other than the devil what does that mean we're coming out stronger than ever even spiritually we've been praying together I mean prayer has been powerful we have 60 to 70 people every day praying together at 8 a.m. on zoom' and we're praying for the will of God to be done in the earth and for the lost to be found and for people that are sick to be healed and because of that we've seen our reach go even further here's the statistics online because now we're doing this whole life thing at home but since covet 19:00 initially happened just a little bit ago we've had 19 thousand 432 people tuned in to a live at home and since covet 19 we have 292 decisions for Jesus come on somebody would you just give a hand clap emoji right now wherever you are 299 decisions for Jesus and the Bible says that all heaven rejoices when one soul is saved man this is a great time that all things can work to our good doesn't mean that it's gonna be good that it's gonna feel good but we believe that it can work to our good if you have a story with how you've become stronger during the pandemic I want you to share it email us at testimony at my life church organ you can just post on your social media and tag a life church but you got to share your story we want to hear hundreds of stories because I know that there's a lot more stories out there that we haven't heard about how God has taken this pandemic and pushed you in the purpose but you know maybe that's not your thing maybe you can't jump on that testimony bandwagon and you actually feel weaker now I know that there's somebody who's watching this and you feel like you're further from God now you feel a little bit jaded you got a lot of questions about why God would allow this to happen and the devil has been tempting you to play blame God when you should be blaming the devil maybe you've had all kinds of loss or you've been tempted with things you haven't been tempted with in years and maybe you're a person that's just been dealing with a whole lot of fear I got good news for you it's not over yet you can actually go home today and set a course that you're going to come out of this thing stronger than ever maybe you feel weak then you feel far from God you don't have to end it that way you can change that on today you can you can do something different today God has made you a free moral agent you have a will of your own you can go home today and say for God I live and for God i die i'm putting you first at my time my talent in my treasure and you too can have the testimony that you come out stronger than ever and so i want to challenge you and encourage you to maximize this moment man don't miss this moment say god what do you have for me I know I know that he's speaking and I know that he's moving some of us need to remember that this is still our year of believing big it's amazing that when we get attacked how much we forget the prophetic assignment that God has given us this year is to believe four things that we couldn't do without his help that the supernatural power of God isn't being hindered because we're facing a pandemic the supernatural favor and power of God is still on us in this prophetic moment like it always was before remember 2020 oh we're gonna have 20/20 vision we believe in big it's a new decade it's a new year some of y'all ain't thought nothin about believing big all you can see is what you watch on the news but I want you I want to remind you that this is still your year of believin big that God wants to do some big things for those of us who have big faith radical faith come on unusual faith with somebody say man and so the first part of our series today are y'all ready for this somebody say I'm ready is entitled prepared not punished because I feel like there's somebody who's watching this today that you feel like God's punishing you but the truth is is that he's preparing you and that's a big difference I want to really look at the life of job today brother job is one of those guys in the Bible that frankly when you read it you don't understand it you know it's a new Christian I remember reading the book of Job and it was like whoa that brother going through things and it was one of those books that I kind of skipped by like I don't you know I don't understand that do you read the Bible like that when you don't understand it you just skip over and you go to you know everybody likes you know like everybody when you say hey what you studying what are you spending time with right now everybody's like well you know I'm reading proverbs you know proverbs that they will keep the devil away I mean I want to get the wisdom of from table so hey what are you doing your soap with I'm doing Matthew you know next week I'll probably stop by over and see mark and the next month probably Luke and by the end of the year I probably get over and hang out with John a little bit you know those are the cool things though so that's where we spend a lot of the time you never ask somebody hey what you spend in town with they're never like Lamentations you know like I'm getting a word from lamentations that's rocking my world pasture you wouldn't even believe like I've been over in Leviticus and oh my god it's just challenging me right now you wouldn't understand the revelation that I'm getting matter of fact next week I'm going over to nay home and then probably ain't most I know some of y'all don't even know those books are in the Bible that's what I'm saying and that's how job is for many of us it's like listen after one of Joe kind of starts off like yo this is alright you know job is wealthy job like got his thing working job is like God's favorite can you imagine verse 8 God looks at job and since there's nobody in the earth like him can you imagine that being you that God looks at all of his creation and say Aaron there ain't nobody like my boy over there you see oh I just love him so much ain't nobody as holy as he ain't nobody worship me like he does ain't nobody in faith like he is oh you just got to go check out job that's what God was saying about this guy named job the Bible says that he was upright that he was a blameless man that he was a holy man of God in Chapter 1 but by the end of chapter 1 the wheels fell off this bus come on somebody and from chapter 1 all the way to the last chapter which is 42 you basically have 40 chapters of hell on earth you got 40 chapters where a man loses his health he loses his wife he loses his fit his family he loses his children he loses his reputation he almost loses his mind his friends think that he's sinned and he ain't even sinned and you almost are tempted to be like God why I mean if you all asked the question the why question I'm that God like I'm the guy I like why matter of fact it's a principle that we teach our leaders here in The Life Church that you always want to leave with the why don't just tell people what to do tell them why we do it because the why's what motive a to us right don't tell people to serve tell them why we serve we serve because when we serve were more like Jesus he was a servant so if you want to be a Christ follower you cannot keep your gifts to yourself for the servant is the greatest and when you serve we can change lives don't tell people to give tell them why we give because giving is the one thing that shows you what you really love for we're man's treasure is that's where his heart is so don't say I love you Jesus but you don't give to Jesus because those two things are a contradiction so why we give is because when we give he multiplies it and he gives it back to us so that we can change some more lives so don't tell people just to get in a small group tell him why because real life change happens in the context of relationships and so even in the early church they met at the synagogue and then they ate in the midweek house the house they broke bread together because we understand you have to be disciple before you make disciples and so small groups gives you accountability and while they're not only should you be a part of a small group there comes a place where you lead a small group so why so that you can fulfill the greatest Commission which is to go into all this doggone world and make disciples that is the wild and I'm that God that I like the wild matter of fact I was a kid they'd like to ask my mom and dad well why you know and my son he's picked it up so Kenny he's nine years old and you said this guy's personality is so intriguing and I'm just I look at him and I said that's just so me right there's some things he does but everything is why take your vital you take your vitamins well why you know well you were you well you go to bed now it's time for why you know or Kenny would you this is one I've been saying lately would you stop wiping your nose with your hand go get some tissue from the bathroom you know that's true story but why and as a parent come on parents help me out there comes a place in your parenting where you just want to say because I said so that's why kids let me help you out translation is because I'm your father and I know some things that you don't know that's gonna help you be who God's called you to be and success in life now can I speak to any of the king's kids that are here today I need to speak to sons and daughters of God there are some things that your father knows that you don't know and it doesn't matter how many degrees you have it doesn't matter how successful you are there are some things that God knows that you don't know and there comes a place in your walk with God where he asks you just to trust me because I'm your daddy and I know you want to ask God why because when I read the book of Job I got a lot of why questions you know and you know the crazy thing is I've read this for years and I've looked at commentary after commentary about the book of Job and you know what I found out about the book of Job is that God never tells us why he never tells us why he only tells us who and the book of Job is not to go and answer our questions why do things happen why would God allow the covet night team why does God allow people to die that are good people why did you get in the car accident why did you go to counseling and your marriage still failed I know we want to ask the why question but if we know the who then we can trust the who for the why job never answers the why question because the book of Job is written for you to focus on the who and when you focus on the who which is your father you trust your father and there's some times that I'm like I don't know why but I know God got it all in his hands and even when you don't know why all hell is breaking out around you why the economy is falling while people are dying left and right I don't know why but I know who and I know my daddy is a good daddy and I know he'll provide for me and he'll give me the answers that I need when he's ready to answer them with somebody say man so I love the whys but when I don't understand the why I'm gonna trust the who when I don't understand the why I'm gonna trust a who and so this is what I believe God wants us to know today number one that we're coming out of this stronger than ever please write that down have you ever heard that when a bone is broken when it is healed the bone is now stronger than what it's ever been a few years ago there was a very popular basketball players name was Paul George had a gruesome leg and injury where he broke his leg you know I'm not talking about a part of the leg that should be broken I'm talking about a part of the leg where shouldn't be broken matter of fact it was such a gruesome injury that they wouldn't even show it on SportsCenter I mean it was you know his leg was supposed to do that it was doing this in my mind I thought man his career is over in my mind I thought that even if he played again he would never be the same guy what I did not know is that if you break a bone if it's done right that bone will now be stronger than ever this past season he played at the MVP level top five players in the NBA this past season because I really believe this is not biblical but it's true that what doesn't kill you can make you stronger okay and so what we what I believe God wants us to know is that we're coming out of there stronger than ever sometimes God breaks us to make us better nobody likes to break in but we all like to write the books we all like to write the songs we all like to carry the anointing and a lot of that comes out of the breaking the breaking is sometimes what makes us better so what makes us stronger number two write this down I believe God is telling us to look for the good God and his wisdom has created our bodies to heal themselves I don't know that he's given us this it's the most miraculous thing called an immune system now the fact when you have a baby you know you have helicopter moms and they don't want the baby to get in any kind of dirt or do anything but actually they say the one of the best things that baby can do is crawl on the floor because when they crawl on the floor they develop antibodies to the germs that is in the atmosphere it's kind of like you know when Kovac 19 first happened I agreed that we should all you know be quarantined you know to flatten curve let's try to save some lives but there comes a place where quarantine has to be over because the longer we stay quarantined the more our immune system is being oppressed and actually if we released billions of people out with compromised immune system the effects of that might be worse than the kovat 19 what do I mean by that that God has created to be able to handle the pain that is in our atmosphere that pushes us to be able to handle it and so when you look for the good it's to say okay god I understand that there are some germs I understand that there's some pain and some pain limit and some problems but how can you use that to work it for my good and this is what I believe I believe that some of you are you lost a job to get a better job some of you all we had to steal things for you so that you have a stronger relationship with God you could forgive some people that had hurt you you know and I just believe that now is the time interest rates are going down and as a born-again believer and this is the scripture that frankly I don't hear a lot of people sharing but it is in the Bible that there comes a time where the wealth of the wickedest later for the just that's what the Bible calls wealth transference it's not saying that God is basically what it's saying is that as a born-again believer you have the favor of God on your life and there comes a season where their wealth material and things will come to you because you know what to do with it in the righteous way you know how to preach the gospel with it and I believe we're in that time but you've got to start looking for the good there's gonna be investment opportunities and so for me and my home I've been looking for every opportunity I can to maximize this moment I believe that God is saying to look for the good all right number three I believe God is saying today that the miracle is messy that the miracle is messy many of us think that when God gives us the promise it's gonna happen like tomorrow you know the fastest way from point A to point B is what a straight line but God don't work in straight lines you know it would be like you gave me this vision you tell me it's gonna take 25 years it's like the children of Israel they going into the Promised Land it takes some 40 years you know he didn't have to take that long but they they did that but you know but sometimes what God does is he takes you the scenic way cuz he's developing your character he takes you the long way because he needs you to get in the place where you can handle that kind of notoriety and that kind of influence and I really believe with all my heart that sometimes we miss the miracle because we think it's gonna be like Puff the Magic Dragon or overnight or whatever magic abracadabra stuff you want to do but what I'm saying is this that the miracle is messy the miracle is messy every miracle in the Bible think about a for a second oh how great the miracle of Lazarus God Jesus comes up but this time he had been dead for days and he stinks and he says Lazarus come forth but do you realize somebody had to die before you raise somebody from the dead because the miracle is always messy remember the guy who was born blind he was like who did it who seen him and his mother nobody saying Jesus hey he can now see he's jumping around and you know well man the blonde got hit when he was blind meaning that he had to first be blind before he could ever see and so the miracle is messy sometimes we say oh we won't the healing power of God somebody got to get sick before somebody is healed see there gonna be an army that's chasing you before the parting of the Red Sea and so every miracle is messy see we won't we won't cut and paste miracles and miracles without problems and we want miracles but that ain't it sometimes God provides a manner for you in the wilderness the manna is the miracle the miracle is never a clean line the miracle is messy church is messy new campuses is messy but it's beautiful all at the same time because the miracle is messy I believe today God is warning us to understand that the setback is our setup the setback is a setup and he showed this to me in a slingshot because this is what he showed me see if we can see this right here he showed me this and he showed this to me in the spirit that this is what was happening right now with covet 19 this is what was happening right here and that's uncomfortable my arm is actually shaking because this is a pretty good sling shot thank you so much this and this is what people don't like they don't like to be stretched you're uncomfortable cuz he's growing you we don't we want to be in the box but the box is not where you've been created you've been created to live outside of the box you've been called to get out of the boat you've been called to be stretched but the stretching is uncomfortable and just because it's uncomfortable doesn't mean it's not part of your destiny quit trying to find the comfort zone because the comfort zone and the destiny zones are two different zones for your life if you're staying in the comfort zone you might not ever reach the end zone because the end zone is uncomfortable what God wants to do is he pulls you back before he releases you and the setback is a setup and this is a prophetic word I need you to hear the laughs Church come on our fam I need somebody to shout at you boy today this is the word of the Lord that the pandemic for you as a believer as a person of faith as a person that loves Jesus ain't been doing nothing but pulling you back until the appointed time and I'm here to tell you that this is your due season where God is going to let it go so that you can go further and faster than you ever have in your life get ready I believe that the rest of this year is about to be the best of this year with somebody saying man and here's the last one number five that we're being prepared not punished I believe God wants us to know today that we are being prepared not punished Satan wants you to be angry with God and believe that God is mad at you and that he just kills for no reason you know I've been talking to people on Instagram and those who aren't saved yet isn't it amazing that people blame God for the bad but they take credit for the good themselves but the God of the Bible has anger but he does not sin has wrath has jealousy but still does not sin it's not like what we have he's also just he's also holy he's also merciful compassionate kind and love put all that together and you'll find God he is way beyond our ability to comprehend he's God he's bigger he doesn't think like we think he's God all by himself he is the Alpha and the Omega he's he's a sovereign he's Almighty and so when you blame God for things when you should be blaming the devil that's not right to do and so he wants us to know today that we're not being punished were being prepared even if you think that God is punishing you doesn't mean that he is Daniel could have thought that he was being punished when he was brought out of his home place of Jerusalem and brought into Babylonian captivity but the truth is he was being prepared to be a president Joseph could have thought that he was being punished when he was sold into slavery by all of his family have you ever had your family do you wrong that's a deep hurt that's like why y'all don't like me I got a coat of many colors dye don't be no that he thought he was being punished but truthfully he was being prepared the pit you know the the prison tell wasn't a punishment that was a preparation to be second in control of all of Egypt think about it elijah for a second elijah throws his mantle on him he's like man i'ma kiss my mother and father and i'ma come and I'm gonna serve you he's serving this guy so faithfully but then he gets fired three times and it's a test stay right here I'm going to Jericho he likes was like no man Oh God wherever you go that's where I go no stay right here rejection you got to be able to overcome the test of rejection and offense stay right here know wherever you go I go and what happens it wasn't a punishment it was a preparation for him to get the mantle and walk in the double portion I guess what I'm saying today is that God has been preparing you for your tomorrow today I believe that anything that doesn't kill us only makes us better I believe we're coming out of this stronger than ever and I want to pray for you right right now today I want to pray that God gives you the right perspective as we go into the summer as we go into a series that you will go in with a fire that shot up in your bone that you'll go out with a passion man you'll get serious about your walk with Jesus and some will start depopulating Hill and populate in heaven let me pray father in Jesus name I thank you for every person that is watching this all around the world the people who were maybe trolling or just stumbled upon this broadcast I thank you that you catch their attention you grab hold of them right now I thank you for every person that is a part of our affair and a part of one of our physical locations that truly you are perfecting things concerning us that truly the best is yet to come and we've not been being punished we're actually being prepared to handle a greater weight of your glory we declare God that we're coming out of there stronger than ever physically emotionally spiritually financially and in every area of our lives and I pray God that you give us a modern-day testimony right now that even when we're in the mess your grace is sufficient for us your strengthening in us I thank you Father that from this day forward that we will acknowledge we will acknowledge that the things that we go through the pressing of the olive is just to produce the oil the crushing of the grapes is to produce the wine the pressing of the cold is to produce the diamond God let us come out of this stronger than ever and with every head bowed and every eye closed I want to give you an opportunity to make Jesus the Lord of your life and this is the greatest prayer that you could ever pray to have a relationship with God through Jesus Jesus was not just the man he was the god man he was a manual it was literally God in the flesh he was all God in all man kind of put aside his dive in it divinity walked as a man for thirty three and a half years you say why would God want to become a man because he could only pay the price for our sin through him by the blood of a man he shed his blood for you a lot of people say they love you but they don't they wouldn't die for you Jesus loves you so much that while we were still sinners he died for the ungodly Jesus paid the price for your sin my sin and all of our sin so you wouldn't have to pay it your prep yourself he stepped into the courtroom of heaven and offered himself as a ransom and all we have to do is surrender to him and so wherever you are today if I could pray with you I would love to pray with you bow your head and say this with me say Lord Jesus come into my heart today forgive me of my sins thank you so much for dying for me on a cross I make a decision today to accept you as my Lord and my Savior thank you Jesus for forgiving me thank you so much for saving me I'm yours in Jesus name Amen if you prayed that prayer for the first time or if you want to rededicate your life to the Lord and we just want to say welcome to the family of God I want to hear from you so go over to the chat box very quickly there's gonna be a number that comes up on the bottom of the screen you can just text the word saved to the number that's on the bottom of the screen or you can just go to the chat box and put the word saved and if you want to be really bold put the word Jesus in the chat box and we will continue to pray with you connect with you get some information from you and if you're a person that says you know what I prayed that prayer I want to rededicate my life to the I want to come out of this pandemic and I'm gonna come out stronger than ever what do I need to do here's a simple next step I want you to be a part of our growth track alright and so we're opening up our growth track now to be on line starting today alright and so well it depends on of course when you're watching this ok so we have a Saturday and a Sunday service but on Sundays at 12 o'clock all right we are having an on line growth track our growth track is just a two week process where we take you to three steps to know God to discover your purpose and to make a difference no matter where you are in the world if you want to be a part of our I fam we want to welcome you to the alive family if you want to be a part of one of our physical churches we want to welcome you as well and we want you to be a part of our growth track so we can help you grow you want to make a decision but you want to follow it up with growth and if that's you I want you to text the number on the bottom of your screen and I want you to text the word growth the track text the word growth track or put growth track in your chat box and one of our leaders will reach out to you let us know how we can pray for you let us know how we can help you come out stronger than ever and we'll see you soon
Channel: Alive Church
Views: 2,070
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: ofNte9Q8fbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 54sec (2334 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2020
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