Pregnant Cheerleader Gets Kicked Off Team

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hello friends it's me and today i am here with me digital max today we're going to be watching a video about a pregnant cheerleader who gets so shut up okay who gets kicked off her team papa kish is pregnant you got a point coming up in this video hey wait that's not darn man i'm off squad just like that that's just wrong i can't do this without you yeah we should all quit the acting always gets me well the acting is so good it's like i was there the camera's shaking me good good girls that was good that was good not great do better next time ashley did you not work out this summer oh my god you can't say that that's a one-way ticket to get cancelled jessica could you wear makeup today the girls hit the showers you need to stay behind we need to work on a fitness routine i'm already doing all i can i mean technically she was working out how many calories does baby making burn look our cheerleaders are slim and trim i expect you to be the same there's nothing wrong with my cheer i'm doing just as good if not better than the other girls oh don't let them hear you say that all right go hit the treadmill and we'll see how you do tomorrow but i thought we were gonna shower try it okay you're the coach if the coach told you to jump off a cliff would you do it finally more pizza i thought we were going to run out boy you're hungry i've never seen you eat this much did you skip breakfast today just calling out daily today fat shaming day everybody's in a fat shaming mood today especially the girl dressed like a minion oh i had two omelets and a stack of blueberry pancakes my favorite the coat is gonna be mad at you y'all are so rude let her have her pizza are you okay maybe it's stress eating i ate breakfast are you okay there's something physically wrong with you for eating breakfast no i'm eating for two oh is your boyfriend fasting or something when someone rubs their belly and says i'm eating for two what do you think it means is your boyfriend not eating so you're eating for him how nice are you so considerate oh no no no he's having a baby oh he's having a baby oh my goodness you figured it out finally the men are having babies oh no what men can't have babies no silly he's having a baby with me then why did you say he was pregnant idiots oh my gosh she keeps pointing out how many hints do they need to understand wow well that's so exciting is it safe to cheer haven't you read dr brock dr brock who's he were they cheering b-r-o-c-k in the beginning what you mean who's dr brock does he write pregnancy books or something hello why do you think they call our school brock university yup idiots for real how's the pregnant girl the smartest one my last two brain cells having a conversation with each other dr brock he wrote all those books back in the 70s he's the world's biggest expert on babies brock the baby expert started a university and that's what inspired her to get pregnant oh i saw his statue in front of the administration building oh i didn't realize that was him no i know you know we go to brock university we literally spell it out when we cheer i've never heard of that guy for girls like me it's okay to have physical activity early in the pregnancy good i was worried for girls like me she's such a pick me waiter more pizza over here for her oh so now it's okay to eat more because he's just revealed she's expecting but what will she do about who's shocking there's not a dark man no one cares r is for ready always for offense t is for champion k is for kids c rock all right that was pretty good what's with you two with the jewelry i don't want to see you wearing that for the game and you how many times have i told you don't wear your hair down this isn't a nightclub oh what does putting your hair down have to do with a nightclub oh the coach is going to party oh my ashley you're bigger than yesterday why are you storing food in there for the winter whatever you say coach i only wear them during practice okay won't happen again what's your excuse actually no i can't help it bro i'm pregnant are you going to be a problem around here at least for another nine months i will be the team i think you have to tell her if it's like this now imagine what it's gonna be like next week yeah she's gonna double in size maybe triple but end of the month she'll be a beluga coach i need to talk to you about something is there somewhere private we can go what do you mean private you literally just told everyone yesterday wow you sure got a lot of stuff in here for a coffee shop that's a nice green screen [Applause] why it look like a lab why is there a cheese grater are these supposed to be a kitchen there ain't no kitchen no this is the kitchen for the teacher's lounge here i brought you a cup oh no i can't have caffeine right now right now what's going on okay i have caffeine what's wrong with you red flags everywhere i'm having a baby no not on my team you never give her a chance to say anything no but don't worry i can still do cheer well that's not up to you now is it last time i checked i was coach i decide who's on the squad and who's off but i'm captain of the squad not anymore you're not you're demoting me who's gonna be captain of the squad there's three other girls i can take your spot who's gonna lead the cheer team oh i haven't decided yet and you're not demoted that's good news i thought you said i was demoted and i wasn't captain anymore no you said that idiot have you tried listening you're not captain anymore because you're off the team what i can't be off the team i do a great job can't do a great job pregnant you know you can't like do cheer and be pregnant like what if somebody just like no more babies yeah there's a lot of reasons why you shouldn't be cheering me can't have a pregnant cheerleader here at brock university what kind of message does that send to alumni and other students dr brock was the baby expert yeah he was planning babies inside people since 1970. it is my duty to go to brock university and get pregnant to make dr brock proud look this isn't the 1900s pregnant women have rights too not on my squad she said pregnant women don't have rights cancel her immediately besides what would old man brock say if he saw a pregnant cheerleader at one of our sporting events he'd say nice he'd be proud of me he's the baby expert after all after all he's the most famous pregnancy author there is he's probably old-fashioned like me he knows where a pregnant woman's place is oh yeah and where's that not on my cheer squad now go clean out your locker you're going to regret this do you really think she's going to be mad you know how coaches crochet couches you know how good she is there's like low budget there there's this well girls i'm off the squad just like that off the she can't do that coochie can do whatever she wants well she's the coach i can't force her to keep me that's just wrong i can't do this without you yeah we should all quit then what no more cheer squad you guys should all get pregnant in defiance you can't quit you can make more of a difference on the team than off she's right people need to know about this we need to make a video yes yeah if people knew what was going on the school would have to respond what would the school say dr brock might show up himself he might jump out of his statue and be like no put her back on the team until today i was cheer captain at brock university and now i'm no longer part of the cheer team because i'm pregnant and the coach said she can kick someone off her team for any reason or no reason at all what do you want can they call the president of the united states put her back on the cheer team dean kepler sir you better check the news we're getting bad publicity are you kidding me the school is getting canceled i'll look into it hmm what's this about dean kepler bob johnstone channel 7 news we needed a comment on this pregnancy story bro looks so ridiculous with this yellow phone what is this the krusty krab i'm not making any comments to the press you don't even know what's going on it's 2020 why do you still have a wired phone in kepler there's an important call on line two you're gonna want to take this hold all my calls we have a crisis you don't understand this is doctor he's so alarmed he's like 100 years old bro having all those babies kept them young girls keep cheering you look really disorganized we're just not the same without a cat well she's not coming back and i don't want to see you three slacking anymore why is she treating them like a horrible manager like you signed up for this job you guys need a force you know tigers are supposed to have cubs oh my god tigers are supposed to have cubs not in high school we are the tigers right black and white we're back as one and we're gonna fight bye bye this is the worst cheerleaders just what do you think you're doing we're cheering yeah that's what we're supposed to do not with her on the team you're not oh really well you know what maybe we'll quit this team well maybe it would be easier to have you all kicked out of brock university she's like good less work for me oh y'all could leave go home i don't like this job anyway how are you going to do that that's easy the dean recruited me he'll do what i say chill bro he just hired you if i want these students kicked out of the school for no reason at all he'll kick them off the school for no reason at all coach williams i need to speak with you now of course look if this is about the pregnant cheerleader i can explain that's exactly what this is about i kicked her off the squad she came back completely unauthorized you kicked her off the squad what for look at her she's pregnant not because it's not safe for someone who's pregnant to be cheerleading because look at her she's pregnant i don't know if you noticed she got big really fast i've told you in a few days she'll be the size of a whale we're aware that our founder is the most famous baby doctor of all time so now he's a baby doctor so first of all this dude was a baby expert and then he was a pregnancy author and now he a baby doctor he all things baby maybe he is baby himself he called me in fact quite up in arms well i can assure you i wouldn't want to do anything to embarrass this university that bears his name one of those kingdom hearts music he made it very clear to me that in his book it's quite appropriate for someone who is physically active to stay active during early pregnancy they reciting this like it's the law of the land also when they say active cheerleaders don't just stand there and do this let's be honest they're going to be flipping around cartwheeling and doing other cool stuff yeah yeah they don't just sit there and do that it's like a shake weight well he may be right but we can't have somebody like that parading around during our sporting events well he feels completely the opposite okay do you want me to let her back on the team no that won't be necessary oh so it'll be my call well actually it's not your call they're not even looking at each other they both recorded this separately and read screen and then put them together look they're not even looking at each other they're looking at an invisible person in the middle listen eye contact wasn't in the budget all right you couldn't afford it dr brock doesn't believe in eye contact only poorly edited videos because you're fired up the person's in the middle look at the camera and make a surprise face just because things were done a certain way in the past doesn't mean it's appropriate today what do you mean wasn't that the whole point that what professor brock said in the past is still valid today right i'm so confused after this message me too that was one of the single worst pieces of media i've ever watched they were literally just like oh my god i have a million dollar idea pregnant cheerleader gets kicked off the team genius y'all didn't even have enough budget to show mr brock himself he's the star of the show i was waiting for him to pop up on the screen very disappointing but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that like button in the face and make sure you turn on notifications click click and i just released some new merch we got hoodies shirts tank tops at og i'll link it below and subscribe join the wolf pack oh i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys week howl do it
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 3,973,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny
Id: pXLuw16U0Hg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 05 2022
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