Dad Ruins Gender Reveal Party

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Hello friends it's me and today is Darman Monday and we're gonna be watching a video about a dad who ruins a gender reveal party like for his own baby [Applause] oh my gosh why didn't you tell me whoa whoa how are you were you mad at the wife like it's her fault she'll get to pick I want it to be a surprise I can't believe this uh it's okay everyone he just had some food that didn't sit well with him yeah having a baby girl made my tummy ache laughs what's that the beginning of his villain Arc rid me of the disgusting pink filth you are a grown man you can't be acting like this I thought you'd be happy all my friends and family are boys I'm the only one without one that's okay girls are blessings too love your own business what does that have to do with it I suppose you wanted cafes all retire huh well I can help in general too when she's older you know we don't need a baby boy we have you rules of like a child no I mean are your friends have baby boys I want you baby boy how dare you woman not produce me a male heir to my long lines of prestigious cafes why can't a woman work in a cafe it's a man's job there's no way Jack Ken nor you in a cafe make it lattes and sandwiches a man's job is taking a nail and a hammer and hitting it multiple times until it goes into the wood and carrying heavy things look at this please this is our little girl I wish you could feel just how full of life she's gonna be amazing again I just know it so that about the last one like how are you how are you set that your wife is even having a child see this is where I can't draw there's no man with a baby it's kennel gay oh yes he's he's okay okay uh can I make him some tea Yes actually tea would be great thank you don't talk more about what we're gonna do about this later what do you mean what are we gonna do about it you're gonna have the kid bro wants to say Yeezus to the fetus well thanks for doing that no problem I hope it's not a hassle for you no sir I can't even imagine 50 people many times before great because my wife loves all your Donuts I mean how do you come up with this stuff a panda Donuts that's brilliant yeah I definitely didn't see it on Instagram that came from in here because this is a man's job and man must be very intelligent to come up with panda donut I actually designed all the specialty Donuts I'm glad your wife likes them sorry about her what that's always gonna be Daddy can you play dolls with me now Jen I told you I'm busy right now before my kid got school or something let the man sell Donuts a man's job by the way you'll never be able to do that but I want to play no I just don't play adults just drop manly man himself Donuts what are you doing you haven't seen taking care of her while I'm talking to customers I'm so sorry about that really it's it's fine I have two little girls waiting for me at home too too it was twice of Brahms then yeah your life must really suck soon I'll know what it's like actually I think of it more as a blessing Elaine [Music] what happened now what's going on here I'm sorry I just went to the restroom for a second this is why is she a heart of man do you want to go Rush every 10 minutes I was gonna be like how is he gonna make this a gender issue but that's true he got one on us I drink a lot of liquids um how would it costs are a big order just better not happen again or else somewhere else what you'll hire a man do it already where'd you go I don't know he left you know how big the order was he's gonna put in I think he got upset by the comment you made about having two girls and he hurts yelling no that can't be it definitely because my annoying daughter my stupid wife your father not stopping it that's 500 out the door it's my fault you asked me to clean and look after Jen so that's what I did yeah and she's pregnant but bro she pregnant why are you acting like this job is so hard and stressful typical woman stop making comments like that Ken anything a man can do a woman can do too if not better true this is why I should stay home with Jen let me run everything my dad used to make mom stay at home let's do the same with you bro you can barely handle the place on your own what do you mean go home like if I was her I would gladly go home why are you dusting the corner of the shop like an MPC this is what an abusive relationship looks like we need to talk okay about what [Music] no are you kidding me bro is like okay you know what get rid of it I'd rather have no kid than a girl you are kidding me divorced immediately tomorrow morning after I pick up Jen from school divorce tomorrow morning no you can't be seriously scared we'll try again next one better be a son Ken this is out of the question there's no way you know nothing like taking out your anger on the table I ran three cafes for our family at least you could do for me is this unless when everything taken away from you that dude is horrible does this dude have two other clones of himself how is he running three cafes he could barely run one I'm gonna interrupt this program for a G fuel break so if you missed out on the last you feel buy one get one free sale you are in luck because they're doing it again but with two new flavors black ice which tastes like blackberry pear vanilla and Tutti Frutti Jelly Bean oh that sounds so good I'll be trying this right now if you guys didn't already know G fuel is like a real life cheat code in a tub like need more energy at the gym G fuel me more focused while studying G fuel take a scoop I would drink it out of my Pac-Man Cup every day the scooper is the perfect size to go with the sippy cup hole it's got vitamins it's got antioxidants zero sugar oh that is delicious okay the Tutti Frutti might be one of the best ones also I'm excited that there are bigger Shaker cups now your girl do be staying hydrated click the link in the description below makes the match any two flavors buy one tub get one tub free no code necessary don't forget this house is under my name no money nothing tomorrow morning at 10 am this is enough for discussion okay to be here you don't have a choice I'm not going over this again this is song we're ready for you is that baby already too big you are not getting rid of it let's go they are not gonna get rid of it if the guy is gonna be like hovering over her time for baby to go bye-bye if you need more time to think about this she doesn't need more time to think oh you know what that's it sir you're gonna have to leave we're gonna have to call the authorities I don't feel right now sorry but I can't when I say if we don't do this you cut off me everything that's fine you can have everything I just want the baby that's I cannot imagine going through all the trouble of getting pregnant for a man that treats you like this a girl if he does not worship the ground you walk on I ain't having a baby Naomi decides to follow her heart instead of her husband's ultimatum and keep the baby girl God no matter how hard Ken makes things for her she doesn't let anything change her mind [Music] the car too she leaves everything the credit card and goes to live with her parents with Naomi and Jen gone at first everything seems great for Ken it's business as usual but now without any distractions wow I sold two whole Donuts today Naomi ends up having her baby that was as soon as she looks into her girl's eyes she knows without a doubt she made the right decision Life starts to get better for Naomi and worse for Ken Naomi did a lot more for him than just cooking clean what an idiot she was a big reason the business was successful in the first place she took one look at it this ain't the panda donut I'm used to take it back I don't want this trash bro can't even put a donut together why are you working at a donut shop you can't even make a donut are you stupid without his wife's support he ends up having to close all of his other locations oh down to just his original Cafe maybe we should hire some men and then one day even things for his last location are about to change 20 years he aged so much they had to get a new actor this place is already built for what you need so you wouldn't have to do much to get it up and running Alex what are you doing here I'm showing the place to mina for rent what are you talking about it's not for rent how many times do we have to go over this if you are not paying rent you don't get to keep the spot we have given you so many chances it's not my fault why does it sound like Keanu Reeves it's not my fault the whole industry is down it's not just me oh no the donut business is bad when is the donut business bad are people not eating Donuts anymore they moved on to Crepes I don't know about that because Mina has several cafes and her businesses are booming Congratulations by the way thanks but it's not just me it's a family business family [Music] oh I didn't realize you were still here no Naomi wait you mean this is Jen and you must be you know your other daughter oh we buying you out so you guys are opening up a second Cafe we have 17. this will be number 18. they all hate him I'm struggling with one I couldn't do it on my own I have the help of my daughters and like I tried to tell you anything a man can do a woman can do too if not better he has tears in his eyes please take me back it's only been 20 years I was wrong about everything you sure were and I should have been there for you uh-huh and our girls uh-huh in all these years you never cared to see me no this is the perfect opportunity to say father you do not care about me or even call once or meet me no offense but I think we're better off without you how dare you disrespect your father then I'm not gonna let you have this location you don't have a choice it's okay we'll find somewhere else let's go girls just build a bigger and better donut shop right next door I'm trying to take my shop it is not going to be your shop much longer sorry Ken once you get that eviction notice from she got a printer in her Badonkadonk that was a good one but anyway s that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that like button though stations click click and I just released some new merch we got hoodie shirts tank tops at OG I'll link it below and subscribe to the wolf pack and make sure you subscribe to Diamond I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 2,286,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, dhar mann
Id: iBTXoxiGTSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2023
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