Preamble to Deuteronomy - Tagalog Sabbath School - Lesson 1, 4th Qtr 2021
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Channel: Hope Channel Philippines
Views: 14,509
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Keywords: #christianity, #christianlife, #jesuschristislord, #restday, #sabbathschool, #sabbath, #sabbathday, #worship, #dayofrest, #holyday, #kingofkings, #lordoflords, #dayofworship, #prayer, Worship, Rest, Rhythm, rhythmsofrest, tagalog, english, bible, biblechapters, research, love, sacrifice, Godslove, humanity, family, friends, holyspirit, spirit, praise, hymns, agapelove, trinity, Godthefather, Jesustheson, rejoice, heaven, oneday, eternallife, eternal, rejoicing, happiness, joy, mercy, truth, truthfull, unspeakable, maranatha, Jesusiscomingsoon
Id: dCfQT05fj5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 34sec (3754 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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