"The Pre-flood World" With Guest Speaker Michael Langdon

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welcome to Wednesday night who's excited to be here guys so I'm sitting out there with BJ and Mike and we're just talking about the church and BJ's talking about how Darryl has just you know brought this atmosphere into this church and mike says well it doesn't seem like a church at all it just seems like a party that you teach Jesus Christ you know it's it's wonderful to be here guys I hope you guys are ready for tonight but without any further ado I want to bring up chaplain Michael Langdon [Applause] okay let there be sound right alright what's an honor to be here again today my name is Michael Lane and I was trained by dr. can't hope it to be a creation science evangelist the first week I talked about the big button was soon yes none yeah having all kinds of problems okay first we can talked about the Big Bang which is actually a big dud it didn't happen it's a ridiculous theory that violates numerous laws of science it is impossible for nothing to explode and produce everything after that I talked about the age of the earth if you read the Bible and check all the patriarchs or check on the ages of the patriarchs going all the way back to Adam the dates add up to between six and seven thousand years old but the textbooks say the earth is billions of years old however three million years ago if man came on the scene three million years ago the population of the earth today would be one hundred and fifty thousand people per square inch that might be overcrowded the last week I talked about lies in the textbooks things like life evolving from nonliving material whales walking around on land these are just two of the many lies that I discussed that are taught to your children at your tax dollar expense designed to weaken their faith in God's Word well today I'm gonna change gears and talk about the pre-flood world what was the original creation like when God first created the earth before he destroyed it with a flood that's actually gonna be very important for us because that's how it's going to be in the thousand-year reign of Christ coming very soon I believe and we're all the animals vegetarian and friendly imagine having your own Tyrannosaurus Rex as a pet like the dinosaur from Night at the Museum what about the nine hundred year lifespans how did they live so long and were there really giants in the earth in those days evolution teaches that man started out little an itty bitty and we today we've evolved into this six foot human that you see today but the Bible teaches that at one point in time Giants roamed this earth well what does the scientific archaeological evidence show us these are just a few of the things that I'm gonna be discussing here tonight now one thing that the skeptics often asked me they say okay Mike Adam and Eve had Cain and Abel then Cain slate Abel then they had Seth well who did Adams sons marry hmm they don't ask this question because they're looking for an answer they're asking this question in the hopes that I don't have an answer that way they can ridicule me for believing the Bible when it's flawed but it is a reasonable question scripture says and Cain went out from the presence of the Lord and dwelt in the Land of Nod on the East of Eden and Cain knew his wife well who was Cain's wife well it's actually those who believe in evolution who have a serious problem with origins see they believe in the beginning eighteen to twenty billion years ago nothing exploded and produced everything then 4.6 billion years ago the earth cooled down and developed a hard rocky crust and it rained on the rocks for millions of years millions of years of Trento rains created great oceans swimming in the waters of the oceans is a bubbling broth of complex chemicals Probert progress from a complex chemical soup to a living organism is very slow it's not slow it stopped doesn't happen these first self-replicating systems must have emerged in this organic soup was your great-great-great great-great-great great-great great-great grandpa soup that's what the textbooks are gonna teach your kids tomorrow at your tax dollar expense so the evolutionists have to believe that two cells evolved of the opposite sex in the same place at the same time in history and they had to find each other and they had to be interested they got all kinds of problems that we don't have you see the creationists really doesn't have a problem with origins because the Bible says in the days of Adam after he begat Seth were eight hundred years and he begat sons and daughters question how many daughters could a man have in eight hundred years several right so in the beginning they married sisters and I know what you're thinking how on earth could people marry their sisters well number one there was no other choice nobody would have thought it was wrong number two are you gonna report him to they're the only people in the whole world you can't call the policeman cuz he married his sister number three there were no laws against it until twenty-five hundred years later when Moses gave the law on Mount Sinai so when folks like Abraham wanted to marry his half-sister Sarah or his son Isaac wanted to marry his first cousin or his son Jacob wanted to marry his first cousin it was perfectly fine because there were no deformed chromosomes the human gene pool was pure now today if you marry anything closer than a third cousin chances are you're gonna have some kids with some really oddball traits all right trust me I'm from South Carolina I know about these things and if you don't want to believe me ask a guy named a Charlie Darwin Darwin believed in inbreeding and married his first cousin to produce what he called superior stock he said well since I'm so great if I marry somebody close to my bloodline we'll have super kids well they had ten children Mary died shortly after birth and died at age ten Robert was born and died at 19 months and Riata had a serious breakdown at age 15 three of his six other sons were ill so often that Charles regarded them as semi invalids there's your superior stock Charlie long time before that God told Moses God told Moses none of you shall approach any that is near of kin to you to uncover their nakedness I am the Lord God gave us these rules to protect us folks now Genesis 1:6 and God said let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters and let it divide the waters from the waters now what on earth is a firmament well a lot of people say well it must be the dirt because the dirt comes up and it keeps the water away from the water no it can't be the dirt Bible says the foul that's the birds they fly in the above the earth in the open firmament of heaven the birds fly in the air they don't fly in the dirt case you didn't know and God said let there be lights in the firmament of heaven we call that outer space and God made the firmament and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament and it was so water above our atmosphere why did the psalmist say praise him he heavens of heavens and he waters that be above the heavens passages like this have led rise to what we today call the canopy theory how many of you ever heard of the canopy theory before this theory teaches that when God first created the earth there was a protective layer of water around the earth that blocked out the harmful effects of the Sun and this would increase air pressure and there's a new theory going around saying maybe a lack of oxygen killed off the dinosaurs lack of oxygen where we get the theory like this well some dinosaurs experts got together and they discuss some of the potential problems that may have led to the extinction of the dinosaurs and they said an 80-foot Apatosaurus also known as a brontosaurus had a set of nostrils about the same size as a horse's now how is an 80-foot animal with nostrils the size of a horse is supposed to breathe he'd be sucking so hard it said his lungs on fire well when they drill into ancient amber you know like the guy had on the end of his staff on Jurassic Park when they drill into ancient amber sometimes they find air bubbles that have been trapped in time and when they drill into these ancient air bubbles they've realized they have 50% more oxygen than we have today if we lived in a world with 50% more oxygen just breathing would be exciting adil would be like wow because under these conditions your blood plasma we become oxygen and saturated which means you could run a hundred miles top speed without getting tired Adam and Eve didn't need a car they could run to Grandma's only they didn't have a grandma or mother-in-law by the way that's why it was paradise my wife has a great mother-in-law no but under these conditions it sure would make you heal up a lot faster how many of you ever heard of the story of baby Jessica who fell down the well in back in 87 in Texas little ate me up though everybody in there in America was glued to their TV sets you know what to know what's happening with baby Jessica little 18 month old kid walking around in a backyard and her left leg went into a drainage pipe in her right leg came up behind her and she fell down inside of a pipe was down in that position doing the splits for two and a half days it was an amazing rescue those guys tore up half the neighborhood getting that kid out of that wealth when they finally got her out most of her right leg had turned black from lack of circulation when the head surgeon saw it he said well that's it we got to cut her leg off one of the junior doctors there was a scuba diver he said to hang on before we start hacking things off let's try putting baby Jessica in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber how many of you ever heard of hyperbaric chambers before scuba divers use these all the time when they stay too down too long they get the bends or nitrogen narcosis they put baby Jessica in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber and forced it to double atmospheric pressure forcing oxygen into the body within a few hours her leg turned from dead black to pink and her toe started moving it restored circulation a year later she's fine here she is on the White House lawn talking to the reporters but hyperbaric oxygen therapy has become big business these days in England they're treating multiple sclerosis in France they're treating arthritis in Japan they're treating sudden deafness and blindness in Sweden they're treating gangrene in India they're treating leprosy in West Germany they're treating stroke all having amazing healing results here's a kid with cerebral palsy being treated with hyperbaric therapy now a lot of professional athletic teams have one-man chambers like this why on earth would the Dallas Cowboys have a one-man hyperbaric oxygen chamber they found out that there are injured players heal twice as fast and if you're paying a guy $1,000 a minute to play with the ball you don't want him warming the bench you want him out there for $3500 you can get your own hyperbaric sleeping bag Michael Jackson used this for years until he switched to drug therapy I don't need to tell you how that ended up if you can't afford a sleeping bag they have oxygen bars in malls all over the place they say that you get worn out from shopping and you sit down in an oxygen bar and suck down some pure oxygen you can't wait to get back on your feet and go shopping that's the hidden agenda of course but if the canopy theory is true the whole world would have been hyperbaric before the flood imagine living in a world where the very environment itself helped prevent illness sickness disease and fatigue that's the way it was before the flood and that's the way it's going to be in the thousand-year reign of Christ coming soon I believe now this firmament would not only affect people it would also affect plant life this is a picture of dr. Kimura from the University of Tokyo dr. Kimura raised tomato plants under a plastic greenhouse that filtered out UV light he also pressurized to the stems of the plants he basically made it where we're with this one planet he made it where how all the plants would have been if the canopy theory is true this is a very painstaking and expensive process but that's what he did after two years his cherry tomato plant grew sixteen feet tall and produced 907 Tomatoes the plant is now in a mall in Japan and his 40 feet tall with 15,000 Tomatoes now this is a cherry tomato plant little cherries that you put on your salads his tomatoes were coming off the size of golf balls imagine if the entire world was like this before the flood you would need the dinosaurs just to mow the grass this is a picture of dr. Eugenia Scott from the National Center of science education their organization exists for the sole purpose of keeping evolution in the schools and keeping creation out that's all they do in a radio debate dr. Scott said dr. Hoeven there are 80 separate layers of coal in the Midwest you know what she's right she said if you look at the amount of coal in the world today the entire biomass that's the plants of the world today could not possibly be converted into that much fossil fuel and you know it she's right again then her conclusion was there had to have been an enormous amount of time involved in laying down the coal seams right there she's wrong see the evolutionist is very guilty of assuming that the world today is the same as it was back then see today the earth is 70% under water much of the rest is ice caps tundra treeless mountain ranges only about 3% is habitable for man however when God first made the earth he formed it to be inhabited there was much less water the oceans were much smaller and much more land and there was herb upon all the face of the earth so when we find coal seams up to 200 feet thick that's not proof of millions of years of accumulation that's proof that there was vast vegetation covering the entire earth before the flood and that's the way it's going to be in the thousand-year reign of Christ now the question is often asked was ancient man primitive you know when you watch National Geographic they talk about how they were dumb back then and how smart we are today well I read this book the puzzle of ancient man and it really changed my mind you see increased oxygen would also make thinking a lot easier you ever climb mountains and you get to where the air is real thin and the oxygen is real thin need to get lightheaded and you can't think well in places where oxygen is more condensed thinking becomes much easier also the average age before the flood was 912 years you can learn a lot in 900 years you know the day Adam was born he could speak every language in the world well there was only one but he spoke it let me see you learn an entire language in one day but in 1799 George Washington was bled twice by his doctors before he died they believed in the doctrine of humors if somebody's sick they had bad blood take out their blood and they'll get better next to Washington's deathbed was a holy Bible that said for the life of the flesh is in the blood if they'd only read that passage George Washington would be alive today well he would have lived longer anyway but my point is just a couple lifetimes ago they were draining people's blood trying to make them better four thousand years ago ancient man was doing brain surgery they found many skulls who have been operated on apparently with with great healing results no I don't think ancient man was primitive before the flood hatred hieroglyphics showed that the Egyptians were actually using electricity in some of their mummification processes in way less than a thousand years a human body will dry up turn to and blow away but the ancient Egyptians found ways of preserving human remains for 4,000 years Stonehenge was believed to be an ancient calendar that was amazingly accurate we don't even have the slightest clue how they built the thing 10 tons stones hoisted 20 feet in the air on top of 20 tonne stones there's an ancient stone wall found in Peru each stone weighs about 3,000 tons intricately carved the biggest stone they have weighs around 20,000 tons the biggest or the most strongest cranes that we have today he lifts about 3,000 tons we have no idea how they built that wall what is truly impossible about the block is it's the size of a five-story house and weighs an estimated 20,000 tons we have no combination of machinery today that could dislodge such a weight let alone move in any distance this shows their mastery of a technology which we have yet have not attained we have no idea how these ancients built that wall we don't even know when it was built also on the Peruvian desert floor are these massive five mile-long white lines we've known about these lines for hundreds and hundreds of years I think they discovered them like in the 1500s but nobody knew what they were until around a hundred years ago when they invented airplanes these lines are images of spiders animals and dinosaurs that you can only see by airplane question why would a Giunta man draw these massive symbols on the Peruvian desert floor that you can only see when they were three miles up in the air ancient man must have had some way of flying how many didn't realize there are thousands of legends of ancient man using dragons for flight how many of you have ever heard of ancient man using dragons for flight before Isaiah talked about a fiery flying serpent is it all just mythology or could there be some truth that I don't know the only thing that I know for sure is that there are massive images on the Peruvian desert floor that you can only see when you're three miles up in the air those are the facts you can draw your own conclusions now this canopy of water would also block out the harmful effects of the Sun see the Sun produces more than just light it also produces gamma rays and beta rays and x-rays and all those rays come down to earth they'll come right through the ceiling and after a while your skin begins to age and you begin to wrinkle up but that wasn't a problem before the flood in Genesis chapter 47 Jacob is introducing his or Joseph isn't is introducing his father Jacob to pharaoh and pharaoh asks question Jacob the question how old are you well here was Jacob to kill your answer I'm a hundred and thirty years whew and evil had the days of the years of my life been and have not attained unto the days of the years of the life of my father's question how many of you know somebody who's a hundred and thirty years old 120 110 a hundred people make it to a hundred but it's extremely rare so why would Jacob say oh I'm 130 years old what was me I'm dying so young it's probably because Jacob could have known Shem Arphaxad Sayla and Eber so when you're 130 years old but your great-great-great great-great-great grandpa was 600 yea 130 is nothing actually six hundreds cutting it short did you know that Adam lived long enough to know his great-great great-great-great-great great-great-grandson Noah's father Lamech could have known Adam for half a century imagine the family reunions back in those days all right everybody how hop all the camels we're gonna visit great-great-great great-great-great great-great grandpa Adam and he's gonna tell us what it was like in the Garden of Eden before the first woman ate the first man out of a at home my wife asked me where would you men be if it wasn't for us women I said well in the Garden of Eden but the average age before the flood was 912 years that's because the water can if he blocked out the harmful effects of the Sun and this is what caused their great longevity and there's a lot of people today say it now folks they did not live to be 900 that's ridiculous they counted each month as a year you have to divide their ages by 12 well that's it even bigger miracle do you know that Enoch was 65 when he begat Methuselah see where I'm going with this let's see 65 divided by 12 that means he was five-and-a-half when he became a father I don't think so no they really were living to be 900 back then well think about this passage real quick today people can have children when they're in their teens and then they stop growing at around 20 years old but the Bible indicates that ancient man didn't even hit childbearing years until they were 65 well if you didn't even hit childbearing years until you were 65 years old that means you probably wouldn't stop physically maturing until you hit around 100 well if you didn't stop growing for a hundred years how big do you think they'd get you know the Bible says that Goliath was six cubits and a span in the modern-day English that's nine and a half feet tall that's absurd to think that a human being could be nine feet tall in it is it did you know Robert Wadlow was 500 pounds you say a lot of guys are 500 pounds I know I'll watch The Biggest Loser but they don't look like Robert though here's a picture of them 500 pounds don't look fat does he that's because Robert was 8 foot 11 and a quarter just under 9 feet tall now in case you haven't figured it out by now that's Robert in the middle the one whose head is protruding past the bookshelf that's Roberts dad there to his left this picture was taken when Robert was 19 years old but where Robert was a smart alecky teenager do you think his father looked up and said now Robert you shoot your mouth off to me one more time boy and I am taking you behind the woodshed you better climb on top of the woodshed Nicole eyuth was nine and a half feet tall Robert was just under 9 he didn't catch him but he gave him a good run you say well that's gigantic whoo I think before the flood they got bigger than that here's a picture of a skeleton found in a coal mine in Italy eleven and a half feet tall or long he's laying down now imagine had him on the basketball team throw the ball to Herman drop it in Herman I'll come back and block off the whole Court now sometimes the women get mad at me they say no Mike you said that was a skeleton of a man maybe it was a woman well that's a fair question but I happen to know the difference between a male and a female skeleton by the way it was not the number of ribs only Adam was missing a rib the rest of us have the same amount by the way did you know only one bone in the human body will grow back if it's removed somebody take a wild guess of what it is the lower rib I swear you would almost think that God knew what he was doing when you but one way to tell the difference between a male and female skeleton is to look at the feet if pointed toward them all it's a woman the next way is to tell the difference between a male and female skeleton is to look at the process on the temporal mandibular joint if this jaw bone is worn out more it's a woman my wife says that's because she has to tell me everything twice because I don't listen the first time or something to that effect I rely on paying attention but Walkertown Indiana a group of amateur archaeologists opened a mound in 1925 and unearthed the skeletons of eight giants ranging from 8 to 9 feet long horrible wearing heavy copper Armour these guys were obviously warriors probably pretty good ones through the bungling of the diggers in the total disinterest of the Archaeological Museum establishment these discoveries have now been scattered and lost question why do you think the museum establishment would not be interested in nine-foot skeletons what don't you think that would be an interesting exhibit well it's because the museum establishment teaches that man started off little in itty-bitty and today we've evolved into this 6-foot human we see today and when you throw in nine-foot skeletons kind of messes up the theory don't you think the 12-foot skeleton was found by soldiers in Lompoc Rancho California in 1883 the remains were reburied due to objections by local Indians the soldiers disturbed an Indian burial mound and got in trouble a skeleton 12 feet tall was reported by many papers in Tucson Arizona in 1891 the man had six toes long hair and a bird shaped headdress the Ron Wyatt found these thumb bones in Turkey on top is a normal human thumb bone on the bottom is a giant human thumb bone imagine the thumb wrestling him a skull three times the size of a normal human skull was found in a cave in Lubbock Nevada in 1911 right now it's in the Winnemucca Museum in Nevada now the Ron Wyatt found these jaw bones in Turkey normal jaw bones are three and a half inches from TMJ to TMJ temple mandibular joint these found in Turkey were six and a half inches twice as big if you wanted to you could put your entire head into this guy's mouth I don't know why you'd want to but you could but the government of Turkey believes that these jaw bones belong to the sons of Noah people say one man and three boys could not build a boat that big well you didn't see those boys now this is a picture of a 47 inch femur bone found by a construction crew in Egypt if the rest of this man's body was in proportion with his femur he would have been 15 feet tall right now it's in a place in Texas a Creation Museum in Texas you ever run into a guy like that you call him sir now many amateur archaeologists are coming forward and saying that the Smithsonian Institution is responsible for buying a lot of these amazing finds and then destroying the evidence because it goes against the evolution theory but the Bible teaches there were giants in the earth in those days the archaeological evidence that we find says that there were giants and the earth in those days see the Bible says that man was made in the image of God well if we were made in the image of God then why do we all pay to teach the kids in school this is grandpa aren't they going to learn that tomorrow morning at your tax dollar expense what's the truth about the cavemen well that ultimately depends on what you define by caveman there was many people that lived in caves lawton his daughter lived in caves in Genesis chapter 19 the children of Israel made dens and mountains and in caves David lived in caves when he was pursued by Saul here's a recently extinct caveman if he did not swing by his tail he swung by his neck here's another recently extinct caveman u.s. Navy SEAL team made him a truly holy man let's get serious for a minute has an ape-like creature ever turned into a human alright now I know somebody's going to take offense at this picture so if you like monkeys I apologize what kids someone is trying to make a monkey out of you I'll show you this is an article from BBC News humans should talk like chimps if humans behaved more like their chimp relatives they might be better at communicating say experts now these are experts so don't you dare question one part of the survey he recommends waving your arms brandishing objects and making yourself appear large to assert authority over others now I am much larger than my wife and I'm telling you that don't work a simple hello when greeting friends should be replaced with an extended arm in authority for pant these are the people that are calling us stupid because we don't believe in evolution but Darwin said if my theory be true numberless intermediate E's musta surely have existed well you got that right charlie if man came on the scene three million years ago we should be tripping over the intermediates well what have they found let me take you down a quick trip through evolutions Hall of Shame and I will show you what they found Piltdown man's a good place to start here's an article from the New York Times Darwin theory is proved true we got the evidence folks this will shut the mouths of those stupid creationist bones illustrate a stage and evolution which has only been imagined before forty years later oops it was a hoax a guy named Charles Dawson and a catholic priest named pierre de Chardin took a human skull and an H jawbone filed him down and then fitted them together and then treated the bones with acid and then buried it in the ground and then later discovered the Piltdown man a deliberate hoax it was in the textbooks for 40 years 500 Doctorate dissertations were written on the Piltdown man I wonder how many kids lost faith in the Bible because somebody told him that they had proof for evolution via the Piltdown man there's another one in your books called the Neanderthals in 1856 a fossilized skeleton was found in the Neander Valley with his back bent over now apes walk with their backs bent over humans walk erect this one was right in the middle so they said look he's evolving he's slowly coming up no the old man had arthritis he's slowly going down just an old man with arthritis now Jack quaza went to Europe to study the actual Neanderthals and found that they put the facial bones together horribly wrong one of the skulls they found had the jawbone out nearly an inch quaza put the the jawbone back in place and looked perfectly normal quas oh said after examining the skull you must understand this skull really cries out disease the teeth are badly decayed the bones in the skull are extremely thick there are many features that testify of acromegaly or excessive growth hormone in adulthood acromegaly is what you get when you hit about 90 years old the bones in your forehead begin to protrude out you know you've heard the expression you're getting thick-headed that's what it means I'm 44 my wife says that that's what happened to me I guess I'm advanced for my age but but after the flood it says the people were living 400 years 200 years and 100 years people today live a hundred years so when we find bones like this this is probably somebody who lived three hunters after the flood and they have acromegaly perfectly normal humans with protruding foreheads there's also one in the books called Australopithecus afarensis better known as Lucy how many of you have ever heard of Lucy before Donald Johansson found Lucy and on our Valley ETO Pia in 1974 the reason they named this creature Lucy is because during the time of the excavation they were listening to a Beatles song called Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds a song written to glorify LSD a hallucinatory drug Lucy was 40 percent complete the head was all but gone Lucy was three feet tall she was obviously a chimpanzee the experts gonna use that term loosely who promote this fine say that Lucy's knee was identical to a human what they're reluctant to tell people is Lucy's knee was found a year earlier 70 metres lower in the earth in over a mile away I would like to know how fast the train was going when it hit that thing that was not Lucy's knee and Johansson is very careful not to call it Lucy's knee he calls it the knee bone that was found near the excavation but since they found a body with no knee and a knee with no body they would just assume that the two went together however National Geographic called it Lucy's knee five times in their November 85 edition and Johansson never corrected them he's accepting false credit is what he's doing the st. Louis Zoo has Lucy on display with human hands and human feet not one foot bone or hand bone was found every other Australopithecus been found has curled toes they call him a knuckle Walker now bruised car of the director of the zoo said zoo officials have no plans to knuckle under pretty sure that was a pun very funny Bruce he said we cannot be updating every exhibit based upon every new piece of evidence well why not if you find new evidence you update your exhibit to match the evidence or else you have a false exhibit then he said we look at the overall exhibit and the impression it creates we think the overall impression this exhibit creates is correct in other words we believe in evolution and we want everybody else to so we're going to impress on them that we have evidence when we don't by the way Lucy may be climbing trees in Sumatra right now today now Peking Man was made from pieces of skull found in the 1920s in Peking China after World War two all evidence was lost they found crushed monkey skulls in a cave in Peking China they also found man-made stone tools so these brilliant evolutionists concluded these monkeys are making human tools yeah and they're testing them on their heads oh that works good there's other ways of looking at this somebody's using these tools on these monkeys you know cultures today eat monkey brains never watch Indiana Jones they found some footprints in Laetoli Africa that were perfectly normal in Ashe that was supposed to be 375 million years old now Mary Leakey is a brand name evolutionist and here are some of the quotes that she made about these footprints the footprints are described as remarkably similar to those of modern man the form of his foot was exactly the same as ours weight-bearing pressure patterns in the prints resemble human one's footprints so very much like our own Russell H Tuttle from the University of Chicago said the 3.5 million year old footprints at Laetoli site resembled those of habitually shod unshod modern humans human beings that don't wear shoes none of their features suggests that the Laetoli hominids were any less capable bipeds that we are so what did they conclude from this if the Laetoli footprints were not known to be so old we would readily conclude that they were made by a member of our own genus Homo do you see how the evolution theory is not only useless it's a hindrance to intelligent research if you find perfectly normal human footprints you would assume that they would come from perfectly normal humans but when they made the illustration to match these finds here's what they came up with now does that toe separation look like a normal human footprint to you you see apes have a toe that hangs out to the side they basically have four hands you know Apes in monkeys and primates they can hang from a tree branch by their feet you can't if you want to practice try on a low branch but those that illustration was not made for educational purposes it was made for propaganda purposes also why did they make the illustration dark skinned and a fish looking that's called a racist slur in journalism you know the original title to Darwin's book was the origin of the species by means of natural selection or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life favored races Charlie that's not politically correct well it was in 1859 we had slavery in this country during that time thomas huxley known as Darwin's bulldog said no rational man congressman of the facts believes that the average Negro is the equals to less the superior of the white man Adolf Hitler said no more than nature desires the mating of weaker were stronger individuals even less does she desire the blending of a higher with a lower race that's why Hitler hated the Bible if the Bible says that we are all of one blood and offers no scriptural excuse to be racist but Henry Fairfield Osborn said the standard of intelligence of the average adult Negro is similar to that of the 11 year old youth of the species Homo Sapien Henry Fairfield Osborn was one of the evolutionists who were gonna testify on behalf of the ACLU at the Scopes Monkey Trial in Dayton Tennessee he was going to offer proof for evolution via the Nebraska man in 1922 Harold Cook found one tooth in Sioux County Nebraska he said Wow look at this it looks like half man half monkey so they made an entire humanoid skeleton out of one tooth then they made him a wife that's right two people from one tooth you know these guys are good when they know what his wife looks like from the shape of her husband's tooth but these guys are experts so don't you dare question them come to find out the tooth really came from a pig here's the real Nebraska man but you know it's a funny thing evolutionist waste a great deal of their time and our tax dollars desperately trying to make missing links out of fossils but in this case a pig made a monkey out of an evolutionist so much for your standard of intelligence there Henry but I'm telling you evolution and racism are hand and glove all the so called cavemen are exposed in this book by Martin Lugano bow of contention great book by the way Paul said they changed the truth of God into a lie and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator there he is our Father but you know modern man used to be called homo sapiens now they're calling themselves homo sapiens sapiens well case you didn't know sapien means wise we're the wise wise men these are college professors and they profess that the Bible is wrong and they professed that evolution is right and if you believe in the Bible that we profess that you are ignorant well the Apostle Paul predicted professing themselves wise they became fools anybody who thinks that this is grandpa is a fool now not only were the people living longer before the flood the animals were too and getting much much bigger in the Nebraska right now they have a museum where they have an 18-foot tall rhinoceros you see him coming get out of his way salamanders have been found there are six feet long you could jump on their back and go surfing about this one an exterminators worst nightmare a one thousand five hundred and forty five pound rodent imagine that run it behind your refrigerator this donkey that was excavated near Lubbock Texas that was nine feet tall at the shoulder everything's bigger in Texas fossil buffalo horns with a 12 foot span show me her home where that Buffalo roams I'll show you a wreck birds have been found that are 13 feet tall I'd like to add that for Thanksgiving there start cooking it now Jim herb found this Beaver skull if the rest of his body was in proportion with his skull he would have been seven feet long see if you have bigger trees you need bigger beavers to chew him down God wanted to keep everything in proportion back in those days to now canopy of water overhead would increase air pressure which allow us insects to grow bigger because insects breathe through spiracles in their skin so in places where oxygen is limited like in the city insects are limited as to how big they can get but in places where oxygen is condensed insects grow huge but do you know that they've in the fossil record they found cockroaches that are 18 inches long you didn't call Orkin in those days you sent in the Marines grasshoppers that have been found there over two feet long imagine go and grasshopper hunting in those days in Germany they found in eight and a half foot centipede that'd be a high-powered rifle how about this three and a half foot tarantula that they found fossilized that's a walking coffee table talk about arachnophobia or a dragonfly with a 50 inch wingspan imagine hitting that thing at 80 miles an hour take the bug deflector and the hood right off join you in the front seat now canopy of water overhead would increase air pressure which puts more oxygen into the water you know when you have an aquarium you need air bubbles going through it to give the fish oxygen well if you have a canopy overhead it would force more oxygen into the water which allows fish to grow much bigger now a one-inch shark's tooth indicates about a 14-foot shark they found teeth like this Megalodon tooth to indicate the Sharks were 80 feet before the flood imagine me surfing around that guy for people walking side-by-side could walk into his mouth although I wouldn't recommend it but if you go to Universal Studios you could see a 25-foot great white shark that jumps up out of the water you know when you're in the tram you would need to use jaws as bait to catch mecklen hunt here's a giant turtle on display at Yale Museum on the left boy stirs that have been found 11 and a half feet wide imagine finding a pearl in one of those probably go bowling with it the guide had not only given them a perfect world he also gave them a perfect diet he said Adam and Eve I want you to eat the fruits the vegetables and the seeds we don't do that much anymore today we eat the hamburger french fries and the coke what Bible says what God said that he gave herb for the service of man and bread which strengthens a man's heart you see bread strengthens your heart well depends on what kind of bread it is see back in the day when they made the bread fresh every day it would go bad real fast so they took out the vitamin E in the lecithin in the omega-3 fatty acids and they made white bread that lasts three times longer but when they did circulation problems and heart problems skyrocketed because these nutrients are essential for good health there's a simple formula the whiter the bread the quicker you're dead now for years sailors died of a dreaded disease called scurvy the British Navy lost over 1 million soldiers through scurvy you know what cured it vitamin C found all over the world it's not found out and see very much but by a scurvy beriberi and pellagra rickets all of them were cured by vitamin C or by a simple vitamin maybe Genesis is right after all you see there's two philosophies of health and medicine the first one is based upon evolution which says the body is a random random collection of chemicals that formed by chance over billions of years diseases should be treated with drugs this is called drug therapy well hang on just a minute if you're driving down the road and the oil light comes on your car you can do two things you can find and fix the problem or unplug the light you say well it would be stupid plug the light because the light is not your problem the light is warning you of a problem well if you go home and you look in your medicine cabinet you'll see all kinds of stuff that unplugs lights you say oh I got a headache I need to take an aspirin well was it the lack of an aspirin that caused your headache actually your headache is not your problem your headache is warning you of a problem you need to eat better you need to drink more water you need to start exercising more you need a job with less stress and I don't have a problem with taking a headache for pain relief but if you spend your entire life treating the symptom and not the cause of that symptom you're probably not gonna have much of a lifetime to worry about but there's a second philosophy of health and medicine based upon creation which says the body was designed by an all-wise creator and he designed the food supply to provide our needs this is called nutrition therapy in people who use nutrition therapy as opposed to conventional therapy have a much higher survival rate God told Adam every beast of the earth every fowl of the air and everything that creepeth upon the earth where there's life i've given green herb for meat did you know that everything was vegetarian before the flood Adam and Eve would lay down in the grass nothing would bother him now after the flood God told Noah be fruitful and multiply replenish the earth boy they did too here we are but then it says the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you and God said God told Noah it's okay to eat meat and I do but that causes a lot of suffering in the world the Apostle Paul said for I reckon that proves he was from down south that the sufferings of this present time do we see suffering in the world today lots of it don't we and that's what had Darwin all confused Darwin said I'm bewildered I had no intention to write atheistic Lee sure you didn't but there seems to be so much misery in the world Darwin couldn't figure out why God would create a world where the Lions ripped the zebras apart so he came up with his own theory he said thus from the war of nature from famine and death the most exalted object which we are capable of conceiving namely the production of higher animals directly follows is that God's plan for the world suffering and pain and death no Charlie God created a perfect world and man messed it up with his own sin and disobedience see Paul said whereas by one man sin entered the world and death by sin by man came death in Adam all died God created a perfect world and man messed it up with his own sin and disobedience but Jesus is coming back in my opinion very soon to fix it back the way he originally made it one day very soon in my opinion the wolf will deal with the lamb the leopard with the kid the calf the lion the fatling together and a child shall lead them you say a child is gonna lead a lion hey mommy look at the big kitty I found can I keep her sure honey put her up back and give her some grass you see Lions don't eat grass they will one day the lion shall eat straw like the Ox and we're gonna rule and reign with Christ for a thousand years Garden of Eden conditions and Jesus is gonna make a new heaven and a new earth a new heaven and a new earth new heavens new earth you can even have your own pet dinosaur imagine taking your dinosaur to the beach climbing up on his head jumping into water or flying around on a pterodactyl maybe taking your train of source wrecks for a walk my dogs jerked me around I wonder how he'd do but Paul who saw happened said I have not seen nor ear heard neither entered the heart of man the things which God have prepared for them at love him the only question today is are you going because if you're here today and you don't know with absolute certainty that you're a Christian and if you died today that you'd go to heaven first you need to confess that you're a sinner then you need to repent and finally you need to accept Jesus as sacrifice on the cross as payment for your sins and you can have the hope of heaven when you die you want somebody to walk you through it please come see me after the service I'll be happy to walk you through it now if you're here today and you are a Christian what on earth are you doing for heaven's sake John said the world passes away in the lustre of but he that doeth the will of God abides forever Solomon said he that when Souls is wise one of my favorite stories is found in John chapter 6 Jesus was testing his disciples he said guys where we're gonna find food to feed all these thousands of hungry people the disciples said Lord that is impossible and wrong answer well then this little boy walks up and says Jesus I want you out of my booth Jesus said son you're giving me your entire lunch he said yeah Jesus you've been out here preaching all day and well it's not really much there it's just two little fish and five little pieces of bread but but what there is Jesus I want you to have it all of it and Jesus said well son you may think that your meager little contribution can't do much but stand back and watch what I can do with it now that little boy could have been selfish and self-centred if he want he could have went off by himself and just ate his lunch alone but instead he chose to give everything that he had to Jesus and then he stood back and watched in awe as Jesus used his meager tiny little contribution to bless and to feed 5000 men not including women and children in all eight and had their fill that was a Southern Baptist gathering gluttony is not a sin in my denomination after it was all said and done jesus said hey son keep the change twelve baskets of food leftover now think about that that little boy ended up walking away with way more food than had he just kept his food for himself you know in this life you can be selfish and self-centred if you want to you can even be a Christian and be self-centered but you know what I found the greatest blessing in this life and in the next comes to those who choose to share Jesus with others it's called the Great Commission not the great suggestion now it is a scientific fact that reptiles grow throughout their entire lives now humans they stopped growing at around 20 years old Billy's vertically but reptiles grow throughout their entire lives imagine the reptiles in the Garden of Eden with the canopy overhead with increased air pressure a limitless food supply zero enemies and let him grow for say 900 years what do you think he's gonna look like after growing for nine hundred years somebody take a wild guess and what I'm gonna be talking about next week next week dinosaurs the textbooks say they lived millions of years ago according to God according to the Bible he says he made everything in six days somebody's wrong folks and I think I know who it is next week dinosaurs they're mentioned in the Bible they're mentioned all throughout history there very well might be some still alive today you see I'd love to see you back that up well show up next week and I will that's all I got for this week if you have any questions come see me after the service I'll be happy to answer them for you thank you so much god bless [Applause]
Channel: Joshua Springs
Views: 22,786
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Keywords: Live, Joshua Springs, sunday, wednesday
Id: _uh4j8hyVFQ
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Length: 60min 49sec (3649 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2017
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