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and we ask that the Lord we'll break the yolk of our body we ask that the Lord will deliver us from the Assyrian as mites with a rod can we ask that God will bring liberty to us and make Nigeria conducive terrain to play host to a revival let us pray for Nigeria let us pray for Nigeria we are Watchmen we're intercessors who have been appointed to the gate of Nigeria it is our duty to pour for instance that the hand of God might not be removed for managed pray for Nigeria [Music] pray for Nigeria pray for Nigeria rare for Nigeria pray for Nigeria pray for Nigeria is osela Manzoni martica press capacity Antone Dennis Cobras of Itokawa Thomas anacondrai Auto say Sally Copeland las llaves Amina Ducato Cobras capacity olya descubrió otoscope Rendy Escondido SMI a compress a pocket Amman sulabha Bora else Cortana Seco Kraske julia maha lotto famous and abba Boreas a biscotti Macallan a bra mama so say logic osama's ollie Piscotty me segunda Messenia biscotti messiah applause Camus and above all we s go - iike mine [Music] ah see so silicon risk-averse Usama Lata be a samosa tell a hopless opposite Ali Wehbe pray for nation we pray for nation let the prayer that ascends from Nigeria we press a society big incense that comes from so many old us seeking your intervention seeking your messy concern in this nation let it be precious lady be precious let it be precious in your sight come to our aid come to our aid and deliver us from their Syria that smites with the roll call to a NATO car in the name of Jesus deliver us from the Assyrian my casa de batalla Korea s kapa to Allah compress , Selita wisdom that is walking against our actualization as a nation every mystery walking against our possibilities every orchestration walking against our fulfillment of destiny you wanna call from the hand of God to come against that Michigan that wisdom that orchestration that administration it will not prosper in the name of Jesus we call upon your God we call upon you oka maja Sesame nikaya press comma capacity mosquito Gaelic Antonia Mendoza cabassa Lea Prandelli a mezzo cell hi taco Paula oh we give you glory we give you praise we give you praise praise in the name of Jesus now it's time to pray for your family is there any sinister work of the devil that has been set in motion to stand against the destinies of men and women in that place have you noticed a hindrance something that you cannot explain is a science the teen is wise and that thing has been poised to stand against the destinies of men it's our duty as priests to provide earthly permission for evil interference to provide a platform that God will be righteous if he descends to begin to intervene can we access a God do not forget my family do not forget us set an rises to destroy us and you are the only insurance policy that we have come to our aid save us cause your face for shine on us can you cry can you cry to him can you cry to me can you cry to him to this end has a Lord raised you that you become an intercessor you will stand in the gap on behalf of that family so that the visitation of God will never be lifted to this end to this end [Music] not long met with the law it is to this end that we cry that the Lord might invade that family like a plea like a plea that the hearts of men will be touched by God it is written that the grace that bringeth salvation it has appeared to all men that at Christmas appear again and again and again and again until the virus among such as a members of your family we turn to righteousness Oh God it's to descend that we were raised is to descend that we were called no one will be missing jesus said the ones that you are given out to me no one is missing no one is missing I prayed their destinies through I prayed their lives through right now no one no one is the demos property no one is missing out of my head call me psychic Ali abrasca Omaha ESCO Panama Morocco tom s complicates our silicon risk-averse opposite above all of a sudden all of a sudden a score by in Congress Kofi Sammy Natalia his skipper a double semantically Harlem is comenzó sin la cascada Binaca via de la Ronda Bob Olsen Ellis Amina kaga Ella Santa bubble Adama ie capita second best mama my Cutlass copilot was a competitor Seca McCallion escort recipes aziah something something was springport from that family the hand of God we Orchestrator we orchestrated it might say visitation and something was spring for their limitations that have held men that have held women bar it will not apply to you a different a different button will be your possum God will occur sprint a miracle God was suddenly suddenly arise and the youth will be broken you are our Hightower Oh God it is unto your God that we trust and tonight we raise our families where is a house or before you O God in the name of Jesus there swim in Sally basket talking macabre Latoya and so Celebrezze compani avatar masonic amalaki accomplice copacabana is some antalya or will give your praise we give you praise we give you praise if you insist that something will change if you insist that you put breaker if you insist God will intervene if you insist that set and went back out if you insist if you insist if you insist sir if you insist if you insist if you'll be constable if you become Restless set we'll have to leave ii would leave [Music] shut up Willie certain will leave [Applause] don't get weary there is no excuse for weariness for any possessor there's no excuse that grace of copies are available as long as there is grace there is no excuse one intercessor what's a skip works day and night until the Lord makes jerusalem a praise no excuse if you insist there'll be change if you insist there be a miracle not they can fight the grace of God nothing can fight the power of God if you will cease oh there will be a change love our second mother is Cabello seminar grant echoes a pocket anomaly a cabeza la cabeza Talia Petrov epidermis condom a battalion level salmon Hakuna Matata who Piscopo second is elite as combat if you insist oh my god I'm waiting for somebody to insist that God must come we will have an answer and that is how we come back god it will not combat demon sir it will not come by a satanic or it will come by God it will come by God we must have an answer [Music] mokuba seto skateable ekkada a probable semi pestle Salus de cabra Schiaparelli de Callier baptized or may master lockup or Lucas Kabbalah as for Bella sama-sama teleborian up let's go possible Italian if you insist if you insist if you insist if you insist set and will leave second we'll go for dupatta if you insist sir God will do wonders God will exceed expectation [Music] la memoria Seco immense Oh Liam Amara Prisco fella may seek a Antone de Saussure makalah la compra Scapa Solia koneko popula naka bottom no power can stand his name more power powers of the forests powers of the mountain palace of the ocean they will Baja to his supremacy if you insist Saturn will fare nan desuka domina hi a cappella Busan as a pathological Malaya here come Asahi conga number gaseous anomalies Ypres menasor here kameena Kalevala domicile is a Montera some in the compressor vallata Bambara Campello kepala Yamazaki pelota khumba I compared Sam Acharya some other combat Tomasulo my cocktail yeah Shakalaka Empress compelled Osaka Empress kilomole said Bharatha this salmon so say I am we're a few super weird we refuse to be wearing a new Asus and you insist you will have a miracle if you insist you are have a mirror [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah I bet I hear Tama masamori I'm a llama unequip a scheme there is a place that is a place that Bob wants to check your family there is a place that God wants to take your life that is ilandia promise awesome that is a land infamous our fathers that is a place my hi listen something is about to break now oh my god [Music] something is about to break now can we go one more time if you insists it's what sense if you insists it will change now listen some cuss is about to be broken now God is about to attack causes legislations governance that have helped mint bound that of restrained advancements it is dealing with that right now is dealing with it right now is dealing with it right now and if you insist since we brick if you assist it will break if you assist I yeah see me ah aha li mochou say nightcap or commoner that course not this vapor that has been on your life that is responsible for loss of many oportunities the Lord brings judgment upon it tonight in the name of Jesus [Applause] [Music] listen listen decision listen I see someone in our mist you are on the a sentence the sentence of death has been fully follow you oh my god a Maiko para mas Akana naka de veau boria seacobra a Casa Loma Maria De Basanti a sentence of death has followed you I see that your situation was caused by the fact that you we stood someone that was more educated in darkness than you iolite and that sentence was released but you see that sentence is being blotted out right now [Applause] father but one in our miss that met with somebody more educated in darkness than he or she is in light that our sins had a situation that cannot be explained following him or her I asked I asked let your hand help me look at the passion the hand of God construe let your hand help me [Music] Oh so suppose happens we have a long way today to go today is dedicated to prayer and deliverance today Hey we went high we went high Jesus we went high I never knew we can go hi ladies Jesus Christ I I saw from the height I've never seen before Emiko kookaburra Cosima I saw seguro Caminos [Music] bring them bring them bring them bring them bring them because we need to pray today today the hand of God will move the hand of God we moved to the the hand of God oh my god s osela eco Bharat Allah s Samina Katia Prescott one in Colaba Sokka by now we're gonna pray and lose this to people were losing them as we lose them we judge the person that afflict acosta that one that placed a curse on you God as ask that we judge them paprika with today's for pray is afraid it so prayer any pain power will be loosed today pray for them loose them from that curse not necessarily she ended up [Music] so what I'm see I'm seeing a wound that has refused to hear I'm seeing a wound that has refused to hear if you have a wound that has refused so he'll come a wound that has refused to heal that's what I'm seeing a wound a wound that has refused to him we have they want where's the woman for how long over three weeks three weeks okay you you have the wound [Music] yeah you have they want yes where's the world how long is it one modern a year you know what they'll all say the Lord said that there are people we need to rescue urgently and assign the sign that they need to be rescued is that they have a wound that has refused to hear today's for deliverance this today if anybody placed a course upon you they aspire the chef's life of that cause [Applause] hey I didn't know we could go high like this Jesus I'm saying that I've never gone where we went to do which this God is interested in knows why you have a wound how old is the woman over fifteen to sixteen fifteen years sixteen years the hand of God will come here this place the hand of God what warned to take five minutes to pray for them face and then to neutralize that attack neutralize it because the hand of God we descend when today can we neutralize it can be neutralized say Dayo prayer [Music] my [Music] you see it is true the Lord us release a fresh anointing on this house a fresher not yeah as I sign to show that they are true people in the congregation that God is going to allow them sense that fresh anointing three people Lord for my left hand side to my right hand side here so the back of the hall let three people touch this anointing let three people touch it let people touch it let them touch it let them touch it let them touch it let them touch it let them touch it that it let it let it come strong let them let them touch this oil let them touch it let them touch the blood and touch it three people he's come in stronger s come in stronger scum is stronger come in stronger coming stronger allow three people to touch it let rip people touch it they treat me more touch it let three people touch it black people touch it [Music] Thank You Father in the name of Jesus we command that one to begin to heal and let a judgment that has been on your life let it expire let it expire right now we come and they want to begin to heal let the judgment on your life expire in the name of Jesus we command a wound to heal let a judgment on your life I spy go it'll heal now we command they want to heal and let a judgment on your life as spy step into the fullness nothing we henceforth oppress you in the name of Jesus thank you Jesus or we only saw one okay la oh my lord they are two more people that I want to request that they touch this anointing let them touch it let him touch it release the dimension of that oil that burns like a fire that which bonds that which bonds that with boasts that which burns that with burns like flames like flames like flames of fire like flames of fire like flames like flames become a seka Bronte Cooper AMA [Applause] l m osika lua a bespoke a llama listen listen I see there's someone that have been carrying a pain close to your abdomen close to your abdomen they've been carrying a pain you'll be managing it be managing it what God wants to remove it today so you can come close to your abdomen looks close to your abdomen [Music] no wonder when I went to study today before coming he said I was going through us and invest chapter 10 how God anointed so I didn't know that God was in yet increasingly [Music] now listen one of you standing here the hand of God will come upon you so strong one of you standing because of that stomach issue father show me a sign let your hand descend upon one of them show me a sign let your hand descend upon one of them show me a sign show me a sign let let your power let your power descend on one of them as a sign that you are willing to take away this affirmative case comedies come in stronger let your hand is say let your hand let it descend stronger one of them let your hand the same lady descend stronger that it is and stronger that it is a shocker that's a sign a sign a society a society one of them that your hand might descend strong or one of them in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus yes thank you Father [Music] [Music] now from the crown of your head to the sole of your feet let it be a beginning of a season of fresh visitations let clarity be given to you in this spirit let your ear be rewired to be able to pick up things in the spirit grace grace on your life grace you know this anointing can make somebody weak in the body this type father in the name of Jesus I punished that pain i punished it go I punish it go I banish the pain come I say cut up in the name of Jesus go in the name of Jesus come in the name of Jesus curve in the name of Jesus come up in the name of Jesus come in the name of Jesus go in the name of Jesus [Music] see just allow her for some time alone like my that's all ah [Music] you know what I'm seeing now I'm seeing a family of five and a hawk comes and takes one and then they are many for a family of five a hawk picks one so they are remaining four and I'm seeing that Hawk is about to return again listen to me you were originally five one of you died one of your siblings died you are for now they wonder that that dies is me is you are watching for because I need to drive is of five one died three many for the one that died is me that's what I'm seeing if that's your case you can come here because God will show us hi let your blog beautiful like fire [Applause] Oh like fire [Applause] No [Music] [Music] like for ya hahaha like my god [Music] [Applause] [Applause] like fine like fine [Applause] more a casino Candela see Cabello Moria Seco Sammy Oh cow my echoes Casey scenic area Rama sobre acapellas caso de otras tapa - ah Mahalo Lacombe brains Mufasa Oh Sulaco pelota company s cacopoulos AMA Korea behind a psycho police Cobra say compare Jakob Eric humble our psyche imperious le company s papa Tata Manza Echevarria semi Korea bamaca demo say a psycho oh my God thank you Jesus thank you Jesus yes hey why is she here wait the reason why I asked people to comment is that I saw that there were five the hawk came picked one and then the hawk the hawk is trying to peek this is the one food food so listen to me this one after prayer God will hear this one I know you don't believe what I said we went up yes we went her higher done we have never ever gone you will see they pressing that is attacking your children trying to kill them the person won't see December watch what yo ec I Kabbalah more sudden car behaves Hasmik life to you life to you life to you life to you life to you life to you life [Music] go you will leave Hodor Hodor liking okay can we pray I'm already seen oh my god in this case something like a grief was dog and an animal was buried symbolizing this lady so her organs are beginning to fail alright so as we pray that grief that animal will be brought out before I pray for him can we can we do that community can we pray that anything that was buried that symbolizes this lady that from this moment representative a typical indicator derivative of the dependability arrays which is a saw [Laughter] marry in the name of Jesus I break the tops of death loser and that diamond that was deployed to visit you from this satanic altar I break the power can you cry you help me just all right take some power and then the power will be strong and then you can help me lay hustle further in the name of Jesus let your power come upon this is awesome that your power come from the crown of our head to the soul of a seminar Costa Bravo barato Am I apparatus echo brandable saminin Corrado Romina either country [Music] women are cutting cassava Natalia granted mrs. Simon Italian club a subpoena profitable economy so I complain no enemies is Katara [Music] [Applause] [Music] ha haha let your name be praised [Music] different one more time Raja sonica let your enemies miss guitar let's go been embezzling but I denim of Jesus I ask that you trust me so power trust bit Baba in the name of Jesus trust me trust me trust me Father roschmann mama a liar in the demoscene [Music] they're so common idea Peck Amalia as hope in love [Music] move this way move this way lay your hands on her head and begin to print oh yeah you you up you yes stay where you are you come play hustle begin to pray begin to there are two demons that are pressing her one has left she many one yes we destroy every satanic walk every alte Rosa that altar upon which your name was called in the name of Jesus I send this demon back psycho coloma sicko now I demand her kidneys respond kidneys [Music] yes Heiko seminar practical Kabbalah Toby si Takuma say oka okosan + ketamine acharya planta Bhavani Beccaria the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus [Music] [Applause] three some liquor call and put would you hand on it and pray for her the demon will come up the demon will come the demon come up the demon will come yes yes yes yes the Nazis [Music] you all needed it your friend all right huh son of [Music] [Applause] hold thank you Jesus thank you Father thank you [Music] sister Marie I give you life from Jesus [Music] [Applause] you shall live let your kidney be restored and let them that have tried to kill you that a judgment of God be upon them now [Applause] yeah she will live the Contech well allow her to revive for now you can sit [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my god you know what I'm seeing is hard for me to say is strange no no no yeah the spirit is India okay you come mother release power on her Tadashi Conesus alright lay hands on Appa and then journey deep rare listen listen to me you know is the Knights of deliverance and prayer [Applause] yes yes we demand the release of every member of that household not just this lady but every member every member I remember I remember let go let go let go yes they saw on there's someone in armies [Music] listen is strange but I know the Lord is leading me okay in your dream you are not a twin you are just you were delivered just as you what you see someone that looks like you exactly a replica of you in your dream we are to you and that one God sent me to you if that's your case come Jesus sent me to you you you are not it we know but in your dream you have seen yourself with a replica of you I'm watching for you are you interview her so that I will be sure whatever yeah yeah yeah okay sister you know what's of you do not open happen which you have insulin teas and then free [Music] I go Sammy Nicole Sabrina that's your name before we pray don't worry we'll play a fine a prayer let us finish with this system yes she had a dream in which my mom was sick in that dream my mom was sick I was in the house of refurbished ministry to the moment three for her and then she watches that there was another of her in the dream one of her was very calm but the other one was so Restless I would never come at all I would need to do some Bible study before I can say what that is all right I have a mission causing this video okay after the previous is morning I stood back in the office so what about a one order about they brought her actually to this place on the recommendation of one of his son so I was lying on the office a little bit had and while he was talking that you spoke about this kidney failure while you prayed for her here that was exact story similar to me and the doctors have said that there is nothing more than yes you know so I told him while he was piccolo I went to get an instruction from God after what had to go through it for her or to accept to come under the only thing that was the common strategy Mahatma's asked them to come to the meeting intervening and in Lourdes even his service was gonna call this way but I told them after the meeting I was going to tell you about a case then you pray for her then the word of knowledge that came about the fact that they may fight in the family one was dead and then they my own surprises the exact exactitude of the word of knowledge shall we live all that was being shall we live we live should we live go [Music] I would need Bible study to teach okay she's free this one is free this one is free take out to the office take out to the office marry you will live when the doctors say they can do nothing about your case then Jesus says that's where I start you will leave your kidneys will Jack back to life they walk that has been visiting the family has been sent back to sender [Applause] in the name of Jesus I don't know whether to start teaching about witchcraft now to give us somewhere we can teach McCarty was her name sister Frank this other person that looks like you has diverted things that have been programmed into your life there is a situation of diversion can we prefer franca and cut off that second person that has been feasting on her possibilities because tonight she will rise a victim and she will enter into her destiny [Music] [Music] pray for from Capri for ha [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] like your father in the name of Jesus thank you you remember when we're going was obviously okay other in the name of Jesus we on tie this knot this illegal union in the spirit that is diverting a possibility today we stand as your body and by the authority that is in the name of Jesus we separate her from all those liabilities in the name of Jesus franca step into your listening let the circle of delay be broken forever step into your destiny step into your destiny oh my god thank you Jesus I'm seeing a light and this light December is written on this light I believe that by December he will step into something I've not stepped into for many years no this is where would you so now why more prayer before I run away let you and it's not [Music] Oh [Music] oh we give you clothes now can you take a annum very quickly inventory of your family anything that has never happened before nobody has married before I asked for something that never happened now issue apana something has never maybe nobody has ever built a house [Music] ahead of a man that ranch house in his village that yeah in his village is right in hallelujah something that has never happened before if can you ask for a tiny mouthful right now right now right now right now right now that's not oh you are not serious to me you're not serious are you asking us something that has never happened before thank you Jesus okay sister Alibaba VR Masika more durable servant Saito khovrakh abyss Connie aramis on top aporia see my co-panelist women are lovers ever thank you lord in Jesus mighty name now we ask for unprecedented miracles or things that have never happened before in the families that are represented here today give us landmark miracles in the name of Jesus [Applause] it was landmark miracles in the name of Jesus [Applause] I'm actually seeing somebody online and the person is desiring that we we focus our attention to them right now those of you that are listening online God wants to do something that he has never done in your family before and it's mighty handy stretch fort right now maybe you are at an all-time low because of the things that have happened in recent times the Lord will lift you up in the name of Jesus Christ you lived here in Jesus mighty name I mean you may be seated hallelujah just give you a lot some praise in their house tonight let your offering basket less [Applause] let's cuss our friend now Morrow by 3 p.m. West African time we'll be back to this place and the train will continue then by 9:00 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. tomorrow money will be gathered here oh so funny house Priya it is the meter to the house here so if you around you may wish to make it a date with us as a call upon the name of the Lord for strategic and timely intervention in respect of a definite instruction that the Lord gave unto us few days ago to that end we are in barrage of [Music] questions concerning when the next batch of a golem class we start Harlem is RCN Bible School Bible seminar those of you that are interested in being trained on the RCN bible school reform for the next batch is on sale now I've just been informed that the next session we commenced by July [Music] and that information first week of July my virtue of that information every order prior information that you had either online or from any other person to the effect that there will be no more session this year by virtue of this current information all those other informations are hereby revoked and invalidated so if you are interested in being trained make it very quickly to the helpdesk and pick the form buta certificate course yeah of course yes certificate course do that have just rounded up the certificate program that also desire to rule for the Diploma cause they equally approach the helpdesk to pick the forum and put themselves in a state that we make them ready for the presumption which is coming up in July please pass the information um for those of us that have been making inquiries basically on the at the online platform please take specific notice of this information disseminated to as many as possible and then walk by it even so that is the information to contact the helpdesk every detail a little bit of information that you need to furnish you to be furnished with sufficient information will be available [Music] amen [Music] if we are done with our offering we can rise up and even if you are not done with you hopefully you can still rise up why you and sure that you do it often in boudin is a kingdom Bondi dude see you tomorrow bye my dear then [Music] [Music]
Channel: Apostle Arome Osayi
Views: 10,704
Rating: 4.9516129 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 18sec (4638 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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