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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the college [Music] [Music] Gabriel pilots [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] paradise against against [Music] - Maggie parasitics I get proof a circus [Music] my apron one of the carriages I have assessors is persistence persistence persistence mr. Berger if you look at how much [Music] delicate let's not Hey - Hayley price cadets most rare disease traits that spectator look like a palace [Music] standard [Music] [Music] violets I'm not [Music] the secret [Music] okay [Music] protecting the planets I can't producer telling us not not yet - red pepper cabbage not again hazard a guess and expanded that's a damn hexagonal subunit the Carioca Talia's not yet pikapika - target we're out of Hey delicate edge a little bit there are secrets aka larger sutras again attack the RS patients who deductible but a text hey Dad prior to the laser crowd really reacted a little bit young wisdoms there is Danish [Music] let's [Music] okay [Music] vamos a ver la Jara tapas Ali Baba Rafa dasa kaviraja so varicella Veritas of a basilica versions of anita pratap reflect asparagus illuminator ariane doko proto no pebbles over feel the [Music] [Music] spirit of positives [Music] [Music] ricky-ricky [Music] member [Music] [Music] we [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ready let people follow earth [Music] - I listen military we gotta try [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] she's uh see [Music] [Music] [Music] the penis of a leaves [Music] [Music] failure to survive get somebody else and in the spirit [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Lemuria Lakeisha [Music] curry night Missy Missy we received a prayer so massive where demons Cara hi Cara holla aha [Music] [Music] [Music] I launched right along my lord [Music] [Music] society must be relevant our word you live dr. Flores ha [Music] [Music] hornish cottage for us it Garcia de Garcia Garcia de Garcia Garcia de Garcia Garcia Garcia Garcia gamma gamma gamma kebaya papaya I [Music] [Music] [Music] our spirit of life that's a spirit of life with the signature stretch what I sometimes [Music] lesser legislation I did not walk [Music] Arriba [Music] the city [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ooh the collider Venus a lead balloon [Music] [Music] Kamala hacii can you be a little more deliberate I [Music] [Music] [Music] - populations with the virus population little virus medicine little viruses [Music] mama told me you see bless me for later tonight your turn [Music] worried about you [Applause] we're not moving claritin re worthless we're just Wilson we cry tonight [Music] again [Applause] [Music] [Music] lose the game [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] miracle for me but you know [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] taking the leash at the violence hottie right that means [Applause] [Music] what [Music] hi Here I am [Music] with your swimmer why [Music] mikail for visa [Music] the stairs [Music] stop codons technology [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] if not all Sava light [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it should impede your technician of my generation that it's also become known as Asian it shouldn't be in our generation that the charts will lose relevance in the eyes of the society we want to play an arsenal to restore the image of his Joseph forest on the image of his choice and of his people and wash away the humanities is by sending on a massive outpouring when the disciples Sunday first church here are taught by the society the fear of the Lord we want to buy less torn in us that [Music] [Music] [Music] business or the tea's not what we need [Music] [Music] [Music] right we live in a little shut-eye [Music] let up be a restoration [Music] [Music] I mean I Italians call me Riley in a hotel a person forever lobelia talk of a lighter blue mercy light apres la cárcel what they see on yekaterina precise Oh bro hello in the toilet roll you met my type assigned to her I snuck available safai dad what the Neapolitan I trophy no with propely superwoman we contain the discipline my separa working [Music] [Music] gomez a liar [Music] [Music] when gold is set to intervene in the affairs of Man he raises a man and put a grace upon him to legislate on his behalf I want us to pray uh knocks annoyed that whatsoever you have designed me whatsoever role you have designed me to fulfill in this time but I let there be an unveiling and let there be release it grace to pass you on to accomplishment in the name of Jesus if God is raising you two appear voice in decision if you don't know you will not commit yourself for the price that is required in order to refine that Gliss in order to build it up to a point where it begins to freak technicians his body [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well said on the eyes of your understudy we're affordable like that you may know that you belong or didn't sir revelations Audrey dairies are already your life is shrouded a mistress [Music] [Music] [Music] in the kingdom are such a coward what he most Lucas melodia [Music] [Music] [Music] abilities not get you a solution i need a revelation I'm tired of the status quo [Music] the statistic [Music] returning countries that we bet on understudy rotten encoding that Roberto understudy in the name of the Lord sees em blah blah blah science [Music] we draw near that you may Chronos and do what you did unto men like Moses that you use to establish the foundation of a civilization of your government open us up to the secrets of your first engineering so that we might know what is required to align with the spiritual patriarchs and bring dimensions of witness into the 8 that we exalt your majesty in Jesus mighty name I found that question you may be seated I found a question in the book of Isaiah chapter Isaiah chapter one the Book of Isaiah shuttle 1 there is a question near we're just trying to continue from where we stopped yesterday and the bottom that we carried yesterday was how that the church at this strategic time is considered as a non-essential it means that the petrol stations are more relevant that we are it means that the banking sector is more relevant than the church ears it means raka market would open market I have a question for us in the Book of Isaiah chapter 1 verse 21 and it's the the question is like a lamentation how is the faithful City become a harlot it was full of judgment and righteousness lodged in it but now modern us that's the question as is asking how is the faithful City become a hollow because if if we are the salt of the earth and it happens to be that the salt has no value if it has lost his savour it will be regarded as a non-essential what we have now is an indication of the fact that society is saying hey you guys have been meeting your campsites in your conferences in your seminars in your economic empowerment forum and it seems you have not added anything into the social structure so at this time we need to parade the arms of society the 6-2 seemed to be excessive services and we happen not we're strong enough to make the list so it's as if we have become they buy wall and the Prophet is asking how is this faithful City become and hallowed how how is it not the ground on the pill out roots that is supposed to be the platform for whence God will launch to effect an activity upon the face of the earth how has she become a sellout how has she become an on water vessel so much so that society society has acknowledged that she has nothing to offer I want to visit a brother it was it yesterday I guess it was yesterday and when I got to the brother's place he the house of his neighbour was on sale and a church came to buy the house and the leadership of the church names of churches and pastors as the case maybe I would have but when the story was communicated all those aspects away but of the delivery but it has to be suppressed at this time so that we don't go into heart attack quickly allelujah now so the house was on sale and a particular Church in the city indicated interest and that Judge happens to be a branch church that has headquarters somewhere they when they come to the negotiation table and the cost for the facility was made known the pastor in League with senior ministers in a congregation requested that the seller shoot put a ten million naira addition to his initial to the initial cost of the house that means theoretically it should be captured okay for instance if the man says he wants to sell for twenty five million they say there's no problem make it in the receipt make it 35 million such that when your account is got credited will come and you will refund 10 million to us and the pastor was negotiating with his council of elders Alleluia so the man that was selling the house who is a chronic unbeliever is a chronic on delivery has never had anything to do with the Church of Jesus when he saw the pastor because the ministry is a reputable ministry that has a massive name in our country when he saw the kind of deal that they were trying to run with him he knew how his life would look like if it commits himself his destiny into the hands of such man how it's a faithful City become the hallowed meanwhile when the other junior members like junior administrative functionaries like head of eanes now head that there was such a deal and informed them to give them the Amish here they are moved to headquarter straight and reported the situation it has since created the terrible a terrible outcome in for the bottom about it is this lockdown that has captured the body because the body was intense lockdown now in reduce the pressure reduce the intensity how is the faithful City this Isaiah's question become a lot those days when there was crisis in town that was sent for profits I know I know several people two people in the US that when the great George Bush was president as I don't know if he's born again but it normally comes with those two American preachers all through his government I know a profit in this country that George Bush consulted before he took a certain action yes I know it profits in this country one of our senior ministers that George Bush was consulted and they are two American fastest that I know that he was consulting while he was president because we have such a place with Kings we have such a place in in the arena of decision-making we have such a place in the formulation of the destinies of territories destinies of Nations but there is a level of reputation that we need to sustain in order for us to be given our rightful place it is obvious now that our nation is bereaved of wisdom is because there is no profit to give perspective in the caucus of decision-making personalities the church is missing the cutting edge of the prophetic is missing we are come up in like like a Mustang as a nation because it is obvious that we lack direction but the point is there is something that led to our current state of despise and the Prophet is asking how is the faithful City become a hot is a judgment and righteousness once launched in it but now is a ground for modernist how did this new Titian take place you know when when a prophet in baden-baden like Isaiah begins to answers the question then is he we need to stand back and really meditate upon it now in verse 22 of Isaiah chapter 1 the Bible says the silver is become dross the wine is mixed with water what's the meaning of that see if I become dross wine it has lost its potency to intoxicate because it is mixed with water he no longer has a punch he no longer sustains a power the Siva has lost his shine dross has taken away the brilliant age that it's Eve I supposed to have in in you know our brilliant outlook I remember the days of vain Sunita Xhosa nobody could look down the church the church was like a bright shower a black diamonds but the Prophet said that the silver has become dross and the wine mixed with water the princes are rebellious and companions of thieves and everyone loved gifts and followeth after rewards they judge not the fatherless needed of the cause of the widow come to them therefore say the Lord the Lord of Hosts the Mighty One of Israel I will ease me of my adversary's and avenge me of my enemies and I would turn my hand upon thee I'm purely pause died drawers and take away 19 [Music] there is a need for pollen if our our former glory and our destiny will find expression some form of progeny is required and is only the hand of God that can facilitate that fortune part of this lockdown is a purging process and is expected for us to wit before the Lord in repentance in sackcloth and in ashes not not primarily for yourself but we stand in the gap for the body of Christ you might be up to date with God but you see the fact is this the purposes of God in a generation cannot be fulfilled by a man and so if you are accurate and a generation is in darkness God can still move because he moves through a body and so our prayers are supposed to be strategic as we stand in the gap on behalf of the land we are asking that God will reach out to our own direct constituency which happens to be the body of Christ an effective project they proof that we have been purged is that we begin to see things from the perspective that God sees these things will begin to feel things the way God feels it who have the capacity to sustain cause emotion about issues that's what we can fully and adequately represent his majesty there are two things apart from the Protein there are two functionaries that God normally brings any time there's a restorative initiative are you here all right I'm still communicating the body not yesterday anytime there's a restorative initiative if if the army if the people that God is going to use is already defined and God has no other choice but to use those people when those people begin to fall out of standard they are two functionaries God introduces into their midst to ensure that there is an upgrade a hybridised quickened upgrade in order for us not to miss with timings that have been set by the authority of God now yes there is a need for mass poaching and the páginas really began because many things have gone out of place our congregational worship is the meat just basis of our financial life as the local expression of the body of Christ but unfortunately because we have been categorized as non essentials we have been deprived of the privilege of meeting congregationally and that has impacted upon the whole pause now if God could allow our posture come and attack it means all the money we accumulated did not fulfill his will it means all the widows that became widows because of Boko Haram who has supposed to be people that would have been carried and they showed up the corporate church if away one singular entity that was galvanized for strategic purpose we we are financially buoyant enough as a body to be able to handle the concerns of people that were direct victims of an onslaught of of demonic wickedness what that doesn't worry is not much of the things we look into you know is going to is not a budget agenda and so God Allah does not submit and part of this are indications are warnings it may be that our money has not translated into God's focus it has not been channeled in the right direction I'm still are you here it may also mean that the model of the mega church may not be groans apostolic strategic endtime purpose yes it may not be God's at apostolic strategic endtime model I'm still trying to find our mirepoix Raya banquise members raha bunking I'm see trying to find his members his members in Nigeria its members in Ghana but you see there was enough finishes of light of power all the things they did and everything one kid did was he millions and billions after the crusade in Oconee the 12 million he gave token was a reason for seven years of battle among ministers that created or path division and Jesus left and none of them knew darkness has come back to the land because of 12 million demanda give the money is not the one default it is more blessed to give than to receive hallelujah how is a faithful City becoming a lot so God began to say I'm gonna castrate a means of project this lockdown we are going to now is some form of is God has allowed some some restrictions it's not as if it is with what he allowed it and these restrictions have restricted us in various areas restricted us financially I think there's a call for us as a body of Christ to begin to trust God not our systems not our strategies not our methods not our plans not our wisdom it's a call so the corporate body of Christ on the global scene for us to take an inventory if it is true that we trust in God or we trust in our strategies and our systems God has allowing my has allowed a mild form of poaching so that we can contemplate what priority release and I'll show you I'll show you the model of the megachurch seems not to be the model that is going to carry the shape of what God is transmitting into the earth as we study the book of nancydeb massage shockley are going to find out the systems that the Apostles builds which is a very very tight function to model for model practice today and that's why we need to re-evaluate our definition of success and success in ministry first of all God says I'm gonna do some for walk of Paju our porch approach and what the poaching of the Lord will do is that it will take care of the dross that which is standing in the way of our shining fault because our calling is a call to shine according to the Book of Isaiah he said arise shine there is an illumination that shall come from you they say glory that should manifest through your life and the glory that you do manifest through your life will become the basis of the attraction that you are going to have around you there is an attraction kingdom administration goes hand in hand with the form of attraction attraction if we study the book of Acts of the Apostles by the time we get to answer after eight you are gonna see a man that was called badges badges Simon the sorcerer who was called the great power of God the kingdom was so attractive when Philip was preaching and miracles and science took place so much so that Simon the sorcerer I was attracted there's an element of attraction that is part of kingdom establishment kingdom penetration attraction I stood me attacks and that attraction comes because there is a mate in lumination of the glory of God rise shine for thy light has come and the glory of the Lord is risen but you see there is something that is fighting against that glory beam being released is called the dross when the dross comes upon gold when the dross comes upon silver it's it it reduces is ability to shine and it is that shining that is the business of attraction I saw some a write-up somebody copied the writer and sent the right of we copied the right up I think from a public space and sent it to me as I see see our challenge a great prophet sent it to me yesterday what was the the comment about it was about someone that was saying we passed us claim to have the ability to heal his Corona fire was not a sickness where all the past was the pray for the sick [Music] so next time now when we call on call for a miracle service he say if is there he is going to destroy the service because when the global healing situation came up they heal us in the body of Christ we're not available [Music] what the young man doesn't move he doesn't know the means by which the people that recover recover as far as we're concerned only two have died in Nigeria and we insisted that the one in vain we will not die because he came here maybe we came here by hook or crook and he has touched been with Sawyer he has come under the influence of our Christmas by what means did those ones he because as at last week the Nigerian government was trying to refute the fact that the ordinary chloroquine which has been accepted in some nations like Saudi Arabia as an approved means for Korean kovat 19 they say they have not is not approved trying to sustain a mystery around eating this is food some of us went to school and many organizations are configured at WI I never I didn't know that politics could come into of decisions like World Health Organization what you want the devil is a liar [Music] I am still of the opinion I'm say of your opinion that in a prayer Corona would begin to go gradually and it would die in May that is I believe it t-tomorrow as the product of what I have seen if it also happen that way it means God in speak to me [Music] hallelujah and I see okay well some of us think some of us sit back and we think some things don't add up but it is well the thing is that the situation has revealed that our silver has become trusted my own challenge big political games and the manipulations and the deception this no part of my problem if I can still connect God and know his will everybody can be deceived I will still be doing what God has revealed so the deception of the of the ages they move the destruction you know God wonders about this time see there's gonna be huge destruction make sure you keep you keep you keep you keep focusing are you still with me know what by what power have the people that recovered recovered who have seen the statistics of debt in Italy is it not the same Corona that came to Nigeria why didn't I kill I die like that hallelujah there is a response from priesthood and our God has not he doesn't have a parade yes he still listens answers prayer so the person being considered all of it the whole picture that is something at work that is making his putting pressure is removing the ability of the situation to create this vengeance with which it came there's something resisting it because it cannot be it is not known from the laboratory so the Lord's name is not notified there's something hindering our glory as a corporate body of a corporate body of Christ it is his drawers and there is some level of protein that we need to go through which we have already started going through so that we can understand where we have missed it and come into alignment this for the past 15 years there's been a heightened emphasis in fit preaching fit how many of you have noticed they fit they finish works of Jesus and cornichons upon the world and the level of PAS indicative of the fact that that fit preaching did not enter the fabrics of it was hard we need to we need to stand back and say what were we doing for 15 years fits em in a fit adventure [Music] and one virus comes out and the fear is global so all the endeavors to an established fate on the hunt of men where did it go - there's something wrong with the kind of ministry we have it seems not to have the ability to bring about the transformation and that is the unit with which we can measure the impact that the Holy Spirit has brought to the lives of men we are going to pray when the prayer time comes that God we podge of the dross Alleluia now after portion of the dross there are two functionaries God will have to restore the ministry of two functionaries and you find it in verse 26 and I will restore died judges as at the fest so George is so hard to come back undyed cancellous us at the beginning if judges and counselors are restored then after what now shall be called the city of righteousness the faithful City means two kinds of ministers unlucky now and God will have to restore him if the beauty and the potential of the city will be realized one more time our store died what judges our store die what councilors okay before I go to the lecture of the day because we are still in number one this is number one we started looking at the Apostolic model and comparing it with our current model and we discovered that the Apostles model was designed to raise men and our model is designed to raise members it's a departure from the template and what we have today is that we have a church that is infantile and the purposes of God in the body of Christ as it ranges from generation to generation hangs on the shoulders of men not members nanobot embarrass members bleached members cry out for Jack challenges just like the widow's walk with Colleen Odyssey hey the distribution is not getting towards those our members but when the solution was about to come Peter said Susie among you men his men that will solve the problem most of the problems we call crew members so the body of the Apostolic hands was on men and not or members are you still with me all right in the book of Matthew chapter 12 Jesus was accused wrongly and this was his response who is there the book of Matthew chapter 12 what's he chapter 12 ok let's begin from there step not your 1210 [Music] and the whole there was a man which had his hand with that and the axiom saying are we now with there and before there was a man which had his hand withered and they asked him saying is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath days that they might accuse him and he said unto them what man shall we be among you - shall have one sheep and if it fall into a pit on the Sabbath day will not lay hold on it and lift it out how much then is a man better than a sheep wherefore is it lawful to do well on his upper days and he said unto the man stretch forth thine hand and his church stretch it forth and it was restored whole like the other then the Pharisees went out and held a council against him that they might destroy him but when Jesus knew it withdrew himself from thence and great multitudes followed him and He healed them all and charged them that they should not make it known that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by esaias the prophet saying behold my servant in whom I've chosen my beloved in whom my soul is well pleased I will put my spirit upon him and he will show judgment to the Gentiles and he will not strive nor cry neither shall any man hear his voice in the street a bruised Reed he shall not break and smoking flax he shall not quench till he sent forth judgment into want of victory and in his name shall the Gentiles trust then was brought on to him one possessed with a devil blind and Dawn and He healed him in so much that the blind and the dumb both saw and speak and all the people were amazed and said is not this the son of David and when the Pharisees had it they said this fellow dot cast out Devils by bells above the prints of devils and jesus knew their thoughts and said unto them every Kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand and if Satan cast out Satan he is divided against himself how shall then his kingdom stand and if I by belzebub cast out Devils then by whom your children - your children cast them out therefore there shall be your judges at this time Jesus our disciple people in the way of the supernatural so it was not only Jesus that was casting out Devils the people he had trained where we are also manifesting the miracle ministry so Jesus was saying if it is me and discrediting iesson okay I'm doing my own demon casting by the power of decibel your sons and daughters that are following me the my disciples they are also casting out Devils have you made a comment about your own means of casting out Devils because because they also have a supernatural ministry there will be your judges hey George is one that has supernatural power to manifest the kingdom and a very strong endorsement of heaven upon his life you know Isaiah said that if there's going to be restoration of our quality if there's going to be a restoration of our quality of the body of Christ there are two kinds of messengers that God is going to release and the first kind of messenger is the judge the judge has a manifestation a manifestation of the power of God on his ministry and an endorsement of God on his life you see people are likely to mock God when there's no miracle worker [Music] people are likely to say all kinds of stuff against God when there's no one that has the handle to wield a supernatural I went to Federal Medical Center it's not what they call it now that's what I call you I went there because I was looking for the best certificate of my children to help me apply for a visa and I searched everywhere I couldn't find it so I now went and reported myself to them seems I've misplaced the best certificate of my children it's okay that's not a problem here and then when the way they were doing this stuff doing this stuff filling in asking me questions when do when we're dead born where what hospital and all of that and there was an elaborate form or how to feel and then at the end of feeling it they signed it and all of that and give me a say we know you I passed Oh now we have finished the reason for which you came there close the door and say is you have to pray for us we have made we make demands on the unknown Jinnah oh my god and I raised my head and I began to pray then I saw a vision I said there's one of them here that has a chai because no one was with the child you just delivered the child and I'm seeing darkness follow up on that child and that child is about to be killed do much but there was not physical child day and there was no sign that anyone of them just delivered and the woman that was implicated by my outruns she cried out I said no the reason for the revelation and so that the child can be don't worry Donald we have solution for that we went again in pray again and the Lord brought I saw a woman she was not interested in the prayer delights of the word of knowledge she was he went and stood on a headed and I looked intently and I saw that she was programmed for an accident you did she suddenly became interested in a prayer the interest was mobilized on the spot he was mobilized now we had a twenty minutes time of interaction and the Lord came so mightily two weeks later the woman that took me there then I went and and arrested her that she should take to take them to that man so she caught nothing those people who have kamikaze no no no no no just just leave not just leave that alone you see the point is where that day even the uninterested woman had had an encounter that meet her new at the end of the day it was obvious I didn't know any of them before it was obvious that the revelations were clearly from heaven and when that happened the fear of God came upon the land who was born again who was not born again was not made I just wanted this fear of God to come and once if you have God's in the heart of the man he is close to salvation it must not be that on the moon I would want to do all the job Alleluia but if a George is around it will bring back the fuel go so there are two kinds of functionaries that God dispatches when the credit village of the church begins to decline no matter how you know the Bible and you're proficient in Bible study on delivery make sure you have power in your hand if you don't have power you cannot contribute to helping our repetition that is so mad so badly damaged bo-buddies they must be power yon you can argue about anything not by power there was one guy there in the office that was doing cracking some jokes prakasam jokes before I came so I was when I was there I was looking so quiet so sanctimonious and the gang was coming crack jokes and all these things and say okay is gonna marry some of the ladies in the place I was just just they're so so pious so pious and when the team began to manifest the guy now didn't know we're praying he nun came inside and everybody was joking with we're not the ways too serious with their destiny so he know how to come down you know he was not trying to analyze what was happening what I was using what do i it was mind-bending and when I gave the word of knowledge about the woman there was a woman that had a China I'm seeing darkness it's coming from the West that the western part of this or that the guy knows that I don't know that our woman has a job so when he confirmed that I wasn't talking from my brain and it was real pure revenge or even him said became obedient to defeat judges the Lord will send judges yeah he will send judge and you are one of the judges that God is gonna dispatch there is a manifestation of power that can the can operate in any sector of human endeavor [Music] if you're in the educational sector there is a new dimension of power that can operate there if you are in if you are a barrister you are in the justice sector there is a dimension of power that can operate there as long as Georgie's available our reputation is helped then the next set of people are the counselors not the world council know the word counselor what counsel in people yes 20 it's quite complex but I need to break it down so that we can follow the word counselor here it's most accurate interpretation is the keeper of doctrine they keep our doctrine now there are many people that preach the gospel but so few people know the doctrine of Christ as much as we live or to be supernatural people who must also be carriers of doctrine so that if someone has never had a church background and the person gives its natural Christ and they commit that person to you so that you can superintendence growth for the next one year you need to have a handle on doctrine to be able to lead the person right that was the kind of thing that was being done in the Book of Luke chapter one when Luke was bringing the gospel to cheerfulness joyfulness was was a male an important personality that had accepted Jesus and it had someone that understood in an articulate fashion the doctrine of Christ and it was Luke that was released sent to go bring him discipleship and you could see groups competency could see looks credentials and at the end of the day after the presentation that Luke did in the Book of Luke Luke was still the one that did the presentation of the book of Acts to the same Trevino's it means that the Bible study and the discipleship program continued [Music] I was in Brazil and alleged alleged a hazard HD and she got this beauty from England so she's quite very sharp very sharp mentally and she wanted me to she wanted to be baptized in holy spirit my surah since I knew she was cerebral had to give her show her the sequence of reaction on the day of Pentecost not only day of Pentecost it was um the people were asking for the Holy Ghost when they ask for the Holy Ghost and the Bible says how much more if you ask your Heavenly Father how much more if you being evil know how to give good gifts unto your children how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Ghost to them that ask so I was telling and I say guaranteed I'll give you only as much as asked he will give the hood acoustic because we see the example of the guys in the book of Acts chapter 2 they were asking and then the father answered the father released the Holy Ghost they were the ones that spoke it was not a further than spoke so I divided into two signs their own responsibility and God's own responsibility and then we did the analysis you could see the participation and at the end of the day they where they spoke in the Holy Ghost but it was the law that gave them the trust so I broke the thing should have a human side showed her the divine shine as they can we practice this she said the only question she has is about fortress what is object if we don't have doctrine you cannot decide with Arab rappers because the cerebral person wants to understand the logic of the thing and there is logic in things there is logic in God it can be understood at that level that your mind will be the curiosity of your mind will be satisfied and now to capture the book of of Matthew Matthew chapter 10 when Jesus was about to send disciples to invent territories and he told them something but when you begin to do this Kingdom business persecution is going to come they're gonna bring you before councils they're gonna bring you before authorities they say when you are standing before authorities do not premeditate what to say because in that power this spirit of your father shall speak for you when I use that scripture the Holy Spirit opened understanding she was ready for the Holy Ghost baptism he said this spirit of my father this spirit of my father it was the spirit of your father he would people speak glory hallelujah then I also saw that the back end of the whole reaction how that they the real present that ministers the Holy Ghost is Jesus not even me me I'm just trying to help your faith so that you can be in alignment Jesus brought the baptism and if you understand what I'm saying you don't need me Jesus can do it to you directly so I told her to go into the open Hall and she began to follow these steps and she got baptized in this me without me ministry Jonasson she went home and she prayed for four hours into yeah she she was initiated to become a Brea well why I just brought doctrine I just brought doctrine it is not because I'm a smart preacher that things happen to people what teaching and preaching does is to bring alignment in God is the one that brings the encounter all I did was to bring doctrine and those are the counselors that are needed they have a way of explaining the ways of God so that everyone can enter into his inheritance except the judges and the counselors are restored our reputation is not going to be helped now the second parent as the Lord brings poaching we also want to ask that he might restore the judges and restore what the concept is that clear all right so let me push further let me push further oh my god time is a problem okay God will help us let me take your for them maybe the book of first or interns up to 12 then you will see the we got moosh and you find out that the greatest investments that God will establish in the body of Christ is on the shoulders of men so the principle the emphasis of apostolic ministry is to raise men to raise men because when trouble comes demand a concern notice that when persecution came to the church in Jerusalem all the members were scattered only the Apostles the men stood back to hold the ground to hold the ground in intercession to hold the ground because this was where Jesus say with you you guys can go Jesus be to you directly he spoke to us and say wait for me in Jerusalem so in this men are the ones that defend the ground the province of God prospers because they are meant to defend the ground in the book of first corinthians beginning from verse let me check it out [Music] Giorgi son Carlos must be restored judges and counselors people that can cast out Devils but I think of God people that have an accreditation of God's name upon their lives people that have the capacity to wield the supernatural and to orchestrate a situation where cost glory will be made manifests that's when hats are brought back into repentance and if you find a place where people are not saved where people are not healed it's suspect whether there are no salvation experiences there are no healing experiences there are no deliverance experiences all we come to do is very very very very mint alized deliveries it's a departure from the picture in the book of acid opposes if you are paying a price to keep relationship with God that to still make it viable personality that can conduct his power there are many things you will take in too many precautions you will take to ensure that you still exercise you still what dissipate in that position or fever that makes God to manifest a supernatural to your life is most likely are you are you with me you are not with me the man that has a supernatural ministry he is more I mean you know these days we have for Supernatural that people have gone to the kingdom of darkness to contact that's not what I'm talking about I'm talking about genuine people with genuine supernatural ministries are more likely to be accurate than people with touch supernatural ministries because it takes our line names I know I've been here before and I came to minister and amen and there was something I said and Holy Spirit just left me I now said because I know him a little guys okay the men on the keyboard play somethin play somethin let me look for him and I began to beg thank him bacon bacon bacon baked people did not know that they when I met down on the poopie daddy it was not because I was Washington the reason why I met Dan was I was trying to make amends and when that amends was made he poured out his self upon my head again now people were celebrating miracles that took place but it was a great lesson that if you are going to be a compute five that is going to be passing he's going to be passing his supernatural power to [Music] they are deliberate decisions you have to make to retain that position of evil so a man that has the supernatural mystery is likely to be more accurate likely to be more up-to-date than one that does not have because anybody can talk anybody can talk nice and so people are naturally designed to talk what ministry is not talking ministries bringing the mind of God so that God through his mind can make an impact in the lives of men that will result in a transformation that you cannot do by any natural - it must all be through the concert of the grace of God I will restore judges like us at the fest and counselors like in the beginning in first Corinthians chapter 12 you will see how that God cannot do without men men lelou eeeh now there are diversities of gifts but the same spirit on the line gifts diversities of administration's but the same Lord on the line administration's diversities of operations but the same God which worketh all in all they have heard me say this before that there are three planes of course move God can't move through the bases the platform of a gift you can move to the platform of a ministry you can also move to the platform of an operation a gift is expressed in a ministry what an operation is expressed in a territory in [Music] let us see an operation Paul begins to speak about an operation from first scoring chances of the 12 s 28 and he says and God has said some in the church first apostles secondarily prophets thirdly teachers after that miracles then gifts of healing helps government's diversities of tongues [Music] now what an operation is about is that God causes different people to connect different platforms to connect an operation is beyond your individual ministry o master and profit is beyond your individual ministry apostle micro-opal but in an operation there is a major of ministries in major platforms in measure of colleagues to orchestrate a movement it takes a measure of colleagues of platforms of ministries in order for God to orchestrate a movement in a territory so but in this movement God will so set them such that there is an order because according to the local army even though there is swamp of locusts they don't break their hands there is an order of alignment there's an order of manifestation there is someone that got in that major that is someone that God was the authority on as they lead that of the coalition because there is nothing that God does that is without order so he say firstly so you can see that as a pattern there there's a pattern of of the major of a coalition to occasion a movement and from next year you are going to begin to see operations taking place in different nations because many callings offices will have to make a strategic nodal points to bring about movements for instance are you are you with me you might be generous on your own respect and maybe when we match you are not a leader I might be your leader here and maybe some matchings would take place at some levels and there is somebody that degrees for leadership is in that particular context keep your Genova society and align with the body that was found under via what Voltron was this Voltron many many sites will measure become one entity that's how an operation takes place and a combined impact of these people in that seamless you know manifestation of order that is galvanized by the holy spirit is such that makes an indelible in Mac on the territory now at the end of the day you know we have meat gift we have ministry but when it comes to oppression is powered by men the final analysis of the best things that God does he does by men you see he didn't mention dia give the safest they are possible men prophet men when when an oppression comes into view is not on the basis of gifts or the business of men alleluiah so the emphasis of the minister of the Apostles wash to raise men not Memphis and in the day in which we leave this the instinct Schanz who have to be put in place adequately not for us to make the kind of the impact that God wants us to make race me Brisbane and if it is true that your reason man you are gone you are going to receive a lot of a lot of insults require you already may not understand you you know and there are times that God so binds you to somebody and you feel responsible to ensure that you see the president through school you see the president through life you see the person through deston yes such that those there are levels of government that can even change the person's name because the guy we call Joshua to that I was not Jesus name it was Moses that called him Yeshua that's what they named his father mother gave [Music] now you are well done but that's not the name that is what I'm gonna miss is in discipleship Moses looked at him under the oxygen you are just one and we know you module for the name is for that gave him a spy attack because in raising men they take a part of you the part of your life a part of your spirit is bigoted to them it's not something that you can do Canali is not something you can do because you wanted name the botton in raising men would take away the glory away if you don't have a core to raise men like that you will quit so those apostles actually gave their lives to see that man erased and because it is very difficult it would take a cut of confidence to see that memories huh to take a heart of governor because one of the reasons why people don't invest in the reason of men is that they feel threatened that if men come maybe their own name will blot out will be blotted out if you know how big the harvest is you will know meanwhile I have peeps I've checked in heaven and I understand one of the one of the bases through which God is going to reward us tomorrow and one of them is the menu wrist so what I misunderstood or not my life will be spent in resume because when you leave the stage of his life the relevance you have after your manifestation is the people that have received your spirit the people that I've received your spirit it was a quiet invitation that you received but he became a try a little it means we're good steward of that blessing that you have received from the Lord are you with me well I hope I've not oh my god time Jesus all right the second emphasis hallelujah so we have seen that the first emphasis of the Apostolic model is that there was a commitment to raising men not members second emphasis of the Apostolic model first Timothy chapter four verse 13 to 16 they had a do-it-yourself approach now there is a way they preached there's a way they preached okay okay before we go too fast okay maybe maybe first Corinthians chapter 2 and then you will see some deliberate decisions that Paul had to take there were some deliberate decisions that's Paul had to make but in the book of first Timothy chapter 4 verse 13 to 6 you see my point clearly but I just want to begin from first Corinthians chapter 2 from this four there were deliberate decisions that Paul made he said my speech and my preaching was not with the enticing words of man's wisdom what in the demonstration of the Spirit and of power why because of you so that your faith you see the day the model Paul chose to be his own model was because of the impact you have on the people the reason why he chose that model he chose my speech my preaching not because I'm not good in eloquence but I did not make eloquence the foundation of what I was dispensing and the reason why I chose this model was so that your faith will not be anchored on the wisdom of man what on the part of God it means that are you here are you here he wanted the affair to be anchored on the part of God and so he made some deliberate decisions now the approach of the Apostolic is so create a perspective of the our teaching is is a do-it-yourself template is not a kind of teaching that you need the pastor to operate if it is true that you have received the apostolic message you can actually begin to practice it in your crucible in your cocoon in in your privacy and you get the results that is fixable it's a do-it-yourself approach I was in the service one day many years ago when a pastor who was trying to manipulate a congregation and he say make sure you don't travel you must be a part of this conference that so what you are doing now you need the pastor to be part of everything that you are doing but you will be surprised the motel that the Apostles had was different from the one we are doing now that is centered around a human being centered around his voice center around his method because God can call you to do something different from what your pastor is doing our commitment of cloning is not exactly what Coughlin is all right first corinthians chapter 4 first Timothy chapter 4 verse 13 you get what I'm talking about because first Timothy chapter 4 verse that in Paul wrote this to his son from prison so Paul was not even there on ground he said till i come give attendance to reading to exhortation to doctrine next verse he said neglect not the gift that is in D which was given D by prophecy with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery yes next was meditate on these things give thyself wholly to them that I profited may appear to all take heed unto thyself and unto the doctrine continuing them for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself and them that hear thee it is a do-it-yourself metal he said till I come it means it was not there these are the things that you're preoccupied give yourself to ready I hope you know it was reading that MIDI topia you knock to meet salvation he was just reading who has believed a reporter to whom is a model Lord reveal for he shall go up before him as a tender plant and as a root that has spring forth out of dry ground there is no form nor comeliness and when we shall see him there is no beauty that we should desire him for he was a man of sorrows acquainted with grief and we he does he wear offices for me we despise now that was what it was really and then Philip now came and joined himself to the chariot as I understand that's what thou readest there is see the Word of God is anointed is our ninth Advaita if a car already - you're hearing the anointing will wash your soul they say give yourself to read I've discovered a 70% of what we call Newsnight coruña virus coffee'd 90 that is a gospel of copied nineteen people are here in our feet are here in not is empty is this empty you feed fit through knowledge your feet Fiat Ramon fate comes fear comes a proof that you have fit is that you have believed enough to begin to speak and when you begin to feed yourself with the wrong knowledge you what will be speaking will be corona covet 19 corona covet 19 Corona Corona Corona everything that you say is Corona [Music] that's what you say but when you begin to give yourself to read you give yourself to the right influence the right information you you start becoming a kind of man a kind of man they kind of under circumstances that situations cannot move is they give yourself to read preoccupy yourself with doctrine is I know that AB Champions League is dis on now give yourself to doctoring these are instructions that that do-it-yourself method and if you begin to do it you begin to see I hope we receive all right my retina here whose numbers are on some of our platforms people get we get testimonies from the world world every day now I don't if you take time for me to put my phone and read out the testimony that just came where did that one come from he came from somewhere in the US because what we teach people take it in in in those places and they begin to practices and then God begins to encounter them is do-it-yourself you don't need to meet the preacher for the miracle to find expression if it's apostolic training apostolic teaching you are doing it is something that when you have preached it your life impact of the life by that you have received of crisis which is on that team she has the ability to become the instrument to which the Holy Spirit will first facilitate a transformation do it to yourself Do It Yourself what we see a strong a strong and model where leaders are want to be in the center of the lives of people [Music] hallelujah that was not what I saw in the minister of Jesus as we go on in the training you are gonna find out that the height of the apostolic ministry was to bring people into maturity enough to be able to release them into the attested and we see that in the book of Acts chapter 13 and it was an instruction that came from the Holy Ghost it means that we're praying and fasting when you pray I've got to be I please somebody professor as a separate poem Barnabas when when last were you in the meeting when the Hulagu said separate only separate my Krakow and release them it was the Holy Spirit I gave the instruction they have built themselves in corporate ranking to do a level where people could be released into their destiny do you see that tomorrow we pride ourselves today about our seating capacity they were the Apostolic Church prices serve about sending capacity sending capacity sending capacity please help me tell your neighbor you'll not be here forever if you overstay we'll package you and release you you will be packaged you'll be packaged and released so that you can find yourself some of you did my energy you have your spirit can take down Sudan what I used to do in Karratha okay the Lord leave it I will help you find your place because you know what there's no time for congregating again the world is coming to an end God is gonna fill the gap of his missionary manpower from his songs in Africa that's where the pendulum has come don't think we'll be running organized once in a while we'll do conferences but we are going to do that you are part of an action Oh from next year was that action action action if you intend to know who packaged you and release you to grant act somewhere one from from Nancy from Nancy because the pride of the apostolic ministry was the ability to say and they breed when they had prayed they laid their hands on them and and and let them go and then the next bus now say be sent by the Holy Ghost it was human beings that prayed for for them and release them under the next verse a the Holy Ghost has released one of the things the only ghost does is now he releases people but today you need half a government you need half a government you need you need the resources of heaven for you to be released angels and cherub games you need you need you need resources because you are likely to go with a curse and damnation on your descendants because the model that we are running is anti apostolic it cannot produce the results of the Bible so don't be too don't be too trouble that we are locked down we are really becoming non-essential because the model we have is a self-centered selfish model that doesn't raise anyone is an infantile order that that sentences people to a destiny of immaturity and they never get to find the day where they will have his sword and his shield and ride on horseback hallelujah so they how they do it yourself system so you you are given the Liberty to determine how fast you want to grow was it in the united kingdom one guy came and saw the curriculum and say ah can you rearrange this then I want to do it in two years I don't have time this is rearranged system rearrange it he finished in two years got a second class Appa the vision he missed the first class by 0.01 then started masters looked at the curriculum is in no I don't have time it was one years and we can we do this in six months is it possible this alright you can may the first class in his master's and then looked at the PSD said it was okay they say you can't do it faster than this he had not developed full beers before he became a PhD hood and at the end of the day he had to phd's in a time for one PhD [Music] you can determine how fast you want to grow in the house of God so the Apostolic system provides the resources for your spiritual growth you decide how fast you want to grow in fact before the guy finished finished the PhD he was already employed employed in the best place in that nation is ative with one of us and I told him don't go and get the job done forget you when it got the bid offer they gave you forgot my cancer and because he knows he forgot my cancer even though is my boyfriend's on Facebook he has not said hi for the past five years he has not said hi because he knows he he entered into the land and found that the land was good look back on didn't see I said come back Leslie Potter Beauty say if you have colleague if you if God sends you the lower level don't have flicked everybody with hallelujah so you determine our hero okay let me take let me instruct and come come with an interactive section so that people people this is you know this young man is grupo so yesterday somebody got your recording and sent to me I said who is this from from UK say who is this young man says my son oh no wonder now the point is how were you listening to the message because my spirits you have inherited it what did you do thank you sir for the opportunity I I came here in 2014 much when I do go to stop yes I got in you were given a charge the way of the father's we're talking about the father so I was thrown aback and when I went to I started on eight months fast and luckily I was at home at the time just got back from service before enrolling for masters so I had all the time I was listening to the messages for over eight hours every day for eight months 4:45 means he now said for eight months he was listening to messages for eight hours so you see this system provides for you to decide how long your master's degree we take how long your first degree we take and as he followed it that way he received inheritance we are not talking about the methods he received the very spirit that is responsible for the transmission Olivia yes okay and I was praying I came for we're having three hours prayers every day here locally when I got here it was week of prayer when donatus declared 14 days prayers so I that was when I came in so I joined the prayers for the first time I was stretching from morning to evening for like 14 days I have never done that before at the time so after I left the place I discovered that my prayer energy became higher so on my own at home I could three four five hours I could three four seven hours and everybody I spoke to literally began to cry I didn't know simple scriptures I knew at the time I will share them people started crying what is going on and then a hunger for fasting followed up and then I just that was when I realized it's not based on principles and laws alone there's an energy within I just wanted you to know that in an apostolic setting you determine how long your first degree will take how long your master to take you can say okay you want to do the master's in in in four months you want to do it in six months and then you press on and then you now inherit something that is spiritual and that inheritor that deposit becomes the reason for which your life will make an impact in your generation over and above what you studied in school what you experienced when you were growing up not the opposite becomes the capital that the driving force the fighter force of your possibilities we are going to pray the prayers are already spread out and the first is that go support his church every confidence that we have had as his people that is apart from him that God should bring us to a point where that our confidence is defeated and in times like these confidences are defeated defeated our our strategies are defeated the things that we trust in are defeated so that God can reign secondly we are asking that God should restore the Ministry of judges and counselors the Ministry of judges and consonance am listing out all the prayer points that we can freedom in one sweep the judges who have to be restored people that have clay court genuine supernatural ministry and the endorsement of God upon their lives who need to rise up so that the unbelief the mockery will be brought to an abrupt end want to ask for counselors people that God has given the law and they are skillful in the presentation of the law so that a man that is an in fact in the things of the Spirit by reason of the skill with which the law is common we understand the possibilities that are banned toward him in this economy of Greece where wheat we stand Alleluia finally we are also going to pray that God will bring about a connection between ministries platforms callings men from across the continents of the world to orchestrate operations that will facilitate movements within nations and within territories then we rise as we pray a protein has already begun the window is mild what is his sign that God has allowed it and a sign for people that are sons of the prophets is a valid mode of communication that gives us an opportunity to ponder to think and to repent our confidences have been in things other than our God our God was designed to be our fortress our defense our confidence our Shefford by whom we will not want everything is captured in our God and anytime we begin to develop confidence in the things in the works of our hands in the strategies by which we have implemented things then our salvation is lost and God allows an occasion to reveal the fully of our ways now we have been classified among the non-essentials it means something is wrong and all wise followers of Jesus at this time need to stand back and ask God for mercy can we plead with the God of heaven and say today we repent from every god that we have made a God in place of your majesty who repent as a people who repent as individuals who repent as nations the things that we have trusted in in the last decade in the body of Christ other than our God other than our king will repent we bring repentance before you and we ask for God even our strong tower show us mercy cause Oh father in these days of lockdown that your mercy will come upon us time we bring repentance to God concerning the body of Christ worldwide it by any means we have called anything our God other than our Rock even Jesus who repent of that idolatry who repent of that idolatry that confidence that we have given to mundane things that worship that we have given to money many other defenses that has kept us and we are fully built and fortified in this defenses and we only come to use the name of the Lord not because we are trusting in him we bring repentance can we bring repentance can we bring repentance for those of you online it's time to bring repentance concerning the body of Christ worldwide are you praying from Ghana are you praying from Benin Republic are you praying for United States of America are you praying from the United Kingdom are you praying from Holland [Music] bring repentance on behalf of the church then your nation bring repentance on behalf of the church in your nation any Idol that we have found our defense in be it moaning finances strategies opportunities we bring repentance and we ask for mercy Dabo see karma is a compress gavel Otto we bring repentance how that we have forsaken demonic of Zion and we have turned our faces to the influence that you have given us and that has become our fortress to the finances that has attended to our ministry our methods that are non apostolic and metals that have no precedence in Scripture our approach that is a departure from the emphasis we bring repentance will bring repentance for you are our God and our rock raise adjusts you know where is a perfect Ness we bring repentance because we have abandoned you we have abandoned the always we have decided to establish models that are convenient to us not a pattern that our ancestors a pioneer we'll bring repentance for the church in Nigeria for insensitivity for our disunity we'll bring repentance will bring repentance will bring repentance we'll bring repentance repentance Amina supriya tacos kinda Lucy Celica Medusa eco brass - ah Elba savant escape adoun Dahak Rasika mijita mande kappa resume nahele mollusc hombre codedna yolo brass keifa semina copy amanda laba who socket all wall socket Ameen Acharya Oh Samina Supriya Taba you commensal eh ah ha ha ba Baracus caprice cough alarm a press call a kendo combi lyusya alaikum and say show me the place of Prayer have been abandoned in possession is the coach of the past 18 of the bus bring us once again into your house of prayer that place of intimacy that place of connection where we take advantage of the economy of access and we become your house of prayer providing ethnic permission for every interference we'll bring repentance concerning the charts in Africa we have celebrated false prophets manipulators destiny manipulators Mindbenders we are celebrated for people and have this despised real motifs messengers of God probably because the seating capacity of the audience is not as big in our time a man is considered worthy to be listened to if the number of his congregation is something to reckon with our scale of measurement has been in error our strategy has been in error it's such an Africa patient pink pencil God la llevo Maria c-commands Ali [Music] you see Lapras Kabbalah Kabalah [Music] in I mean okay Bree Avila Hostgator abacus coming a plant-eater Sabah echoes le monde + keepo 7 a blonde ah ba ba ba am i equal seminal antalya celebrated false prophets but I've divined lives around in circles gorgeousness we can toss as a church in Africa we bring the printers in the name of Jesus now we also commerce charges nice car the beginning help so a young man [Music] reduce wicked turn away harsh Messiah and I yeah [Music] it is Africa's time of focus the such light of heaven is upon the continent of Africa and there are many streams of life that will have to flow from Africa first of all is the lioness a group of women that receive the bottom for intercession the reverse of intercession that will be poured over Africa will begin to mitigate against the causes and they said any covenants at idle and and darkness will begin to recede so the likeness is motion wrong and this is I know the African woman is subjugated is subdued his lip back is an afterthought but a lioness will be given a voice in the district and a lion a lioness where as we pray remember these streams I calmed them for the second stream that is gonna come is the rise of the apostolic company a group of young man caught up with the zeal of God fairness nothing can reproach them they will rise with so much power and the miracle ministry the apostolic company not the next train the Apostolic company will come there diverse in their manifestation there some of them that is parts in dr. II and they'll begin to bring down all the philosophies of positive thinking that has been built in the last 25 years that is the reason for the weakness in the house some imagined in intercession and as the begin to pour out their ministry many people will be afflicted with the spirit that they carry and that church is going to be poached Oh their voice will be poor gene equipments like the purifying of a furnace the Apostoli company then that extreme is the protocol of the evangelists if you have notice you will find out that their van telecom ministry is being downplayed because most evangelists find especially in churches now and apart from our great ancestors that stayed on the field of evangelism on to the end of their days it is no longer popular to see a scene evangelist there is a stirring in the spirit that is going to produce a product the Brotherhood of evangelists remember this land was conquered by power one Jellison and if I want to if we are going to the our heritage in power evangelism we have to restore in order for us to destroy the installations that have been rebuilt by darkness in the days of silence raised evangelists let the voice of men of conviction enterprising salesmen sell Jesus that they our voice be heard again alleluiah deadly we're gonna have the company of kingdom finances they put that God has given a vast financial estate Nadia boating will be to facilitate and fast-track the purposes of God upon the face of the earth and God will raise them India numbers you need to money pool it enough if you're if you are genuine so that you're not need to manipulate in order for you to get funded and people from nowhere with no name no family name whatsoever will rise up just because the God of heaven had decided to place his sovereign hand over their life that's dream that that company will also arise and then finally there's gonna be connection people with you will find your abilities before you connect with in the spirit because there is a divine purpose that binds you people together and this will be a crossbow irrespective of tribe of nationality of complexion in the black or white across ball it is in that day not the power of the cooperator to be fair top on the face of the earth and the gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all nations as a witness to all people before the end welcome can we begin to prophesy these dreams the lionesses of Africa situations and circumstances are frustrated you your voice has been locked down your self-esteem has been bruised I call you fault from the woods from the Midlands the lionesses of Africa Comfort in the name of Jesus women Oh prayer women of a brain witness everything has made you think why failure but there is a voice within you de can give life comfort all lionesses let the company of apostles pioneers in their own respects that God will unleash massively to begin to renovate the landscape towards the risen of a new generation that they are voice we heard that our force we had let there be no hindrance oh mercy no Toria Palatine instant Lak Marita see coma light Michael películas eita prayer just in case' listening to my voice somewhere in Europe the body no prayer has been coming upon your heart again and again and you don't understand it sister is the days the days of the lioness so there is a role that God was released to your vocal cord that will bring life and sickness delicious the investments of the kingdom of darkness arise a lioness is from Tomasi allies from Johannesburg our lives eyes eyes put on your suit God is about to give you advice is about to do the top 11 the rich challenges such that we're not breaking disparage prayer and you assign your shoes and things that you are afraid of I'm afraid of you do you practice they suck man Vangelis for sure man that we go from missile technician sickened Alice time is not on our side [Music] ichael silly or coded mmm a silica carry a brass key Toma Honda no sabes que la Canne de la mina suka Prescott and pure Jessica masala Bo catelleya cabeza Malakal para [Music] why about comes out of aboard Ock Milito rare Coachella Korea Babylon [Music] this was like a brochure from the kingdom while they ask that you begin to visit them she should up listen up listen up little be spotted ideas [Music] let famil begin to speak upon their lives and then emojis October 2nd Lily she come in Sicilia [Music] you rain on ha [Music] in our heart in online [Music] [Music] hi haha [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you Father thank you for thank you Father [Music] thank you Father thank you Father we bring this application before you tonight on the merit of the precious blood of Jesus Christ we ask that what ever you are doing on earth the operation of your unlimited favor cause us to be listed in the number course also be listed in what you are doing cost us to be listed in what you are doing the name of Jesus thank you Father Jesus name we pray the transmission will continue tomorrow by 3:00 p.m. Nigerian time so if you are somewhere outside Nigeria may wish to you know relevant equalization which eats to your own time zone a link up with us corner to the spirit of what is happening you wish to cast our friend right now so let the offering basket move round for those of most foreigners online you are already possessed of the requisite information that is necessary to enhance your full participation in this critical aspect of this service but if you are still in want of some information that we help alleviate some of your hiccup on the business of the on the basis of the complaint we have here you can listen to this information there are some individuals that are being having it having a hard time participating in the offering so if you are outside Nigeria you can use the application that is called boss boss revolution force revolution or what remit what remit boss resolution or what meat you can go to play store and download the application and you'll be graded on how to make full take full advantage of that application or in the alternative you may wish to reach Phillip on this on whatsapp via this contact zero eight zero 6050 eat it eat it you can reach Philip too Claire your conflicts what's up true is what's up platform which is number zero eight zero sixty fifty eight eight eight eight thank you less rise of Astri so so the information is on this play photos of you fooling through the audio platform all the informations are there on the chatroom the information is there you can access it and then for those of us following through the audio/video platform the information that you need is us displayed on this screen thank you s rise up I see brick come for thine is the kingdom and the glory forever if Eamonn [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Apostle Arome Osayi
Views: 7,739
Rating: 4.9327731 out of 5
Id: rokbMwCLyLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 10sec (10810 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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