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[Music] it is because of his message that we have not been consumed because his compassion fail it now this compassion is like the rain doesn't rain we worship you O God we start our journey with you on a note of reference acknowledging the greatness of thy path the Covenant that is in your law the power that is in your grace the capacity that is in your long suffering glory be to the name of the Lord our God [Music] the glory [Music] because of the great victory that you will establish tomorrow it doesn't matter what men have done it doesn't matter what strategies they are running with you the grand manipulator who cost them to exact the enemy energy to accomplish what we'll all typically become your intention no one can fight you no one can battle with you for if the princess of this world had known they wouldn't have crucified their lover of glory thank you Father in Jesus mighty name you may be seated we began to talk about prayer the emptiness that was found in the visible creation after the rebellion of man so many technocrats so many wise people trying to formulate a form of existence to consolidate the fallen state of humankind and he doesn't matter how much they tried to sell that fallen lifestyle by building systems to sustain it the emptiness therein was so loud and he came to pass in Genesis chapter 4 that men found they stumbled upon the possibility and they decided to explore that possibility and that's calling upon the name of the law and that began during the time of Ennis the son of said if people had risen upon the face of the earth an exodus was taking place a migration in such of what humankind had lost then men began to call upon the name of the Lord by the time we get to the book of Genesis chapter 6 Noah one of the chief intercessors of those days stumbled upon a discovery he found grace Alleluia by the time we go to Genesis chapter 8 that's where we're gonna start food because it's supposed to be a panoramic view of the entire book of Genesis and then we'll see how men began to discover things in the spirit and that began to form the basis and a platform of the spiritual heritage that formed the nation of Israel are you then Genesis chapter 8 will begin from verse 20 Genesis 8 from verse 20 this Noah that found grace in the sight of God now made another discovery he was the first man that initiated what we call priesthood he discovered the science of the possibility of the interface between the natural and the supernatural and he decided to consolidate upon the discoveries that he had made and in the book of Genesis chapter 8 from his 20 the Bible says and Noah builded and hold on to the law this is the first altar that was ever raised in human history that was raised unto the Lord prior to this time they were all translates to demons to devils to spirits to fallen angels to spirits in the forest to spirits on the mountain but this order was not raised on tomorrow it was not raised on to Chicago it was raised on to the law now you still with me not the woman's oh my we don't have time because you would think it is easy for you to raise an order on to the law there were many people that took off like a tuna do it with me they went only drive fast and they said they wanted to encounter calm at the end of the period are you fast they ended up in the psychiatric hospital it was obvious that they encountered something but not God meanwhile there is an otter and in their mind it was on to the law but what visited them took them to psychiatric hospital and we had to go to pray for them for their mind to come back there sue to be secured you may not know about this man went into a grievious a deep research before he came up with the technology on how to raise a note that hamato ha do not claim that Oh goo goo we not clip and note that when he begins to sacrifice upon it it is the blood frequency that he will contact Noah that was a result of the grace he found he became a researcher into spiritual things and he was able to raise the Bible says and took of every clean beast and every clean offerings on the old now no one would me it was in the book of Exodus that Moses by inspiration of the law was able to do some form of categorization and classification and some animals were classified to be unclean some animals were classified to be clean the nomenclature of clean and unclean animals was not yet out but how did this man know which creature was clean and meanwhile for information what the Bible means by clean creature is a creature that retained his manual is operational manual after the fall there were several creatures that were totally experienced in mutation they lost the original Manoir the way the way ordained by God to function they lost it after the fall because then the fall affected the very principle of the physical wall the affected alleluiah every other insect has a culture the culture of drawing nectar from flowers and that's why insects are useful in cross pollination Allen Louie but when the fall of man came mosquito mosquito forgot that it is his food this inside of flowers he starts taking blood that's the sign of the fact that he had lost the manual so everything went out of course the Bible say they no not need aware they understand they walk on in darkness and all the foundations of the earth out of course that was the resort of the fall of man it affected the fabric the very fabric and foundation of the physical wall this man I don't know by what wisdom he was able to understand that there were some creatures that they thought did not affect it's just like God is good that God is good okay what is good is not here Nyonya mass transit that were the college or Nyonya masters the boss that new manga uses is an eighteen seat opposed Russell so you have two people sitting in the front and sixteen people in the rest of the vehicle god forbid what imagine that there was an accident eighteen sit apples with one driver and the accident was costly three people died instantly alright for others their bones were broken and if you raise them up the leg will move in in ways that if the bone was still in order that leg cannot sustain that much I would me imagine also that in the same boss there were three people that came out without a scratch that's how the fall was the impact of the fall was different for each creature just like the impact of the accident was different for each person that was in the vehicle if song came up no scratch you can't even trace anything you run a test that you see that they are clean that's the ideology of the clean and the what and the unclean creatures and the Bible says that Noah took of the clean creatures and it offered a point sacrifice unto God he means this man has been conducting some research before the list of clean creatures came out he had already talked into it in the frequency of the Spirit because he found grease I pray that your Christian life your adventure in the spirit will download something that generations after you would still refer to in order for them to connect with some frequencies in God [Music] he offered don't office not on to our medulla this is the first time in the Bible that the Bible recorded that a man at first an initiative of prayer and heaven responded prior to this time people prayed but whenever told that heaven the frustration of lack of answers to prayer was what invaded what what characterized the field of this new endeavor the endeavor prayer that humankind had stumbled upon but in the days of Noah because of the grace that he found he was able to discover how to raise an altar unto God and when he raised an altar unto God with all the attendant revelations that accompanied the kind of sacrifices that he made unto God he was able to secure a feedback but I want you to see the kind of feedback he secured I know I built it an altar unto the Lord and took of every clean beast and of every clean fire and offered burnt offerings on the altar next verse and the Lord smelled his sweet Savva and the Lord said in his heart I will not again curse the ground any more for man's sake for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth neither will I again smite any more every living thing as I have done that's when the next verse now comes as long as the earth remains seedtime and harvest and cold and heat and summer and winter and day and night shall now see he got a feedback from God you know there was something about his feedback the feedback was not in a proclamation that God made the feedback was in in an orange that was made in the heart of God was a quiet feedback that means that if you don't know how to end time to God's heart you cannot get this feedback the reason why it is in the Bible is because Noah was able to discover the technology of how to end archives their archives of course heart and he was able to extract what was the water response of his initiative of prayer to the Almighty Noah was an icon he was the fest of humankind to instruct response from God if no man of sufficient stature arises in your family to instruct an answer from the heart of God as concerning the destiny of that family the patterns that are there will be sustained it means that you have not yet found how to exert force in the spirit and how to move the hand of God if you stay with me see I know you're sad you are very sad now that oh I have not discovered in it in the spirit Noah it was upon the discovery of grace that he was able to build this kind of technology today I want to talk about the way of the altar whereas listen miss y'know you stay with area still whereas it was Noah that discovered the technology of how to erect an altar and the discovery is no us just like in science all right you might find several principles separate theories that are already propounded and then when you come to the science class that teach you they already existing principles and theories and then they establish sometimes they give my political ways of verifying the efficacy of the principles and then when you are supposed to do your project you use the principles you were taught in order to see how you can solve a problem Ian climb an application of all the things that you have learnt all right that's what we did in school so Noah made this discovery but it was in the life of Abraham that the principle of the all-time was maximized now so I want you to see that this even this they say progression our UI with me that's a progression the first the ticker point was that man began to call upon the name of the Lord that never happened before and when they began to call upon the name of the Lord we were not told God answered until a man came his name was what Noah and then among the people calling upon the name of the Lord he found grace when he found grace the result of the grace he found was the technology of all paths that he discovered that way and then another researcher comes to cut a slit this researcher his name is Katia bruh ham it takes advantage of existing principles that were propounded and discovered by previously felicitous before his time and what was obviously obvious and most recent discovery in the spirit was the technology and the discovery of all tests so the life of Abraham was a life of the tent the altar everywhere he went I wish we had to walk this time Genesis chapter 12 quickly quickly and before you know it in the entire scope of the middle-east Bullen heights everywhere in the middle is the man had he tapped a place with water but but stay with me he maximized the principal but the last three such a hot discovered how you tend to work of Genesis chapter 2 now the Lord had said unto Abram get thee out of thy country and from thy kindred and from thy father's house unto a land that I will shew thee next month and I will make of thee a great nation and I will bless thee and make thy name great and thou shalt be a blessing I will bless them that bless thee I will curse him that curseth thee and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed so Abraham departed as the Lord has spoken unto him and lot went with him and Abram was seventy and five years old when he departed out of Abram took Sarai his wife and lot his brother's son and all the substance that they had gathered and the souls that they had gotten in Haran and they went forth to go into the land of Canaan and into the land of Canaan they came many times they try to go to Canaan distorts away many times they took off to go to Canaan distorting her many times but this time this time around when Abraham was the one that was in charge of the navigation party they they intended to go to Canaan and they arrived at glory to then when they arrived in Kenna Bible scenes and Abram passed through the land into the place of Sikkim this is spiritual map you don't have time for this now and into the plains of Mora and then there's a commentary there's a commentary a quiet commentary that is given here which is going to be necessary in a few verses from now and the Kenan I was damn II the laugh he was mapping the Canaanites were dead they didn't know that what he was doing was mapping when he moved to two more a he was mapping the territory and the Bible gave him quiet commentary what it is a antique in the night they were they in the land but they never knew the Canaanites never knew that the true inherit of the true head of the entire expanse of that land had come the Canaanites never knew that the cup of the iniquity was already filled Alleluia it is because of the cup of my iniquity that was almost it was not filled up yet was almost going to be filled up that the head from God was sent into the territory it was after Abraham came that he a clock began to tick and according to that clock it would take 400 years from the time that Abraham came into the land of Canaan for the iniquity of the Amorites to be food and if that happens it will be the land itself that we eject the ammonites and that's why the Bible said that God not the land by their by their soul it was not because of military might there was a spiritual thing that was at work so everyone knew that if he fought then they they the Canaanites the time he came he will not win because at that time that was not yet food this may not protect with the kind of wisdom I am a seeker it's okay are you there please if you can give us the scripture again and yep and the Lord appeared unto Abram and said how did I seed will I give this land so it means heaven unregistered that he had enter so the clock in heaven began to count from this day that Abraham entered so 400 years in the which period Israel was going to be incubated in the land of Egypt because at that time was only the land of Egypt to have the resources to sustain such a people so they are going into Egypt was calculated by God as a time that will fill the window of 400 years where in the cup of the iniquity of the hammerites would be food and in those days there will be nourished from the resources in the land of Egypt because that was the only nation that had the resources to sustain so he began to come from this day and the Lord appeared unto Abram and said unto thy seed will I give this land and then what day he did what he builded an altar unto the Lord who appear - I hope you know by this time he was building this order I didn't know the name of the God that he builded I need to take you through to have orta's before it was a generation attack him that gave the God of that total name it was in the days of Isaac so with such as continued my question to us today is what have you found so that when your son runs to you at age of 12 the age of 18 in the days of my navigation this I found this I found that on the strength of this and that do not do this so that your children can become the seed of the wise I've made up my mind long time ago that I would not leave him until I get a job in xeni bank and look for a pair of suits you appeared on Monday you feel vouchers regulate and collate cash inflow you balance the amount in your computer before you close and go back home and tomorrow yeah now will be blue suit on the same desk if that's the meaning of your life it means you know your job like you don't know your walk because whereas the Canaanites were in the land this man was doing mappy and what he was doing was deeper the meaning of what was there was deeper than just the natural mundane state of existence I will not be like me to say he lived and died and his only achievement was that he produced sons and daughters without heritage without any spirituality to bequeath today should I tell you the timing himself cannot bring delivered wise men have changed time they have manipulated time and have established things that will speak as long as it remains he builded an altar the Bible says unto the God that appeared to him this was a nice touch hope you know I used to me know I was the one that invented all tastico he picked it from them and now God has as much as appeared unto Him he picked lowers discovered an order and you see he he before this time God did not appear to him what made him leave his father's nation what made him ask to be released from his father's house was the voice of the Lord I was locked in his head he could not even understand that voice but he eventually set out at the age of seventy to be the instruction that he had heard that for his brain and when heaven saw that he was mobile he was moving migrating towards the place where God had set for him an inheritance God now appeared to him and when the Lord appeared to him what did he do first if I check your life I would see many revelations that you had many encounters many things that God has said to you but you didn't raise any water along the line of those and contacts to trap those encounters and to make it your own many of you have lost things you have missed out of things most of what you see that is responsible for what becomes a great man in God was an encounter that ánotá was raised around in the first instance when the teens came there were feeble they were faint there were weak things but when the altars were built around them many years later they began to gain strength and capacity and ship and structure but they came in a most feeble way there are two key muscle and structure to that which came just like a dream and to make it a concrete reality you may need to be it was at the age of 13 that I knew that was gonna preach the gospel but even in the encounters I had my huckster question I asked in jest this question ala new because I was a previous Tamara and I said why will God want is Tamara to preach for you how much can I do to the enterprise of the gospel without the ability to communicate effectively those were my words when I was 13 years and in the RAM where I was asking this human question they could not understand why I was so ignorant in that room in fact one of the angels you know I found out experientially that angels are very difficult to appease because of the question I asked this crew the angel was written which I have now understood that he was like the outline of my destiny if I was a little bit more patient maybe I would have gotten the entire thing he was trying to read but I punctuated him with my question and the scroll from wayne's he read he he rolled it and struck my tone that was how the encounters to fight I found myself in the room again you know I built an altar around that account so that moment are you with me I hope you know eternity doesn't have time eternity is timeless is the realm of a perpetual continuum is the realm of an eternal now Alleluia is a Ramo of Perpetual presence he would be oh you are not with me now so when you have an encounter from that lamb that is timeless if you have the technology of trapping that encounter and you build an altar around the encounter what you have done is that that moment in eternity you'd me that moment in eternity from whence God secured the window to reach out to you that moment can live in your life forever because you trapped it around an order so when God comes with dreams and concert visions and encounters he is not in the entertainment business he's hoping his hoping sincerely hoping that is a wise man in the head that who understand that this is the language of them what us they speak with pictures they speak with signs and symbols and if you trap and all around it you can make those weak rooms of the spirit make the cut part of your existence structures will be built around it and it will live forever [Music] Alleluia somebody was describing his encounter with God with me and after describing it he said the things were so weak division he was not sure about it but this is what he saw then I told him brother an encounter with God is never Clara than what you saw it is always something that if you come into your physics mind you can doubt that not even if you subscribe to the chemistry you length that everything must be by molecules by protons by neutrons and electrons if you come into that mode the encounter never exists but wise men that understand the language of the spirit what they do is that they build a node when I discovered at the age of 13 I was going to preach the gospel then my challenge was how will I talk amiss the encounter didn't die it left an impression may the Lord his weak ways of wooing humankind may become strong enough for you to build a note on to the god that appeared unto you the identity of the personality the spirit that met him was not really known but yet as weak the encounter was what did he do he be Lord if you never be Claire by contact me to be clear by altar and that's why in the life of Abraham all tax were permanent and tents were temporary because the Bible says he pitched his tent and then he did what he built an order his living was living by altars that's what life was forever ahem you got a posting from Lee goes from Makati to Legos and then you never knew that if you arrived in new territory the first thing you do is to pitch your tent look pay rent pay house rent pitch your tent and then when you have pitched your tent you build a lot tents with temporary all tasks permanent and when Abraham moves from a place to another place he takes his tent along but you know he can take the order that oughta becomes a foundation if I had time out I shown you the navigation of Abraham and that all through the land of Canaan and meet up with us today you with me in the middle east there may be somebody Barry Malek thinking he wants to fight against God one might be very abrupt - Salam but he doesn't know that our ancestor Abraham before his ancestors were born there was a navigator that leaked at all transport to the territory the cannoli Robair because God give them permission God has consistent he has sufficient evidence in those territories for him to invade and indeed in our lifetime he will invade something will be struck at the very heart of Islam Reviva was in our lifetime not because we pray too much but because they are territor easily tired with the efforts of our ancestors and my prayer tonight is the deliver of our hero's pass shall never be they when you find man like in the Xhosa what they did the areal ministry was not the churches they establish you will never know them onto you trees the hotel I went to a Christian state the moment we drove from on those state into a cassette I saw people on the mountains and then when I asked them why what are these people doing here is it most of the Liberals of the great prophet I o bobl Allah we're done on Maltese whereas men dwell in the valleys his range mortality appeared the had superior understanding he spent most of his life where on high ground I don't have time to talk this evening the body needs too much you take the touches that came out of the initiatives what what they did know the measure of a man's life and they all personally tired that tell the story of his journey because your life in the spirit is the story that God is telling from heaven any time you move into the flesh the story ends and maybe you you revive the story attacked four months of flesh even the angels that are describes they become confused at your level of conviction men like horses we are living epistles it means that the story that God is telling to us is a very cogent progression of spirit life because of our walk with God doesn't matter what the story of Makati is if wisemen Hanley that across the land a day will come when what they did on the author can t turn it off now meanwhile the Canaanites when the land they did not know that he navigator had God this altar that Abraham built which was a first author in his and devil was the author of consecration what you were saying on this author was to my beautiful days you have been disturbing me to follow you I resisted but now I have decided to serve your will I am taking a risk to follow you help my unbelief that's what you were saying on that order because he had not even known the Lord enough to give him a name many believers never get to the point of consecration and this consecration was occasioned by an appearance of God oh my god I don't have time I don't have time today to take us to the book of Esther and show us the practice of the border the author has a practice he has a practice he hasn't practice it was when the orcas were developed the prayers that were prayed I received a feedback from heaven so we cannot describe an order except to talk about the spiritual traffic that leads to heaven and that receives from heaven and the name of that kind of arrangement is what we call fellowship within the context of New Testament provisions it's time now that will not allow it take us to fester and show us the practice of fellowship that's when you move from Makati to Legos you are going to encounter principalities that are different from the types that are pretty I remember I went to Delta State and I was still not in spirit from one lady and the demon began to speak from her yes you see in my own in my own estimation what she was saying was that we know the level of all the people here you are not from here we don't know you here you will be ignorant to think that what you did in Makati we will follow you to death [Music] I went to preach him beneath and when we with it was in a stadium I was in a study and I cried to God and people began to manifest that is the manifestation was as if somebody put fire on light the host atom then we finished in fact the team was so strong that secretary who had to take me away from the the crusade then the VC of university of Bini gave me an accommodation in the night I came out of my room and demos that is demos where everyone in fact let me tell the truth I was afraid just in case you would think that I went what I saw that all the demos we cast out where was it for me I don't think that what you did in Makati we follow you to beanie no in brainy you need to teach there your tent and then you need to be to the fresh water here is was the author of consecration oh my god my time is up second author here is is in the book of arrays one in verse seven raise the other author in verse eight [Music] I didn't pass it and he removed from thence onto a mountain on the east of metal and pitched his tent having Bethel on the west and AI on the east and there he built builded an altar unto the Lord and called upon the name of you see at first I didn't know the name but he called upon the name of the law the first author he built was he built it on to the God that appeared unto Him because he was from a family of a priest so spirits usually interpret it was common so the first author I built there was a lot of ignorance that was attached to it but was an author nonetheless when you moved from there in his dealings on this altar he had gotten some more insight so if you see the way he set up the second order they called the whole living all alone there was a personal dimension of his relationship with God that we could see around the second out [Music] Allen we are you know that they are an ultra is not an author if there's no sacrifice and what we bring on this sacrifice what will bring on the altar that makes it potent is your life your wheel that is been surrendered everything everything is your week you would have had the you have ideas to do things the way you want to do it but because you are in the relationship with God that has begun with consecration it means you don't have the right anymore to subscribe to life according to the width of your will but according to that which is of God it is that sacrifice of allowing God's will to override yours that's what the Immortals value because you cannot say you are traffic and doing business with with the realm of immortality they don't need a car they don't need money ah what sacrifice moves them and they all walk with God don't think you would go far if you are not willing to sacrifice pray I will eat your table and by the time you finish you you have you started prayer by 12 years and you move it you continue to 70 years 22 years you will find out that you miss something you miss clapping you miss Parton you miss every all those things that were happening around the course we're not part of your life because you have sacrificed all that to allow the will of God to find expression you need the age to master God you need time to master go you know the other day I said that you may not master the ways of God any less than 10 years and I said that in the authority of great men great men that started before us all right I found that in watch Manny's book that's the first time I found that 10-year principle IP they also told us that if a man is fake leave him in ten days time you know it also told us that directly all right and then now it is popular so I preached it here and I said you will need a consistent what we got for about ten years for you to say I know God I need to be true so when I said that they wrote it on Facebook you know powerpoints and then a young believer that doesn't know how many authors have raised in my navigation now commented was it somebody posted at him right so the person has said good can tell your pastor that he has not been reduced by [Music] you got married to your wife you to take you your lifetime to know your wife the one that you sleep with wake up with you talk you jeez you travel with you to take a dimension we appear one day a dimension when the dimension appears don't be angry just beaucoup your seat there's and then intelidox cool [Music] a friend of mine called me he's a pastor he's married for 18 years accordin said he's single yes he's a single he had been single his only mirror says married him he knows his what when you hear me talk like that is a dimension a human being living with you dimensions appear and then you need to begin to learn again you increase the capacity of your heart to accommodate then you want to master a spirit just because you came for a crusade and you say Jesus have mercy on me then you just you know when people that have not had experience with God begin to teach the Bible what you teach is a lie don't hear the gospel from Amanda has no scars Paul says henceforth let no man trouble me because I fear why he spoke the authority from when's his book was from his class I bear in my body I bear what the marks of Christ in my navigation I had marks and is the authority that I have to insist that demons cannot trouble me not an ism more cannot come a manipulate my destiny because I have marks and this max are not my match the ax marks i acquire in my adventure as an awl Tomas [Music] friends though they didn't tell you please have me tell you a pop in this Johnny ba you we hear it max please a Peter I know that told you I know that Tony is no longer you that leaves is Christ under you are a new creation old things have passed away and behold all things are become new a new species you are Superman before the glory of God dwells in your tabernacle that's dust elektra talking when you begin to build altars then you will talk the one I'm saying tell your neighbor you will get max in the process because the entire ideology of an all-time sacrifice [Music] oh my god I don't have time okay jump to Genesis chapter 13 verse 4 you see an adult I want to give you an assignment go through the book of Genesis started life for Moses and give names to all the authors the first author was the altar of consecration all of us Alleluia you know salvation met your need that's why didn't meet girls need a lot of other so God's plan cannot be sufficient [Music] because you can give your life to Christ and decide to be are not reasonable crystal it is only reasonable Christians that decide to go the way of consecration because in consecration your will is sold out we are no longer living you will live in his way then you become a prophet to the kingdom of God it is when you submit to become a functional in God's kingdom Chabad problem from fits from your life meanwhile in salvation you profited from God Sara people are safe today but they have not allowed God to be the one that caused the shots in their life your life you are a consumer part of the consumer inertia and I found that my efforts in ministry will not be spent at raising consumers yes because in the fullness of time I will have no reward oh my god because if you are going to preach kingdom you yourself must be an example of a man that is following God in the wilderness you cannot be thick and preach the kingdom because every bit of it requires that's that you die to your will you die to your ways you die to your wisdom and in the New Testament is deeper all of us who have to bear your cross just like Jesus bodies and you know when you are carrying a cross it means you are on that death sentence is that true and then I saw this okay you are sentenced so that they are moving you to whether we do firing squad then Serena say how soon that is you in what we do buy when you buy see you can't decide what the world is offering if we did you are carrying what cross oh you know the trucks of this age will not be reasonable to a man that his work OSHA advocating there's a death sentence Macario cross then the woman comes naked you can look at it have you ever visited a Aleppo roof when no man is a powder and then you bring less as a abruptness I brought China list this is China the type of way are you talking about I just got it now go when you go deeper you need so if you are locked on Chelsea man you and you say God to you you don't know it is stealing your man-hours your mana was that you just spent around the author is telling it but it doesn't matter though somebody's not the scene it's not in the Bible when you begin to carry this cross in navigation man you read you don't need a preacher no you don't need a preacher yes when the protocol of death begins to find expression in your life so that you can really be a sanctuary a [Music] new creation you won't need a preacher to preach to you those are the days when you hear voice behind you say this is the way walking in this is a way and in those days every man will have knowledge and understanding of God where he loved consciousness and somebody was making an observation during the PFA crusade when you raise a prayer point we as a body as a fellowship body the Pentecostal body we have no fire completely what we are telling people we be seen because they proof of our ministries the people we have raised and you cannot raise a follower of the cross if you don't carry one [Music] I don't have time are you there I decided to take the easy part so that he escaped process and he went down to Egypt it was not God that led him in Egypt he was in backslidden mood Alleluia went to look for greener pasture that was where the Principality looked upon his wife may you not give Satan location the wife we never had about Sarah again since that time when her name was taken in the rock or the Johnny on the Abraham veered off into the land of vision and then Sarah became a if you are not in the will of God your may not be Sarah even your your can be the reason for the trouble what they must be true we've had off he wanted to live large I have been navigating in the backsides for too long ahead days there is water bed there's a side that can go on spread myself on that is song I say hallelujah Ibanez hey Rev Osama hiya Kawasaki when he went they didn't know he was locking into the territory of a principality he was about to meet another fellow who was not subject to God and the kingdom was built by his wisdom he almost lost it and when he came out of Egypt and he came out because God rescued him God led him back to the place of the altar which he had made at the face it is his consecration that God pointed him to when he came back from his box leading a spirit do you realize anywhere you veer off from if you veer off any class in the spirit you veer off from you don't understand they did show me that God has called us to to walk in if you come back does a class that we are with you the teachers in those classes are patient they are patient to readmit as college students you see why I say you need time with God he take it takes age for you to master the will crease you'll be admitted back to the class that you were attending do not took off like a doughnut that will keep your seat and your name will be on it maybe you come back up at age 70 that was a weirdo we are seeing a primary tumor and unfortunately is only more pass than need time and just don't god does not please every televoting with you time there were many things I put into consideration before okay okay this what I did I took my Bible [Music] that's mm mm no 1999 put my Bible here and those were the days I discovered what you money of all the books I read and I read wide range of logical masterpieces I read intelligent presentations I discovered all those intelligent presentations the people did not know God for this book bountifully about God oh there was some of those books we see English some of them were scholars in English you could no no no you can't present the alley I saw the place of wars in describing God it was deeper than paintings but I found out most of those who didn't know Jehovah but when I read what monies book I discovered this man [Music] so I cleared my tip of all the other literature and only what money was there for 15 years I bought any book of his I could find because I saw the voice of a man that was speaking from vast experience in his walk would go then I knew that there was a difference between a preacher and a man of God and I decided I wanted to be a man a book but you see written across the part of a man of God come back verse 13 they admitted him back to the place he busted I'll finally before I leave go to verse 18 of Genesis 13 [Music] through his navigate this was way discovered an airport his memory we can't talk about memory today is too deep is an airport [Music] it's an obvious pata the spirit realm cannot come out of the physical memory he built an altar there it was the author he built there the mid it possible for him to notice when the Lord was passing by in the company of two engine if he had no all-time memory his encounters will have not continued some of you the GoPro T to memory he was expecting that you will beat set up a note this was what secure the out the encounters that Abraham had he pitched an order in man I won't talk about memory I won't talk not now maybe next month finally finally I want you to see that Isaac also to conduct not culture and you begin to see the story of Isaac from Genesis chapter 26 [Music] as I Randall I did ah give me 26 verse 25 quickly yeah 26:25 and he builded another today that means the altar technology has entered another generation and there he called upon the name of the Lord and pitch his tent is Isaac oh and they Isaac savin's dig the well they were looking for provision because if you have water in the desert you are quite a favored man those days when did those days there was nothing like geological surveys and sis mech analysis there was nothing like sounding in those days it would take an act of God for you to find water in the wilderness how did he find water he pitched a tent he built his altar after building his daughter to know the wisdom he got there he found where to dig away will you will you stop all the destruction and forget about what we notice we Buddha promised to help you and build a road yes it was in the place of prayer on the 28th of October 2002 in the city of Cologne I will never forget 2002 28th of October because I picked I picked it was 12 midnight and I had an encounter that lasted for three hours it was in that encounter I saw a prophetic scream for the first time in my life a scream that was playing images of the future and in that screen I saw my body the reason why I'm here today was because I saw my Cody in 2002 in that screen it was women had that encounter with that would I was seen that screen and I was asking questions and all of that we lasted for from 12:00 midnight to 3:00 a.m. it was in that encounter that God spoke to me about my wife you know it's more than 10 years now so I can testify I have been helped [Music] and I'm not exaggerating I'm a very strong woman very exceptional is trouble man Alleluia there are many adjustments I made in my life because of our simplicity the rocket dimension I have been helped when you go in search of a damn self you know these days sisters change when they change has time I saw a sister last month when I saw Hana I said what's your name ah oh I didn't know it was the hair now becoming my simonia Campbell I'm becoming a solid [Music] may the Lord open your God did not call you to marry miss Delta please miss dead-ass it it was at the old time all that I was raised that God showed me the future and he also showed me damn self may you wake up one for stews and begin to be wretched stop chasing me stay there long enough illumination we come from it if not we roll the Rattray's all through your life it was here this this and bridge across river Bentley there was when I came to Squire onto my own I said we have resumed everything the man who gave me 409 I used 300 naira to go to a butcher he gave me what so I was better off before I travel if I had kept the phone that narrow it would have been in my pocket but because I military trouble and then allow me 300 back Hamas will have none I was on the bridge when I found that till I graduate I will cross that bridge in search of anybody again and I went to campus and I did not I know what I didn't cross that bridge my father had died these were the people that said all they were going to train us and my father trained it my father married my mother when he was already old because he used his life to train those with my dad was like 15 years older than my mom in my dad's board age my mom was still very beautiful all of them turn their backs me people told you back on you so that you can build the whole time I know use it that's an American image you know where a man hey that's America America I understand what you mean if [Music] do you know do you know that few years later I build Yamamoto's children's to because water heater Genesis that the 25 shows us that salt can be the secret I thank to you disease good these rewards your job this is [Music] it will come to pass that we see that most was kind of vest or delivers you can put it in the company he wanted that water can grow to maturity it will not only sustain to sustain generations finally before 6:00 sorry I will try to sit down minute I would what is moving enough Genesis 33 plus 20s around Genisys take us to it many will do this teaching in more detail subsequent and he directed still see Isaac director ánotá I wanted accorded about in this time of happiness this added technology you know by authors is a terrible honestly so that we could trap the Heritage's what did he call this one L know he what have you limited the ability before I don't even a little name for behave you be able also someone these five years fountain to the spirit and the only way you will notice that in the found is an activity name so that when reached a snippet he'll know he is you know we got a counselor out that I Abraham judicata ought to be good at ability or the son it's also written an advanced program more plans and one is for operating and you see these improvements he is the god of the house of Israel weightless blessing you do in their house of equity that you get you must locate they have no team that is supposed to regulate that house so that I shall be said this is the we disagrees for the board of the House of Refuge you'll need it's many employees generations influenced territories and young man's identity module is today that having those lines [Music] there is tense thanks dr. Berman the bills often not even if they move those waters are there two generations later Abraham's grandson was running for both he thought he was running by says individual award was determining wave was running to gossip the magnetic effect of an altar 3:33 was what was at work grunting when he went to sleep Bacchus is in store for pillow I know you not that we didn't know he was being controlled why he thought he was he was using the grief of Jesus that in Latin PS the dream of engineering that in Latin Union he talked outdoors what was helping him productivity he took store for people not knowing that disclosing to web tactics of the Lord his grandpa when he slept on it to the diet when his spiritual senses were bloated up is viscosity [Music] the magnetic effect of an augmentation and so the retail in a way that is magnetic effect the sumata whether enjoy the army and it was for so much appetite the last trend wheels they all time we were getting back [Music] today I challenge you to be an inventor and they all will take you to deep places in the spirit unchartered territory in the spirit and you will be in my niche and wisdom and you will also give [Music] this way lived and died on the hostel the orcas were Testament the cave and equivalence of the sport has never late stages and Nations [Music] buuuut that's my list we seek a man on services that will arrive to the tribes so that when his face and local in the agenda learn fast and I said platform for the life of that intercessor to draw to bring about justice judgment that is grieves might be me knowledge to make a discovery because God in this day have decided to make himself available if only you can build an altar undoing code you will trap it'll ability to become a lifestyle which will grow to a comic culture need to be completely a nation [Music]
Channel: Apostle Arome Osayi
Views: 94,569
Rating: 4.8743591 out of 5
Keywords: Apostle, Arome, Osayi, Texas, New york, London, Gerrmany, Aberdeen, Amsterdam, Washington Dc, Bible, Preacher, RCN, Donald Trump, Benny Hinn, Pastor Chris, Oyakhilome, Grace, Holyspirit, Uk, USA, Saviour, Christ, Kingdom, Game Of Thrones, Christiano Ronaldo, New Mexico, Lionel Messi, Scandivania, Salvation, God, Canada, California, apostle arome osayi 2019, arome osayi, apostle arome osayi, Paul washer 2019, United States, Ghana, United Kingdom, South Africa, Kenya
Id: -EgkncfF4vE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 12sec (4452 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2019
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