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it's our permanent site as activities have since began and the foundation of the remnant embassy is being constructed as we speak [Applause] the first time I saw the architectural design and I ask the architect armata to take to at least build and roof when I had the amount my Fit field in recent times that fate has been revived and we have since sprung up into action and wok has commenced and you are invited to visit the site and just in case part of the things you would do when you visit the scientists you complete the document of Thanksgiving that this house is lifting to God for his faithfulness we were all so desperately in need of a to attract customers that you to sit in view of the conference that is fast coming and we wanted one that was on the recent side so we got wind that there was such a commodity in Port Harcourt and God gave us degrees to be able to purchase it [Applause] so we are mobile now Allen you know most of the time when we put up these conferences transporting our guests from place to place or has been a challenge and we have been able to surmount that challenge we got each other coastal bonds I think the model is 2011 or 12 all the air conditioning facilities adequately functional a lien so once you find some spare time to occupy yourself with the liberal Thanksgiving because God has shown us his great strength in these days hallelujah my bosses have been predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself according to the good pleasure of his will we were looking into some Bible study and trying to articulate the testimony of the revelation that is enshrined in the book of Ephesians so that we can catch the body at the heart of this great Messenger of God and we saw that in the wilderness of Arabia God took him in the spirit into the very low costs of all things and showed him in the studio what was responsible for the motivation of God to create in the first place hallelujah and in our study we found that God had a vision a vision that if fulfilled will give him as occasion by the fall we do not see the big picture and part of what Paul is assisting us to be able to grasp is the studio the big picture the grand plan they loft intentions on the Hat of God for which creation became a subsidiary for expressing the counsel of God you know at the ultimate end of every proceeding in creation was that God had an intention to derive more pleasure are you here alright so for today I just before I came I ran through Ephesians after one again and I saw the large cope of things we need to touch and I was wondering why I started from Chapter one I would have started from Chapter four because I'm trying to strike out finally my brethren hallelujah but since we already here we'll begin to make progress I want to invite us to the book of Romans chapter eight I believe hallelujah in Romans chapter 8 verse twenty-nine the apostle gives us some insight and this is critical because up until this time the servant of the Lord was pointing our hats to behold several realities that took place before time began and we need to No when we started the Bible and we see this statement for dime is the kingdom allelujah for dying is the power now many of you think is just rhetoric but it is in this context of capturing the purpose of God within the context of the eternal past that you really see the authority of God at work everything that is in that context is driven by therefore the bed seems a little more solid and you'll be useless to him if you are not conformed to the image of his son it therefore means that by an act of God's Authority he puts you on the pact that was heavily living with the breakfast side challenges breakfast IED attacks requests rank problems requests sight circumstances obstacles and situations he puts you on that path with the hope that the challenges who make you seek Him and in seeking Him and walking with him those challenges will be enough to put you on your knees and you have enough testimonies to encourage you in the journey and the reason for the journey is that he wants you to attain Christ likeness it is when you begin to attain the degree to which you attain conformity to Christ likeness that you start becoming useful to him all of this was programmed from this to do so when you see a preacher preaching a utopian gospel I'm talking about a gospel of the actualization of self that kind of gospel that says dream and dream big not a gospel without a reference because the vision of this designer behind the scene has an objective in mind and you are supposed to end up being a setting kind of person if you are going to be part of the administrative infrastructure that will bring to fulfillment his lofty plans he says you will have to be conformed to the image of his son it seems God is saying [Music] except you're like the patent man the man I accredited you are going to cause trouble instead of South problems he's saying that I have wrong I have actually subjected humanity to an acid tests and I know that humanity is good for nothing but rebellion but upon regeneration when you begin to conform to the image of my patents on you become a critical component of the implementation of my plan so he did something deliberate without your notice behind the scene he foreknew you if I knew you when you were yet a seed of eternity it was Jeremiah that gives us perspective on this possibility hallelujah because Jeremiah has said before I formed thee in the womb by gnudi and before thou camest forth I sanctified and ordained thee as a prophet to the nation's there was in knowing that God knew us before we took on ship and took on substance and to come form that knowing that he knew us he knew us as seeds in the realm of the timeless reality only such a monic such an emotive has such knowledge and this kind of knowledge is the knowledge that is not available to the devil and that's why when the devil begins to plan to truncate the plants of God he is almost always limited in delving the final blue because there are several secrets in the chamber of design that were set in motion for which Satan has no knowledge so the best he can do is try but it is not given unto him to actualize his intent Satan is not a creator so we cannot manipulate his soul and use that so to analyze an intent which was not captured in this studio because this studio is the foundation of all things everything that a structure must have foundation and that's why your shoe has a soul and that's why this building has a foundation and that's why a tree must have root the foundation of the purposes of God reaches far back way back beyond time far beyond time began that's where the story started and only the immortal has the original documents of what took place in that quarter I'm saying to you that if Satan was not in that place in the crucible of all things where the Cradle of Life was furnished Satan cannot be so strong in time to truncate what has its roots in eternity and that was the message that Jesus was preaching to Apostle Paul to preach in to saw when he was yet saw you trying to bring an end to something that has its root in eternity it is difficult for you to kick against the pricks he gave him a parable is that the best you can do when immortals have a program something the best you can do in opposition is to bring injury to yourself it is hard to kick against what nabob wire that's my own that's my own substitute for bricks because when we use all these ancient walls you can't you can't reason it out but I know you've come close to barbed wire before and as much as you try to be defiant the barbed wire cannot feel you can't speak and you attempt against it only bring you injury because it is hard to pick against what hey Bob why that was the little parable that Jesus told Saul when he was born in with a passion to bring an end to the movements that began from the cross life was squeezed out of the man that died and that life germinated in the hearts of many men and that life was still powerful fulfilling the paint that was on ground when the possessor of that life was just one man now Satan who have to deal with many men because set on top that he killed him but he never knew that the only set him free because you cannot fight against that which has its roots in eternity that is hard to pick against a barbed wire hallelujah these things that God did in the studio de sécurité of your destiny yes that's what insurance policy there are boards us if not if you come to think of it system do you to realize deep enemies around us we can't people we can't demons but you know what God knew that our passage through time will be big devil with many foes and what he did was that he gave us security in the way he programmed the things before time began so that at every point in time there is a supreme advantage that you have because the the spirit realm operates with a great deal of secrecy if you read the book of Esther in charge of the two you find out he said oh let me read the scripture for you stay with me stay with me stay with me it's a long ride and I know that God will help us Alleluia habet we speak wisdom among them that are perfect yet not the wisdom of this world nor of the princess of this world that comment - no but we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery even the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the world unto our glory the reason for the secrecy in the realm is for your advantage your security your insurance policy was built into the studio before time began to ensure that there is something about you when the next move you are gonna make and take in the Holy Ghost that the devil has no idea about and this is going to keep your head it is this secrecy with which the back end of your manifestation was built that stands as the advantage God is expecting us to exploit to ensure that it vicious enemies you're gonna meet on the pathway towards the actualization of destiny will come short of what it takes to bring you down many times have won that especially as God for matzos in the spirit and causes our voice to cut across many barriers until it has become a global voice at this time I tried to imagine how many enemies I've made just preaching the gospel of the kingdom without compromise and among men before we talk of the devil sighs we don't have any computer system that can articulate how many enemies are real and then I go to God in prayer I say if the reason why I coming to prison because you are afraid come with me to the studio and he opens my eyes and shows me many things that were built into the back end that makes it impossible for Satan to win my own duty to keep pace with the Holy Ghost and as long as that is the case he speaks about a wisdom that was made secret because of a demon which the princess of this world had not known sometimes when you see the devil do carry out a fit of wickedness you would think there's so much knowledge but we are in the days where the boost of a wise for the devil who become foolish before eyes because God will give us make all grace abound he said this wisdom that was a heed was heed for our glory which the princes of this world never knew because they are sit test of whether they were so wise was in Jesus for her then known his superior wisdom they wouldn't have crucified that God of glory you know I told you that they thought that they killed him but what did I do I set him free eternal life was in just one vessel and when it remained in just that one vessel all that that one vessel did was all that sit on had to worry about I said I fed ok let's take this guy out of the sea I never knew that eternal life was going to spring in the Hat of everyone that believes on him making certain not be able to fully take inventory of the challenge that he has already before him you still remember when coronavirus killed our many infected people whether did you check the figures today what makes you think that if the NCDC people could not handle it when it was in hundreds what makes you think they can handle it now that is in thousands let them close the laboratory it's time for priests and men of rank to speak they spent half their budget running around in circles I'm filling up their bank accounts and speaking lives to inform people it's time for prophets to speak Alleluia when stealing the treasure they couldn't handle a hundred kisses hallelujah now I used that just to show you how confused the devil is right now he was up against one Jesus demons were casted out in Samaria casted out in the heart of Jerusalem and if that was so shameful I has to do something about the situation and what did he do he he crucified a lot of glory and then the laws of agriculture went to walk it was one Jesus that was planted in Berea and then many janam germinated in resurrection and the Bible says that ii did not see that coming for if the princes of this world are known that wouldn't have crucified a lot of glory you worship Satan too much if you see what was put up in the studio how the studio was rigged with so much secret wisdom you will know Satan is not in control and I know this from the depth of my being allelujah dare data for me I'm more than there that are against me and in this season Satan has a lot of you because the sun's of righteousness will make a stand hallelujah it is only one way that retention will come true the nation's it will come true the house of lights the ground and the pillar of truth and some of the things you know I stopped praying for Corona in Nigeria I stopped I stopped because when we prayed to which month the month of me god whisper to me he said no child of his whose time has not come with die of Corona so if it as I said let's go and sit down and look for another prayer meanwhile meanwhile the amount of me I was looking at the calendar the graph of Coronel across the nations because God says that there's going to be real flight and I saw many nations where the graph went down from why the graph has not gone down in Nigeria is not what I can see online many Lord give you understand I can say what I can say well maybe when we finish we switch off then I can speak plainly citta could not handle one Jesus now he has many people with the life of Jesus in their heart arrayed against him so what he did was that he planted seeds of the division seeds of discord so that we would consider ourselves as enemies and that has been the our challenge for many many years but Gordon this time six to make believers one with each other yes and the intent is so that we can have the corporate rank to wage a more global warfare against the Dominion of darkness in the book of Romans the Bible says that those that he did foreknow them they also did predestinate so we conformed to the image of his son that it might be the firstborn among many brethren Alleluia firstborn among many brethren so we were designed to be descendants of Jesus following his putter following his example a learning from his secret so that as he lived in this world and has he is so who will be and in that day Satan will have much to worry about because he will be totally incapacitated and that day comes in a window where God will unleash grace in an avalanche in a revival and the grounds that have been taken consider to the enemy will be restored alleluia next verse says for whom moreover whom he did predestinate them he also called and whom he called them he also justified and whom he justified them he also glorified this is his syllabus of the Christian life you are for knowing took place in eternity before time your predestination to line you up on a unique destiny that is needed for you to pass through and encounter the challenges needed for you to attain Christ likeness he did that before time you are being called he did the calling also before time and when he spoke about the calling he was talking about a very large spiritual ceremony that took place where all of us are sampled in an aquarium of life we were present as seeds of eternity and then the monarch the one that rules by our Authority he called you your family name our dad and all the others were lined up from generation to generation including you in that aquarium it is because he called ADA that is an other family today if he didn't call other pestilence would have wiped your village out pestilence and the last of that bloodline would have been erased napintas route in time that was not called intervene in that aquarium in that studio it was a mighty ceremony and if the devil cannot wage war against the authority that assigned possibility to lineages and to win in that day then he would not succeed today the power that is managing your life your destiny in keeping with a grand vision of God is something that the devil cannot violate and Paul in his presentation was trying to make us see the wisdom of God that was operational in this studio in this studio from whence all things derived for those CD 4 No them he did predestinate and those he predestinated them he also called so you're following your predestination your all-in took place before time are you with me the first time base cream that took place there is what we call your justification that's when you appeared on the rudder of alignment you a lost seed a lost child you were untraceable when you come into time we were untraceable totally lost but when you align with Jesus on accepted Jesus you were justified and justification is a legal Ward's a legal register is what we call or discharged and acquitted today and the day you accepted Jesus you were discharged and acquitted and the coral that you hunt with God was settled and then you become a bona fide candidate for regeneration and the life of God germinated inside of you that's when you are paired on the rudder and the computer in heaven began to pick you we before that time you were lost in the shadows Alleluia for those he called them they also justify it was a court of the Spirit that led you that name do you righteous and your righteousness is in nature that is supposed to eventually evolve to become your character in nature that gives you the opportunity to stand before God without condemnation without inferiority in nature that provides the platform for interface in prayer between God and man the Adam of Eden who had to be afraid when the great monarch approaches his n cliff what this new man in Christ that has experienced justification has what it takes to stand before the brilliant light who God is and commune with him it's a privilege of all time for those he called them he also justified so he's on the ticket of your justification and on the ticket of your righteousness that is imputed to you that you have all the privileges to access and all the privileges to exploit it is the beginning of your journey as a pilgrim upon the face of the earth and when you are done from time you are going to enter into God's initial objective for Humanity because God's initial objective for Humanity was glory have you dis remembered a scripture that all have seen and what fully shot for the glory of God the entity called man was a creature that was supposed to lunge in glory now when we say glory we mean a civilization that has its roots in the belly of the Holy Ghost it is the Holy Ghost that polishes that civilization where the Holy Ghost is not glories not because glory is the civilization that he brings and all of heaven runs on that civilization and that's why you will not find Holy Spirit in the book of Revelation because every system in the realms of heaven systems of glory that are powered by his reality and so when the Holy Ghost comes to Tabernacle you he comes with a civilization and this civilization is not of this world it not something you can study in the university it is organic it is experiential amen that took the due diligence to grow on the path of spiritual progress have brought testimonies tours they're pieces of the Bible and these testimonies are experience of declarations that are supposed to reveal to us what our destiny what our capacity and what our possibility is in Christ Jesus now you stay with me Oh hallelujah so now I'm justified and because I'm justifying I have been acquitted by the highest court of the universe that is higher than the Nigerian Supreme Court many times when I hear cases judgments that they fall from the Supreme Court I wonder if the constitutional was beveled but there is a court a court of true justice judgment inequity beyond the systems that motors put in place that is at walk among the motors it is that Court that declared me justified it declared me righteous alleluia and there are so many things you can achieve with the currency of that declaration and part of which is a prayer life because you have received the grace to stand before the monarch and you see is your standing is not quiet standard is standing so that you can communicate with him the economy that got runs in Christianity the economy is an economy of access so what God gave you when you became born-again was access and what you become in God is what you do with the access you know pat of my body at the moment is to find ways to instruct us and enlighten us on what our faith is what our faith should be and what we are called to be and do as people of the Great God that's part of the bodies I have Alleluia Alleluia now so we see the things that have happened so we can go back to the book of Ephesians of the one I have a there is a please I need to take us there is a please amen are you there so the bad persons having predestinated us unto the adoption of children you know you wanted sons what sons that are conformed to the image of his firstborn son when we start becoming christ-like when we begin to die to self because if we check the prayers of Jesus in the book of John chapter 17 for instance it was empty of self it was full of God it was full of the purposes of God it was full of the plans of God Jesus's prayer in the book of John 17 creates a platform for God's purposes to be actualized but I pray us today a prayer the fool of a self agendas let your neighbor die let his song before let darkness fall on him suddenly Kaguya come aside don't get me wrong there are some people that darkness needs to fall on suddenly there is something in God called a spirit of judgment I think you'll find it to the Book of Isaiah chapter 28 I'm a full Bible student you know I'm known locked somewhere you see I found out many years ago that people pick and choose what they teach so I repented I said no I would teach the Word of God I was raised to be a fit preacher I would be free then I found out that fate happens to be one of the elementary doctrines of this kingdom and the reason why fate is crucial is because our God is not visible to the human eyes so fate is crucial in dealing with him is not an elective it's a major what you see faith is basic and fundamental just like how numbers numerals are in science so you get introduced to numbers in kindergarten because in trying to explain concepts been trying to evaluate things on higher levels of taught those numbers will come to the rescue so you never do away with numbers if you are going to be a scientist that's our fittest it's basic is fundamental and every one of us is called to walk by faith in fact the reason why fit is not optional is because the ancestor whose life provides a pattern for us then Christianity happens to be Abraham and one of such discoveries he made was how to interact with God without seeing God without touching God he unleashed another component of intersection and interaction component of faith and God as exalted that man and his pattern so it means that all of us are expressions in one way or the other of Abraham fate is fundamental what it's a basic principle of the kingdom the kingdom is not about faith what you need faith to be able to interact daily so I felt that benefit preacher was being a major limitation to the possibilities of the Apostolic as much as I acknowledge it as a doctrine a teaching Anastasia I know that the kingdom is not all about faith faith is just a tool for us to be able to interact with the rim of reality and touch his substance walk on his pathways and become by inheritance that which were ordained so to be so I have decided so be a student of the Bible not just a section of truth and that my determination is is his age age is long Alleluia you know I told you there were several people that came as a you talk demon too much you talk demon and I drew the attention to the fact that Jesus spoke about demons much more than indeed angels and I'm like Jesus Oliver the time to pick and choose is over the sons of the kingdom must be equipped with life and light because the darkness into which were going to plunge in the days to come his darkness such as his very gross in darkness and God will want sons of light to navigate the paths of grace the Lord was strengthen you with might by his spirit in a in a man in the name of Jesus so in the book of Ephesians of the 1 he said that everything that is doing is consistent with the good pleasure of his will there's six very critical before I jump and everything will be done to the praise of the glory of His grace and if explained God's eternal purpose flows on a fewer there is something with which God builds oh my you know it me you are getting lost how can we continue this testimony you know we must have realized are not preaching I'm testifying about a officials trying to unveil it this not teaching is testimony now if you get lost I'm I'm Safi I'm suffering right now suffering on divine revelation if you get lost and you see people soften on the ocean and then they plunge into it because you've had some point you forget the rhythm of the movement you are about to suffer that fitna Alleluia so arise in your spirit I'm saying here give me the score again because even the people in the Technica I don't know if they are freed they don't live my scripture hallelujah it's a two-day praise and glory of his Greece what the scripture means is that Greece is elevated Greece is glorified Greece is the energy by which God builds that thing he wants to do for eternity the resources he may develop you know all right I you here with me when we do strategy on budgeting we say we want to build a school in India the reason why we want to build a school in acknowledge because we want to administer an education policy in Bengal state an acquaintance who has this population and they are supposed to have an educational system in their locality because they qualify population wise right so you deploy a school there and you say no the population of a Pangu is 70% female so we are going to make it a female school are you - are you and then we now get dr. Becky she's one day I visited her electrode room and I saw the matt mattox you know he's been long then I knew I've been away from mathematics for a long time I saw all kinds of alaniso we now get dr. Becky to be the in charge of this policy Janos and then in the process from her experience from her knowledge she there is a standard she has in a hat and they can you can be an employee under her and she said no this is what you are doing is substandard we need to raise it to this level okay you need training in fact you need training all of that is to fulfill a policy right when the policy is in place the next thing is funding you release money so that we can provide infrastructure because a vision cannot come to pass without infrastructure and that's why in the creation policy you see in the book of Genesis the first thing that God does is a provide infrastructure oh my god you know what infrastructure is critical and in our own time the definition of infrastructure as has increased is not roads and WAP and office accommodation anymore Internet is also infrastructure now how many of you have data on your phone yeah out of industry infrastructure if you don't have data you are out of this I'm saying here that when God put his plans together he had to find it and the currency by which he found that his plans is called Greece they this system we put in place exalted place is glorified Greece made grace an object of his praise so grace happens to be the fuel that God releases all right so that there can be an implementation of his agenda so when God opens a new season just like he has opened now in the body of Christ what he does is that there is a new kind of grace that he makes available and for everyone that is in alignment and pass into that reason profits that understand the things of the Spirit begin to interpret it begin to know begin to bring about like right now right aly something oh my god oh my god oh my god right now but of the grace that has been released to the body of Christ is a grace for wealth and that is the reason why I said we are putting in place a a team of skilled men that will educate interested people on how to enter into the economic war front you see building as a pastor is a function of your ability to discern what grief is available because if you missed out on Greece you'll be paralyzed he said this a pie arrangement was put in place to will refreeze was put in place so that these grace will be pressed it is by grace so I need to define what grace is because I know you have many definitions of grace from many many many teachers what is Greece that is nothing less than for today grace because his God builds he does what he builds wheat please I'm imagine someone born is Tamara becomes a preach out the gospel and it's not as if the symptoms of stammering have totally gone if I'm not preaching is still difficult for me to speak but when I step on the podium here and take hold of the microphone many times my wife knows you may not he said by what spirits did you speak today I'd know anonymous under his hot grease thus the energy that's the funding that God puts in place in order to advance his agenda on the face of the earth is a car trying to climb from day Atanas put you into time and the resources you need fertilization will change nothing you know a preacher of the gospel sang a song one time the difference between you and I this time is alive time doesn't have any inherent potential to bring change you will turn end and the darkness will still remain but as something called grease please well he made Greece available today I've heard testimonies from people that say they can't live a day without hearing one of my tips how did I come into their world so strong like this how did my voice become part of their day is called Greece and Greece please you would me because there is a temptation for you to think of my goddamn oh I'm now big man of God you are lost because in revival the moment we say we got it we lost it your heart will no longer be humble enough to align for the next supply of the dose of greens needed to advance you for I remember where he took me from from the ship coat I can never forget that vision because if you forget the ship coat you become proud you would think you were always great you think you were always strong and you will not give glory to God for His grace [Music] the empowerment oh my god I remember when I walked on the streets of whom Simba Malawi who were preparing for an event and I landed there in their own time which is three hours I believe ahead of hours 7:00 p.m. in the evening and a great host was with waiting for me to arrive and when we got to the place there almost almost held me as a God had to model myself with humidity in there miss and to channel their hearts to look upon God because the way they wanted to heal me if I accepted that healing how we try of grace his only man that know that grace must be exalted that know how to stay long in the journey of destiny they wanted to make me God the way technology like him was a seven-hour trip and they were waiting there for me to show and when I came I laid hands on them all the people waiting and released them to go home that form tomorrow God will begin to speak into the territory [Music] and I want to sleep idea sleep because the expectation was so much I don't know whether you understand insecurities that bedevil your soul when men begin to expect from you all that such things that God [Music] that was when I knew that in South Africa there was something called winter I never knew that the code was a demonise F Jesus Christ of Nazareth there was no form of covering I used that I found my heart was about to trial I cried not just for the message he preached I also cried to survive the night and the code was a companion to ensure that sleep never came to my [Music] and as my custom is when I come into a rural environment I find grace flowed in my vessel [Music] It was as if I was delivered from kidnap this sensation dejoy was like one they have been in captivity I skipped they began to flow even the message to preach began to come I stayed on my knees until I had because I have never been there before I spotted all I could from the internet about the location I was going the person asked would you want to stay in a hotel or in my house actually be a house okay just look for a room for me don't be too quick to look for what a innate land that you have never been to I will not when I'm 45 out I will testify look at look at the house of the pastor and let them santé fire room concept pretty room many devils you'll be delivered for okay well the Lord will give by 7:00 a.m. the grease began to flow oh my god so I had the parts of speaking in tongues in his own room I need an intensifier do you know what when we came it was in the morning people had tracked from Tanzania [Music] people have tracked from Zambia the hospital which was the only Hospital in on zimba had discharged his patients they said go and get your healing who can help you so the reason why the people believed was because there was no plan for healthcare in that entire Southern District and only way to get healed is Vonage and women of God box as we're driving in they were passed or standing in the side of the of the road with analogy if their willful - you like that for every waves in thank you Jesus [Music] if you are the one that they mess your breeze you are the one so you'll see Laura heed our tours alone heavens tell where we'll leave I see the bastard I imagine are we on that a casino do ministers of the land [Music] but it I we came up children plenty children come with flour as okay strange language I gave me flowers I gave somebody we stood on the pulpit when I came there couldn't sit down [Music] for 15 minutes away they were shot the man inside the television has come out and he's in our neighborhood and I saw it was not me they were looking for they were looking for God and I called God I called God and if I could finish asking for messy they brought one creepy and put that one here the guy was 9 years old he had never worn and the legs were not just click who they were twisted I say well just in case you don't know why we were healing you [Applause] maybe you forgot call upon the name of not God and my mentors taught me because they when men put you under pressure you ignite you can only pray you don't answer prayer so I left the Crypt in fact I made up my mind that in my teaching you know I like walking when I teach I'd already had already apportioned my my movement that nothing would take me close there and I was teaching about the Holy Ghost not a message on him and the power of God as I was teaching and teaching then I noticed that the guy on the pulpit he began to shake well I have nothing to do with it I don't know India bother I continue teaching about the values and the potency of the power of God it was a morning service dog what an evening service everybody was there [Music] and this young boy began to shake began to shake began to shake you know I didn't know where was my experience to know that God has already started for me to interpret I didn't know that and he shook until he stood up by himself instead of ladies then his mother was an I didn't know that was his model Amanda was already worried on the gun because they were speaking a strange language we bring below what crystal naka nothing Pingo why was I didn't know what was going on they the young man stood up once and the pastor stood up from his seat can see what because those guys toast before his members he knows them and I was trying to examine the young man when he passed don't touch me and then what I could not say that was hanging here because what was hear him what if there was no authority to say that so when they pass or touch me there were none came up and the boy began to do please you know the way we say praise the Lord hallelujah here we're Ceylon the guy began to walk his mother began to cry and then instantly five crippled people in the congregation stood up and began to walk [Music] my message never finished I was still talking about the Holy Ghost and nobody was hearing me anymore because crippled people wear work when I now said in the name of Jesus the power got to require people to be like a stone and among them the Deaf began to hear americo's continued and the crowd invaded the puppet area disagree two people had to steal me away from the altar we escaped the ground and run to safety by 11 p.m. midnight there was a host of people had gathered from Tanzania from Zambia and the why for the past record is awesome bring the Nigerian preacher back there was no shadow for evening service because the next day was Sunday morning we had to come 11 p.m. and when I stood on the pouf it all I said was in the name of Jesus also miracles I have never been as powerful as that in all my life you've seen the illusion of my life and maybe you say wow what I saw there was more than anything you ever saw I had this great fit I believe God just did that to show me what was in the future they fit him they faith was and Nemours when we left that place people not then I joined the line to sit on my tech times to sit on my zit yes because I was no longer there people were getting he just see technology and there was a woman that sat on the seat and began to prophesy and they wrote down the accurate prophecies so the service continued all night even without the presence of the picture [Music] Greece is Congress raises the energy he deploys to ensure that what is in the studio consequence I saw so many miracles that they didn't believe I was human they didn't believe in fact before I eat they kneel down to wash my hands meanwhile I only to foods doctor whom their food they you can count them they are only two foods a semi Vita and rice that's all he is caught on simmer and simmer they are on some of it I did a colleague then we'll travel back to the capital house just singing praises to God and when we go to the Capitol they guide drive him in and said this is his father-in-law's house can we pray for him before we we were gone why not because my flight was 4:11 p.m. in the night and we got there by 8:00 so we had enough time walked into the place I greeted him as a good day the Monday answer is a good day in answer then I realized he was deaf in this year then when in our tone he spoke to me greeted me as I did so in an responded I said okay this one here this one here and I told him Jesus open your ear and an ant touch the ear with my left hand and when I tossed it here without prayer yes that I hear and the man began to cry and began to dance he was 64 years he became deaf in that year when he was 9 such a does and I noticed his wife didn't join him in he danced only to discover that she was crippled touch the legs Reznik or kicked a cheer for my back and pushed her and she began to the driver that drove medius at the crime she'd not only walk she started running I don't know for how long she sat on that chair but she began to rock the song came from one door here and say these fake professor keys he said that in his heart what I had it as if a human beings possible I say you caught me a false prophet he denied then I release power then he was on the ground [Music] when we're going to the airport if driver was crying I was arrested by the military people for making their citizen to cry and the guy to them this kind of a man I'm not be arrested he advised them and told them all the testimonies the military before has caught up with too deeply [Music] and I was on that plane until we got to Kenya just giving glory to God and that's what Paul said to DES please and what glory of His grace the system is designed to glorify the grace of God you will know this is not your doing this is the workings of the grace of God have you found limitations in your life it is an indication of lack of grace for the Bible says that the Spirit Himself help our families can we pray today can we pray to you that he might help i fermitas [Music] but he might supply this place but he might destroy the patents limitation if only you find grace today if only you find if only you find if only you'll find grace the design the grace man showed up [Music] all my power if you'll find grace in by chance you'll find grace UTSA will be over if by chance you find errors then something stronger than the demo will be responsible for your advancement if by chance you find growth and so they said we shall come boldly I'm to the trail of bears [Music] - please this corn is so solid so ha you ever seen yes my brother I'm embarrassing I am best kisser my momma may not silly [Music] Oh sock abyss corpus callosum less often hahahaha this performance puppy he by any means you're fine ready [Applause] [Music] get science on me it's time certainly [Applause] it's time some men [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] my Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I want you to look up your life right now [Music] I want you to look at your life right now by the illustration that opposed to painted with what the grace of God did in his life he was his Tamara I'm 10 subject came upon him and he became a hundred percent opposite of what he was productive here was an energy from God that inflated his life by the walking of that energy he began while hundred percent opposite of what he was deputy he has not become an orator bidets a power there's an energy capture a boost with the works Nicole from his MA that is a crazy knock a cop up on your life right now your life will become a complete opposite of what it is right now Amelia it is teach you about in a moment the grace that is design T tops to be really fine to be the panacea to everything and I am now not a contradiction we are talking a show for my life let not great the grass not this mad for me come at me Big Mac is let me fracked about fossil who make me all got your damn you to be let that grace I'm magma married to me [Music] topological Deborah Kenya [Music] ever [Music] morado so poetically ronita Varia to Zika techo para to Susanna Catawba luta raatein Azusa Dakota Babu jibarito society facility Tamila [Music] thank you Father thank you Father thank you Father Jesus mighty name we pray for want of time please take your seat as we make attempt to round up let's cut our offering please cast the often if you're putting us online may wish to participate in the offering also by using the account details that are displayed in Ithaca 37 on West one and two less to particularly say the hand of the Lord was upon me he took me by his village into a valley that was full of bones verse 2 I said he bones we are very dry the bones were very dry that is verse 2 they were very dry they're not just dry they were very dry then when you continue to verse 10 Ramsey says rose up upon their feet exceedingly great Amy from the very spot they were in the same spot they wind up same location the location have not changed nothing has changed about the location the only thing that changed was that there was a grease not came upon them and the exceedingly dry bones became exceedingly clear and let's agree that we come upon your life and life will become hundred percent different from what you are now I will become a Miss that is my life capable of this kind of possibility as you go home please make sure you pray you live Oh upon this matter till you come back here tomorrow I let it make its way into your prayer program as a major issue with prefer this is a lot decrease that is meant for me give it to me amen if I die with the offering we may wish to rise up a silicon as we shut down for today tomorrow again by trivia [Music] we back to this mountain I will be back with intensive prayers one are you critical practice now qualify see order prepare see to lay hand on Greece is prayer so come and take advantage of the prayer seconds as we said yesterday this weekend is a contact weekend please make plan and prepare towards it invite your friends and loved ones done is the Kindle [Music] Thank You Aaron good news [Music] [Music] Oh [Music]
Channel: Apostle Arome Osayi
Views: 15,727
Rating: 4.9573712 out of 5
Id: mNBb2c9w-xk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 13sec (4933 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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