KIDS Turn Into ADULTS & ADULTS Turn Into KIDS! (bad idea)

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so i'm about to do the fake friend test on a lot of my friends pretty much testing to see if they're a real friend or a fake friend i have a bunch of different scenarios planned to test their loyalty so today i will find out if my friends are real or fake let's go all right so the first friend that i am testing is brent so i have this yellow food coloring right here i'm gonna put it in my teeth and make my teeth really really really yellow i really hope this works oh my god oh my god ah brent's gonna come in let's see if he says anything yo all right so doing a little challenge pretty much you ready oh my gosh what what happened to your teeth bro they're like literally yellow really i brushed my teeth last night what did you eat did you eat something no i think they're just like this that's disgusting wait what is that oh friend is it yellow food coloring but pretty much i was testing to see if my friends were going to be fake or not and then i would definitely tell you yeah thank you your teeth are yellow really i can't tell so jeremy's about to get in the car i have this really nasty fart spray right here and i'm going to see if he'll tell me if i smell bad ah oh my god but let's uh let's see if jeremy's a real friend all right so we're about to do a little challenge we're going to go to some drive-throughs and then uh you good yeah yeah i'm good you might take like 30 minutes 30 minutes oh yeah let's do it what should the first stop be what yeah what is that smell bro bro is that you no it's not me it smells like a big trapped fart in here i'll meet you there send me this jam with jeremy stay it stay stay here i'll open the window just get back in the car jeremy what it's fart spray oh well that doesn't make it any better it still smells horrible ow there's a box sprayed in my eye right now i'm not doing this video with you i'm out bro come back oh my gosh so today lexie and i will be becoming kids again that's not the only thing that's happening we have uh some kids and uh they're gonna be becoming adults so pretty much we're swapping alive we're gonna be the kids they're gonna be the adults are you gonna be like the mean dad yeah i'm scared all right we'll see we might have some mean parents on our hands today we obviously have to look the parts we have to be kids they have to be adults should we do a jump transition yeah let's do it all right ready three two one all right we're in our outfit you guys ready yes okay go do your chores now our chores yeah yeah that is looking pretty messy i made my bed this morning all right i made my bed the challenge has started we're kind of hungry so yeah we're gonna get some food what do you think some pink candy candy for sure what you guys are only going to eat salad today what do you want me to eat this what dude no more candy or you guys are going to be grounded yeah you go in the corner right now are you getting time i like this game this is the only lunch i get oh what what he's eating right in front are you guys eating the candy we're parents we can do whatever we want okay that's not fair it's so good i wonder what the kids are doing yeah it doesn't matter let's read our newspapers all right let's cash back [Music] what are you doing yeah i broke the plate i broke a plate it was his fault you threw it it was your fault you guys are both grounded go to your room before you go to your room you clean this up too we're grounded for real come on we don't have i'm trying i'm trying these adults are kind of mean hey you missed the spot okay the kids are grounded see what they're up to hey lexi why are you on your phone i'm not always on tick tock or taking selfies even when you're grounded i'm sorry since you're being a good boy you're ungrounded i'm on grounded go i'm finally ungrounded lexi is still grounded though but uh can i go to the park yeah okay um but can lexi come no absolutely not 20 bucks he's got himself a deal lexi get over here all right guys we're at the park are you happy yeah why are we in strollers why are we going so fast oh bro he did not have to push me into the freaking bush yo i just got destroyed i'm back in the stroller okay just take me to the park okay oh my god are you serious oh no no no no no no you guys are going on the kids the kids swings i am not gonna fit in there i literally i can't fit whoa let's all finish ben yo chill this is dangerous hey oh you're okay oh you're okay i'm fine wait what about me yeah i fell off the slide too he hates me we're done playing at the park let's go to target i need to buy some stuff she might need to buy some stuff wait we're going to target yeah hey hey what we got car seats in the back for you you're not old enough to drive we are really getting car seats right now oh my gosh what is this i'm in a car seat and i'm 19 years old wait wait wait have you ever driven a car no is this your first time yes let's hope we don't crash so buckle up [Music] guys are we almost there are we there yet are we there yet be quiet shut up all right i don't want yours i don't want yours we are now at target yay i'm being so mean i'll let you buy some toys okay wow let's go it would only be fair if since you know we're kids we get to get pushed around in the cart i used to do this as a kid all the time this is kind of nice okay guys you can only buy five toys each five here we go wait bruh all the toys i can buy i need more hey hey one two three four five six okay wait don't take my points from me guys this is the funniest sight ever me and lexie dressed like literally five-year-olds while uh our parents here push up are they old enough to be pushing us yes it's time to buy the toys let's go 4 21 12. what 421 thank you thank you guys are you happy i'm happy you're happy thank you we're back home what's next maybe like some uh video games yeah it's past your bedtime so uh let's get in the bed shall we oh are you serious can you at least tuck us in i think um this guy right here's got a crush on you okay okay wait now that they're gone i'm gonna go on my phone let's watch some netflix or something yeah play some video games sounds like a plan what what what what not again okay guys well looks like she's grounded again and you were grounded too because i heard you saying netflix is so good 7am you're waking up all right so i'm about to challenge andrew to see who can pop five balloons first using the most random items i could possibly find i literally have a bowling ball we're gonna throw the items at the wall we're gonna pop five balloons first wins i'm the blue balloons i am the rest we're spinning this wheel to see which item we get to throw andrew spins first let's get it a shoe [Music] wow that does not count my turn plunger plunger wish me luck that's nasty as hell i just forgot what plungers are used for oh bro hey it's even tennis dragon tennis racket yo okay probably all right finally that that's the best one here i think oh all right one balloon down [Music] wrench oh my god bro he went through the wall he missed again yeah watermelon that's about destroyed like that bro oh bro right through the freaking oh my god only three balloons left for me though all right baseball and your spout coke i have to throw this bro that's gonna fall that was a big hole but that does not count okay pineapple pineapple so i'm sorry spongebob but i'm gonna have to destroy your home pineapple baby as you guys can tell it is all tied up here we go oh this wall is done for oh that's a pop dodgeball dodge ball here we go [Music] chair that's gonna cause some damage hopefully this shirt doesn't let me down here we go [Music] oh that did not work how did this break but that didn't pop andrew i need one more try can i please throw it again this is the last one right okay last try three two one i need one more balloon andrew needs two more oh my god yo bowling ball chill all right i'm a good friend i'm gonna give him one more try that was so bad all right next balloon wins [Music] bananas for the win all right just because i did that i gotta eat one andrew unfortunately you are the loser i am the winner hey yo we're done with this challenge this one is
Channel: Ben Azelart
Views: 17,449,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ben azelart, brent rivera, Lexi rivera, stokes twins, ben Azelart girlfriend, Lexi rivera boyfriend, mylifeaseva, lexi hensler, Andrew davila, pierson, Pierson wodzynski, Jeremy hutchins, dom brack, Brent and pierson, KIDS Turn Into ADULTS & PARENTS Turn Into KIDS!, we become kids again, kids turn into adults, adults turn into kids, kids and adults, kids vs adults, royalty familuy, dhar mann, kids takes pranks too far
Id: F_3zTjDqJpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 30 2021
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