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[Music] I'm David Tillman author of nootropics expert calm and in this video I'm going to share with you what I know about pqq as a nootropic what it is why we use it the science behind it dosage and side effects now pqq is a very potent antioxidant and plays a significant role in cognition and memory pica cue is the first nutrient discovered that promotes the growth of new mitochondria or mitochondria Genesis in your cells brain cells of a higher concentration of these little cellular power plants than most other cells in your body you can have anywhere from a few to several thousand mitochondria in each brain cell they even have their own DNA and when you increase the number of mitochondria you have more cellular energy to power you throughout your day Pikachu was only discovered recently but it's been around for a very long time so don't roll your eyes when some new age' claims that were made of Stardust pqq was discovered aboard NASA's spaceship Stardust in interstellar dust particles now a Pikachu was first recognized as an enzyme cofactor in bacteria by Norwegian biochemist Jen's Hogue in 1964 it wasn't until 2003 however that Japanese brain researcher Teddy Fumiko found that pqq also occurs in rodents and other mammals including humans as an enzyme cofactor pqq is critical to the life of your brain cells and someone say to see it's even critical to life itself cofactors are molecules that act as helper enzymes that need assistance to work properly now recent studies verify the unique ability of pqq to stimulate the creation of new mitochondria and to improve the function of your existing mitochondria now why on earth would you want to hack your mitochondria it is an understatement to overstate the dramatic impact this has not only in your brain but in your entire body mitochondria is role is to convert the food into energy that powers cells to perform to help us perform at peak function now this process of mitochondria Genesis stops and reverses brain cell death and brain degeneration peak EQ is the only nutrient that can do this and more energy in your brain cells means quicker thinking better memory amped up alertness and mental fatigue and more peak EQ stimulates the growth of new neurons through the promotion of nerve growth factor in brain cells resulting in improved memory cognition and learning peak EQ is a potent antioxidant mopping-up free radicals that would otherwise damage brain cells and P Q is used in every cell in your body and is particularly useful in brain cells it's about as close as you can get to a vitamin without officially being declared a vitamin you get pqq from some of the food you eat including beans celery coco fermented foods Kiwi papaya parsley potatoes spinach and wine and babies get it from breast milk well first peak EQ promotes the growth of new mitochondria this is the only known nutrient that performs this function mitochondria are the source of life and death for neurons they generate your neurons energy and control its death but mitochondria tend to develop defects as we age as these defects accumulate mitochondria start to malfunction this results in a reduction in cellular energy production and cells die the result of this dysfunction is brain fog cognition problems poor memory and recall and ultimately neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's Parkinson's Huntington's stroke and others now studies show that pqq protects against this cellular damage by repairing and helping to create new mitochondria studies with mice and rats an illuminating pqq from their diet have shown reduced mitochondria now to demonstrate how this process works scientists added pqq to most cells in the lab and they showed that pqq activated the C amp response element binding protein and P G c1 alpha this pathway is known to regulate mitochondria biogenesis in the second way pika Q helps grow new neurons this unique nutrient promotes the prune the production of nerve growth factor assisting in brain cell repair maintenance and regeneration including many of the cells that are crucial for cognition memory and learning a nerve growth factor is especially important for maintaining neural plasticity this process is how brain cells form connections to communicate with each other and is how we learn new stuff and they're recorded in memory by stimulating the production of nerve growth factor p QQ has been found to protect protect memory and cognition in both animals and humans in one study scientists demonstrated peak usability to promote the healing of injured nerves the team used 90 healthy white Wistar rats and divided them into three groups the rats had injured sciatic nerves and were treated with vitamin E pqq or a combination of both a scientists found that 12 weeks after surgery and the introduction of pqq to the wound the nerves grew back they concluded that the combination of vitamin E with pqq promoted nerve regeneration another way that pqq influences new neuron development is by protecting neuron stem and progenitor cells from glutamate toxicity or oxidative damage this allows neurons to survive and potentially form new brain cells research from hundreds of studies have shown that pqq will boost energy levels and stamina it'll reduce fatigue it'll improve sleep it reduces the possibility of stress-related diseases it improves cognition memory learning and recall it repairs damage caused by strokes it protects against Alzheimer's and Parkinson's and it lowers LDL cholesterol peak q is an extremely powerful antioxidant for example ptq is able to carry out 20,000 catalytic inversions compared to only four for vitamin C the studies in Parkinson's disease prevention and pqq are particularly interesting and applicable to biohackers of any age we are exposed to pesticides from most of the fruits and vegetables we pick up with a supermarket and who knows what kind of brain damage we subject ourselves to every day just from the food we eat now in the lab animals have a pesticide injected directly into their brain to induce parkinson's-like symptoms in one study pika Q not only showed a protective effect against pesticide caused brain damage and actually preserved brain mitochondria near control levels so the message here is buy organic food or supplement with pqq and you may be able to avoid getting Parkinson's disease later in life mitochondrial biogenesis means that your body is creating new mitochondria pqq increases the number of mitochondria in your brain cells and throughout your body where energy demands are high increasing your body's mitochondria is one of the anti-aging holy grails now boosting these tiny cellular energy power plans can prevent further damage it can add overall energy to daily life and maybe even slow down the aging process neural hackers report dramatic improvements in mental and physical energy when adding pqq to their nootropic stack and I recommend adding coq10 for a synergistic effect pqq has a cumulative effect as benefits should continue to improve over continued usage for some the effects are immediate and for others it could take two or three months of adding P Q of using P Q every day or every second day pika q is a particularly effective if you've suffered mitochondrial damage from using statins memory improves and you'll be able to think things through more easily alertness gets a boost and better vision and less eye strain if you're working on a computer and staring at a screen all day blood pressure readings normalize and you'll feel refreshed and well rested when waking up if you are dealing with fibromyalgia you may get some benefit from PQ q what with relieving or alleviating your chronic pain Piku queue improves mood this study in Japan investigated the effectiveness of supplemental pqq on stress fatigue quality of life and sleep 17 adult male and female subjects took 20 milligrams of pqq for eight weeks changes in stress fatigue quality of life measures and sleep were evaluated the study showed increased vigor and less fatigue tension related anxiety depression anger hostility and confusion they all improved following administration of pqq measures of quality of life appetite sleep obsession and pain also improved significantly the volunteers also showed significant improvement in sleepiness awakening sleep onset and maintenance and sleep duration the researchers concluded that supplementing with pqq improved sleep quality and duration mood improved due to less fatigue and appetite pain and obsession also shoot improvement and that pqq is a useful dietary supplement and we have another study that talks about how pqq improves cognition so peak EQ is effective on its own and improving brain function but when it's combined with Co Q 10 the results are even more astounding this synergy was first observed in animal studies and was further damaged demonstrated in a double-blind placebo-controlled trial in Japan 71 middle-aged and elderly volunteers aged 40 to 70 were supplemented with 20 milligrams per day of pqq the result was an improvement on tests of higher cognitive function compared to placebo then the research team gave volunteers 20 milligrams of pqq along with 300 milligrams of Co Q 10 and the result in improved cognitive function were even more dramatic pqq in Co Q 10 are both involved in mitochondrial function so the results do not come as a big surprise and then we have another study on how Pikachu boosts memory and many older adults experience problems with memory and other cognitive functions and these issues seem to be happening to younger and younger people but as neuro occurs we always ask the question are these declines inevitable into that we say a profound no in this Japanese double-blind placebo-controlled trial 65 adults age 50 to 70 years with forgetfulness or recruited the volunteers were given 20 milligrams of pqq and 100 milligrams of Co Q 10 per day for 24 weeks the research team found that pqq taken either alone or in combination with coq10 as the potential to prevent or even reverse the decline in cognitive function that's caused by aging and oxidative stress and the team concluded that Pikachu was found to improve not only immediate memory but also other higher brain functions such as spatial awareness the effects of pqq were enhanced when the substance was used with coq10 you get pqq from some of the food you eat including beans celery coco fermented foods Kiwi papaya parsley potatoes spinach wine and babies gather from breast milk estimated daily intake of pqq is 100 to 400 micrograms but it's unlikely you're getting enough peaking queue from diet alone and supplementation of this mitochondria generator could help clinical studies with humans and animals tell us that 20 milligrams of PQ daily is all that's needed to experience cognitive benefit the primary side effect of using pqq and your nootropic stack is you'll feel better and you should have more energy and thinking she'd be clearer and faster Pikachu is non-toxic and supplementation is well tolerated by most people pqq comes in tablet or capsule forms 10 milligrams 20 milligrams and 30 milligrams but you need to be aware of different forms of pqq on the marketplace there is only one form available that is produced naturally and that is bio pqq by Mitsubishi gas chemical company Japan this company makes pqq through bacterial fermentation bio pqq is licensed to several supplement makers so when you're shopping for Pikachu look at the back of the label sometimes it's on the front of the label it should say bio pqq other forms are produced through chemical synthesis involving the use of fairly toxic compounds and they have unresolved safety issues so - raw eggs expert recommendation for pqq is 10 to 20 milligrams a day and that's my report on pqq if you want to see links to the studies i talked about go to nootropics x4 dot-com and search for pqq or click on the link below this video there you'll find a full transcript of this video and you'll find dozens of articles on all the well-known nootropics on nootropics expert if you have any questions or you want to share your experience using pgq please use the comments section at the bottom of the post on nootropics expert i respond to comments and questions at nootropics expert usually the same day and if you want to see more videos on all the best nootropics used today subscribe to this channel before you leave I'll be putting up new videos on OP nootropics optimizing your brain every week I'm David Toman author of nootropics expert
Channel: NootropicsExpert
Views: 41,330
Rating: 4.9134355 out of 5
Keywords: PQQ, PQQ review, PQQ side effects, PQQ dosage, BioPQQ, pyrroloquinoline quinone, coq10, nootropics expert, nootropicsexpert.com, david tomen, nootropics, mitochondria, nootropics for energy, nootropics for memory, nootropics for anti-aging, nootropics for longevity, nootropics for studying, mitochondriogenesis
Id: ow7AxuXbtKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2017
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