Alpha-Lipoic Acid

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[Music] I'm David Coleman author of nootropics expert calm and in this video I'm going to share with you what I know about alpha lipoic acid what it is why we use it the signs behind it dosage and possible side effects alpha lipoic acid is an antioxidant produced in small amounts in your body you also get it from heating spinach and collard greens broccoli beef and organ meats alpha lipoic acid is a unique antioxidant because it's both water and fat soluble meaning that it works in every part of the human cell the more lipoic acid you have in your system the more antioxidant benefits you experience so and you need anti alba lipoic acid antioxidant spot oxidants powered because it regenerates other antioxidants that were depleted by the ongoing fight with free radicals in yourself it allows you to use the antioxidants vitamin C and E glutathione and Co Q 10 already that's in your body over and over again in fact alpha lipoic acid is so efficient of what it does it boosts the energy in your cells while reducing inflammation and getting rid of heavy metals in your brain alpha lipoic acid boosts the production of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and even increases glucose uptake in brain cells providing you with even more mental energy alpha lipoic acid is you throughout your body it helps increase insulin sensitivity when which reduces a threat of diabetes and ala reduces the chances of metabolic syndrome which is associated with cardiovascular disease diabetes and weight gain now alpha lipoic acid comes in a couple of different versions that you should be aware of there's the SLS lipoic acid version versus the car lipoic acid version lipoic acid is also known as alpha lipoic acid ala and psychotic acid the alpha lipoic acid that you get in a supplement is usually a 50-50 mixture of the R form which is natural in the test form which is unnatural and an TMS they are mirror images of each other and called a racemic mixture now most commercially available forms of alpha lipoic acid include the s form or the unnatural form of lipoic acid it was chemically synthesized in 1952 and it's not found in nature now it is thought as the two enantiomers differ biologically but much of the research done over the last thirty years have been with a racemic version available the book acid because the r form was not commercially available so s lipoic acid the enantiomer that's not found in nature may not produce the most essential properties of lipoic acid including interactions with proteins enzymes and genes our lipoic acid is the form of lipoic acid occurring naturally in the human body animals and plants this is the only form that functions it functions as a cofactor for mitochondrial enzymes involved in energy production be aware that most commercial commercially available form is about the folic acid include both the s and r form it's produced as a mixture because our lipoic acid which is separated when it's separated from the s form is unstable and it deteriorates very quickly making it unusable as a dietary supplement and very few companies go through the complicated expensive process required to remove the synthetic our caress ala from our ala so unless the bottle specifically stays 100 percent our ala or our lipoic acid if you're getting a 50/50 blend know that our ala may be up to 12 times more effective than si la so how did op lipoic acid work in the brain well I boost brain health and function in several ways but two in particular stand out first alpha lipoic acid boosts acetylcholine a neurotransmitter tied to memory and overall brain function ala increases ascetic in production by activation of choline acetyltransferase and increases glucose up glucose uptake so this process supplies more of saddle Kohei for the production of acetylcholine the second way help lipoic acid the promising weapon in the fights against diseases like Alzheimer's oxidative stress plays a key role in cognitive disorders because neurons are highly vulnerable to free radical damage a recent study showed that lipoic acid may help slow down progression of Alzheimer's disease an area where no known cure has been produced by the big pharmaceutical companies in this study 43 patients with dementia were given 600 milligrams of alpha lipoic acid every everyday for four years the researchers concluded from this study alpha lipoic acid might be a successful neuro protective therapy option for Alzheimer's disease so we've got research from hundreds of studies that show that alpha lipoic acid increases the production of acetylcholine it improves many memory and learning ability it helps restore the health of neurons it helps boost cognitive performance and memory even in Alzheimer's patients since it's both water and fat soluble it quickly crosses into your brain after you take it ala improves your brain function and learning process by directly increasing the production of acetylcholine alpha lipoic acid also helps regenerate depleted antioxidants in your system including vitamin C and E glutathione and coenzyme q10 by reducing inflammation and heavy metals in your brain you boost cognitive processes and fluid thinking so how does help look look at it feel when you take it well you may not feel Ala unless you're diabetic or you have Alzheimer's within these two groups alpha lipoic acid helps with nerve pain memory recall and mental performance alpha lipoic acid provides brain support because it has the ability to groups ethically so it should boost cognition in all age and gender groups now you know that your entire body even your de n DNA is under endless assault this assault is caused by everything from poor diet to pollution and your brain cells are getting hit by free radicals thousands of times per day this oxidation is damaging your cells antioxidants fight back against these free radicals so when you supplement with alpha lipoic acid not only are you using arguably the most effective free radical scavenger on the planet you're regenerating antioxidants like vitamin C and he included sion and coq10 and they join the fight against free radicals alongside alpha lipoic acid now the research for this supplement is pretty incredible I'm just going to touch on a couple of them here alpha lipoic acid plays an essential role in mitochondria the heart of energy generation in the human cell scientists at Emory University School of Medicine found ala stimulates telomere ease the enzyme that tank lengthens telomeres the effects of many chronic diseases can be traced back to telomere shortening now you should know telomeres in case you don't is the caps on the end of each chromosome your DNA any treatment that can restore healthy telomeres has a great potential in the fight against chronic disease in this study scientists showed out lipoic acid boosted the production of P G c1 alpha the telomerase that lengthens telomeres and they did it in just one day of treatment that's amazing so we've got studies that shows alpha lipoic acid reduces wrinkles alpha lipoic acid is critical for cellular energy memory loss is reversed with alpha lipoic acid and combined with the settle r19 so to see links to these studies go to this article on nootropics expert just search for alpha lipoic acid and check out the the clinical studies behind this are pretty amazing as for dosage taking alpha lipoic acid with the meal decreases the bioavailability so I recommend taking ala on an empty stomach like one hour before you eat anything most alpha lipoic acid supplements contain a 50-50 mixture of our LA and pass LA supplements to claim claiming to contain only our la are often more expensive but information regarding the purity is often not available Peak plasma or blood concentrations of our LA were found to be 40 to 50 percent higher than SLA so this suggests that our LA is better absorbed in SLA so for dosage precaution cognitive benefits ala is 200 to 600 milligrams a day a la dosage for diabetic nerve pain is 800 milligrams per day divided into two doses alpha lipoic acid dosage for antioxidant benefits is 50 to 100 milligrams per day as for the side effects using ala as a supplement the generally rare but they can include diarrhea fatigue and some and skin rash alpha lipoic acid can lower blood sugar levels so if you have diabetes or low blood sugar you should take out the lipoic acid under the supervision of your doctor alpha lipoic acid supplementation also lowers levels of thyroid hormone so get your thyroid labs done when you're using la an industrious each of both a la and your thyroid meds accordingly alpha lipoic acid can also lower levels of vitamin b1 or thiamine this is can be especially dangerous for alcoholics or those who drink alcohol heavily and it's also a problem for engage the bell malnutrition so it would be wise if you're in either of those groups to add vitamin b1 or saw Beauty I mean if you're taking of lipoic acid the chemical structure of biotin is similar to that of alpha lipoic acid and there's some evidence that ala competes with biotin for transport across cell membranes so it may require higher doses of biotin if you're using ala now let's get back to the forms for a minute most alpha lipoic acid is available in it as a supplement as a 50-50 combination of RLI and SLA absolutist instead synthetic version and it's not done in nature r-la and SLI are combined because RL is highly unstable on its own and it degenerates quickly studies have shown that 30 to 40 percent of an oral dose of alpha lipoic acid is absorbed oral ala supplements are better than served on an empty stomach taking ala with food reduces total applies more blood concentrations by up to 30 percent so take it on an empty stomach the sodium salt version of RL a may be better absorbed than free lipoic acid likely because of its higher stability there's little evidence however whether ala supplements are more effective or are a are la supplements are more effective than regular alpha lipoic supplements in humans so mining traffic sex our recommendation for alpha lipoic acid is 50 to 600 milligrams a day and that's my report on applicable passes you want to see links to the studies I talked about go to necrotic sex or calm and search for alpha lipoic acid or click on the link below this video there you'll find a full transcript to this video and you'll find dozens of articles on well-known nootropics call on nootropics expert if you have any questions or want to share your experience using alpha lipoic acid go to my article at patna robbins nootropics expert and please leave it at the in the comments section at the bottom of the article we also have a growing forum on a tropics expert there you can go to talk about anything related even tropics or or optimizing your brain if you want to see more videos on all the pots of nootropics use today subscribe to this channel before you leave I'll putting be putting up new videos on the tropics and optimizing your brain every week I'm David Coleman author of nootropic sex free
Channel: NootropicsExpert
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Keywords: nootropics expert,, David Tomen, nootropics review, nootropics stack, nootropics 2017, nootropics for memory, nootropics for energy, alpha-lipoic acid, alpha-lipoic acid benefits, alpha-lipoic acid side effects, smart drugs review, smart drugs nootropics
Id: wXmXocIbC_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 20 2017
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