Powerful Witness Story, (Ptr. David Yonggi Cho Journey of Faith from "Buddhist to Christian"

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who can solve this problem two thousand years ago the son of god jesus christ visited jericho jesus christ feasted this earth no one invited him but he voluntarily visited jesus as jesus was feasting the jericho no one invited him to come to jericho but he came he visited by himself voluntarily so much so jesus christ has come to the earth 2000 years ago not to spend vacation but he came here to be identified with suffering humanity when i was 17 years old i was struck down with the terminal tuberculosis right after the korean war my parents took me to hospital and the doctors checked over me and they found out that i had big cavity on the right middle of my right lung and my left is full of tuberculosis and doctors they shook their heads we can't operate on you your tuberculosis progressed too much and they said with our medical science we cannot help you the doctors i'm sorry he said you go home eat food which you would like to eat and meet your friends whom you would like to meet because you don't have too long time on this earth he says we tell you that you have three months and at most six months to live when i heard that ultimatum whole world seemed to be roaring around me and i was aged and in that condition i came back home i took the three-month calendar and i put on the wall then i laid myself down on the whole korean floor and then i was waiting to die and i was born and raised up as a buddhist i had been very faithful buddhist my father was a buddhist philosopher and so we were kneeling down every day and we were chanting chanting chanting chanting till i felt spooky and but i was struck down with tuberculosis and i was desperate i say oh buddha i'm your faithful disciple come and help me i'm time i'm choked i can hardly breathe i'm constantly vomiting the blood come and help me i was full of fear i said i had been faithful buddhist and why should i have this kind of pure fear of death i was praying crying traveling before the buddha but no answer came finally i was desperate as buddha are you on your vacation are you out of your business how come that you don't hear me yes i was in jericho my whole life was in jericho i was in curse of sickness and disease and poverty we were so power stricken that my parents could not take me to the hospital it was after all we were living from head to mouth it's very difficult to keep existence so out of desperation one day i said lord god if there were god in universe would you please come and help me i don't like to die i'm too young today i'm 17 years old if ever there were living god if ever you would come down and touch me and give me life then i will give rest of my life to you and i'll go around the world telling about your marvelous work because of that prayer this evening i'm standing before you [Applause] after that prayer in a few days one high school girl visits my home she was on the way from school to her home but she was carrying out home vegetation since my small check was the the opponent that she walked in and i'm seeing the pitiable plight she began to tell me about jesus i said no i'm [Music] i'm not ready to change my legion on the death bed please move out but she's no no i'm not preaching religion she said i am preaching the son of god this is not religion son of god came 2000 years ago to this earth to help such a person like you i said no no no you get out of this place so she all explained about jesus and plan of salvation she left the next day about the same time she visited again with sunrising smiles so how are you she said jesus christ is touching you accept jesus and she was talking about jesus oh no no you get on on the third day she came back again on fourth day she came back on fifth day she came again she kept coming and i was so irritated in my spirit and one day i really pulled over as you get out of this place when i open my mouth billions of germs of tuberculosis are coming out you would be killed she said i'm not afraid of dying since jesus is my protection but as jesus no jesus get out of this place and she knelt down and she began to pray for my soul and i saw the tears were rolling down on her cheeks tears tears tears and when i saw those tears my heart was shattered this christian have love buddhist no one came and visited me no one cried for me but this young girl she's not my fiancee she's not my one of my relatives why should she cry for me that tear spoke more eloquent than any word and i said i s lady lady don't cry i'll become a christian for you she threw her hand up and she shouted hallelujah and she gave her bible to me and please read the scripture you will find the word of life and so when i got the bible when i opened the genesis she looked at me very amiably and snatch the bible away from my hand and please don't start from genesis because i think that you are too thick to finish revelation she was right then from where should i read she opened the bible new testament matthew and she said read from matthew so i opened matthew abraham begat isaac isaac bigger jacob jacob judah i said is this bible this is all begetting story and i'm dying person this makes me all more depressed said do you complain because fish is born oh i saw that born and eat flesh she's the bible has a load of bones you just saw that bone and eat the flesh the simple word saved my life i said that is right that's right so i began to read this bible i was expecting to read some deep theory or logics like buddhist teaching but bible was different i was amazed because i was heason i was reading the bible first time in my life and bible was talking about only one person jesus christ jesus who forgave the sins jesus who cast out devil jesus who healed the sick jesus who raised the dead jesus who fed the starved jesus who gave hope to the despaired people i was so amazed can this be true what kind of person is this he's performing so much miracles and he's so realistic buddhism all logics and theory but this person is not logic and theory he is so practical and pragmatical i said this is not religion if this person were living today there will be hope doctor gave up about me family gave up friends gave up i myself gave up myself but this person he performs miracle i need this kind of person i don't need religion i need more than science i need this kind of person i was so moved and especially when i saw him hung up on the tree for me shedding his blood i was broken down i knelt down before jesus and i didn't know how to pray because i had never been to church and that day jesus visits me i said jesus if you were truly a son of god come and touch me i'll give rest of my life to you suddenly tremendous feeling came hit the pit of my stomach and i wondered if i was going to vomit more blood because my power started moving but this time it wasn't blood some warm sensation took hold of my stomach and that began to spread over my chest they came upon my brain and i was absolutely calmed down great peace when we were meditating together with my father from time to time i felt the peace by buddha but that was very brutal as soon as i stand up and i have some trouble then there were no peace but this time it was not man-made peace this supernatural peace came and took over me i felt so peaceful great joy bubbled up i jumped up and i wanted to sing but i didn't know any christian song i said something happened wow something happened wonderful something happened i was shouting and later when i come to america they were singing my song something happened and now i know it touched me and made me whole yes something happened he touched me and i was so full of joy and still i was running in the fever i was coughing up the blood i was feeling the pain all over my body by my mind i heard a still small voice you will overcome this sickness you will not die you will alive you will become my servant you will go end of the world preaching the gospel of jesus christ i heard that voice still small voice coming from inside of my soul oh i was overjoyed and from that moment i began to devour my bible i tell you i could not understand the meaning of the bible but every scripture was pulsating with the life and i could not keep on reading more than five verses because i was overjoyed i need to rest a little while to continue because the bible every virtue pulsating with the life of jesus christ [Music] then by and by fever left me and i regained the desire to eat i devoured everything i began to gain the strength and i waited for three months and still i was alive and i went i waited for six months and i was becoming stronger and in one year i came out of my deathbed since that time until now for 43 years i've been pastoring church [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Eugene Dunamis
Views: 3,838
Rating: 4.9130435 out of 5
Id: dU5rReFkd4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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