Power Storage - Satisfactory - tips and tricks

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hello everyone my name is zombie vega and welcome back to satisfactory in today's episode we'll be looking at power storages but before we start guys i'm a small channel it would really help me out if you subscribe and hit that like button it really means a lot to a small channel like myself after that now let's get back into what power storages is so power storages is the next part of our little series looking at power now power storage itself is as the name suggests a storage of power now if you look at your power consumption we'll use this polya you'll see that you've got your consumption production max consumption capacity so our capacity is basically 5 000 megawatts but we're only consuming about 3 600 to 4 000 at the moment and all that extra capacity can be stored so these guys have a very interesting and nice layout so as you can see once you click on it you'll notice that it's got two little thingies on the side here so this side is for this exact power storage how long it's going to take for this thing to charge full now this one has got 46 minutes left but it takes exactly an hour to charge 100 megawatts it doesn't matter how big a extra storage you've got or how much extra consumption you've got it takes a an hour to charge this so if you build one expect an hour in real game time for this to charge now on the right inside you'll notice there's another part here and if you expand this you'll notice that this is the store charge and this one is a bit different because the storage is next to this one because i've bought three here they were all built afterwards so this one is the total storage will take another 45 minutes there's also a nice percentage indicator so you see the 23 for the whole system versus 24 for just this one and you'll see that it's currently stored 72 out of 300 so you can just add these on and expand so currently we've got these three now there is some caveats to this you cannot charge one of these with one of these biomass burners you see i've got some leaves in here burning there's nothing else acted to it it's idle no connection so let's add a connection to this and you'll see that if i click on this nothing happens it's not charging it's literally doing nothing so you cannot charge one of these with a biomass burner it just doesn't work uh that is one of the little caveats that you've got now these guys will charge up and as soon as they're fully charged you'll notice that let's look at one from the side here so you'll see that they actually have a side and there you can see that it's got a little charge indicator on the side of this as well to show you how full each one is charged now you can expand this as much as you want so if you look here to the right i've got a huge battery bank stored up there so if i now connect this guy to this one just to show that you can see that one is now starting to charge and now the system as you can see resets him will take 59 minutes for the fully charged system it will say it will reset to that one now if i go and charge up this now before we do that let's actually look i've connected all these up in series so now you can see if i expand this i've i'll add another 1600 megawatts but i don't have a thousand six hundred megawatts extra so once i connect this to this guy let's look what's happened now you'll see that it's going to take over an hour so this is now going to take well over an hour for this full system to charge completely so because it's now going to take that whole system adjust and it takes that so if we go back to this one it will also tell you this one is now going to take a lot longer to charge fully because we don't have the full capacity eventually the whole system will fully charge even this one which was about 28 percent but you can see it's not charging fully it's fluctuating now quite a bit if i remove that connection right there you'll notice that now we can go back and you'll see it will actually go back down to 42 minutes totally charged if i break it from the system completely it will still hold its charge so now if i needed to connect something onto this it will drain and work as is this full system now has 85 megawatts of power stored and it will run your factory if you connect something to this for however long it's got power so if your factory uses one megawatt it will take 85 hours otherwise yes it's gonna take it will drain it out pretty fast if it's anything larger than that but now we're charging it fully and like i said if we now connect all of these up again and we make that connection there you can also use the switch this is now going to go back to utilizing and charging every bit of extra power that it's got so it's going to take still quite a bit of time to fully charge and it's going to fluctuate up and down as the factory goes up and down and produces power remember as a lot of my power is not fully utilized now all of a sudden stuff is kicking in that hasn't been working because yeah there's now a bit of an extra usage on the system so what are they useful for so if you're expanding your factory and we let's go back to this part if our consumption all of the sudden now reaches a bit higher than our capacity so we're producing 5000 megawatt but all of the sudden like you can see we get a spike of 8 000 megawatts it will lean on the batches and basically cause your factory to not shut down completely giving you a bit of time just to go and sort out the spike so if you for instance accidentally took out everything now you need to re-enable it it will give you just that bit of time to lean on these guys so your factory doesn't chip if these guys end up draining completely and have nothing left the factory will chip as normal so that will only help you for a certain amount of time and then the fact you will trip again and another thing that you'll also think of is if you have to disassemble this well you lose the power there's just it is gone so if i disassemble this guy that power is just gone there's nothing it doesn't get transferred it doesn't magically reappear if i build another one in its place so that power is gone completely from the system and you see there's nothing stored in this one nothing happened to the system and yeah now i can just connect it all back again and store these guys up guys if you like this video please hit that like hit that subscribe to really help me out until next time this has been zombie vega bye
Channel: Zombie Vega
Views: 12,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: satisfactory, satisfactory tips and tricks, power, how to make power in satisfactory, power storage, power storage uses, power storage satisfactory
Id: Dqqz1nwLeY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 08 2022
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