1200MW Coal Power Plant Tutorial | Satisfactory

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hey guys what's going on my name is waz and today i'm going to be showing you how to build a 1200 megawatt coal power plant in satisfactory now to build this thing you will need to be near a water source and you will need 240 cool coming in so yeah without any further ado let's get straight into it alright so the first thing you want to do is get out your concrete foundations just like this and you want to build a line out into the middle of the water so uh just go ahead build one like this let me set this to the right mode here you want to build out a line into the middle of the water just like that and then once you have this you can go ahead and remove this part of the line so that you have just a couple foundations out here in the middle of the water just like this then you can go and extend this by a couple on each side it doesn't really matter so that it's about this long and then you're gonna get out a water extractor uh let's get out that again there we go get out a water extractor leave about that much space and then you just want to place three of them next to each other just like that so now once you have those three placed you want to place three more on the other side as well make sure you leave about the same amount of space there we go one two three just like that and i think that looks good yep that looks good so now what you want to do is extend these um extend the end of this so that it gets it goes past the water extractors so you don't want it to like touch at all you want it to just go like one pass so that if i were to do this it doesn't touch it at all so you want to do that for both sides uh just extend it about that much then go ahead on the ends of these you want to go out one two three four foundations just like that and then do that on all four corners so one two three four and then do it on this side as well just like this one two three four and then one two three four just like that all right now that you have that done what you want to do is on all of these on the ends of these you want to go up six of these big foundations oh not six i mean five sorry five of these big foundations just like this one two oops vertical one two three four five just like that and then go ahead and do that on all four corners after that place foundations down here on this side just like this and then do it on the opposite side also so place them just like this and then all the way over there then once you do that connect the tops of these pillars with foundations just like this on every side so that you have a giant rectangle made out of foundations like this and then once you have this fill in the center of the rectangle now that we have this done we are going to start placing our coal generators so basically how we do this is you want to first find the center line which would be this line right here and just like visualize it better i'm going to color this block right here uh this foundation this foundation right here orange so uh basically what you want to do is get out your cool generator and just kind of place it with the inputs on this side just like this so you want to line this up on the very edge with the middle of that orange block just like this and then you want to move over this way one just like that and then move this way four so one two three four so the corner should be right there just on the edge like that then i'm gonna come over to the other side for this now we're gonna do the other one so you wanna kinda do the same thing you wanna line this up with the middle and then just go out uh just one just like that so that there should be this little gap in between them and if you did it right it should look like this the very center should be just like this right here so let's just go ahead and replace this foundation so now what you want to do is you want to place seven more of these cool generators on each side so i'll just do this side real quick you're just gonna place coal generators all the way down like this and it should end up looking like this so yeah uh just repeat that on the other side alright so once you've finished placing all of your cool generators now we're going to place the splitters so how we're going to do this is first get out your splitter and make sure the input is on this side right here uh just facing like the front i guess you could say i don't know and then you just want to go ahead and you see this like center of this block right here this is where you want to put them all so just place one like that so it lines up with this input and it's on this like center line right here and then uh go ahead go up two actually so that this uh we've got a stack of three splitters just like this then you want to delete these bottom two splitters and then there you go that splitter is now finished this is the input right here and the rest are outputs and you want to just continue placing splitters like this um with the input on this side right here and you want to place them in front of every single cool generator except this last one right here because you don't need a splitter there and then repeat the same thing on the other side so yeah i'll be right back as soon as i've done that all right guys as you can see i have added splitters to every single cool generator except these two because they don't need them and i'll show you why right now actually because we will be doing the conveyor lifts now so you want to be using mark 2 or higher it doesn't really matter i'm just going to be using mark 2 because that is all you need so uh for this last one that doesn't have a splitter what you're going to do is you're just going to go ahead and place a lift and connect it directly to this splitter just like that and basically what you're going to do is you're just going to kind of do this for every single uh you're just going to do all the belt work basically so uh connect all the lifts like this and then connect all the belts together just like that and you basically want to repeat this entire thing for every single cool generator on both sides okay now that we have all of the belts done what we're gonna do is we want to come over here and get out your conveyor lift floor hole right here and uh this is going to be the side where the coal is coming in so just keep that in mind you want to place these right here on these like lines right here um by this gap just kind of like this then once you do that you're gonna bring down a uh you're just gonna leave those there actually you're gonna come down here and you're gonna place a conveyor wall hole or a conveyor wall i guess it's called so you're gonna place one of those right there just like that then you're gonna place a splitter uh just like this so it's like kind of clipping but it doesn't really look it doesn't look bad at all so it looks fine just like that so then once you have this you're going to go ahead and get out your conveyor lift mark ii and just bring this up into these conveyor floor hole things just like this just go ahead bring both of these up from the splitter here so that it looks nice and then uh you're gonna go ahead bring this up like this uh i think you're gonna go up just go up like hang on let me let me see let me let me count i haven't really counted this one two three four i believe just like that then turn it that way and then this one you're gonna do the same thing one two three four except it'll be going the opposite direction of course then you're gonna bring your belts over here and just kind of do a 90 degree turn like this and then bring it up so that it is the same level as the splitter then just connect up the splitters like that uh if you want you could remove this pole i think you probably should i'm pretty sure uh that will actually get in the way later so you might want to remove that then basically repeat the same thing on the other side just like this and that looks good so now we have all of the belts set up and now all you need to do is connect your coal so that is actually what i'm going to do right now uh we're just going to go and connect up our coal and uh if i were you i would do this right now also so that it has time to enter all of these coal generators so uh i'm just going to go ahead and build a little platform i didn't really have this prepared before so uh let's just go and build a little bit of a bridge i guess uh it's it's just kind of a temporary solution but uh just to get the coal over there uh just do that there we go so now the coal is on its way and i forgot to mention you're to want to you're going to want of course mark 3 belts for this so let's just use mark 3 built let's convert all of this to mark three belts now if you want you can change the design up a little bit and have two mark twos coming in and just completely avoid the splitter if you want but uh yeah so that looks good uh yeah that's good that's good so now that we have this it should start entering the system just like that and it will all start working so yeah now we have to do the pipes all right guys so for the piping what you want to do is come over to this side of the structure this is the side without the conveyor lifts and uh come over to these two water extractors get out a pipeline mark one alright so while editing this video i realized that in the recording i used mark 1 pipes which will actually not work at all make sure that you use mark 2 pipes while building this thing and yeah that's really all i have to say so resume the video and what you want to do is do a little bit of a 90 degree turn just like this and then repeat the exact same thing with the other one and make sure they're symmetrical just like that and then what you want to do is bring this pipe all the way down to this spot right about here uh let me make sure that this is actually accurate there we go just like that so then you want to do the same thing for this other pipe as well so let's just make sure that we got this lined up there we go okay so i'm going to pause the video for a second here i actually forgot to mention that you need to put pipeline junction crosses on these pipes to actually connect up these water extractors just like this so make sure that you actually do this before continuing i'll realize it later on in the video so um just make sure to connect them up just like this and yeah that's really all i have to say so let's just resume the video just like that so now what we want to do is do another 90 degree turn now it is going to kind of clip through the uh splitters hitbox but it's not actually going to touch the splitter so it should be fine so we're going to do this uh with this other one as well so let's just go and do this it's a little weird to get this to work but there we go once you have that uh you're going to go ahead get out a pipeline floor hole and you want to place this just here right up next to this wall thing just like that and then you want to do it on this other side as well same exact thing place it right there and then you want to get out your pipeline mark 1 again and you want to set your build mode to horizontal to vertical you can do that by pressing r on your keyboard and you want to click this top one first that's important make sure to click that one first and then just connect it to this and you should get this nice 90 degree angle just like that so do the same thing on the other side just like that and there we go and then you can set your pipeline mode back to auto before i forget and then once you have that we're going to place our pipeline pumps so you just want to place them like right about here and then hold control to get them like lined up with each other and that's basically it for the pumps so now we're going to do the rest on the uh upper floor here so to do that we're going to get out our pipeline junction cross and we're going to come over to this side first and we're just going to kind of hover it hover over this exact spot right here then we're going to move out one two three four five six just like that then place it right there and then get out your pipeline mark one again and connect it up now i don't know any better way to do this it's a little bit weird looking but since it's gonna look the exact same on the other side it's not that bad it just there's no way to fix this and it's just really annoying and weird but uh we'll just ignore it for now so basically what you want to do is just continue to like do this on the entire side uh just connect up all of the cool generators basically like this and just repeat that for the entire side now there is one more thing i want to show you on this side because it's a little different so for this side you want to start off by doing the same thing just kind of hover the uh thing over here just like this then go one two three four five six just like that and then for this side what you want to do and get out your pipeline and you want to just do like a 90 degree turn just like this and then go into this junction and then you can just continue building this so now what you want to do is just continue building this on both sides and then that will actually be it for the piping and after that we'll move on to power okay so now that we are done with the piping we are going to move on to the power lines so for power lines you can really do it however you want as long as you get everything connected but i will show you how i like to do it so i like to get out i like to use power pole mark ii so let me just bind this to my hot bar real quick there we go i like to use power pole mark twos for this so i just place one right there like that and then i place one directly above it right like that and then i connect these two uh just through the floor it looks a little weird but that's about as good as it's gonna get i'm i'm pretty sure so then uh for the bottom floor i like to connect these two pumps and these two uh generators here to this one and then uh i will put another power pole right about here and this is where i will connect the remaining four power generators just like this here just like that so and now that i have everything down here connected i do the upper floor so for this uh let me for some reason there we go it's being a little weird so you just want to connect all the cool generators up uh this one is a little weird because the hit boxes can be kind of weird in this area but we'll try to get it so i just like to connect them here and then i run the power lines through this little gap in the middle that's why i had you make that little gap so i think actually i'll place another one over here just like that and then do this now this one's going to be pretty weird to get at so i think i forgot one actually over here that's why it's a little weird there we go and then we're gonna do this one so just go and connect up this stuff just like this it doesn't exactly really matter because no one's gonna really see this part and yep there we go i'll connect the last fuel to another power line let me make sure i got all these yep looks good looks good okay so connect all these up and then this one this one this one and this one so let me just run my power line over these make sure i didn't miss any yep that looks good just double check there we go okay so uh now we have everything done and what i actually like to do to make this just look more complete is i like to add these uh windows where are they at the full frame windows i just like to add these to like fill in all of these like gaps here just to make it look nicer but before i do that uh to actually get the to actually like connect this to the rest of my power grid or whatever i like to go ahead and add a wall outlet a double wall outlet actually so i add one of these right there and then i just connect this power pole to it so just do that and then i'll run a power line all the way over here to my biomass burner and we will have to have somewhat of a power grid to jumpstart it of course so let's just go ahead and jump start the system by turning on all these water extractors and that should lead to all of these generators turning on now you might have to uh what you might have to do uh once these turn on is you might have to turn all of them off using this little button here and then wait for them to all fill up with water and then turn them back on you might have to do that because it just they're just a little weird sometimes so uh just make sure you might need more pumps now that i think about it but i think this should be good let me just make sure we got water and everything working so it should all start working there we go wait for this water to actually get up here uh you might actually need another pump i don't really remember how many pumps i put on it the first time i built this so you might need another one let me see let me just take a look here uh let's see it appears to be working let's see yep there we go okay the pumps do in fact work i was a little worried there so yeah everything works got the coal plants starting to turn on so what i am going to do is i'm going to turn every single one of these off and then i'll turn them back on once they're all full of water so i'll be right back as soon as i've done that all right so i have let all of the cool generators fill up on water and then i turn them all back on and i also added windows to this whole thing and that is actually it it is fully completed it is fully operational now and um as you can see well actually ignore this number let me just delete this thing over here uh just ignore that uh so uh if i go ahead and do this now uh as you can see it says 1200 megawatts right here and that is how much that this is actually producing so yeah uh this thing does produce 1200 megawatts it will be fully self-sustaining of course uh as long as you know the miner stays on so yeah that's gonna be it for this video guys uh if you did find this helpful make sure to leave a like maybe subscribe trying to get to i don't know like 500 subscribers maybe on this channel i might upload some more satisfactory content if this video does well but uh yeah so that's gonna really be it for this video make sure to leave a like comment subscribe i will see you guys next time goodbye [Music] you
Channel: Wa_zz
Views: 86,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: satisfactory, satisfactory coal power plant, satisfactory coal generator setup, update 5, satisfactory tutorial, satisfactory coal power
Id: PCQuL05s4NI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 19 2021
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