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hello guys it's me Nikki sorry okay yes right back at you so today I have drew Barrymore here on my channel and so I know yet she is one of my favorite people on planet earth and I'm not just saying because you're sitting next to me but it's honestly true we'll get to it later I call her the Meryl Streep the Elvis the Queen she did of makeup drew is gonna take a taste of the power of makeup cake we're we're gonna be doing a one side of her face full glam and one side as you know it totally nothing can I ask you a question does anyone ever ask you like what's your side and do you have one I do it's this one so you don't have a side that you prefer I mean maybe if you like a more open side that's your better side but I don't even know I have the privilege of doing her makeup yesterday and I would felt so confident and beautiful and empowered after you did my makeups I did not want to take it off last night and it just it's so exciting well guess what you're getting them again today a thing you have to know is that when Drew gets excited she either meows or works yeah I also like to hit and punch when I get really excited to already I don't know I'll try to contain but get my insurance ready all right so without any further ado let's go with the power of makeup on drew Barrymore okay so the first thing gonna do is prime power of makeup everybody we're gonna color correct I love that color oh Fenty you did it you really did it so we're just gonna bring around the foundation we're using is my flower Beauty my delusion is like when I was talking about its elf 3 your favorite color is it's my tone right now and we're just bouncing and now talking about flower beauty one of the biggest plot twists to me is that you have had this computer eight yes we've been in store for seven we developed it for about a year and a half which is fast and or at least was fast in the beauty world that we were exclusive to Walmart we decided to put all of our money into our formulas but there was just the sort of versioning of YouTube and beauty influencers me and I could sense that potentially a new era was upon us and with not a lot of time and not a lot of money you're forced to get clever so I said you know what I'd rather have better formulas and less traditional marketing that we just can't afford anyway but I do love marketing and being Co creative director at covergirl and into flower beauty I am raising two daughters while I've done this love Nicki olive got her makeup done by Damien I loved the old Revlon the most beautiful girl in the world campaigns I used to always put those up on my wall it was about the woman and not the scenario in the backdrop and sort of the cleaner you go like this white backdrop I feel like everybody feels like they could be here yeah and when you've got sort of like black gold rain and like this kind of Zoolander vibe or you know like girl in jungle or you know again sometimes what these companies do I just I don't necessarily relate to that I'm like a girl who dances in her closet in her underwear and nobody needs to see that but do we know we're very big Honduran I do they like go from like here it's like they could double as a parachute if the buildings on fire your face my god I wish I could rip it off and just give it to you so we're just powdering the face a little seed the nice little highlighter spots I like to keep those wet so later on when you apply the highlighter it's just gonna grab even more and become even more shiny so it doesn't sit on top of the foundation as much exactly attaches to the skin exactly real quick gonna do your brows now if you're new to my channel hello my name is Niki this is true I don't do brows on camera because they freak me out so right now we're gonna do a little cut and we'll be right back so true since I don't want to leave the people hanging cuz they just missed out on the brow part I want to make it up to them by doing a little quiz since Santa Clarita diet is one of my top favorite shows it means so as you know Ramona's also life yes I have a couple of questions okay and it is called drew versus Sheila okay okay question number one Sheila eats people yeah what's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten I had these um like chili salt sriracha and covered grasshoppers in a margarita and I thought there's no way I'm gonna be able to eat this I ordered more it was so delicious and then it just like washed down with the tequila I'm telling you it was shocking it tasted like crunchy little morsels of like Sheila went out and bought herself a Range Rover yes are you an impulsive buyer and what is the biggest impulse buy you've ever made what is the biggest impossible very I'm a house I'm not kidding I went and bought a house once and then sold it immediately because I freaked myself out like yeah just just kiddin yeah I mind yeah I doing that ever yeah my business manager was thrilled Sheila stuffs her freezer with fresh meats mm-hmm what is the weirdest thing you stuff in there what's the weirdest thing for me it's lipstick oh and oh oh it's like Marilyn Monroe member and 7-year itch she puts her panties in the icebox to keep cool I want to do that although in reality I'd probably never mind Sheila calls herself the element of surprise people don't expect her to jump on people and kill them yeah it is you know it happens sometimes it does what's the biggest misconception about you I definitely have a dark side and I can I can be like prone to feeling you know just as depressed as I can mm-hmm happy and I have to work really hard at being happy and happy sounds like this kind of like lofty hippie concept but if you fight to be happy it takes a lot you have to earn happiness it is a battle to get there but it is the battle worth fighting more than anything else oh my god amen Sheila barely sleeps how are you want no sleep I do I hate no sleep but you know most of my life I've been pretty no sleep because I started acting when I was 11 when you were pushed out early I like and I came out with like a cigarette no Martina I was like loves dualist I do appreciate a good night's sleep I'll take the like nyquil acne hammer anytime - I love a good sleeping pill I love being like goodnight dad you're later I love like a seizure I'm like whenever I get the chance to be put under and like make it real slow there like backwards from 100 I'm like if you don't let me get to 50 I'm gonna kill you this is like the one time I know I'm gonna sleep without anything messing it up it's like oh we're gonna have to do surgery I'm like great Kavi anesthesiologist cuz I'm there I had to get like wisdom teeth pulled I was like I'll be put out for this right and they're like no I was like no at this point my life the sad thing is I take melatonin to go to sleep so do it's really good ed not you the hell it works I don't take any sleeping pills drugs nothing like I'm super clean and pure I'm on a amazing cleanse there's not an impurity in my body and I switched to melatonin it's the best it's changed my life alright moving on to eyes so today we're using of course flower beauty these little costs you came out I can't believe oh the wonder less palates and you or even a tiny bit don't don't use too much yep and the Glitter is more like a Fleck rather than a tiny little mica or glitter I noticed when I was wearing that formula from the lab while I was testing it a lot of women we're pulling my arm and saying what are you wearing and so I really fought hard to do that formula cuz it was extremely expensive for the eyes were going with a blown-out warm moment so we're using these two shades right here right now I am so excited you picked two of my favorite shades in this collection I loved this sort of orange e peach and then terracotta color started you know that's why I love makeup so much you know you you play with products you see what they look like and you're like well let me play on that I think eyeshadows in particular to just give you and now in the current climate which did not used to be the case two three years ago is on lip women are wearing green lips yellow lips blue lips black lives yeah and it's a new place to play with color on the lid we're going for this pinky duochrome e shade mm duochrome this is I asked her if she's gonna do a makeup line because I really think there's anyone more qualified on planet earth oh I would love to but it scares me it seems like every other week someone has a brand someone's coming out with this someone's coming out with that there's just so much responsibility and it comes to that that I'm like I know that if I ever decide on doing it that I will be able to handle it and I will know how to like do all of it but the pressure is on yeah and to be honest it scares me intimidation is a good motivator though that's also very true I always like doing jobs that scare me like when I went and did that movie scream I wanted to do it because I thought it must be really challenging to act like you're facing death and hyperventilating and hysterically crying and I wanted to like face that challenge and it wasn't about just doing like a scary movie the script was so good and I liked the idea of someone you think is gonna be safe dying because then all bets are off but I was like to pull that off and make it real and not too campy but have that legitimate genuine like holy factor and not use fake tears and keep that level of energy up night after night after night because it took us a week to film that one a week a week oh my god by day three you're like Oh am i dead oh my god so when something scares the out of you it's a good thing you gotta grab it by the balls and do it that's right swing hard I would love to see your makeup line good pressure on me drew no I just think you need to rule the world dad you already do so just keep rolling I'm gonna put you in my bag and take you home I could fit in it that is all you should see me when I'm trailing Nicky I would look like her little we're gonna stand up just so you see can you believe there's love yeah when I think of you I think of experimenting thank you I've seen you wear it all you've gone from smoky eyes to the 90s brown lip yeah - beautiful glowy soft skin soft moments the bright red yes is first vivid memory of makeup well I was just thinking when you were talking about that about my 10th birthday party mm-hmm that was in a nightclub because I lived that crazy life definitely a drugstore palette that had numerous colors of eyeshadow I remember taking the eyeshadow and going over my lid and then read ABing it in the color and starting it here and going all the way to my temple in like a straight line it like made me feel so cool right and at your tenth birthday party if that isn't like the height of awkwardness to feel cool because of the power of an eyeshadow and an untraditional application of it it made my whole party you want a true warrior yeah it's staring out of the rink and you know how we fill up those bricks so get ready for round two of drew versus Sheila Sheila has Joel as a partner in crime yeah if you would start eating and killing people oh what's your partner in crime beat I volunteer as tribute I was a partner in crime are you kidding I'm right there I'll just like be your a little wing man no I'll be your wingman that's quite a wingman Sheila loses body parts once in a while yeah yeah what's the first body part you would lose if you had to choose one I would love if somebody could just carve the underneath of my arm so that it didn't hang like a schoolteacher make a double appointment like yeah I I'm like if someone could just taken that off yeah I'd be really like yeah and then they could start with my stomach they could just start like grabbing let's schedule an extra hour for me thanks I'm just gonna put it into the universe yes for Sheila to eat me on season four oh that's right season three I think we could still make it happen no God that's victory imagine it's a huge meal I would say it I mean that she'd be good for we're the best meal a person could ever have in her that that's right Wow what was your inspiration back in the day makeup-wise style wise because when I say icon icon oh my god people know you for like the 90s lip yes no I true people on Twitter when I said that I was filming with you they were like are you gonna do the 90 lips I never see myself first sort of think about myself in an exterior way which helps you kind of have perspective and not become a humble so I figure you know it's best for me not to you know think about myself and I did love that era of makeup it was it was a really fun time thin eyebrows and those strong kind of chalky brick red and brown lips they kind of made a big statement without a lot of effort also you know the 80s were such a great time for girls because there were so many awesome musicians especially men that wore insane makeup whether it was like David Bowie or Duran Duran or Boy George it just kind of had this like all bets are off everything is welcomed kind of feel you know and I think it made people a lot more confident with experimenting and expression like I said when I think of drew I think of red lips it is just it's your color and I have this one planned out which is fun - yeah popsicle and especially with the I look right now but drew equals red I'm sorry well you know Mac Russian red brings me back really I didn't even tell you yet when I grew up Charlie's Angels I was my religion and there's one scene that totally made it for me remember that scene when you were ringing the bell and we're trying to get like was it like an eye print yeah and you were in the jury that scene ivory wanted that I think 78 times and how you were like huh no thank you for making those movies because and I know we're we're about to go deep here but I watched those movies pretty much every other day my mom hated me for it because there were three women and I was like that could be me yeah you know there's something about the power of three it's like a trifecta a tripod there's a real strength you can't tip it over you feel like you can't put yourself in there there's room for everybody yeah just uh with my head what the Chad oh my god by the way that I have my lipstick all the way down my face that's a real half makeup look because I took half of my face and I smeared the makeup on my eyes and lips and I wake up with like half my hair sticking up straight there's the half face I look for yeah so this one is the color scarlet letter now all we need is my favorite set explai flower beauty has a seal the deal this is a matte finish they also have a dewy finish which i like for the beach like you said the distribution of the mist of the spray oh you know how the morphe spray is like the finest one we know this is finer than that this is so rad see that's the valley girl in me I'm 43 and I'm like this is so rad the power of makeup right look at that beauty beauty I how do you do that alright so that is the power of makeup on drew you look phenomenal both ways this is my god-given face thank you love love it great all good oh my god thank you so much for being here I have one little gift for you hey love these so in Holland we call these crouppen goofing around the clump of the tutorial look that's me and that's you and we're together tied thank you so much for everything you know our verified thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed watching this video please don't forget to give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel don't forget to check out flower beauty there are some hidden gems in there that people need to know about and yeah thank you thank you Nikki yeah we're gonna make love goodbye see ya
Channel: NikkieTutorials
Views: 6,815,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drew, drew barrymore, barrymore, SZA, power of makeup, power of makeup drew barrymore, power of makeup kim kardashian, kim kardashian, transformation, drew barrymore interview, honest, personal, nikkietutorials, nikkie tutorials, nikkitutorials, nikki tutorials, get ready with me, makeup, makeup tutorial, extreme transformation, before and after, cosmetics, look, scream, charlie's angels, santa clarita diet, santa clarita, netflix, shiela, beauty, how to, how to apply, flower beauty, comedy
Id: dSYtRcrr1do
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 9sec (1209 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 21 2018
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