Doing LADY GAGA'S Makeup! | NikkieTutorials

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oh look it's Charlie's Angels come on three of us here to fight you all hello guys it's me Nikki but who cares about that right because next we is Lady gaga I care about that and yes I'm Lady gaga nice to see you all and right next to Lady gaga is of course Sara her makeup artist who if you've seen before I guess she's been on the channel first of all thank you so much for doing so many tutorials of my makeup over the earth I've seen them no yes I know I know I do it and I waited to tell you that what you're the first makeup tutorial I ever watched the countess one loved it oh I do love the conscious one but I just remember cuz I was like you know really interested in like the makeup world and what was going on and like how it was integrated into social media and the very first thing that I watched was yours well that was today's video thank you so much for today and I loved it because I also eyes like heard that you call yourself a content creator mm-hmm and like I hate when people call me a celebrity I'm like I'm an artist right so I really love that you own your artistry can you tell me how you guys came up with house lavatories like what is the story behind it okay well first of all house of Gaga has always been something that has been a dream of mine yeah and since the beginning of my career and you know making music being a songwriter and musician as well as you know creating content ideas my videos the ideas for my performances I always had an artistic collective group of people around me yeah and I considered it very important like that it wasn't all just me but it was us together so when we did house laboratories the very first time that we did it was for my fragrance and now we are doing it with makeup so house laboratories is back I am the global artistry director of the brand and co-creator with Gaga and you know we've worked together for so many years and I have to say I love that you're calling this the power of makeup because being Gaga's makeup artist I have experienced so many different media's of makeup that I had to learn being her makeup artist with in film and television having to get her ready to be that character whether it's removing all the tattoos and not have barely any makeup on her face she's on the cover of Vogue and I spare any makeup on her face at all getting her D first stage performance to make a pass to stay for like two hours that's a completely different hand than if I'm doing something for a red carpet so my experience with her you know when she doesn't make it was it's always different depending on what we're doing we have just had this love affair over a makeup together for years and I know the passion in this woman's heart makeup it's unbelievable if you go to her house she has an entire room dedicated to makeup and it is literally floor-to-ceiling all the walls make it make it make up everywhere colors colors colors everything that you could possibly imagine she's like it's like a library I love makeup too so much like I've discovered myself through makeup that's what made me feel beautiful that's what made me invent Lady Gaga because I've looked in the mirror and I was like I don't like what I see and I don't feel good on the inside so I'm just gonna start painting now and I'm gonna make something that I like with Sarah what we were able to do is start this makeup line house laboratories and it is seated and the idea of being kind to yourself you see makeup yeah and then this idea that it's a ritual of self-compassion so for us it's not so much about copying my looks or copy a way that I do my it's being yourself and like here's the tools that we think are cool we do a lot of innovation and our products we also do really high quality formulas for a lower price point we do a range of different things but kindness is the key to all of it we want you to love yourself it's an honor that we're here today and then we get to do this yeah and oh my flippin God we're here so today together with Sarah we're gonna be doing Lady Gaga's makeup which is very nerve-wracking and exciting and oh my god you do this all the time honey you're a lady Gaga period let's just do it so Sarah's Sarah Sarah Sarah okay so every time we need advice and guidance Sara's somewhere recently so the first thing we're gonna do is prime cuz not to prime is a crime oh you can do that the separate clause I can't does that give you out okay so what we're using this is the glam room number one eyeshadow palette slam room number one yes what this means is that there's going to be a glam room two three as we live on forever as a makeup brand we will continue to make glam room palettes this one is called faint it was inspired by when I was living on the Lower East Side I told my parents I'm not going to I went to college for five minutes I quit no I'm serious my parents cried it was all my birthday it was really bad my dad was like fine if you want to be a starving artist go be a starving artist so I adore three jobs I did bartending I waitress and I also was a burlesque dancer and I did a pop burlesque show that included both my music as well as burlesque dancing so one of the places I performed at is called the slipper room and that's actually that color right there so this palette is inspired by my initial relationship with makeup and fame so when I looked in the mirror I didn't want like all bright colors you know I wanted things that made me able to sculpt my face and make me transform beautiful and transform exactly so what you have here is a mixture between you know matte finishes shimmer and sparkle so you really can't kind of have like all your tried-and-true yep and then you have an array of sand like elevated more sophisticated colors that give you like the option if you want for Ventura yeah to get you to be more Street maybe wanna be my fashion maybe one of the other little more luxe looks we put a black in there called top hat mm-hmm and the reason I put that in there is because when I didn't have a lot of money sorry I just thanked you with my nails love it I didn't always have money to buy liquid eyeliner and I loved doing a winged eye so I used to buy cheap black eyeshadow and then I would use a little brush that I had like that Ike stole for my mom my mom and I used that I would put it in water put it in the eyeshadow and I did my way at eyeliner so with this palette literally for your eyes you could put this in your bag and you're good to go yeah what happened in room number two PTO's camera number two's a secret hmm well at least I tried all right so what I'm doing now is I'm taking Cameo and I'm sculpting the crease can you tell me more on what you see for the future of the house laboratories like I'm just gonna put it out there the kids are waiting for color this company and brand and family wish to expand to be uh-huh we want this to be a home for people to go to where they always know that they're getting makeup that comes from a kind place from kind people through cruelty-free or vegan and we want to create a space that includes all so the message behind who we are is always what's going to be the thing that stays the same so there will be color it just will come out and ways evil you know oh oh oh we got some teeth we got some teeth right now I'm taking the color contort we're popping that and that I can't get over this solo like I said okay I'm sorry I just have to say that this is gonna sound creepy and weird but like you've been in my life for so long I was you know in high school and we were on a school trip and all of us were on the bus and it was like Lady Gaga's come down with Alejandro today her music video and everyone was like oh her and her Lady Gaga let her be and then I remember you dropping the music video and like everyone stayed quiet for me so I could quietly watch it and like first of all you and your music videos are like can you tell me what goes through your mind when you're working on a music video like style-wise like how do all those incredible looks come to life you know the truth is that every music video is different yeah because you always want to express the emotion the theme alright the the feeling behind the song from video to video and from outfit to outfit depending on what we're doing we build it together as a team for example I remember doing the Alejandro video and Stephen client did that with me and he works I won't tell you exactly how he works cuz I don't want to go away his secrets yep but he works in a very particular way yeah but for one dance sequence in particular I just remember you know looking at myself in the mirror and I had that you know very shaved bleached eyebrows and that dark lip and I was like I don't know why but for this dance scene it's dancing I guess I see like old school like 90s like Calvin Klein Calvin Klein where I I need something that's Calvin Klein I we were looking and we just send a nude you know a nude bra and underwear and I was it that's it and we put it on me and it was just perfect and then the makeup just and the hair just walked around the out and sometimes it works that way and then other times the makeup will come first and then we do the hair and then the outfit other times we'll do the outfit first and then we'll build the makeup and the hair around it it's really just always like this collaborative it's always learning and I also have to like it I think like yeah I really I have to be like we're doing this I never ever go into my glam room and they just put it on me right you know cuz I also do my makeup myself you do yeah I mean I go to the studio I'm like working the studio sometimes lived like you know crazy like do my thing I'm gonna make it mirror for hours right you know and then the good guys like where are you okay I'm coming you know I want to feel like me and then other days you know a Nicki no makeup just black eyeliner and literally so messy sneakers flannel over there you ever go out without anything on yeah good topknot yeah and some sweatpants how do you feel about that do you ever feel like because paparazzi is constantly following you do you ever feel like oh I need to wear so no because like I can't live my life exactly how am I gonna live my life if every time I leave that I'm super stressed out about that and you know what I don't think it's a good message to people all over the world you're cause that I you need to be on all the time yeah like I wouldn't say that to somebody else part of house laboratories for me it's like saying like here's a whole bunch of makeup and like I love the innovations like the glam attacks they really are incredible like I love them as a product they're totally foolproof I just want people to feel like they can with ease use makeup and not feel the pressure like okay it's make up time foundation you know powder you know all the steps and then and then eyeshadow and then eyeliner and then everyone has their ritual and I'm not judging you should do your ritual but it's okay if you don't Queen Queen you're the Queen here the mo with the breath that's worth everything thank you I wanted to be like this Yas Queen a little fun fact for everyone to know is that nobody's touched her face for five years except for Sarah so this that the fact that we love my already and now we're gonna cut the crease this is a glam attack metallic creme mm-hmm and it's in shade retro okay so we're popping that on the lid how invested are you in the brand do you try every single part of yourself - yes like are you sitting at home with a big like kitchen table you're like okay it's exact it's in my kitchen always yes we have those windows everywhere and I have to do it in natural light because if we don't have natural light everywhere I can't see the exact color right pigmentation shine pearl shimmer Sparkle all of it all of the stuff I like need the light every single product that you will touch if you buy anything from house laboratories has been touched by me also it's all been touched by Sarah too because she is a makeup artist mm-hmm I'm not a makeup artist but I love makeup and know a lot about makeup team she's a makeup artist and knows a lot about makeup we like to make sure that our products work for both makeup artists as well as regular people yeah they're doing their makeup what was one of the most local products to create or come up with even the eyeliner which is incredible we needed that to be perfect the eyeliner had to be extremely black we wanted no skipping we wanted precision but we wanted coverage and payoff you know for us because black eyeliner for me is something that like I said if I'm wearing no makeup and I just wear one thing it's eyeliner usually so I set the clam attack using this which is spotlight light just to like make it pal even more they're now gonna take the duochrome applause because what is fame with applause thank you so pretty thank you I like it with my pink hair too all of the colors and they're all the hues like really bring it out we're nearing the end of the decade and you've been quite influential in that in that sad decade thank you what do you think is gonna happen in the next 10 years when it comes to how Saboteur iasts your Lady gaga to all of it is there a next look I can't have a panic attack in front of the entire world okay more music oh yay retiring any time soon all kinds of different music mmm I want to do more movies I won't have babies yes but yes I want to continue to build the behemoth that is house laboratories into the makeup company of my dreams you know I I really want I mean that's so genuinely we have fun and we're doing makeup and we're laughing you know yeah but I really want this to feel for people like a very safe experience right like when they go to buy makeup but yes they love the products but they go I love house laboratories I'm home - yes so now we're gonna do the lower lash line everything's fine yeah I'm sweating - it's fine so well I find my brush yes why don't you tell me three crazy things you want to accomplish in the new decade I'm living my inspirations right now right in this moment mhm so I couldn't tell you over the next decade like three like like skydiving or something like that like when I get inspired I do things right away there will be tons of crazy things that I do over the next decade I just don't know exactly what they are a fish dress is why they will be extra crazy a salmon dress yeah yeah oh why does fish make me so much more upset than me oh really we're gonna create this wing wing wing this is called Fame because it made me feel famous well but I feel like that's the power of makeup it is is my guy makeup it is it has the ability to what you feel on the inside bring that out to transform and to see yourself the way that you want to see exactly and the number one thing I hate when people go oh you're just wearing makeup cuz you're insecure no no it's a way of art and also if you are that's okay yeah why shame somebody because they're wearing makeup because they're insecure that's not amazing you're wearing a hat cos you have a receding hairline sir yeah that's right same thing you don't do that no that's amazing I love that like wing that you're doing with with flash what is that my god yes it is glam attack and flash comes in both the lip light the ripped lip liner yeah in super model and the low riot lip gloss and work work laboratories give us okay so now I'm going to challenge a Niki a little bit look come on surprise I'm gonna ask you to add one more thing to my eye so that it feels like me I would never do my makeup with Sarah and not say like hey Sarah could you add a little more of this or with my hair even you know Freddie it could be like you know curl it a little bit more like that and it's really just what we stand for so I just would like a little bit of eye liner I knew it just eyeliner and shade Punk please okay you got it before I do that I just want you to know that before you came in this morning I told your entire team on how I wanted the intro to go it's too good not to share I just wanted you to sit there and I go [Music] I'm glad we did it am i right [Laughter] I breathe oh yeah baby love the way you did my makeup so far good no but seriously at the eye is beautiful and then I asked for something you know in addition mm-hmm you know to make it feel a little bit more like me and then you're happy to do it and you did and I love it so I feel authentically myself as I would want to feel today yeah and you're really embracing everything that we stand for and I couldn't ask for anything more you know you're a true artist and you know the content that you're creating is meaningful to people and you're also a really nice person I think and not everybody is I know I say champagne to that champion bring it out baby about it and to Nikki [Music] Sarah come here Sarah cheers to house hey letter you love you why don't you finish this ID you can spend you know five minutes during your maker I cannot spend five minutes on the for you I can I could spend five minutes doing my makeup or I can spend 45 or an hour or two hours or two oh my god girl two hours one day come on I'm a musician I'm [ __ ] to do you should create a record where during the song she's doing everything I I think literally the prep time sometimes before an award show is actually longer than the actual event itself yep so I've been through guys we can take this long or we could not take this long so that I don't fall asleep more I have to ding that they keep you awake that's why he's Sara tapes my my eyes to my back I would love to get a confirmation on an album I mean I'm gonna put a record out but like is that gonna be like soon or soon ish number two in the tooths room let's just say house laboratories is a colorful place see if that's all the company conformation I need it and so will my music oh that's all the confirmation I needed I'm making a polka record Bobbi's about to walk in with a hammer it's a polka record I'm going in a totally new direction and I'm gonna drop a classical piano album at the same time exactly what we needed anyways how do you keep up like because I I know about your body and yeah the stuff you go through how do you make sure that you stay in a positive bubble mm-hm like what are some things that maybe people at home are watching like can take away from that and like you know what I keep really really wonderful kind people around me when I saw Frederick and Sarah and Fong today who also works for house laboratories you know I'm grateful for all three of them in my life and so when Freddy's doing my hair or Sarah's doing my makeup or falling and I are going over you know strategy or shade names it helps me stay grounded because there's nobody throwing you know they're toxic [ __ ] and we're all there for each other you know they're not just here for me to do my hair and makeup these are my friends I was the bridesmaid at Sarah's wedding I mean she's good at Sarah's crying over there you know that's you know she it was wonderful and it was just so funny because I had the most wonderful time going to her wedding because hey I was at the center of attention which makes me so happy she is my makeup artist and she is you know such a column in this house that we have built but she's also truly one of my best friends okay we need the liner okay we're still doing lip but we're gonna power through that oh just like a chugging contest liner syrup care to do the lip no we got five minutes I'm doing liner you're doing lip get your ass over here [ __ ] let me know the thing do you like highlighter yeah good good girl can steal back and that yeah those are both good applause I spotlight from the glam row number one palette Fame are the best for highlighting so now I have on both the replica liner and the burlesque lipstick now we're putting on the low riot lip gloss and work you better work house laboratories work it girl and what I like to do which I can do quickly actually yes I like to do it several times on my hand like this oh good night so then it's like this on my hand and I take it falling coupe it all up at once oh she looks like a head oh my goodness look at that I'm so thankful to you for doing this with me today because you made my makeup look beautiful but you also collaborated with me on what I wanted so I see me as I see myself today and that's what house laboratories wants from you since it's the season 2 gift that's not yeah well that doesn't make any sense I have it gifts for you they're so cute look and that's my album cover lg6 you heard it here first right there you see it already there she is that's lg6 the whole time that's is coming out with our next incredible day thank you for making a dream become reality I am going to put these on my Christmas tree and I'm gonna cherish this moment because I hope that everyone that watched today not only remember the power of makeup to make us feel good about ourselves and that that's okay mm-hmm and that it's wonderful to invent yourself feel brave to experiment and also that kindness is the most important thing and giving kindness to yourself is so wonderful because it empowers you to give kindness to others so thank you so much that's what house laboratories stands for and I'm pretty sure it's what Niki stands for too so absolutely thanks girl thanks for having me so thank you gaga Thank You Sara and before I let you go it's time for the Dutch word of the day Christmas or an aura could be ornament ornament - ball - ball caressed cached ball Oh guest fun exactly yes Father yes if you want to get featured in my next video all you have to do is leave the dutch word of the day down below in the comments that's right and don't forget about house laboratories our holiday sets they are all out we are so excited for you to see them and we also have LG sixes album covers right here alright guys thank you for watching bye
Channel: NikkieTutorials
Views: 10,918,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lady gaga, lady, gaga, LG6, lady gaga new album, lady gaga babies, doing lady gaga's makeup, lady gaga makeup, lady gaga interview, haus laboratories, haus, haus of gaga, music video, music, nikkietutorials, nikkie tutorials, nikkitutorials, nikki tutorials, makeup tutorial, tutorial, power of makeup, celebrity, power of makeup lady gaga, eyeshadow, drama, paparazzi, a star is born, album, pokerface, sarah tanno, lady gaga look, truth, makeup, lady gaga pregnant
Id: kx_uCdTRCAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 52sec (1612 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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