POWER OF MAKEUP: Madison Beer! | NikkieTutorials

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hello guys it's me Nikki and I'm joined here by the one and only Madison before we get started how does it feel to wake up this gorgeous it says you no no no please I have to wear 12 pounds of makeup and you just wake up like this it's not fair it's not fair no no how have you been good how have you been I've been very good I'm even better now because you're in my house I know we're in the Netherlands I'm so excited first of all why are you here for you babe I came all the way just for her any future collapse we're doing this all the time now we met for the first time I believe at the Met 2021 which uh we'll talk about that later but before you walked on camera you said I met you before tell me more so I've like watched Nikki's videos forever genuinely and I remember I think it was 2015 or 16. we got BeautyCon if you guys know the collection of this but I remember being like it was something maybe I'm misremembering but I know for a fact that I saw you and I was like oh my gosh I might have went up to you I might have been too shy but I was very excited was I nice of course if I went up I actually don't remember but I do remember seeing you for sure and just being like Oh my gosh you were like giant you were actually sitting on the floor I remember that I remember that vividly you were sitting on the floor I didn't realize how tall you were until I met you in the bed how does it always happen that I always end up on the floor me too everywhere encounters always well anyway today we are gonna do the power of makeup on Madison I'm so excited I think you know what's gonna happen once I just gonna get the full Glam and the other side is gonna get nothing right excited let's go foreign so first we're going to Prime with my baby I'm excited to try this well we have a full package for you thank you this is the word all Starscream I created this it's my it's my everything this is a primer and a Moisturizer in one sticky it's glowy and how we Perfect all I'm all of the above oh there we go again with the clothes warned me she already warned me that she was gonna go Meghan Trainor all over it okay oh you dropped it on your cheeks all right so let's start off with the elephant in the room yeah well you said you lost your phone at 5am in Amsterdam once and I want to know what happened oh my God that's so funny not a real story unfortunately but three I kind of give is when I performed that for the first time on tour when I was here it was truly one of the highlights of of the whole thing yeah I went nuts I don't know what possessed me but I was screaming into the microphone I lost my phone in Amsterdam him it was so fun it was genuinely the best moment ever okay so now we're going to use the island oh very butter right and we're done thank you so much for watching this was the power of makeup with Madison Beer I'm so excited thank you bye see ya so tell me what have you been working on lately my album when we're filming this right now I had just turned it in but hopefully when this comes out it will have been released I'm really proud of it though I think I'm proud of the whole thing but specifically my my favorite song is this one I wrote about my little brother little brother yeah it's really like very special to me and is it like um like a slower song it's a really diverse tracklist I think but that song is I don't want to consider it a ballad it's on the guitar it's slower but it's not a not a ballad it has like energy to it well and you recently toured I did pretty much everyone who went to my show was the first concert back from covid because I was like the only artist who was honestly it was a stupid Choice I'm proud that I made the decision because it worked out in my favor but there was a chance that it would have gotten canceled because at the time of confirming the tour things were still on lockdown in Italy for example the day that things got lifted was the day of my show so like I really people were ready yeah ready but I really pushed it I don't know why thank goodness I like had good intuition and was able to feel that it was gonna happen how nervous were you because I would have been if it would have been canceled it would have been a huge huge problem but it didn't happen and she's here we're good we're good as a singer what do you like most about a crowd I think Just Energy like I actually don't care like I love it when they sing but that's not really what I care the most about I'm like I'm definitely someone who just feeds off the energy like wait can we talk about Amsterdam insane also really insane you're lying I someone told me that Amsterdam is like no listen judge people we don't move We Don't Clap we don't scream we're like that was a great show I didn't show you but it was great it was wild it was wild they were wild wild listen whenever you watch a Dutch talk show and there's like a famous international singer who like gives it their all the people in the crowd will go there's like I'm like I can't I want to die I'm not going to show this am I going to show this you can show that that's already sold out everywhere on the planet so I can show it this is say say beauty Sun milk and a bronze to the great Heavens another place he looked bronze to the great Heavens was the Met it was crazy right right so much different than I expected as well I expected the carpet process to be longer because it's like there's something that was long oh my gosh what did you I I was there for three minutes not even I like literally stepped on and like almost ran off I was also very nervous when it was better you know people there that helps a few I met Lord that was my highlight she was there she was there and I met her and she was so kind and sweet and nice to me and it was so it was there Lord was there I did enjoy the night did you go to an after party afterwards no see I'm not I went to a gay bar amazing that sounds so much fun we went to the significant we went to the queens that sounds amazing all right so I did a light base I did bronzing with the bronzer yes I did blushing with the blush perfect and now I just want to lightly wait so you've collaborated with morphe I have um so you are a makeup lover yes I am have you always been a makeup lover or did it just grow over time it honestly is a nice way for me specifically as someone who my brain is just like constant it's nice to sometimes I just check out that's nice for me because I'm always like overthinking every single thing that I do all the time and has it gotten worse or better over the years so much worse oh really wait tell me more about this my brain has been hard like rewired I think by the internet a lot so you question everything if it's like good enough or what okay so it actually is changing rapidly like I'm finding a lot more peace Within Myself and like being able to free myself from that and like just trying yourself off on the internet yeah a bit more I'm kind of just trying to be here now and not like be too into what people are saying online there's just a lot of opinions and I'm a very sensitive person and I have too many opinions I take things to heart and I think that it's something that you know people obviously tell me like you shouldn't especially being doing this for as long as like we have you would think I'm used to it but I I like to be transparent that you don't really get used to it because I I think people will have this idea oh you've been doing it for so long it must get better but like no we're human beings everything I say sometimes you know if someone makes a comment why does she talk like that or whatever I'm like wait talk like what what do you mean things like that you know but then does it make you more I don't know insecure knowing that you're gonna release new songs to get judged by other people no no because I only release things that I'm proud of and things that I stand behind is there a lot of work sitting somewhere almost done that didn't quite make it and why didn't it make it totally I mean hundreds and hundreds of songs hundreds hundreds for sure I have honestly like tortured my team that I write with we we wrote so many songs for both of my albums it's quite insane so that's why it feels so good to have it finished and out now being young and going through so many phases and having so much stuff happen all the time things just change and you know what I want to write about changes like for example like the song about my brother I didn't a year ago even think that was a song that I would want to make nor I was like what would a song about your sibling even look like right and then I was thinking about like okay what are things that are really important for me that I want to highlight do I want to just like reduce all my music to break up stuff or heartbreak because that has has been part of my life and I have gone through heartbreak but I've also gone through so many other things that have like dead exactly but I've gone through so many other things that have really shaped me and I think in actually like more significant way that being like my Dynamic with my little brother right my you know dynamic with myself just things like that that I just wanted to touch on a bit more so you're only 23. can you imagine you started off of YouTube yeah we are has there been moments where you kind of zoom out you're like how the hell did I end up here oh yeah I always get like so dark but there it's true like there has been like a you know a morning of a child out of it like I really same with you like we didn't really have a normal childhood and sometimes I do look back and not that I wish anything would change because I'm really grateful for who I am today and like all you know all that I have done but sometimes I'm like you should have gone to Camp a little longer you should have enjoyed it a little bit more yeah like when you were 14 you should have been 14 and that should have been like it so whenever you're on tour you do your own makeup what is it like because there's a lot of I guess waiting time yeah a lot of buffer time a lot of down time for sure but yeah we just like we we finish a show one night we get on the bus we go to a new city we wake up at the venue go inside sound check meet and greet q a another tour another club then we do the show and it's so fun I I really love touring it's such a nice way for me to like connect with people I love to perform I definitely got a bit burnt out in Europe because we crammed the entire tour into one but it was over 30 shows in one month so I didn't have like really any days off I did four shows in a row very frequent which is fine but it was exhausting and I was kind of tired how do you survive that we almost didn't end there was moments where I was like waving the White Flag I'm like she's like roll it in we're done crazy yeah four months are you gonna tour with the new album oh 100 I want to do a full World Tour there's so many places I didn't get to go to on my last one so I definitely want to get out there and just see everyone and perform and I don't and that's the thing is I don't care if I'm on tour for six whole months like I would love that as long as I get days off that's all right but don't like Miss home then yeah I do but it's fun it's like such an experience right what am I gonna do like sit in my bed and watch Netflix I mean it sounds I was gonna say yes I'm like I would say no to that so while I prepare a little corner lash we're going to be using the Nikki makeup it's not me someone else no lash lash see fitting no lash no lash and uh manager tutorials Wes prepared some lovely random questions I I don't know what he's gonna ask random question one if you could name your own City what would you call it and where would it be located your own City what the hell my city would be called that does not counting nimtopia correct and it's located Belgium located we're moving to Belgium question two with a minimum of two what is your favorite emoji combination for text I'm slow at this I would not be good on what's it called with Steve Harvey um [Music] that's what all that came to the brain I really like a uh heart and a bow I should use the bow more Apple if you're watching this please make more bow colors I beg can I say mine yes because I always I want to hear it just yeah I always want to look like glamorous or like in a mood so I have a smiley but I'll always add either the little two hearts or the Sparkles I love the Sparkles because it's sassy when I say no I add Sparkles like amazing that's genius question three what is a huge food no no a huge food no no I don't have I really like wait um are you picky I feel one coming what gets me what gets me is when people eat something from another country and like they they say it's disgusting or it looks disgusting like the the thousand-year-old egg they're like how can you eat this and I'm like have some respect a lot of people love that I'd love to try it one day but I hate it when they don't know of the culture or they don't know about the food and they just roast it I agree what is something on your mind you still want to get done before the end of the year something I want to get done before the end of the year would why am I so blank up here I like like I'm a dog you want another dog I have one right now and he's my world but I think that I might want another I want to rescue a little scruffy guy yes rescue thing I really want to rescue like one that looks like it doesn't feel soft you know what I mean a little wiry one oh prickly yes I've always had fluffy like pretty dogs and I want one give me an ugly one a little bit maybe I think I want a little ugly one so sweet what song on the new album do you think is going to be a fan favorite can you kind of predict what the fan favorites are going to be I think I I do I can kind of predict I think that a lot of my fans are gonna love the one that I mentioned about my brother and I think that there's a song called she loves me that I think they're gonna probably really like what song do you think is gonna Trend most on tick tock I have no that is completely unpredictable like Russian Roulette no idea and I'm not gonna push anything harder than you know another I mean we're gonna do a lip and we're done why slay what you want to slay oh that's a good place you haven't heard that no you haven't heard slay what you want to slay pretty out of the [ __ ] list you haven't heard slavery by the way you shouldn't have even told me that was a thing because I thought you made that up on the spot I did I did trademark it's I did it you know what made you come up with this series um well it was a long time ago before I came out I um saw a lot of like makeup shaming happening and I was like that doesn't meaning what meeting people being like why would you wear so much why would you wear full coverage like what you're so insecure what are you hiding slowly I had about enough and I was like let me just say something about it so I did my entire face on one one half I didn't know that's how it started I've seen that video I didn't know that was like the first one and then people went nuts they were like oh and people understood the message and yeah I felt really great about it good for you that's really nice okay we're gonna line oh wait we had Dutch candy you had to try we have got elbows which is cinnamon bread we have licorice licorice it's gone it's gone goodbye licorice we have monkey heads monkeys pig heads they said earlier Snoop right they said yes Snoop is candy and I thought they were pink cookies are called they are the sweetest most still do you like sweet I like sweet I'm gonna try all okay and then we have you might have heard waffles yeah yes no I saw this Tick Tock of someone putting eating a stove baffle with a marshmallow and Nutella and then roasted and it I like that before I about died that's genius yes do that thank you it's really good trust me oh I'm gonna be a proud mother don't hate me no it's really good but you hate it I like how it crumbles so you hate it I love it what are you talking about it's like my chocolate I like it I love I love it is there anyone you still want to collab with um there's a there's a lot of people I think are like incredible truly just anyone that like is down and like would want to be collaborative with me like I'm I'm super open to it it's a very Broad and Broad answer if you could collab with anyone who has sadly passed away who would that person be there's a lot of we were just talking about Amy but I'm a huge Beatles fan so I think like just all four would be I love the Beatles name one song One are you joking don't say anything no because the Beatles is um imagine got one of them that's not a Beatles song but it's one of the Beatles sure okay here comes the sun I knew it I know you I knew it was testing you you're very welcome you love a good Newt lip don't you oh I saw that you wore gloss I'm a big loss kind of girl tour and I was like how is that microphone still microphoning it honestly was covered by the end covered I saw that I was like she's not afraid of life and during my quick changes I would reapply lip gloss and then it just it just was gooped honey huh sorry what again I'll lift the corner this is my favorite makeup trick lifting that corner up it makes I actually like to do that because I have freckles on my lip line so I like to like get them out of there um if there's anything you want people to take away from this new album what would that be um I don't know I hope everyone has their own like things that resonate with them I think that like making it a broad thing that I hope everyone takes away is hard because I think you know I hope there's certain songs that resonate with certain people I hope like everyone has their own individual experience with it I don't know I just hope that it's like music that people can listen to and it brings them some joy in their day and I've realized really young like making music was what I wanted to do because of how music made me feel so if I can make anyone feel that way how I did when I was younger that's all I want that's all I want okay before I put gloss on which is think you promise I always see you putting a bunch of emojis in your captions is that just random or is there like a secret message behind them that we should ah sometimes there's messages in there for sure but I would say that a lot of times it's just what like colors of the photo look good together but like occasionally I'll throw a little secret can we just like think of one emoji that if you put that in there people know it's a secret message okay like if it's got bubbles emojis no but I do this thing that like me and my fans kind of have where I will tweet in binary code which is so stupid because it's literally like all you have to do is copy and paste it and then put it into a generator but it's fun sometimes to like tweet something very cryptic and then they go into a frenzy and then I just delete it and then they have to copy and paste it to find out what it said I do it a lot I think it's just fun I like to go what can we just you love escape I love an escape room we are so amazing so I think that that's like wait have you done the one in LA with um the money heist with the truck no the one with narcos no sweet like not caramel but like sugar is it caramel with a cotton candy they said how sweet do you want to go and I went yes yes and then we're gonna do some setting spray can I spray you are you wearing anything that I shouldn't sprayed all right here we go gotta blow it up because you said you like wet and then you lock it oh my God I love the fan you know what the worst thing is we spent three years creating our products people will walk off to me on the street and they go that fan is everything you're like the one thing I thank you thank you so much but it is it's and it's it's genius to have it with the settings very powerful it is a powerful this one when you like step off stage do you want to yeah okay maybe we'll get you whatever I'm gonna carry this everywhere you're gonna see like a blue fan in my hand love that thank you can you tag us thank you absolutely and my name yeah you're like yeah if anyone's wondering my fan it's it's because hello Berlin before I start this is nimia all right my dear you ready ready for the grand reveal honey whoa that is so freaky [Music] no that's just so weird I've I've never done half of my face so do you like how weird it's amazing do you like the liner you can be honest okay heavy for me but like you did it so I love it I mean I had to do something but also like this makes me want to do that I'm so boring with my makeup I do the same thing every single day I'm coming over please yes it'll be a 12 hour flight but I'm coming up this is very very pretty what do you think of the skin it's gorgeous it's a lot I know no I know it's not this is just it's so weird like my eye looks so much bigger on this side and like it's crazy how it's not like uh a drum well the liners dramatic but it's not like a crazy dramatic look but still when you see it next to each other it's like hello it's wild yeah you're so ridiculously talented this is this is the power of makeup yes we claimed it honey ah we have Madison and we have Madison they're meeting I just said yes Madison Beer and Madison are meeting for the first time but I think the most important message is that they're equal you know totally if it's a lot of makeup a little bit of makeup if it's nothing both sides are just equally as stunning they both matter it's so fun to see this on you it's so fun to have done this with you and I love the message of this video and I couldn't agree more very important to highlight which would do with Dutch word of the day [Music] Snoop oh Snoop is uh candy yeah well you already know that okay fine teach me something new how do you say bow why would you say bow streak streak oh wow natural is my accent okay yeah it's very sensual it's like come on Time Mystery I'm going to start using that I love that absolutely all right Madison thank you so much thank you for joining Temple tutorials today all the luck with your new album thank you the title is everything I just heard it thank you you're the best thank you so much and I can't wait to beat you in LA and to hang out there and then we can do blue and orange maybe for like my concert you'll do blue and orange on me write it down everyone write it down I'm there can I be your backup singer yes absolutely if we can sing The Beatles yeah Tony your favorite artists all right all right bye guys
Channel: NikkieTutorials
Views: 1,206,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: madison beer, madison, hurts like hell, home with you, good in goodbye, madison beer vogue, madison beer makeup, madison beer nikkietutorials, madison beer songs, music video, music, album, adele, live, lyrics, emotional, nikkie tutorials, nikki tutorials, nikkitutorials, power of makeup, kim kardashian, before and after, beauty, makeup, transformation, no makeup, official video, madison beer live, madison beer without makeup, beauty secrets, justin bieber, drama
Id: O5tFewUBtI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 27sec (1407 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 17 2022
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