Powder Coating Bullets (Step By Wonderful Step)

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well hey YouTube it's helped us ammo here hey today I wanted to do a video on powder coating bullets step by a wonderful step and I just wanted to just do a revised edition of powder coating again I have several videos out there so here we go step by step the the first thing that happens in powder coating is you need to make a basket now I know there's other ways of doing this but this is my favorite way and it's cheap so in order to make a basket you get a roll of hardware cloth like this and it's it's called the the quarter inch hole hardware cloth buy it at the hardware store in a roll and then you can make as many baskets as you want with a big old roll like this alright so that's all it is to it and that's that's step one and it's pretty basic right you just cut you out a section the size of your toaster oven because you wanted as large as you can get it that's the size of my toaster oven right here and and then you just fold the ends up however you see fit um you know I did it like that no big deal however you want to do it you do it but just make yourself a basket just that simple and now we're going to powder coat some bullets so the second thing that you need I'm not going to talk too much about different methods and all of that or different powders and all of that but this one is a lot of our favorites on this channel and this one is made by Eastwood powder company and it's the fourth light blue right there this one goes on real easy and that's why I'm recommending this one in this video especially for people who are thinking about it and haven't started doing it yet its nearing the holiday season and everybody's thinking about getting into one thing or another because they're checking their Christmas lists and here's some powder that I just freshly poured in the bowl it's just a little bit as you can see not much you can put a little bit more than that if you want but for the purpose of this video it's going to be good now I had s these bullets the other day and did a video I'm just kind of going through the sequence here so so now all you gonna do now is you're gonna fall out these are 110 green 358 or 438 or 350 and I'm just gonna put a couple handfuls in there you don't have to be back here probably probably three hundred bullets or so right there I'd say I'm this onto a small batch right there like that you can do more than that be worse than that and um and I guess I should have noted this the bowl that we're using here is see make sure this is a little different Bowl okay okay okay okay okay that's so actually a number two and generally what people like is a number five on this little recycling triangle thing here number five is what you're looking for but for some reason I'm getting it done in the number two so just note to self I just threw that out there because that's some of the things that people like to talk about so now we put our we put our bullets in there and then we're going to close the lid now this method that I'm using with the Ford light blue is very easy in most cases people are successful just putting it in our Bowl and shaking it around for about thirty seconds or so and then pouring them in the screen and having success with the powder sticking that way but if for some reason or another you know when people have trouble when the gremlins pop up and they can't get it done for some reason or another and what I always tell them to do is just go ahead and put the raw bullets in the basket and preheat them in the oven for about four minutes at 140 degrees and then throw it in the powder and the powder will stick to the bullets if for some reason anyone has trouble using this method so I just thought I'd throw that out there so now let's get these things coated I'm gonna make you guys dizzy and hurt you here hurt your ears at the same time okay my lids splitting on me but look at there they are coated just beautifully look at that so now what we're going to do is we're going to screen out all of that power and your screen right out there like that and we're going to shake the powder off like that make sure you get it off good and I'm gonna spread them out like that that's how I like to do it and and then what you have is you have this powder that's left over here and we just take on our that was the next thing that you have is just a piece of cardboard the only a small piece like that and then you can set your bowl downs and I use just a little spatula and I tap the cardboard to get all of the powder back in the bowl for the next go around like that there we go so now we're going to place this in the oven so we're going right in the oven here rolled $7 toaster oven actually I'm not sure what : someone give it to me so so there they are right there if it's real nice in the oven and close the lid and I'm gonna set the oven for 20 minutes at 400 degrees or I'm gonna go a little bit less on it and whenever those bullets are done I'll bring you back and I'll show you what the next step is all right so the timer just went off now we're gonna take these out of the oven and for people that don't know the reason we coat these bullets never people that's never coded their bullets with powder coat and don't know what the heck I'm talking about just for you guys um we coat these bullets with the powder coating like you saw and that's our way to in lieu of lubing the bullets it's a polymer jacket that's what we have here so now I won't take these out of the oven and I'm gonna put this through one more step that I don't normally use em won't quench them in water for and in it and it has helped in the past in in many cases help the bullets separate so we're gonna do that so we're just gonna go over here and I got a bucket of a pan of water set up right here and I'm just gonna flip them right over into the water and hopefully I don't toast my camera okay one hand to get them all in the order there this ain't easy with one hand when I figure it out we'll give you the deluxe model today and we'll we'll go through all of the steps and and even the possibilities that people like so there we go we got that sitting there there's all over bullets and we can throw them all and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to transfer these bullets into the basket and that's how we'll get them straightened out place some of them are still sticking together a little bit that's okay I know what you tell me you guys were saying you're like well why don't you just pour it in there no I believe what I should have done since I'm down to that so I'm giving you guys the deluxe model today every step that could possibly be taken so some people like throwing it in the water out of the oven they say it helps them unstick and and I've noticed on a couple of the methods that I use it does does seem to do pretty well so I went ahead and done it this time here we go and we go right back to the towel right here right in the towel the camera like that and then we're going to get a close-up of this and check them out okay so you just saw powder coating bullets step by wonderful step now this is what they look like the only other step to do of course is to if we need to size our bullets and then load them up right so we have some that are stuck together here and it looks like they're breaking apart very easily but they are leaving a little little tiny mark on there but I know for you OCD folks out there like loads of bacon he comes to mind yeah like he likes to stand his bullets up now for me my targets just don't know any better about you know really beautiful or just beautiful now that one is stuck together pretty good now a lot of times what I do is I was just you know just kind of start out like this but I wanted you to see that way we'll just knock the ones that are real easy it's gonna come a horse I wanted you to see exactly how everything looks so we had a little tiny booger right there from some powder coating that was already on the mesh there a basket but these so this is these are just wonderful guys um you know I mean there's nothing to not be proud of with these bullets right here okay but you look at every angle of them I'm not picking or choosing all of the few that I'm gonna break apart it's just no big deal I'm gonna break them apart and then I'm gonna load them up and I'm what them so there it is powder coating stepped by wonderful step no three just came right apart and you seen every step of the process it's very easy I encourage anyone who is getting into reloading or is already reloading and thinking about casting bullets - what are you waiting for and I just put a video out about casting bullets I encourage you to watch that one too and there's you know I'm loading these bullets in 38 357 for you know maybe five or six cents a piece so you know there's all these beautiful bullets just waiting to be shot and these bullets shoot as good and in most cases just about always better than Factory for five or six cents so there you go guys powder coating step by wonderful step enjoy I'll see you in the next video
Channel: elvis ammo
Views: 85,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: powdercoating bullets, step by step, ford light blue, eastwood powder coat, how to coat bullets, polymer jackets, cast powder coated bullets, cast bullets, hand loads, reloading, lead cast bullets, diy powder coated bullets, how to powdercoat bullets, elvis ammo, cast lead bullets, reloading cast lead, powdercoated bullets
Id: 7Z4TdT5RWX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 05 2017
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