Picking A Powder Coat (1-10)

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well hey youtube it's elbasamo here hey today i want to do kind of a wrap-up video on picking a powder coat or how to pick a powder coat in this case how to pick a powder coat out of 10 possible powder coats and uh and kind of the things that we did on kind of kind of the the things that we did to kind of get to that point okay so in the last two videos and i will put a link in this video to the last two videos as well because by watching those other two videos what we're gonna what we've accomplished is you were able to see how fussy the powder coats are how hard it is for us to powder coat or how easy it is you know for us to powder coat and um and so we've accomplished a lot um hopefully especially some of the new guys that don't really understand some of the nuances that we go through to powder coat and then some of you guys the seasoned guys that are here just to see some other powder possibilities that are not so fussy um so what we're going to do what i'm going to do first is i'm going to show you the the powder-coated bullets that i believe is the biggest success and uh and we'll talk about those powders first and uh and then we'll talk about the rest of the powders that in my opinion are eliminated for one reason or another okay so first of all if you're watching this channel and you're not subscribed go ahead and subscribe and give me a thumbs up and then come back and let's finish this video so one of the things that i've done differently is uh because i realized i'd eliminated a powder during the process of uh of giving these uh powders our shake in these bowls i've eliminated one of them and and uh and the reason that i've done that during this uh this process is because it it didn't wanna this one just didn't want to code at all for us and and we run into that from time to time and we don't need to mess with those um there's nothing wrong with the powder it just don't work for us the way we powder coat so we got that one out of the way so then i needed to add another powder back so what i done was i went ahead and powder coated some bullets with our um some of us know this powder and like this powder because i've showed it years ago and this is the eastwood dark green all right and uh that's what it looks like right there eastwood dark green and uh and i know that some of you guys uh you know talk about you're not familiar with when they call it a hot coat and that kind of thing and when you see it you're not sure if it's the same powder well i believe it is and so if it says hot coat for light blue i think it's the same as the ford light blue for instance so anyway got that out of the way so here's what i've come up with i'm going i want you guys to be able to see this good and you guys can screenshot it or anything that you want to do but this is what i call my fussy scale all right so if we have a powder coat that's fussy and uh um what i've done is i've put a one to ten on the fussy scale okay one being the best 10 being the worst i know that might be backwards for some of you guys but it seemed to work for me so uh powder that's a number one is a number one that's the bottom line okay so that's where we're at there over here on the side i put what the recommended recommended cure schedule is for it and uh then i listed the powder and then i added a little bit of any notes right here beside it and uh and then i graded it on my fussy scale so um i guess so well let me let me talk about to me anything over a three is just too fussy and we we don't need to be messing with it and don't need to force the powder on it and don't need to be messing around with it trying to make the powder stick in my opinion because there's too many powders um although a lot of us run into powders just because we're just picking powders without knowing whether they work or not we'll pick a powder and it don't work real well for us so then we just you know we we think that uh all the powders are like that and that's what i'm doing here i'm here to help you um because i wish somebody was here to help me pick out powders instead of just picking out a bunch of powders and failing and so so anyway um so i say anything over um a a three is is just perfect we can deal with that we prefer a number one so um i'm just gonna go right to the two three um okay uh the two and the three and the ones uh that's what i have so what i have is i have 10 powders listed okay and then i have a number that i graded it by out here and one two three four oh one two three four five okay so i have five two three four i have six actually out of these ten that are a thumbs up go possibly maybe and let me explain that um don't just say if i graded a one uh that it's perfect i'm gonna just get that one and go with it because i do have some caveats that can go with this when we look at the bullets all right so everybody knows that uh ford light blue is our all-time favorite i give it a smiley face because anything with a smiley face on this sheet you look for smiley faces there's not many is my personal favorite or personal recommendation even it's my personal favorite or recommendation so uh so how many smiley faces do i have you know what i've only got two smiley faces there and uh so the uh here's all here's all the here's all the number one two three let me give them to you columbia chrome this was it right here um this is what it looked like i really loved it okay love love loved it i really think that it coated um i give it a 2 3 on the fussy scale okay and uh and then i uh i went ahead and uh and put some through the sizer and just examined them and this is this is what a couple of them look like going through the sizer right there you can see where they were sized smashed down right there this is uh you already seen a close-up this this was kind of my favorite guys right there um it really there's a good base right there they just coated good all right so the problem with this one is uh i i i'm trying to make heads or tails of it um i've got i went to the website a couple of times and on one of them it said discontinued and i'm thinking that's a real bummer because that's like one of my favorite new powders and then they have one uh and then they specify you know if you like this use the chroma chrome okay so there you go i'm just getting this one out of the way you know good news excellent news and then bad news whatever so anyway that's it uh they're saying that it's 385 fahrenheit for 20 minutes is to cure time let's move along we're going to make this video just way too long i think because there's so much to talk about um and so that was uh one of my personal new favorites and then we have the ford light blue of course that's what it looks like i just went ahead and um so see it's not perfect so you see the coating i just really want you to see the coating on it you got all these bullets that you're looking at okay they're not exactly perfect but man that's a good seems like pliable powder coat and it holds up it's tough and it coats fast and easy all time favorite okay so i just wanted you to see that just a close-up of a bunch of them um you know there's a base of an imperfect bullet and a perfect bullet you got the nice beautiful smooth base and then a ripped base but you can i just wanted you to see the coating there you go got that out of the way now um that was a uh that was graded a number one ford light blue obviously all right and we talked about the columbia chrome mark that one right there and now we hit um this was a new one that i threw in okay um and in this test we used the same bowl all right it was two dollars for two bowls so they're dollarable at the dollar general and yeah i'm not a sponsor sponsored by dollar general uh and this was the eastwood dark green um just before i come on here i went ahead and swirled some in some bullets in there just so i can show you and add another powder to the mix to make 10 and this is a close-up of those bullets they're you know they're excellent but you can see that there's some spots on there it's not perfect now this is uh this is no special handling at all i i touch every bullet with my hands throw them in you know and i don't do any anything special at all and you can see like look at the base there there's you know a couple marks there but this stuff holds up well no problem that's a number one right there eastwood dark green we'll move that one out of the way uh mark that one off uh let's go okay well let's go to what i put down on i know if you guys seen this list just a minute ago you also noticed that the hawaiian blue prismatic powder i put number zero because it was better than a one all right the hawaiian blue right here was better than a number one it coated no sooner than the the bullets touched the powder the powder touched the bullets it was already coating um i couldn't stop it from cody if i wanted to all right so um so i put it down as a zero but there's a caveat now the hawaiian um now it's a uh it's uh it's also it's a 400 degree fahrenheit at 10 and for 10 minutes all right for the cure but uh i believe this is a uh a top coat you know it's a transparent top coat maybe this has something to do you know with the extreme high gloss on why it acted the way it did um i believe that you know glossier bullets do coat better so that probably has something to do with it maybe we'll maybe we'll find a maybe there'll be a powder coating company that will contact me i have contact information in my channel and uh i would love to have a company like eastwood or prismatic or columbia contact me and educate me a little bit on what we're seeing and why we're getting the results we are and maybe some samples and we could just keep moving along and uh having some more fun with this but look at the powder okay they're beautiful it's a beautiful color but do you see it looks kind of chippy there there's some chippiness there to it okay now i run them through the i run them through the sizer and and they so they're sizing just fine you know you can see they're sizing just fine it's not trying to rip it off or anything like that um but you can see how but these don't think are just meant to be a powder alone but i believe personally i believe that this is probably a good enough coating to to shoot no problem is what i think but there are some you know like this and we always run into stuff like that every once in a while you can throw it out but it probably is you're just fine anyway that was the hawaiian okay it it coats so dang good it's just unbelievable it goes so good but the caveat is it's a little chippy i'm not so sure if i trust my durability test to it but what we will do in the future is i will shoot some of these and try to collect some of the bullets and see what they look like out of the barrel um so let's move along that was the uh number zero and um and then we have the transparent blue okay now this is another one that i believe is is uh really meant for a top coat and um now now it's coating is slightly better than the hawaiian and uh and this isn't a a you know put down on the powder it's just how we use them we use them a little different so there you go that's the transparent blue now the transparent blue is a number one graded for the fussiness scale it's not fussy i mean it went on fast and easy no problem you guys seen it in the other videos let me swirl this up and it just boom it was coated no problem so i did i run these through i'll let you see a base there see it coats good but it kind of reminds me of some stuff that's a little chippy okay and there's two of them that went through the sizer no problem so i would say that uh if you guys really like this and you want to try it out it's probably just fine you know um now uh now if you when you look if you see my uh my fussy scale that i just that i've put up here several times um i also list whether it's a columbia powder or a prismatic powder or an eastwood powder because those are the three powders that i'm using here today all right so um so there you go uh let's see we got the uh got the transparent blue out of the way and uh the super dura uh okay where this oh we got another number one to do first it's the uh the super satin green now you guys seen the super satin green let me mark it off here so do i do it again you guys seen this one all right take a good look at it now that was a number one for sure i mean that powder was trying to coat fast excellent excellent and i really do believe even though look at the patchiness it's a little spotted okay it's it's uh but i wouldn't i wouldn't let that uh i wouldn't let that discourage me though okay i really believe this is a good cover um you know i think that it's just that the uh the pigmentation is just maybe not as strong okay but man there's some good coating in there you know i mean it's i wouldn't hesitate at all to use this powder see look at the bases of the bullets it's great so so there you go that's a number one if you're doing super satin green i mean that's you you can't go wrong with that you can't i mean if you guys are if anybody out there is struggling with a powder and you want something easy to coat you can get that no problem all right so there we go so the uh the aqua clear of course we we we eliminated that one and it was just way too hard to coat if you're twirling around and you can't get it to coat just you need to go with another powder um so then we have the all-in-one chrome bonded um that some people liked and and i like it too but i call i i uh i'm i'm classifying this one as a number seven okay now if you look at the coating on it i did finish it off it took me it took me a lot more spinning and fussiness to get these to coat but once it did coat i promise you it you know for for you uh guys out there that that just love this right here and you can look at the coating i think the coating looks good it's called an all-in-one bonded uh seems like from the information that you get on this powder it seems like it's probably going to be a nice durable powder and um you know it looks flexible enough it's a it can be used as a base coat it's not just a clear coat kind of thing um so i would trust the powder but i'm telling you it is a number seven with the fussiness so i won't be buying it but uh but i wouldn't i wouldn't turn somebody away from it but just know that it's the fussy one there you go all in one chrome bonded get you a good look it does look beautiful once you get it coated good if you're ready to fight and then you have the illusion purple okay the illusion purple um i think that was one of the first ones that i did and it's a t it's a tgic polyester powder um which has a lot in common with the powders that do so well for us okay like the eastwood dark green and the ford light blue and uh and and what i believe is the columbia chrome um so so yeah uh but the illusion purple was a number eight it didn't want to it didn't want to coat for us okay but now that i'm looking at the coating after i made it coat and you can see the uh the size bullets you know they uh they coated they they sized well the the coat seems durable and all of that but but look uh you know it's a number eight so that's not mine i can tell you that but it does uh um i mean it and it's a um and it being a 400 for 10 minutes i'm thinking that the illusion purple is really supposed to be just a top coat only so i believe i'm correct on that um so there you go and then we have the super durable wet clear that white looking powder that we uh that we use this super durable wet clear um and let you get a good look at that one um but the problem is it's a number five you know so you know you know i remember i remember coding this one and i mean it don't strike me as not doable it really don't i mean it seemed to actually cope just fine you know it was just a little extra work so it was a number five but um but the super durable wet clear um you know uh i i think it is super durable you know just just looking at the just looking at the coating and running it through the sizer and examining the the bullets and all of that you know here's some here's some bases um you know it is more of your clear coat type but i think that it can be used as a standalone so i got high hopes for it if somebody wanted to use it but it is a number five which is outside my fussiness scale that i like so um so that's that and then this is just all forward light blue you know and uh so there you go guys uh you see the you see the the fussiness scale right there um there it is uh we went through a lot of information for anybody i would encourage everybody to watch those other two videos where you can actually see how we do things and listen to the conversation and how we get frustrated and how we get excited when we see something that we like to see you know that indicates there's good news around the corner um so that's why we're doing this series and um i guess the next thing for these bullets is i'll i'll do my very best guys to shoot some of these and collect them it's not always that easy but i'll try and we'll and especially our number ones to to uh to one to threes okay especially those and maybe we can find some information on those on how well they do when they make it down the barrel youtube i'll see you in the next video
Channel: elvis ammo
Views: 21,960
Rating: 4.9342208 out of 5
Keywords: Powder Coating, powder coat, prismatic, eastwood, columbia, powder coat colors, powdercoat, elvis ammo, elvisammo, prep, prepper, prepping, powdercoat bake
Id: TTiIqoWWFxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 35sec (1475 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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