Fastest, Easiest, Cheapest Bullet Powder Coating

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today i'm going to go over powder coating thousands of bullets in minutes the easiest way that i have found to powder coat tons of bullets first up is you're going to need a number five container something like this the reason you want a number five plastic is just because it helps build up static electricity it helps the powder coat stick i picked this one up for the from the thrift store for like 50 cents okay so we're gonna put about 250 bullets in this thing okay so there's about 250 bullets next we're going to put some powder coat in here you honestly don't need a ton this is probably a little bit much but i'll separate it out and you reuse the extra layer so it doesn't really matter okay next we're gonna put the lid on and shake it up we're gonna shake it for about 30 seconds that's what they look like after you got them all shaken up uh they've been the light better and then i have a little grate thingy here um i picked this up at the thrift store it was probably for some files or something like that anyway i use it to get out that extra powder and i have just a piece of paper underneath now you could use a plastic container if you found one of these that fit inside the plastic container that would be fantastic dump those out on top a little bit of shake and then they're ready to go into the oven so to keep them from sticking on this tray i use a non-stick heavy duty tin foil this stuff is outstanding now note that it's not the shiny side that's nonstick it's a dull side and i can i found that i can reuse this stuff anywhere between three to five times before it starts getting too much powder coat on it starts ripping or whatever um so this is one that i've already used today but i'm going to go ahead and reuse it so then i'm just going to put my bullets on there just kind of dump them out like that and now whenever i'm handling something that's hot i use these are some harbor freight welding gloves i think it's comes they come in a three pack for like 10 bucks they're pretty cheap i'm going to take this and i'm just going to jostle it real quick so now they're all spread out and there are no bullets on top of one another which is what you want to avoid because those ones will stick really well if they're just touching that's not a big deal i'm going to go ahead and put them in the oven and then cure it as per the instructions on your powder coat mine happen to be uh 400 degrees fahrenheit for 20 minutes so i'm gonna let these bake for 20 minutes so the next part i'm about to go over is getting them out of the oven now this is the most critical part to make sure your life isn't going to suck and your bullets aren't going to stick and i've seen a lot of people do this in really janky ways um so hopefully my tips will be able to make your life a lot easier okay so now 20 minutes are up i'm going to go ahead and put on both of these gloves because these bullets are very hot coming out at 400 degrees fahrenheit [Music] okay get them out and now i'm gonna take my gloves off and then just grab the tin foil now the tin foil won't burn you it doesn't have much thermal mass the bullets will burn you very fast so i'm going to pick them up notice i don't care that i'm bunching them all together because that won't matter okay that gets them all off the tin foil and now i'm going to take i use the back of my knife to spread them out you could use whatever got a hole in the tin foil there and i'm just going to spread them out and break up any clusters that i see if a bolt like that one rolls off don't touch it with your hands it will burn you so fast okay you'll notice that they didn't really stick together hardly at all even though i clustered them up and that's because the chemical reaction of the powder coating hardening is completed within the 20 minute time period that they were in the oven so now they're not really going to stick together even though they're nice and toasty warm and now you can see that they're all pretty much separated and i'm going to let them cool and then i like to stick them through a sizing die if you're at this stage and you actually just reload them as is then i guess that's up to you and there you're good to go okay just a couple last minute tips um uh and things that you don't necessarily do i have a big old half inch piece of mild steel that i put them on and that just helps dissipate the heat really fast these only been out of the oven for about five minutes and i don't really touch them they're still warm but they're not going to burn me anymore as far as the toaster oven goes um you're you're not going to want to use a toaster oven that you use for food because once you put the powder coat in there it's powder coat and food and ingesting it all together are just not a good idea just a couple other things that i've seen other people do that you don't really need to do one guy on youtube he was crinkling up his tin foil if you're using just regular tin foil then i found that does actually help if you're using this non-stick stuff don't even worry about it you do not need to crinkle it up another guy or form that i read they were putting um plastic bbs to help build up static electricity in their bullets uh between you and me that's not necessary and it is a pain in the butt to separate them if you're gonna do anything to help your your powder coat stick warm up your bullets that'll help it stick but you don't want to warm up too much or else you'll activate the powder coat too soon you'll make a big mess um so what the best place to warm up is just stick them on top of your oven on a box or something obviously i don't have a ton of room here but i do have a tray that i a metal trace over in the corner that i can put on here and that'll warm up my bullets and then the powder coat sticks way better thanks for watching if you have any other tips or tricks please put them in the comments below if you have any other questions also put those in the comments below thanks for watching you
Channel: The Larkin's Lair
Views: 31,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Reloading, Easiest Powder Coat, 9mm, Fast Powder Coating
Id: XpvM1CxRWfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 58sec (358 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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