Chrome Vinyl Wrap Techniques

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what's going on guys Christian from CK wraps today  I'm going to show you how to wrap the door on an   Acura NSX in gloss blue chrome uh very hard to  use this stuff this panel is not that easy not   too difficult the harder part is like kind of  around here where the this area sticks out past   the door so it actually makes it hard to kind  of glass the film out um that's what happened   to me last time on the other side uh what I'm  actually going to do is put one more piece of tape   down which I forgot to do right here because the  vinyl is going to stick to it I forgot about that   just pull that back a bit there we go okay um  yeah so I just want to make sure that's covered   as well now I've done a couple of things here  I wrap the key lock area whatever you want to   call that a keyhole um because that's a little  separate piece did a video for you guys on that   one uh inlay set up here inlay setup right  here as well because again we cannot stretch   the film into this area right here it will tear  so it's just too it's just too aggressive of a   Bend or recess in so the film will actually  just tear panels wiped off here's my door piece and let's get it stretched out across the panel   something like this it's a big  piece I was about 60 inches or so I think the door was like 58 inches  end to end or something like that that there to where the area where there's  no tape uh here let's do this piece should be good somewhere on there I have  lots on the bottom I probably have too much   better to have a little bit too a little  bit more than a little than too little so   let's cut a corner off and  get this protected cap off cool then this is the exterior side I'm not  wrapping this area so it doesn't really matter   is going to get cut off like I said it's going to be tough to uh get  this area done here that recess because the   the door is this Panasonic this rear fairing  or whatever you want to call it is in the way gently I mean otherwise the door is fairly flat guys uh   you know it's not a very contoured door again  just this area here is throwing things off   it's sticking out um past Beyond the Door that  again makes things more challenging now what   we're going to do is we want to try and keep  this as flat as possible right off the get-go I want to make sure that I'm not  pulling it off of the other side okay and let's kind of get this just lined up a little bit tighter let's anchor that there let's anchor that there   just kind of resting it right guys it's anchored  to the exterior to the fender side right now okay now make sure your floor is clean uh being this  close to the floor you might end up picking up   some contaminants that's not great that just  happened we're gonna work with that though   okay I'm just gonna stick this here  I'm gonna hold that up right now it's okay I have tacos so I'll  be able to move that slightly so I'm going to hopefully try to set myself up   a little better for this area this time uh  I'm not really sure what I can do yet uh   if we're going to figure that out as we  go along let's try to fix up right here just okay I want to stick that as much as the fender as  possible okay just gotta put that back up here right there see what we can do here so what I'm trying to do right now is kind  of get the film uh flattened out a bit and hopefully get it to slightly Contour uh in to the  [ __ ] I'm gonna touch it uh sorry this whatever   um into this into this area here I wanted  to Contour into this area here because   this is again this is the challenging  spot with this area look see how I'm   getting bunched up right here this  makes things much more challenging foreign just a bloody nightmare yeah it's not easy guys okay so here's  the problem right here uh as you can see   I'm not able to uh get the film uh without slack  in this area because this piece is sticking out   could I have opened the door yes in a way but then  that edge is going to tuck in behind the fender so   and it makes it hard okay just trust me on that  um okay so we're just gonna keep going I'll keep   going with this I need to flatten this out on  the top I want I basically want to tighten up   this area here on the lower section the reason  why I can't is because I can't bring my hand   in tight enough in this area here because this is  sticking out let's try let's try it one more time um that might be okay it's kind of contouring in  see it's going a little bit better okay that   might be okay we're gonna run around with  this I feel like I feel like we're set up   a little bit better this time okay flatten out  this line right here we're gonna find out guys I heard my shield guard go okay  we're gonna need that Let's Get It On a little bit here okay now I can pop this up I should  be able to playing Attack reducer pull really nicely like that that's good I got one  more oh right there okay and now let's go to town push firm I want to let that off because there's a  little tiny indentation like coming up show   you you're going to see it in two seconds  it's a little tiny indentation right here   and so I want to squeegee the film into  it supposed to stretch anything into it get that top sealed in foreign let's get this little bit done right here again make sure that's all  nice and tight through there sorry from your way a bit gotta get this a little  bit tighter I want to be there we go okay foreign going all the rest of the way up all right just enough on the top I thought  I had more than that we're gonna be able to   wrap around the edge that'll be okay well  here and one right here too there we go okay okay I'm going to take this  corner right here I'm going   to heat it and just bend it over just right here I'm eating more on the fender side so I can  just kind of pull that up and over the top adding that bit of finesse to it foreign I would honestly be happy to never do  a chrome wrap again done so many lately   all right at least for the next year okay  I'm just watching to see where air is should be able to squeegee those  air bubbles out we're gonna   Focus over here right now actually  because this is the crazy hard part   I can lift this up this would be fine this area  will go away I'd rather not squeegee it too much   and let's just bring the shield guard I  probably won't need much Shield guard here I don't want to lift too high it's the exterior that's sticky like that  guys um where I tacked it down to the Thunder   okay so it looks like I might be okay  going into here I'm gonna find out uh again last time I didn't have enough like  pre-stretch on the film so I'm hoping this time   it's all slightly different and I can get  this film to work into this recess nicely   so you can see it starts to build  up wrinkles and that's not good right here I had a really hard time on the other side   I don't know how well this is going  to work out but we're gonna find out you really just squeegee house  wrinkles pretty aggressively   gotta keep this flowing if I  don't that'll be problematic seems to be so speak on guys I mean   better than the last side the other  side trying to learn from those mistakes okay I'm getting bunch of in the middle which is   not good so we're gonna have to  start targeting this area now and hope that they sort of  go away once we come past the   transition point which is this body line coming up   worst case I can heat a little bit once I get  past that that body line with that slightly there so all those areas that area where I heated all  those sorry squeegee over all those wrinkles I'm   really gonna have to focus um Heating and pressing  down afterwards this worked out tremendously   better than last the other side guys uh the  other side it was on the door for quite a while   um figuring it out I got myself a little bit  psyched up uh for this side too it's kind of like   psyching myself out um because I was like oh man  it was so hard uh I was avoiding doing the door   uh front fender is next that's the the next one  the front bumper part is actually super easy uh   this is inlays and seams this is just beyond  stressful for me so it's uh scary deal guys okay now uh I can do a cut here because  I got the final shooting and I need to   transition sorry I'll tell you in a second  um the vinyl kind of has to transition over   this this bulge here that's sticking out  for this little off of the rear fender not the way I wanted it okay so let's just pop that up a little bit more   The Shield guard or having some kind of a solution  on this uh helps a lot guys just so you know you   can squeeze you over the wrinkles all a lot easier  there's a lot a lot of the fine ones are starting   to go away now which is good making me feeling  better about it um hopefully I speak too soon I wasn't sure if I pointed it low enough and firm  pressure on these on these wrinkles is important   again trying to trying to work them in a way  that gets rid of them and not make them worse   uh usually as the film Contours around the panel  they should start to go away but it also depends   on how you're squeezing kind of work from the  middle outs don't work everything into the middle   um what the reason why I kind of got trapped here  with a lot of wrinkles in the middle is because I   was working from here in so it's to explain why  that happens that's exactly why that happened   but I did need to focus on that area this time  while I thought it looked good before working   the middle um there's a chance that I took if I  get too many wrinkles Stuck in the Middle here I   probably would have had to heat them out which in  that case we kind of run the risk of uh you know   potentially damaging the film maybe hazing it out  or you know getting glue lines that sort of thing   we did it man this was this is  gravy compared to the other side usually our wraps are easy not this one if I  could take the door handle out I would feel   better in that little key lock thing but  hey here's what it is they don't come out okay Thor's wrapped oh now we have to do like this part without  screwing that off um you know we've got some   stuff to do still so we're gonna get  keep at it get to it let's cut off here and all that and I really don't need all  that extra on the bottom there as well   um I'll show you how to do the door handle up  closer afterwards let's get so let's get the door   out the perimeter cut I think and uh so I can open  and close it so I can tackle that edge over there trying to flatten out these wrinkles as much  as I can before I cut give me a smoother cut   I'll probably Haze the film a bit but that's  okay it's getting tucked in behind the door okay I'm gonna cut somewhere down the middle-ish  I don't want to put too much knife out   um there is a Rubber seal behind here so I don't  want to push too hard either at the same time just let the knife do the work trying to stay a little bit more Fender  side um not on the door side soon as usual and then under here I'm going to cut  let's get this going it's a little   Rubber seal under here under the door  um which kind of runs all the way around let's go across the top now let's go through here not quite all the  way to the end yet so this one gets off in case I don't get to show you the inlays  or sorry the front fender guys because I'm   running out of time um that's my in laser right  here I have one piece two piece just so you know   foreign even with a regular vinyl you're  gonna have to put an inlay in there and with a regular funnel you might be  able to do like one solid piece there's   a seam like right here in the middle you  can't see it but just letting it know okay so here is tucked in behind the mirror I'm   not really concerned about that  I'm gonna get this cut though foreign I'm going to make sure the film's  tucked in underneath the bottom   slightly and then I'm going to cut off the bottom and I'm going to open the door and then we  can get into doing like the the door side   and stuff like that let's make sure  that's all good there feel good okay so then I'm just cutting up and under the door  again there's a little rubber seal in there so I'm just kind of staying between  that Rubber seal and uh the door panel foreign it's just kind of like rubbery sounding  let's go a little bit higher up here I just cut off there we go let's take our time and I'm just going to tear   that off that way shouldn't really be  doing that but that's what I just did okay um obviously with the door handle not cut  out it's not gonna be easy to open the door so I   might not do that first I can probably  do it from the inside actually   um I just worry because the door handle is  automatic there's like a mechanism in there   that actually makes the door handle pop out when  you unlock the car so I don't want it to try to   push through my vinyl uh if I happen to open it  from the inside here it might pop out I don't   know uh let's bring the camera in and show you  guys uh handle and key lock area while we're here   so this is a guess okay guys I have an  inlay in there I know that obviously I   want to try to cover as much of the silver as  possible I have my inlay right here as well   um so I'm going to try like I want to try to  stay I think the bottom had a bigger Gap in the   top on this one the other side was a little  bit off the other way let's cut on the tape should double mask it um I didn't I didn't really  double mask this so I'm just pushing lightly there's a space between the  two pieces of the door handle okay let's go come over here let's go  actually right here and then run that out just like so and then I didn't go to the end yet as you can  see right now let's go here trying to get a   feel for where the bottom of the handle is like  right there I want to make sure that I cover as   much silver as possible so I'm going to cut on  the door handle Edge should be okay with this I'm on the door handle guys I'm Not underneath it   or anything like that I'm  actually like right on it and we gotta follow the Contour this is probably  more vinyl than I need but better safe than sorry if I really screw this up guys you can  you can put an overlay inside afterwards hopefully I don't have to show you  that um it's just a door handle area   so no one's really gonna see it just try  not to obviously make mistakes like that okay I can actually probably  just pull that right out good now um now I can lift off here and we're gonna have to definitely get closer  to our inlay but I did want to just kind of test   the waters here see how we're looking for all  this after our door handled in Black afterwards   still a fair bit to do on this car guys it's not  a little bit of work yeah so good thing I caught   on the door handle side see got able to tuck in  there get that coverage that I was hoping for kind of get in there a little bit more  there's a little um mechanism here we   have to cut around that afterwards but  we'll just do it after let's do the top I'm not a fan I want to have a bit more  tension on the film so let's just cut that away let's cut this away I want to have a bit more pull  coming down around the corner I don't need much more vinyl  than this more than enough okay let's pull that down so pull that down it's  slightly like that just to give it a bit of   curl bit of curl coming around the corner  see how much tighter is in the top oh why the other side was the opposite I'm pretty  sure you can actually lift that up a bit now   get that going to put that in there as well okay let's do that push that back down all right stuck against it  right here so I'm going around it wouldn't retract pretty if we tight in there guys  a lot of room see if this guy fits   there we go get in there with heat afterwards  now again this is the hard part right here   this is why I put that little inlay right there  I can't see it yet which is kind of a bummer   so again we're just I'm gonna add a little  bit of heat just to push it slightly all right I just want to know where it  is really have a good look I think I see it now   so we're gonna come this is still sort of a  guess I'm gonna trim some off not too much hey sorry if I was in your way critical that  I did this well because I don't want to be taking any pieces in anywhere if I don't have to come on and cut through this piece enough here I'm going to Target this area right now let's see what it's like that underneath  slightly help it kind of all Contour it once yeah that really has to  just push in there right now with the vinyl splits I don't mind  because I have uh and lay in there   so if it splits I'm still hovering which  is still okay I have all my blue covers okay because it did split slightly We're not gonna  be able to see it much but it did split slightly   here's my Inlet right there so I could have  probably ran a little further it was pretty scary nuts hey let's do the little key lock area remember the key lock area is recessed a bit   so we're going to come around again  sort of guessing just calculated guess I'm trying to touch your Chrome too much oh okay now let's start to getting it tucked in oh it's  gonna work that really nicely in and around okay and that heats nothing too crazy at  first just keep it warm keep the phone pliable foreign take it easy okay foreign cut a little extra like give  myself a little extra I think so I don't   want to quite settle with how this appears to look  I'm going to cut on the top Edge of that key lock that's really hard to cut this guys give myself a little bit  to try to tuck in hopefully and up started now here we go how are we doing hopefully I actually put it yeah and go all the way yet just feeling it up okay one last stretch right here okay that might be good I'm gonna find out  try and do this cold first see how it goes   it's really tight a lot tighter on the top I  think a bit more space around the bottom here   yeah there's a bit almost a bit more  space there and the extra I'll just   trim that afterwards but once I feel  it's like it's safe so I'll do that I don't think we're good so it is slightly pre-tucked doesn't give me  a lot of room to pre-talk much of it so just   so you know there's not a lot of space there cool bottom piece I don't know and this is good put that in there with my knife actually very tight right there okay um surgery guys that's what that is and  now we have to see about removing tape oh yeah great cool looks pretty good okay uh let's  do the door to Fender area and then uh   we can open the door it's important to do this  first cut and fold right here guys a little slit   done uh when not a bad idea  to do one right here as well   anytime you see a body line like  this I'll have one more down here uh that's because the vinyl is just  going to crease if you don't do that so I'll start with the bottom here and  I'm going to fold everything facing down usually like to hit it up with  my finger first get it rolling and then same thing as those toners on the top  of that quarter panel guys you're gonna hit up   we're gonna start doing this part first so you  want to fold that back we're going to hit that   with some heat and try and get that bottom  section wrapped around nicely just like so and then same thing now with here  hold that one down and around it's the same thing when we  call it to this top one now I'm gonna lift slightly like that pull that  back a bit get that tucked in underneath first   kind of makes a difference if  you do it like that and then   same thing I need one more cotton  fold right here on the very top oh once I open the door I actually have access to  fold this one down really nicely on the top side   there we go I don't really need to open  the door to do it but I'm just saying   let's do it all right now lift here kind of hold that back and  then push that down and get that down   around so a nice Rubber seal there to tuck  all that in there really nicely it's good now when I open the door I'll tuck  in the rest on the top side there   box ever seals tighter at the top and let's  get in there and knock out the rest of this let's keep you up on the front fender  so that's kind of like why you might see   that lifting a little bit and right  on I'm right on the line of the ppf I'm just going over the heart Speedy First stuck  over with the uh soft rubber one in a second   gives me a bit more Poncho behind the door okay another one now put that heat on  there get that through tucked in behind good okay a lot of the hard stuff's done uh we're  just gonna end up doing the back side of the door   the top Edge where the window goes post heat  the bottom and that'll be that wrinkles here   coming back because I have to go over with heat  still okay let's uh open this door very gently the tape helps good now what I want to do  is I want to take my tape the tape off the   door this area here just get it off the  longer it stays on the more glue it might   leave behind shouldn't really be leaving  any glue behind but sometimes it does oh I'm glad this went a little bit  easier a lot easier than the other side   kept the video to a reasonable time  limits a piece of Miles stuck in there   um yeah I cut the video to a reasonable  time frame which is good now let's get into   doing all this stuff this is uh Heating and  kind of just pushing around let me finish   up this edge here actually now the little  doors open and Tuck that right in behind   that Rubber seal now it's very easy I can pull  the Rubber seal back full axis very easy good   okay so here I'm going to take this heat  it down so you wanna I want to pull around trying to keep it without getting a  wrinkled it's just the seam there so   that part I can I can live with just don't  want to have wrinkles same thing here this is a really tough spot  right here to do this nicely   because I have the bend so what I'm going to end  up doing is I'm going to end up really tucking   it in behind the uh there's a rubber piece behind  the door here I'm gonna really tuck that in there foreign folds way too aggressive just want to  make sure maybe not actually I could   probably put this around let's see thank  you I'm gonna pull that rubber back again   get it ready get that heat on there  let's get this get this piece around you run the risk of breaking the film when you're   doing this so it just a little FYI  you could tear it is quite common I just want to get it behind that rubber and fold that around also just like this I should have just taken the rubber off I   I meant to I thought about it afterwards  and then it's like oh I forgot now because the other side I noticed that  it would have been a lot easier to get   the vinyl wrapped in and around it if  I had just removed the rubber I can't   really see much from the other side  now so I'm gonna have to switch spots I'm coming around here okay so it's working well I'm going  to pull it over back on the top here   with some heat get that pulled  right around as nicely as possible um and try and pull this clip out actually  right now let's get this thing out of my way   that one came out easily okay at  least I got one out of the way that rounds and I don't mind if I have  some wrinkles underneath the rubber trim   um they're not really going to show  because they'll be covered right wrapping Chrome around these  types of bends is really   um really hard to make look good guys I actually  haven't learned a great way to do it just yet other than just doing cut and folds which  I don't always want to do a cotton Falls   if I was if I didn't have this rubber  piece here I would have to do cutting Folds   but since I can hide the wrinkles behind  the rubber piece I'm okay with that because there's definitely going to be  some wrinkles behind that rubber piece   I'll show you afterwards before I cut and I'm just trying to massage  film in behind it it's working let's see what's going on the top here I was   able to pull that up there we go it's  easy some good access to the top Edge let's see what we can do here again we can get all that tucked in right behind I'm gonna end up cutting on the paint just  so you know on the inside of the door there just very lightly on there's  a there's a pinch weld in here   so I'll be cutting lightly on that I'm not  going to be doing that yet I need to post   heat let's fix up this corner here  now it's going to be a cut and fold great that'll look nice just like that let's get that heat on here  everything's nice to move on me I want to make sure uh this area on the top side   is really nice the customer can see  it when they have their window down just come across the top now get this area down it's nice when you have easy access like that  all right let's keep coming around uh here   I wonder if I can just this one will pop out   oh baby I would like to get these  little Clips out oh maybe I can get it there we go another one here I want to  burn the rubber trim so I'm just gonna   it's easy to put back on guys it's not like  there's any two-sided tape or anything like that   just using my uh wrap stick some  of them just pop out on their own   uh yeah I wanted to do much more on the bottom  so I just was more concerned about this area   here where a lot of the tension is I did want  to get it wrapped in and behind really nicely and get it hidden some some small wrinkles guys again it's extremely  difficult to get the film uh in and behind all right okay let's get some post heat right here   and then we can start cutting  this extra Material off this way it pretty much looks  its best like when you put the   when you put the uh rubber trim back  it'll pretty much look its best even   though there are wrinkles behind the  rubber trim it will still look its best it's not important to heat this Edge guys um  it's going to clean it up make it look good   you know so the customers and stare at like  you know anything that might be lifting you're   starting them right in the face you know people  driving their windows down in the summertime   I'll be staring around pretty much right  in the face then go back on like this and   it goes in there that goes there I mean it's  pretty mediocre Clips here I guess they hold   there we go boom looking good I just gotta  go over the bottom Edge with the heat   and then we have to go over the whole panel  with Heats importance I mentioned before okay okay and here's more of my concern where I had to do  a lot of uh squeezing of the wrinkles so I'm just   making sure everything's good you can see like  here when I heat the Gap that's that that the   ppf has caused cause a little space here when I  heat this the vinyl gets a little bit of wrinkles   um not a lot I can do with the ppf  there guys but that is what it is   and try to eat it a bit but I don't  want to burn it at the same time either so if you have tension um over a gap like this  where the ppf is it will cause a little bit of   wrinkling and stuff like that so let's  go over this make sure everything's nice pushing checking   especially like your edges and stuff like that  you want to make sure you squeeze it very thorough all the way through if you see any air  bubbles come up you stop let it cool a   little bit and then you can push it down a  little bit with a little bit more heat maybe   but don't don't push it down when it's  hot it won't be good it'll leave a mark all right cool so the only thing I didn't do here  yet was uh push the filament down behind there   get to make sure that's good make sure that's  good that all looks good and we're good cool so it's looking pretty good guys uh that's the  door wrap in a nutshell that's pretty much I got   a door handle I gotta wrap the front chrome trim  piece I got the rocker panel to do I have to check   the rear sensors to make sure that uh they're not  um going nuts with the Chrome if they're not going   nuts with their Chrome I can leave the Chrome if  they are then I have to wrap them in gloss black   yeah I have the hood scoop the mirror um the side  skirts the fender the front piece of the front   bumper they have enough to do anyways guys I hope  this video was detailed informative and helpful   for you looking forward to doing more videos  thank you for watching I appreciate it take care
Channel: CK Wraps
Views: 24,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CK Wraps, ckwraps, how to wrap a door, vinyl wrap a door, chrome blue wrap, chrome blue vinyl, door wrap, DIY, vinyl wrap tutorial, car wrapping tutorial, car wrap, vinyl wrap, wrapping, car wrapping, mirror blue chrome, Acura NSX, NSX, car
Id: gqQaDxtvYc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 48sec (3048 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 06 2022
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