pouring my heart out in my best man's speech

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my name is frank and i'm the best man in john's older brother um let's see where do i start i met john in the late 80s when i was four and he was zero no i'm just kidding by a quick show of hands i'm just curious how many people here think we actually look alike people think we look alike okay so i never thought we looked alike when i was growing up but uh recently we were playing with channing's uh snapchat face swap filter and at first i remember thinking i think something's wrong with the app it's not working but in fact it was working it just we looked like ourselves even with our faces swapped you know on top of that um i know that our voices sometimes sound similar when when i was uh when i was younger sometimes my friends would call the house before we had cell phones and i hear an answer and it'd be like hello no it's john frank phone and then i would hear them tell me you know he sounds exactly like you and i know on top of that that's not like the only thing um we do have a lot of other similarities as well you know we're both usc engineering graduates usc fight on fight on [Applause] we both love lifting and uh [Applause] we're both incredibly handsome and we both have beautiful incredibly chiseled bodies but if you've ever heard me talk about him before i always make sure to emphasize just how different we really are you know how when game developers are developing new games sometimes they'll um have this trial release period people play it for free and they call it a beta version it's a it's a time for people to kind of discover the the bugs and kind of work them out so they can fix them before they release the final retail version so no offense to mom and dad but i realized that i think i'm the beta version and he's the final retail version because honestly i think he's been able to do so many things much further than i have been able to like for example um in college our college fellowship in kcm i rose the position of small group leader but he managed to rise to the office of president the chinese president of an organization that has korean in its name and that's not the only difference even in sports i remember watching him play high school football and i remember his senior year in football um troy high school was nine and zero going into the last game of the season against lahabra and um he he was a first-team all-league cornerback and i remember in the last game with a couple minutes left in the fourth quarter troy was behind and he managed to get in a critical third down the game-changing interception that eventually led troy to win the game and finish the season with a 10-0 perfect season i remember walking out of the stadium that night wearing his number 10 jersey and people were congratulating me for my brother saving the game but you know um more than just his accomplishments and successes i think some of the things that touch my heart the most that i see are the strength of his character and his loyalty his dedication his love to those around him and especially the way that he puts the needs of others before his own i know some of you here may have experienced before where you're going through a tough time going through a tough time and and somehow john was there for you and through that it brought you comfort in 2011 when our dog minnie died unexpectedly i remember it was a week night and when he found out he got in the car at usc and drove straight to where we were in garden grove so that we could be at the animal hospital and grieve together as a family i remember the moment before he got in his car to drive back to school he clasped my hand i just remember in that moment with no words being exchanged i felt so much comfort and peace knowing that he was there for me but sadly it wasn't always this way growing up you know he wasn't always the strong courageous guy that you see in front of you now so it was always my place to kind of make sure that i treated him the way that he deserved um i remember when i was four pushing him around on a stroller not understanding why he got to ride in a stroller and i did it so i pushed him right off a curb face planted right in the street later i remember going to toys r us we were buying super soakers convincing him that the xp 125 man that was the gun that i wanted but it was so good that out of the kindness of my heart i was going to let him have it and i was gonna settle on the inferior xp 150. and then there were the fights i remember the fights this one time i was playing x-men vs street fighter and had a loss to the final boss apocalypse for the tenth time he made some comment as he walked by me and remember out of anger i struck him in the stomach really hard he dropped to the ground and we're standing over him just kind of you know satisfied oddly satisfied that he was writhing on the ground and then there's another time we had this like couch sectional pillow set there was uh pieces of a tiger it was like a tiger's head tiger's body i grabbed the tail section swung it around like a mate over my head and slapped him right in the face with it i remember dad was so mad after that fight because i'd hit him in the eye and he couldn't see temporarily and he was crying i remember dad was like you could have blinded him and then i'll never forget the words that dad said right after that he said you only have one brother at that time i didn't understand what those words meant of course i only have one brother and so the fights just kind of continued but i'll never forget the incident that led to the last time we ever fought again for whatever reason that day mom and dad had left and had some friends over at my house and again for whatever reason one of my friends got into an argument with john and uh which eventually led to a fight now you probably can't tell now but john was not always as big and strong as he is now okay and so during the course of that fight uh john sustained some pretty serious injuries and i remember vividly standing there watching it all happen and not doing anything about it later that night mom and dad came home and they saw his injuries and they demanded to find out what had happened and i remember when they found out what happened dad was furious he was like how could you have let this happen you are supposed to protect him you're his brother and i remember in that moment feeling so much shame and so much anger at myself for not having done anything that the only thing i could do was weep turn around and kick the wall and it was in that moment of putting my foot through the wall that i understood and i remembered the words of my dad from years before that he was my only brother it was in that moment that i realized just how much i really loved him and ever since then i've been so protective and so loyal to him and so i remember when he texted me it was through text message by the way he told me that he had a girlfriend channing i remember thinking channing isn't that that quiet girl with a beauty mold that never smiles outwardly i was happy for them but inwardly i was afraid because i wasn't sure and i was always afraid that you weren't going to be good enough for him but i just want to tell you tonight channing that i am so happy i'm so happy that you guys are together because i know that you two are perfect for each other you know some of my most favorite memories are when you guys are just playing around when i'm in the other room and you guys are in the living room and all i hear is like you guys watching friends or making jokes you know some of my favorite things like i'm sitting there like washing dishes you guys don't know this but when you're in the other room sometimes you sing like taylor swift and justin bieber songs and i'm just sitting there like with a huge smirk on my face washing dishes and then when you guys practice worship together those times touch my heart so much when i hear you guys singing worshiping god when i see you guys on stage serving together it brings me so much joy to see you guys doing that together and like like britt said you know if you've ever heard channing sing i've always been amazed at how such a big bold beautiful voice can come from a package so small and i love playing drawful and fibbage and you know all the games that we play with you guys because you know when i see you guys get the same answer i'm always so happy i'm like yes team jonathan and then when sometimes i get the same answer as you guys i'm like yes i'm on team jonathan [Applause] and so i've dreaded this day for a long time i remember thinking before i just fearing this day because i was afraid that this would be the day that i would finally lose my brother but i don't feel that way anymore i just want to tell you that today i'm so happy because i'm gaining a sister like you and so i want to propose a toast so actually it's a toe slash prayer so why don't you join me simultaneously raising your glasses and also bowing your heads to john and channing may you two continue to seek the face of our lord and savior jesus christ together and through that may you continue to be drawn closer together and may you fall more deeply in love with each other than you could have ever possibly imagined cheers [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] will praise your greatness your paintings
Channel: ice1cube
Views: 230,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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