This is how a best man speech should be!!!

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[Music] i'm gonna read off my phone guys it's 20 21 let's let's uh [Music] just test test okay how's everyone doing that's what i'm talking about everyone got a drink everyone who's drinking have a drink okay good it's gonna be a good test um i'd like to thank the academy for this award it was such an honor to work with martin scorsese that's the wrong one so i guess busy weekend busy weekend uh nobel prize international association okay kyle's wedding uh i want to talk about my brother kyle is the person i look up to most as a kid he's cool and likable and he's got a great sense of humor i never met anyone that met my brother that didn't like him any of his friends that are here will tell you that kyle is a good friend he's the kind of person you can always have a good time with as long as he's in control of the music picks the type of beer we're drinking the people we're with the place we're doing and what we're going to do when we get there that's the truth that's all i got our childhood wasn't without tension or fighting we'd fight of course as siblings do we were terror for our babysitters sorry nelly my bad and loose cannons at the grocery store sorry mom but i remember as bad as the fighting got and as tense and heated as things would become the fights never came to blows and i think that's a good thing it's a good omen we would always fight like gentlemen wearing tight spandex and doused in baby oil as i saw kyle move through his life i saw him obtain some great traits he's a hard worker and he's a good leader he's caring and he's committed to his family which is much bigger now so how y'all doing over there how y'all doing good okay i'm gonna keep this short i promise uh he's a much better cornhole player these days too which is good because now i can stop taking it easy on him every game that's that is on god that's true he improved himself so much over the years and since he met charmaine she's made him even better i'm so glad that you came around charmaine because you helped my brother be more kind and considerate you're always encouraging him to put himself in someone else's shoes and be more sensitive to everyone's feelings that's commendable work and i thank you for it it's not hard to see why my brother fell in love with charmaine she's very smart sweet gracious and pleasant to be around that she is that she is right there that's the one asking charmaine to marry you is the best decision you ever made and uh i'm truly thankful that she said yes as proud as i am of kyle today i'm equally proud to welcome you to our family charmaine the love and happiness in your heart is easily felt by all those around you that's never a bad thing to add to your family i'm proud to call you stevens [Music] [Applause] i did suppress a tear right there though i'm so proud of you my heart is so full and it raises my spirits to see you get married today uh speaking of raising let's all raise our glasses to colin charmaine i wish you a merry life full of successes years of blissful love uncontainable joy harmony and good fortune to colin charmander
Channel: cooperstevens2
Views: 172,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: av09ZDv0gQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 36sec (276 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 27 2021
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