Making Magic Potions to FLEECE the Townsfolk - Potion Craft

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[Music] [Music] hello everyone i'm cryptic fox and welcome back to another live stream this one's a little bit early it's starting about like 30 minutes earlier than what we normally do but we're also checking out a new game tonight this is potioncraft uh tinybuild the the promoter for the game was kind enough to uh or the publisher for the game i believe was kind enough to provide a code for me to check out the game this came out today in early access on the uh the steam store and i thought it'd be fun to check it out uh it looked like it had some really good ratings and stuff the gameplay looks pretty novel and basically we get to be an apothecary or uh whatever you want to call it an alchemist i guess and do like an alchemy simulator thing so you know i like simulator games and this is a new one so why not right but welcome everybody's here in chat so far if you're watching on the channel afterwards welcome as well as always make thanks everyone just clicked on the join button become a channel member and support the channel i really do appreciate it especially thanks to all of our top tier mistakes are made members that were highlighted at the start of the stream now i'm not entirely sure what kind of potions and stuff we can craft but i gather there's like healing potions and poison things and stuff that goes boom so i'm guessing at some point we'll blow up the shop but i guess uh i guess we'll find out and in the meantime we'll try to fleece the neighbors and see how much money we can get out of them for our quote-unquote magic potions the story begins you're a novice alchemist wandering the world in search of your destiny after a long journey you've finally found a place to ply your trade applied we shall it's abandoned house you found it old abandoned house in the edge of town judging by the alchemy equipment in the garden the former owner seems to have practiced alchemy apparently a wizard used to live here but the layer of dust and the condition of the house suggests it's been empty for a long time so naturally we just moved in apparently in this uh this day and age uh finders keepers losers well they don't they probably didn't come back anyway they probably did somewhere shop opening you decide to turn the house into a potion shop after several days of cleaning and preparing the shop is ready for its first customers wait a minute i don't know how to make potions yet oh this is gonna be interesting it's time to remember your alchemy skills and start this new life in a new town i really hope they give me some recipes right off the bat otherwise we're liable to poison and kill people by accident but the beta for this i enjoyed it uh enough to buy this as soon as this song went live oh nice that's awesome snoopy yeah i i saw there was a demo for it that was out a while ago and i had i kind of wanted to try it and then i didn't now that i saw the game was fully released i thought why not adding ingredients to the cauldron potions were made from ingredients well that's super detailed uh take two terrarias and two water balloons from your inventory and throw them in the cauldron to move the ingredients click and hold the mouse drag them into the cauldron and let go oh that's cool a little effect oh that's that that's actually kind of satisfying splash uh yeah we're gonna do uh we're gonna do all this gotta do all this so here's the on the background here i guess this is like the the course of the the our progress in making the potion and when it gets all the way to the end i guess is when we actually get the actual potion but all right stirring after the ingredient after adding ingredients you can stir the potion stirring the potion advances the potion icon down the path defined by the ingredients use the spoon to stir all right we can do that [Music] that's kind of neat all right level up one talon point heating now the potion is uh i'm sorry now the potion icon is touching an unknown effect to find out what the effect does you need to add it to the current potion to add the effect to the potion you need to bring the water in the corner to a boil use the bellows to blow all right uh heat the desired temperature what's the desired temperature how do i know oh my god that's cool [Music] healing you unlock the new effect finishing potion perfect you've added a new effect to the potion healing to finish making the potion press finish potion it's over here yeah it is really stream i uh i scaled it skipped it relatively soon before i went live and sometimes youtube doesn't doesn't push out the notifications right away but finish the potion all right grinding and green now we get to grind stuff i guess this is our our weak potion of healing we've made mortar and pestle or the aqua's best friend you can use a mortar and pestle to grind up practically any ingredient and unlock their potential can we grind up rocks this helps you create the same potion using fewer ingredients trying to create the same potion using just one terraria and one water balloon well i don't have any water blooms take care of inventory and place it into the mortar and grind it up all right there we go all right that's again oddly satisfying what if you can over grind is that a thing you can do add the ground terraria to the cauldron okay now we'll do the same thing with this all right that's kind of novel bloop stir it up [Music] then we gotta heat it up oh yeah there we go what if i could burn the potions brew up some hot sauce saving a potion recipe excellent you made the very same potion but used half as many ingredients your first potion attempt won't always be the most optimal so experiment and perfect it if you're happy with the potion you made save it in the recipe book then you can make the potion in the future with the click of a button oh that's handy save the recipe for your current potion press the save recipe okay so we've saved that one neat so later when people want to buy it i don't have to go through all the steps again which means we get to keep experimenting and making new stuff and then not having to worry about like repeating steps on the old stuff [Music] now finish making the potion uh oh yeah finish potion there we go i really want to make hot sauce now i got that idea in my head [Music] frank's red hot i put that stuff on everything moving between rooms you're the owner of the potion shop and your taxes to not only brew potions but also sell them to customers customers arrive go to the shop uh for moving between rooms use the navigation buttons on the edges of the room wasd keys or the arrow keys go to the shop which one's the shop [Music] guess who gets this way aha there we go offering potion for sale every day people from all over town and even from other towns will stop by to buy various magic potions your job is to brew potions in the laboratory and sell them and get exorbitant prices to customers okay many potions may be brewed for a specific purpose but it's still a good idea to keep a few of the most popular potions on hand just in case if a customer likes a potion they'll be clear from their reaction all right [Music] fox's hot sauce causes gastric blowouts every day yeah you probably wouldn't want to eat some hot sauce i brewed up oh hello mr person dude good afternoon yesterday at a friend's party i'm burning my tongue on some hot soup now i can't taste a thing oh you know what i got some hot sauce that'll fix that up for you that'll fire those taste buds up like nothing and i'm a brewer i need to be able to check the quality of my product my tongue's useless now do you have a healing tincture of some kind to offer a potion place it on the scale sell it for ten can i handle them up the amount of gold you receive from selling a potion as shown in the sell button click the sell button to sell the potion but i want to sell it for more i gotta complete the tutorial first all right my husband has been ill for some time but recently he got even worse now we can't even get up he has a fever and sweats and he smells really bad do you have any medicine for my poor husband we're going to handle this one i bought his poaching but i won't pay very much doesn't love her doesn't let her husband all that much uh i'm okay press haggle when the arrows inside the gold bonus areas um what do the different bonuses mean [Music] i'm in the gold bonus areas but i don't know what they do she's getting a good deal and i'm getting a bad deal i don't like this [Music] do i have to hit all the bonus areas maybe that's what it is i gotta get them all good lord bye my potion woman [Music] i don't even know what i'm doing maybe i should read it [Laughter] hitting the bonus area tips the scale in your favor but uh missing them does the opposite to your why are they getting a good deal if i hit so many of those bonuses scale will also gradually tip out of your favor once haggling begins the bonus areas will shrink and get harder and harder to hit and haggling in terms of you'll get the arrows of the green area all right i don't i don't understand why i'm not getting a better deal here but maybe it's a because it's a tutorial thing you have to hit all them to gain the money like you can't just like boost one of them or something all right [Music] all right we'll sell it for eight i guess i didn't get a great deal but you know whatever lack of suitable potions you'll often not have a ready-made potion for a certain customer that's okay you can always go back to the laboratory and make the potion they need some time limit so you can focus on the recipe the client will not leave wow that's unrealistic she'd be asking to see my manager or something hello mice have infested my hut even though i have a cat cat just lies in the cabinets and watches the uh the mice do whatever they please so i need a vial of rat poison it'll be easier to poison those rodents than wait for the stupid cat so to offer potion all right so we've gotta go go to the enchanted garden which is over here and janta garden is one of the alchemists alchemists main sources for ingredients every day new ingredients will grow in the garden don't forget to pick uh i picked them from time to time click on ingredients to gather them collect one terraria and one firebell for a second i read that as fireball and i was like what i've got fireballs it's amazing customer needs poison which means you need to create a poison or a potion with a poison effect you have to look for the uh for most of the effects on your own throughout this map uh but you remember from your alchemy lesson that such a potion can be made from one terrarian one fireball still not sure how i discovered the new potions i mean once i get to the point where they're just not helping me anymore i'm guessing we just get to do a whole bunch of experimentation [Music] contrary i won fireball super delicious yummy poison coming right up it's probably a good thing we didn't accidentally sell this to the woman who was trying to get something for her husband no does not not work don't forget to use the alcohol equipment don't be afraid to fail you can always try again by pressing the button in the upper whatever majiggy so this clearly isn't getting me there it's not overlapping with the effect so i'm guessing i did something wrong we have someone out for hernia surgery so everyone is okay that's interesting so spam out the gold areas and then sell before the scales get back to center oh it's a speed thing now i got you all right so how do i uh how do i redo this complete the tutorial first i said i could redo it you can always try again by pressing the button in the upper left of this window this button there we go i wanted that to be put it in a certain order or something because that didn't really work slightly hot to the touch one of the most famous alchemical ingredients oh do they go different directions if i put them in a different order [Music] that didn't get me anywhere close all right so that's not it not letting me restart this time [Music] all right clearly that's not it oh no i can't redo it it said not to worry i would always be able to redo it [Music] oh no the grinder them where i'm not supposed to i mean they did tell me before that it made stuff quicker and easier i don't know there's no more stuff in here i can gather i literally can't make this ladies potion add at least one effect to complete potion i can't stir it anymore i can't heat it and i can't reset to do a new to redo the pool there we go [Music] more you grind the further the path goes is that how that works oh i see i just didn't grind it enough there we go [Music] it was underground you know but i grew up but above ground also [Music] you know mixed up in there oh yeah there we go now we got it [Music] boom we made the poison uh save recipe finish potion all right lady got your poison for your husband i mean your rat whatever it is let's try this haggling thing again [Music] blue see it's not swinging oh i see i get it i was looking at the uh i wasn't looking at the physical scales down here i was looking at the one above and showing like plus two minus two and i i didn't i didn't get it but now i got it i got it made 14. when last customer leaves the shop you can have a rest in your bedroom it's located above the laboratory go to your bedroom to end the day oh how what a quick little room i have start the new day yes let's go to bed [Music] i remember to grind these things enough end of tutorial excellent you've refreshed your alchemy knowledge and familialized yourself with the alchemy equipment in the attic next to the bed you found some a few ingredients and a little water or a little for water rather this is your potion shop now and you decide what to do next greet customers chat sell potions haggle poison your neighbors and don't forget to gather ingredients from the enchanted garden and gradually explore the alchemy map good luck so this game's just in early access right now i gather they're going to be adding some more stuff more things to come let's see what we got all kinds of stuff i could pick i wonder if this stuff if there's any like detriment to picking this stuff like if it'll go bad or something before i get a chance to use it i got a talent point how do i use those there we go how can we map visible radius alchemical practice see additional bonuses appear on the alchemy map that you've experienced when collected increase your trading skill increase your headless let's let's increase the visible radius on our map here i have one talon point left let's make it try to make it as big as possible for now because i don't know what i'm doing a game grinding simulator i love the artwork reminds me of the old tapestries and paintings yeah they sort of model it off of uh like old medieval artwork kind of thing uh all right so we know how to make some basic stuff over here we've got like poisons and there's a healing thing there i'm really clear what else we can make throw one of these in see what kind of fancy potions we can craft up with this stuff crossing green in the cauldron stir heat yeah yeah bloop uh let's see oh that goes way off in a different direction ooh red mushroom let's try that can't go wrong with some red mushrooms all squished into a fine gooey paste i'm assuming that uh oh there's a magic effect there what we got give me give me give me what do we get some sort of sunshine you unlock the new light of weak potion of light oh i see save recipe all right we discovered our first potion but nothing blew up so i'm disappointed what about uh let's go off this direction [Music] try to explore what's over here oh yeah mash that into a nice fine sticky paste uh and this one goes like way down there so let's try that [Music] we shall see what we get no um looks like we need another other ingredient to go over to where that thing is that's not good i can't reach that spell effect there oh actually this might work this might work will there be meth oh yeah if we can make meth don't you worry we'll we'll find it nope ah no good um keep throwing ingredients in because why not right i'm only wasting stuff hooray what if i could do it when it's like only part way through [Music] mash that up good okay so if we drop this in and i stir it so that we just overlap a little bit here boop and then i heat it up frost i unlock the new effect probably don't want to do it that way most of the time there's got to be more efficient ways to do that i'm not going to save that one be careful not something cthulhu with your potions oh yeah but what if cthulhu wants to come over to visit i should probably make some of these health potion things those were um terraria and uh whatever that stuff is oh actually why am i doing this i gotta just made it naturally so let's make um let's make a different potion if we can damn sure gotta go this is like this violent alchemy over here oh my accent good there we go show me something useful down here potion failed oh apparently if it goes in the bones that's it that didn't work why not add water i don't know how do you add water oh this thing oh [Music] i don't know i don't know what i'm doing steve this is my first time playing the game i'm still learning [Music] okay let's uh okay let's try weird shrooms that's a really weird pattern [Music] huh let's try wind bloom again what happens when we add water [Music] bloop [Music] uh and then we could go over that way or that way that's gonna go nowhere that one's super weird huh maybe we can't go anywhere with this [Music] water takes it backward oh yeah okay so it kind of like dilutes it splat splat splat splat splat [Music] oh there's another mystery one over there can i reach it i don't think so i got nothing that goes that direction might need more angry oh this one's gotta go into some weird swirly effect what happens if i heat it up now oh it rotates it i guess okay that was weird [Music] no don't put the uh don't put the pestle in there another mortar or whatever there we go keep that up oh man a new effect i'm certain these recipes that i'm doing are not the way we should be doing them we're using like kind of a lot of ingredients to get stuff done [Music] really digging the music yeah it's i can see it over like a long period of time the music getting really repetitive uh all right we got more more points we can spend so let's do uh additional bonuses appear in the automatic to give experience when collected green books these bonuses appear in random locations and are updated every day sure let's try that we'll make the map view bigger too i feel like that's the thing we need increase your training skill the higher trading skill the more profitable initial prices are when you buy and sell goods yeah i really want to see what i'm making though all right welcome to the shop what can i get for you kind people give me a healing potion a bandage shot me through the shoulder with an arrow yesterday well at least it wasn't in your knee sir the wound isn't serious but i can't lie around for a month i need to get back to work all right how do i make these uh potions these are the ones i have miscellaneous i thought i had like a quick thing here whoop oh apparently i have achievements oh there we go uh okay so we want uh all right fine sir let's make you one of these things continue brewing from here through this recipe all right sir i got uh i got a healing potion will that do i need more of your money though all your money is money sold for 11. made a little cash it's advisory the alchemy and your kingdom come does it good afternoon we have trouble in our village invasive beetles have taken up the we fields they're eating our harvest and they're doing it fast we need to poison them mall and our harvest is our arms really boomed all right all right we need to make uh we need to make another poison here [Music] all right we'll have one poison we got a weak poison but we'll brew this one that out here selling for 12 to start with so we need we need to get i need to get more money out of them 14 i'll take it had some strange soup for lunch today and i don't feel so good do you have anything for a troubled gut uh no more gastronomic adventure adventures um [Music] i don't even know what the mana potion does exactly pretty sure we don't want to light him up or freeze him that may not be the thing to do all right hold on sir let me see if we can figure out what to do with a sick gut i mean our uh our potion options are a little limited right now i guess i could just give him a healing potion hopefully that'll work all right here try this thing out i don't know if he's gonna like the potion though [Music] he's definitely not going to like the price by the time we're done with it there we go cell did he showed no physical reaction so i don't know whether he liked it or not i'm hoping he did normally mana potions raised manipu md for sorcerer well yeah but i don't know how that works in this game hi you're the new alchemist i'm the local herbalist i gather i i gather plants and sell them wanna see what i have for sale are they gonna have something that might interest you you see anything besides herbs show me your goods uh what is this tangleweed wet and slippery hmm sounds tanglicious maybe both of those i guess um what else do i not have a lot of i mean i got a fair amount of this stuff decent amount of that stuff fair bunch of this stuff all right let's just take the one thing here um let's haggle though i'm assuming i'm this now we'll tip the scales in my favor [Music] it's a deal you'll pay 59. instead of 60 with that 68 that's not bad i guess i'll take it there's nothing else in here she's an herbalist she's all into the herbalisms understand fox's other play game that won't raise his blood pressure tonight well that depends who knows what kind of rage inducing goodness this game will have we sell what a no boat flowers herbs roots and various berries and fruit you can buy other things from other merchants fine then lady get out of here need a strong fast acting poison i'd appreciate if it saved your questions and kept our little deal a secret your silence will be generously rewarded of course i only have a weak poison there must be a stronger one i can make if i go to uh where was that potion book thing if i go here i can continue brewing from here and that might get me somewhere nope that's not what i want uh kind of want something that continues in the downward scope thing let's try this out see what we can find over here that's more poisonous than the poison we've already got let's turn that up um that's not good nope not there nope definitely not it's gonna be cutting it close but all right let's try it out throw another one of these in i don't want to go all the way over there because i don't want to resetting on me we go to there oh there we go we'll go to there and then we can like go down this way this game's wacky [Music] i feel like i'm just trying to thread a needle here trying to find something interesting there's nothing down here can you use uh portions and other potions how do you mean uh like oh potions and other potions like can i just drop a thing in there like that would be enough i like that to let you do it though but you can't put them in there um let's try going down again i'm wasting all kinds of materials but this is for science you know sciencey stuff please do anyway what if i did this nope can't add them over there oh my god what's it take to find another potion in this thing you have to take the cap off there's no grabbing the cap [Music] uh all right we'll try it we're wasting ingredients now i think to make stronger poison you basically have to hit a bull's-eye by putting the potion a bottle it moves exactly on the potion design it gives you the potion oh okay so i'm wasting i'm totally wasting materials in right now that's fun oh i lost some poison nope not that get out of here almost guaranteed i'm wasting my time over here all right well this is a bust how do i uh how do i cancel this thing what's this do oh found the basement how can we machine the sock machine is badly damaged find a merchant you can sell parts for a new alchemy machine oh reagents for creating albedo and void salt huh [Music] okay no ingredients out there you put in the water i mean i could oh i see the water like drags it off in a particular direction that's cool huh i wonder if i have an unlimited amount of water [Music] what's the benefit of going through the books um if i can get it to like that potion symbol down there [Music] it puts the lotion on or it gets the potion [Music] all right let's try this thing here oh wait that's good enough can i want something that goes there we go we go like so and then we mix it just a little bit [Music] and we heat it up that did nothing what it's on the poison thing i feel like i probably have too many ingredients in at this point you missed the start yeah sorry i started a little bit early today we started like 8 30. um so i have no idea how to end this thing now maybe because i already have a poison oh there's a thing up there i haven't got i can't get over there though how do i reset i want to do a new potion whatever finish the potion got a poison we'll try selling it to the guy and see if he wants if he's happy with a weak poison listen i know it's a weak poison but if you pay me extra it works twice as good that's how it works oh god getting me click [Music] i got 12. wasn't that what i already said i would sell it for all right he seems happy i mean whatever well something to deal with a nice elemental tormenting a mountain village an ordinary sword is useless against elementals they give me a fire potion i can coat my blade with it and take the element down okay so over here we've got this thing here that i haven't uncovered maybe that's oh there's also one up there all right let's see if we can make a fire potion squishy squishy [Music] once a poison always a poison i was just trying to make it a stronger poison didn't work though stan [Music] [Music] stir that up it's not exactly spot on but hopefully it's good enough fire oh yeah i mean a fire potion save that recipe all right buddy i got a fire potion for you oh 17. i mean that seems like a good price but not good enough [Music] 20. perfect give me that give me all the cash selling the frost potion i'm sure it'll work perfectly he comes back later as a corpse do you have anything for like necromancy what a coincidence command sent me to fight an elemental too but this one's a fire elemental gun in the habit of strolling through wheat fields lately and starting fires anything that can cool them down as a matter of fact sir i do wait why is yours only 15 where the other one was like 17 or something oh no oh i meant to haggle shoot seems to be the last customer of the day rotten lousy customers uh i still want to increase my visibility bloop let's keep doing that potion of fire that's the hot sauce that's right it's the final dab all right i should probably get some rest uh i don't know popularity one nobody knows anything about you there are no bonuses at this popularity level i'm not popular at all oh man those legendary recipes oh that's that that's that thing i found in the basement albedo this recipe is partially damaged restored creating a grado albedo containers all right whatever shop upgrades upgrades are in development will be available in a later version of the game uh drat they're not out yet all right let's go to sleep [Music] you watch the potion bottle but it has the roman numeral three on it you get the strong potion ah okay and that's what you're saying like we pretty much have to peg it like right in the middle of things so i said they gave me all these ingredients to waste we've got some new ingredients to waste too [Music] okay so we found the fire i want to see what this is up here how do i get up to that thing there's one of those green books they i unlocked that gives me some sort of a bonus something down here too i can't tell what that is huh this here's a big map okay so we can go wind bloom [Music] will get me in the right general direction i guess when blooming is [Music] start from something you know before you mix well i did that with the poison but it didn't really help me at least not so much uh no no yes yes give me this [Music] let me see what i got going on here okay uh we'll go up to here [Music] throw that in so i think if i heat it up there i can get it to rotate a little bit oh i can't stop it once it starts oh well we did a thing that's anchored there now i guess uh the fire one goes off that way it's not really good oh that's pretty close [Music] you know what i can add a little bit of water after and it should get me right where i want to be abby dabby dabby come on smoosh it there we go throw that in mix it up throw a little bit of water in [Music] oh i only got into it too that was so close there were still mushrooms on the tree was there okay we can go back and grab them it's all right we got that okay uh let's heat her up poof lightning oh yeah double lightning bolts too save that recipe should blame you blams see there were mushrooms on the tree still but i don't i don't see them here i think you're mistaken [Music] i see no shrooms no shrooms do i see okay this is kind of a novel uh a novel interface on this to play oh there's something down there we did get i mean that's a long way down there i got almost down there when i was like just dumping stuff in at random oh you know what these little lines here extend out to where there's something on the on the chart so there's something down here we can go after [Music] uh if we can find anything that goes the right way anyway give me this seems like you got to get it all at once yeah so you well no you can it just has to like be perfectly lined up i think which i'm sure it takes a certain amount of exactitude [Music] nope nope uh that might work yeah i'm going to use use a little bit of this stuff [Music] so we'll throw that in there and then we gotta go down [Music] let's go with the mushroom here [Music] there we stir that oh i just throw it in right next to the save uh save push button is the one you want to click to dump out the mixture oh uh oh this one here okay cool thank you so if i get something crazy going on i don't want to dump it now that's hopeful thank you um oh that kind of like sneaks me right in there let's see what that potion is smashy smashy okay and then this one oh that'll get me like right across the path i've only got one of those mushrooms though so i don't ever make that one once [Music] this should be better choice here [Music] i don't even need to do any more mixing just go like that stir this in here try to get it like right on the money [Music] there's a two a one if i go underneath it here like this then i can dump some water in ah still only a two i was a little off [Laughter] you also don't have to go the full route if you don't want to yeah i figured that much out so i was uh trying to time that one a little bit but fast growth we made we finished another potion um i didn't get this one down here oh there's another one down there so many potions is so little times i want something that goes boom [Music] should he used fire can't go wrong with fire [Music] [Music] bloop uh some of these like that we'll drop some more of this in here give me a whole bunch of this see where that takes me okay i don't want to go the whole way with that one oh this could be close but it's not quite going to get me there throw that and then if we throw oh that's not gonna get me there either i need something that's gonna get me maybe pass it so i can dump water in and come back i don't have any options that are gonna work oh that works well i got one of this mushroom but it's not gonna be right on i don't think though i gotta do it too i'll take that stone skin oh cool wait why can't i save that recipe there's no space for new recipes delete an old recipe or expand your recipe book oh didn't even occur to me i had a limited number of choices okay well we made a stone skin [Music] who gets to lick the spoon ever to make all the potions it's okay rabbit you can have the spoon i don't recommend it but you can have it greetings i recently went fishing at the lake in the forest got my line out immediately got a bite and i reeled it in and tried to get it off the hook but that fish had some teeth all right so he needs a healing potion um all right i've only got this one buddy so you have to make do with the weak potion i've got but it's only a fish bite sarah with a super chat ah super witchy i love it this game has some uh some actually really good uh really good scores on uh on steam already just off the demo i think because they only came out today in early access do you buy bait just be a book from a vendor maybe [Music] maybe the alchemist path i did more things reach popularity level two [Music] manuals in development all right so that's not a thing [Music] i see where i can get rid of recipes and stuff man i just wanted to stack up a whole pile of them i guess the only benefit to those things is that you can make them quickly i'm just digging up stumps in my field planning to burn them to fertilizer but then as luck would have it started raining today and all those stumps got soaked i need to plow this field up help me out so he needs a fire potion i guess i'll be your huckleberry here you go buddy boom 17 17 is pretty good but it's not good enough give me more give me more i'm greedy i got to fleece you for all your worth your rotten towns people there 20. you can save the level three for quick brew level three what now [Music] don't be greedy are you joking the entire nature of this game is being greedy it is a shop after all i have so many characters every day i wash cook shop and look after the children i spend all day on my feed and not sit down to rest once because of that my feet are covered in calluses and corns perhaps you could ever run on it remedy where's that fire potion we need it maybe we can give her stone skin it'll protect her feet like listen lady we don't want you getting too comfortable so what we're gonna do is give you stone skin so you can work longer hours without getting hurt it's all part of our helping your employer incentive all right give me all your money lady you've been working hard you got money to spend right no way you have kids you're probably already broke whatever give it all to me anyway it's over 12. these people are always happy with me even though i'm jacking up the price oh it's nice to see a few new faces in these parts i suppose you're the new alchemist wonderful i'm the local mushroomer you're an alchemist and you must know quality ingredients when you see them i have a few mushrooms here will you take a look sure show me your goods fine sir you know what give me all oh actually there's a few troops in here i haven't seen so i don't really have too many shrooms at all 72 for that one yikes oh wait a minute okay so it also shows like whether it's a bad price or a good price for the shroom in particular give me these because i haven't seen those sure these will look too give me some of these things what am i up to here 248 i don't have that kind of money so we're going to haggle our brains out i don't think i don't think i can handle that much though let's give a couple of these back uh and maybe just take one of those no you know what i want to both we're gonna haggle buddy we're haggling i might be broke when i'm done but did i get it 209 you already haggled oh well that didn't work oh oh god no what's going on here what happened back oh screwed up that's what i did wrong uh give me one of these one of those i made at 247. good grief oh i can't handle them again because oh so if you fail you're just you're out of luck out of luck um all right i'll pay this one i guess screw that up he only sells mushrooms buy the ones you pick from cow pies these mushrooms smell like poop hello very strange guys came to our hotel he says he has a great fear of fire and refuses to use candles oh you know what i've got your i'll be your huckleberry listen i'm gonna have to haggle though because i just spent too much mushroom on shrooms and they weren't really all that magical he doesn't like it if you change the deal after haggling yeah i see that he was not impressed with me three robbers attacked me they wanted my money but couldn't find it i couldn't find it so they gave me a good beating instead but i didn't have money on me and just hit it in a safe spot oh now i have to stand the money on the healing potion my whole body aches in that case let's charge you extra next time get a stone skin potion then they can't beat you up see that's cross marketing right there that's the sound of a good business owner oops oh god screwing everything up hold on the price is going the wrong way here i wonder if it'll just let you haggle indefinitely oh no it doesn't actually they get smaller and smaller each time you click on them fine give me the 11. god he got mad removed an item once you handle after another walker bite yeah i saw that yeah uh accidentally added another shroom that was the price went up yeah i took one out or something i don't know which it was oh hello i heard there was a new alchemist in town so i came to say hi i'm the local sorceress or witch if you like that's what the locals call me anyway you just come out of curiosity do you have to carry any poison in your shop you know just randomly for unknown reasons i mean they call me sorceress but it's not like i'm trying to kill anybody much do you have any poison yeah we got a little we got some listen this is a very strong one though so you might want to buy two bottles just saying just saying why wouldn't which i wonder if i should ask her that but no i want her money [Music] give me give me give me give me 13 14. i got a little bit more out of here [Music] man that was a hard day's work of potion making and selling and stuff uh nothing is grown there obviously all right start a new day on to day four we have points we can spend two see if you can make a poison too that's probably a good idea um level nine uh let me see that cost two only got one point let's do this whole alchemy practice thing i don't know what the deal is with that exactly okay so if we can get over here to make another another poison that's better than the poison we have then we can get rid of the one we have and just make poison twos instead because you know it's more poisonous who doesn't love more poison [Music] hmm i'm quite going to get me over there i don't think i got one of these you know what there we go forgot to collect from the garden i think we got it all that's it man this is a good garden it grows like every day hey foxy plants play gas station simulator after you get this workshop uh things get intense uh actually yeah so i i was trying to get some time and i could record it again i've done two episodes so far just trying to see if i could find the opportunity to do another one recently but i've been really busy been hard to cram in time to to record see this won't quite get me there it falls just a little bit short i'm reluctant to use two of the fire bells if i can avoid it but actually if i use one of the well the red mushrooms were expensive i had to get those from the guy so maybe i should go with the fireball because it's going to be cheaper in the long run and i'll have more of them let's do that grind this puppy up splat splat drop that in there and then i want something that's going to get me a little bit farther on so i can get a match up if i could get it to like go down here and then dilute it with water that would work too the brown mushroom would work but i don't have too many of those no grinding puppies up oh man puppies are the best ingredients [Music] well [Music] i'm gonna tr we'll try another one of these things actually i don't even need to grind that one even get this to land on a two [Music] there we go poison two that's that's something right okay so we made a stronger poison let's go to here in our poison catalog we'll get rid of this one so it's gonna cost us a little bit more to make the stronger poison but we should be able to sell it from war too i guess and then we'll try to do the same thing with the healing potion if we can get a better healing potion people might pay more too it'll be very stream worthy because i know how much is going on i bought it because of your videos and it had a blast yeah it's it the game gets it that gas station simulator turns into pure chaos after a little bit from what i've seen anyway uh hmm come on we'll do uh we'll do a water bloom and two of the terraria and that should get me down to the spot where i can get like a healing two out of it nope [Music] [Music] it's got that yeah perfect i don't even need to grind the last one [Music] come on baby [Music] papa needs a new pair of shoes [Music] like so and then add like a little dash of water baby [Music] oh yeah boom just like that and the water was free all right now we got now we got the heels going on get out of here erase that recipe save this one i didn't even finish it yet that might be worth doing hold on a second there question mark yeah cancel that yeah i want to erase that one now we'll save the recipe finish potion perfect truly appreciate the time whenever you put in to crank out such an amazing amount of content thanks dale it's a nighttime gig something i do after work and family and all that stuff but i do enjoy it uh i mean we could shoot for something that's way down there but we got ingredient wise it's gonna help me get bar out to something there's something over here let's go uh let's do a little bit of water bloom blossom thingamajobby throw that in throw in some of this stuff more of these i guess i'll just keep throwing those in because i don't know what else to put in there that's oh that one goes pretty far tangleweed sure why not [Music] trouble with the tackle weed is i don't really have much just the stuff that i bought see what that reveals for us over there oh yeah we were close [Music] [Music] i kind of need to like go past and then come back i don't think this is gonna get i don't think i can get a two on this one we'll have to see [Music] uh drop that in come on come on come on come on oh i did nice [Music] fire it up [Music] oh a sleep potion uh well drat i've got all this stuff in my book [Music] so i can't save it um shoot we killed the queen yet yeah no not yet that's coming don't wait don't worry [Music] you can grind multiple ingredients at once that's a good question i'm not sure that might be worth checking nice fox achieve level three wow you gotta work work harder for less money yeah well let's see i guess so i made a sleeping potion but i don't know how to i can't save it let's just do [Music] i have no idea what that is that just for my labels oh it is sh blam look at that [Music] thing all right that's a funny little funny little added uh thing you can do we can we can change our labels around all right whatever how do you upgrade the recipe book i'm not sure i think somebody said that there's like a uh there's a wizard or something that will come along that we might be able to upgrade with um so i mean i've already used definitely used the poison the fire the lightning is something that i haven't used yet but that's a little too the grow fast potion all right whatever we'll just we'll just make it for now and then worst case scenario i guess see what happens let's go sell some things to people goal achieved create a potion with a custom appearance oh i got an achievement for doing a weird thing with a sticker all right [Music] hello i see you recently opened i'm also an alchemist but i'm just passing through town collecting some ingredients and selling alchemy equipment so i decided to drop in i'm running a light right now and only have enchanted paper with me but if you need to expand your recipe book you can buy a couple sheets ah darn it all right show me your goods and run frasier i don't have enough money i spend it all on mushrooms dude really enchanted paper the sheets of this recipe book are made of special enchanted paper the enchantment allows you to uh slow down paper's aging and allow you to edit existing recipes you can even completely erase an old recipe to write a new one instead well that sucks sell ingredients can i sell them stuff show me your goods oh he pays like terrible prices just even if i sold all this stuff i wouldn't even get close i could sell him a potion anybody want to buy stone skin potion i can't there's no way i'm gonna get up to 200. [Music] finally getting cool enough you can put pants on that's a little disturbing greg [Music] yeah i mean 23 33 42 i can't there's i can't even get close not even close even if i haggle blast all right fine you have rest of freshman with come back with your paper later when i have money i spend all my money greetings i had a brilliant idea yesterday to brew a beer that warms your bones even the coldest days people would pay a pretty penny for the provinces the resume is almost ready but for the beer to always be warm i need something like liquid fire yeah everything like that i don't not have anything like that boom eat some fire baby he's gonna emulate his customers that's awesome try at least well why try he wanted 200. let's say i let's say i barter him down all right i bought her up my sale price and i bought her him down like what am i gonna make a difference of in total like if i'm like extraordinarily lucky i make a difference of like 50 even if i sold everything i can't get to 150. oh haggle here we go all right this is for all the explosive beer bottles i'm pretty pretty sure he's uh he just decided to brew a molotov cocktail i'm not certain but i'm fairly sure 20. [Music] please help my son was playing with friends in the forest and twisted his ankle jumping from a tree please help my little boy's leg i really don't want to help but um [Music] you know what she doesn't need the good healing potion let's give her the bad healing potion that one was uh yeah one of these things can i put them both in here at the same time oh no it replaces them all right so we can't do them both at the same time unfortunately that answers that question listen lady your boy's not worth a level three healing potion make do with this one [Music] finish all right i got your potion here lady here you go here you go take this [Music] 10 you say i'm not selling this for 10. [Music] i'll sell it for 12 though give me my 12. remember like this game early access is it the full release version actually the the version you played would have been the demo this is the early access version just came out today i don't know what they're planning for the full release date on the game but um they have said that uh they're gonna be adding more to the game we've already found a couple things that uh say that they're in development so i guess stuff will be added over time but what'd you get for the strong one i don't know children watering the forest and playing the lake have started going missing of late the villagers are certain it's a merman been asked to deal with the beast i need to reinforce my sword to defeat the scum heard mermaid fleet the sound of thunder lightning potion it is 43 yeah give me more money though [Music] come on buddy you're you're using this potion to scare away mermaid you've got to pay a lot of money for it does merman only respect things that you paid too much for i need any herbs i probably do oh is that a sea cucumber that's a little messed up looking it's a hairy banana looks like a fuzzy pod a banana and a boomerang all in one can you shave this banana you sure can wait but i could shave a banana according to legend it's an ice dragon's favorite delicacy this particular ice fruit that's some more tangleweed uh i have 131 i mean i want to see what the deal is with the banana well i mean i can see the shape it makes it makes a banana shape how about that how'd the banana get hairy think about that jet i don't want to know don't want to know at least she's not something a banana hammock to go with it listen i got a hairy banana and a banana hammock you want him ah no i will pass and throw up a little bit of my mouth thank you let's buy one of these why not why not we already didn't have money for paper once why don't have not have money for paper a second time i'll buy it off you for 21 lady [Music] look at that it already went down about she's only gonna give me one and a half monies for it that's lame [Music] i bought it for 25 she'll buy it for one and a half that is just highway robbery lady i thought i was the one doing the fleecing hair just until the banana goes blind [Laughter] either i said in my unit's rendezvous point when i saw your shop i thought i'd stop to buy a potion for our battleman she's been complaining recently these magical powers of wayne oh i haven't mana potion boom weak mana potion yeah just tell him it's a strong one it's fine he'll pay extra what does he know he's not a he's not a mage he's just some he's just some weird cell sword guy who's been getting beat in the face by a shield [Music] mass man he'll appear near my house now the answer everywhere need somebody to get rid of these annoying bugs and fast let's give him the fast grow potion we'll make the ants super large then they'll like run amok and destroy his home or i guess we can give him some poison what will you pay me for this poison 21 for that one yeah i guess it's a little bit more than the other poison was [Music] should be though it had more ingredients in it it was made with more love the ants give him cornmeal 25. be a friend and give me healing remedy on the stronger side some guys and i were scoring a trade caravan yesterday and then we got attacked by bandits i was stabbed with a knife and fell out of the cart on the road man that guy's got he's having a bad day 25 is that it geez this is a strong healing potion but this is level three i mean you should be like tripling up what you'll pay me or something i guess i mean the base one's like 10 but all right fine give me 29 your shop has become more popular for fleecing customers and over charging for poor quality wares uh good job complete this chapter with each new chapter new visitors order types potion bases merchants and purchasable items appear you need to complete the goals in the optimus pass to unlock the full potential of your alchemy equipment and learn all the secrets of the trade no one's not super here now how can we pass level two oh there's fewer things to do with this one craft a potion with two different effects what [Music] okay we gotta do some of that like i want to make a potion that's both fire and ice it'd be like good for like spring spring uh muscles and things what are the tabs at the top are you talking about these ones up here just for like doing like shop upgrades uh which is apparently in development that'll be in the game later that's main menu manual which is apparently coming later uh the aqua's path which shows like our progression it's like a little quest we have to do and then this is our recipe book over here which does not have that many pages in it got to work on our on our recipe pagination trading let's boost my uh sell price of things you know what we really need to do is max out our trading [Music] i thought trojan you thought bio freeze yeah what can i say i'm married [Music] all right let's grab all these things we can make more fancy things to poison the neighbors okay so hmm i kind of want to make a two of the two effect potion heal them and put them to sleep that seems like maybe a weird combination though uh there's another one down here we get you for so if i go to the um if i go to the grow potion and we continue brewing from here and we can probably find something that will get us in the general vicinity of that other one down there it's got a weird shape to it [Music] uh well that's no good now let's throw in one of these give a little stir i'll start using some of this these ones are cheap i'm using a lot of them for this potion though oh that's gonna be right on the money slow down you unlock the new effect i don't want to slow down oh strong potion of slow down and fast growth oh i combined them all right i made a thing um i don't really need to keep that one i don't think though [Laughter] all right so we achieved that uh whoops uh where's it here we've got that thing there for the uh the two potions reach popularity four create a potion yes a potion of explosion that's what we need more explodiness i'm assuming it's going to be off the direction of the fire but i don't see anything else over here there aren't any more lines anyway uh all right let's see what the customers have to say here greetings alchemist i brought gifts of mountains you buying um fire citroen warm to the touch and glows slightly in the dark these ones have like swirly effects on them too cloudy like a cloud crystal like a crystal well that's really specific i can't afford these things this guy's he's too rich for my blood who are you and what are you selling i have a miner i dig make tunnels look for gifts of mountains stones minerals crystals sell some rare gems my good's not cheap show me your goods unzip satchel uh is lightning fire an explosion i don't i don't know i mean i feel like it would make kind of an explosion sort of effect but i think it's like an actual explosion potion hello i lost my flint somewhere now i can't light a fire my husband's coming home do you have anything to help me light a fire in the hearth really you came to me for that really for that all right here's your fire recipe your fire potion thing [Music] charging extra for wasting my time though lady learn how to use a flint and steel or something oops this is supposed to be like medieval times after all ah she's like listen my medieval barbecue lighter won't work i've been pushing the button over and over and it just won't light today i'm going a long crusade tune uh and what better support to fire speeding than a flask of ale the problem is the sun will heat up my flask i think if i add a drop of some frost potion to it it will stay it's the ice cold oh shoot i didn't save the frost potion did i blast all right hold on sir i gotta whip something up in the shop over here we do have a frost potion that i made and i i definitely used it blast this is an interesting looking game are you enjoying it so far killing anyone you need blow up anything you rely on no so far i haven't found any way to make any disastrous mistakes not for lack of trying i assure you um but so far no no disaster mistakes [Music] i'm kind of a little disappointed by it it's not so far it's interesting definitely novel um how am i going to get this like lined right up on there [Music] i don't want to use the tangleweed the tanglewood's so expensive [Music] all right let's start with this thing that'll get me through that green book thing there that theoretically should give me some sort of a boost too [Music] then we'll go here actually no i don't even need that let's go part way i don't need to go all the way don't need to go all the way folks bloop [Music] uh i guess i don't really need to match that up anymore give me what i need give me give me give me i'll leave it too oh whatever that works always go all the way finished potion all right here's your frost potion thing this might be a little bit cooler than what you were thinking because it's kind of a little more powerful than uh that i was making before but don't worry it's great for making that making ice cubes who doesn't love ice cubes in a cold beer that's disgusting but maybe you can make a frosted mug or something wait a minute didn't they have like they probably had wooden tankers back then maybe maybe the frosted mug wouldn't work so well 36 yeah give me that cash buddy just walking down the street minding my business when a flower pot fell out of nowhere and bonked me in the head he's got a big bump on his head and wants to make it go away um all right whatever here take my take on one of these healing potion things bam that's right 28 buddy give me more money all the monies oh yeah 33. cold brewed yeah it's like nitro brewed or something any desire for mushrooms winking oh wink back winking another ice so are you gonna buy some mushrooms this guy's a little on the creepy side i don't mind saying what's this here a goblin shroom i couldn't like the shape of that one i have a goblin shroom already it's only nine and a half though so let's let's buy a couple of these they're cheap this one's 19 it goes pretty far to the left thick and hot sometimes added to food for a touch of spice this gets me up to 75 let's spend like i don't know this this seems like a good amount let's well i'll do one more and then we'll haggle so we're 111 let's get see what we can get this down 11. give me give me give me 89 boom i'll pay you 89 of my monies get out of here sir no more winking at me you're making me blush cryptic fox is a boyfriend he's got all the shrooms baby you got to be nice to that guy neighbors livestock's gotten into the habit of eating the vegetables out of my garden i'm tired of chasing sheep and goats away every night i want to spice my vegetables up with something special so my neighbor has fewer livestock and i have fewer problems oh my god uh should we light them on fire or [Music] spice my vegetables with something special so my neighbor has uh i mean if we if he puts poison on his vegetables though won't that poison him too i don't mind to complain whatever all right buddy here you go poisoning two those sheep will be dead in your yard and you'll have like i don't know sheep meat the potion will do but i would pay uh more for something a higher grade well aren't you a jerk i'm gonna have a higher grade buddy that's all i got [Music] level he's looking for poison so he can poison his neighbor sheep with his vegetables that's just great oh what sad times these are when passing ruffians freely say poison to old sheep oh minus 20. what was that did he not like me i think that guy wasn't happy with me uh whoops [Music] can you give the wrong potion it certainly seems like you can at least they they they don't necessarily like the potion you give them yeah [Music] serving weeks and weeks sauce potions made you fraud i guess i wanted to paint my house to make it more unique i thought it would be cool to paint the walls with the glow a glow-in-the-dark paint and potion will make things glow in the dark ah do i've got this weak potion of light boom how about this buddy i'll buy this potion but i won't pay very much oh you're a jerk you don't you won't pay much huh you want you won't pay much give me money that's right that's right the price is going up now i was originally asking less but since you're a jerk we're now charging more although not a lot more it's not really going up very quick 20. there you go man he's strangely happy with me road for the village of town passes through the cliff tunnel when i went to town everything was fine by the way home i found the tunnel blocked now a barrel of gunpowder would come in a oh god all right we need this is where we need that explosion-y goodness um and i don't know where it is i'm assuming it's past the fire over here somewhere maybe there's also something up here eminent in a fight let's go towards the uh let's go towards the fire and see what happens let's see what have i got here that i can even go in that direction i thought i got i thought i had bought something that went to the left oh yeah these get them red shrooms going fire makes things glow in the dark sort of yeah look sir your house is bringing down but i'm sure it's fine i'm really sure it is [Music] that gonna work [Music] i don't know go this way first i'm gonna stop this on a high point because i wanted to be able to uh clear that little bone pile over there that's gonna wreck my recipe oh it's still not gonna work um this will do though [Music] smashy smashy [Music] gotta be something good over here right right guys hello [Music] this one's got lots of fiery stuff in it so i feel like it should be it should be explosiony over here somewhere oh my god come on game where's the explosion hiding [Music] um the no no maybe [Music] i don't like my options here [Music] none of these look particularly good all right we'll go this way oh that's my last one of those oh put this in here [Music] nope not that one where's someone that goes up there though this thing some of these in here explosions don't hide there's a line up there isn't there i can't i don't see any lines here exactly i don't know [Music] uh let's heat that up a bit well that didn't reveal a lot [Music] i'm using so many ingredients to go in the middle of nowhere trying to find gunpowder [Music] and we're kind of striking out right now huh upper corner i guess we'll keep going and for penny in for a bajillion ingredients as they say i'm still put down there there's some of this in here too i don't know the east there's a line [Music] oh talk about this line right here somewhere does that go off in the wrong direction [Music] wasting so much just trying to find what's on here [Music] that line huh i should probably just dump this and go back and start over but i've already used so many ingredients goal achieved collect major experience in the algae map all right go me we got something major all right [Music] let's see if i can find that line [Music] it was matching everything we could start over but i only have a couple of the fire things like i couldn't even get this far over anymore like there's a line that extends right up here and it's i don't see it extending up here so it's got to be in this general vicinity the worst part is i'm gonna make it but i'm not gonna be able to save the recipe because it's just gonna be a waste of materials if i [Music] might do it where is it [Music] hmm [Music] there it is there's something there anyway i don't know if it's the right thing but there's something there [Music] we're getting good at speeding exploring yeah there's that too i mean we have to we have to uncover stuff otherwise we can't make new things anyway so still serves a purpose just a really expensive way to go around it in terms of material cost and then this thing oh yeah like it's gonna go like right through there that's perfect all right get me a good result please and [Music] boom spot on baby keep that up oh it wasn't even what i needed strong potion of berserker blah okay well that was a dud another one up here somewhere but it's got to stop in this general area because i can't see it going past that so maybe we can find that one uh it's gonna run and be running short on materials though porsche velocity is just to the left of the potion of light what well this is a this is the potion of light right here but this is just the fire of the fire potion [Music] bloop uh yeah this one [Music] the other left i'm confused on this game what's the point uh well so we're basically uh we're we're an alchemist and we have our own alchemy shop and we moved into this local town and we're trying to make make potions that satisfy the needs of our customers uh the local townspeople but um we don't really we're like a fledgling alchemist so we don't really know a lot and so i'm doing experimentation right now in my lab to try to figure out some new recipes for things so that we can make some new potions [Music] uh okay let's drop that in there and then that will kind of get me what i need right there so right now i'm just mixing ingredients and trying to find a good combination of stuff so that we can find the explosion stuff this guy needs because he's looking for like some tnt or something [Music] ah tiny bit off all right potion of explosion yes jackpot [Music] yeah this is only part of the gameplay it's a large part of it because um this this chart here that we're looking at is um the things we have to uncover in order to make the different potions and then as we as we uncover them we can save them so uh i haven't really been using the potion of growth i think i'm gonna i'm gonna drop the potion of growth [Music] we'll erase that one we're gonna save the recipe for the explosions because who doesn't love explosions but now we can sell that potion to this guy over here uh potion explosion 60 nice especially will do but i would pay more for something of higher grade ah i didn't get a level three though only level two all right well let's haggle anyway give me more money for this thing [Music] 71 that's not bad and he wasn't unhappy with me so that's there's that at least don't forget my talent points oh yeah uh we have two more talent points we could make more of the map as well increases the radius by 60 i think i kind of want to keep doing that but let's instead boost our trading so we can make more money i need to get more pages okay the garden is uh pick clean let's go to sleep start the next day [Music] warm in this house tonight actually part just look at the bottom skill and the price if you're confused how that works yeah that's pretty much what i'm doing you lost 10 on bad haggle oh that sucks potion stellar i'm going to battle and i need the strongest potions oh yes here you go have my weak healing potion i'm sure it will do you good now give me all this stuff yeah i want to do more experimenting but we're kind of running low on uh we're low on ingredients here what's this witch mushroom that's a new one which mushroom switch oh there's another thing up here [Music] uh that's gonna take a lot to get up there though i think let's try it anyway like this you can uncover whatever that thing is up there uh which mushroom oh this is gonna this might this might be problematic i think this might wreck my potion try it anyway we're putting more ingredients in oh i was so close i wasted the mushroom to paraphrase the famous your lack of business sense disturbs me maybe my lack of business sense should talk about see all kinds of things i'm gonna make all the monies that's what i'ma do i don't discover the potions i can't sell them this is uh this is called rnd it's just a part of doing business hey sean how you doing drop down there give me some more of these things i got a lot of those white flowers so let's make use of those things a little bit much there it's way up there way up there oop what's going to do that's going to get me there but over there oh whoo shadow chanterelle all right that gets me right where i want to be all right we'll throw that in give this a big mixy mix nope stir is way better when you keep the spoon in the bowl funny how it works come on come on oh i blew it i had a three there for just a moment all right shoot [Music] bounce i made flubber all right see if we can get another one of those wizard guys ah yeah show me your goods buddy oh they're cheaper this time he's like i couldn't sell you any last time at 200 so i'll try to sell you some at 170 good sir uh all right one page for 170 two pages for 340 but we can haggle him down [Music] oh i'm blowing it oh 272 done okay so now i can store two more recipes i gather than what i had before so that's good do you have a shop too no i don't have a shop i have a laboratory another town i can talk various uh alchemy experiments there i do some research for money and help some people in exchange for favors so you and i are not competitors quite the opposite actually i'll soon have an extra alchemy device for you that you'll definitely find interesting all right bring me those extra alchemy pieces good sir i have a big machine in the basement i need to fix and i don't know how to do it so that would be right up my alley let's just say and dialogue [Music] you blew for 10 more you blew for 100 more i would say got the better deal what's this now [Music] as you know good beer blah blah i want to brew the beer it always stays cold uh oh shoot i didn't keep the cold potion all right hold on hold on hold on sir i got i got cold here somewhere let's uh let's see oops don't need the crazy banana thing [Music] let's throw some of this in here and then we gotta go off this way oh i think i went too low might have gone might have might have gone too low throw that in there tangle we'll work though that'll give me where i need to be all right is that a stir try to stop this on a three if we can jess with a super chat machine in the basement is this mr prepper yeah pretty much this is mr alchemy prepper come on give me that sweet sweet loving oh we have to add a little bit of water to it that lined up there a little bit of water here not too much not too much jackpot savor oh don't wait don't save that recipe it's not done yet uh erase that recipe all right heather up level three frost potions save that finish potion give me the big buckaroonies oh excellent this potion's perfect good that means you'll want to pay extra right right come on give me give me all the money is it the 57 oh state of 57. i guess once the scale hits the table it doesn't really go any farther it's okay you can wreck it with water yeah that's what it did we got it lined right in there perfectly like uh sell for 57. blamo hello my silly husband managed to pinch his hand in the gate yesterday now instead of working the other thing to help them do you have anything to mend the hand so the bum can get back to work wow she's just so complimentary of her husband i don't know what to do you're in luck lady i have a level three healing motion excellent this potion's perfect angle [Music] what 36 there i think was the top there so for 37 that's all right you need to have a carpenter cut a hole in the table yeah so the scale can go down lower perfect chills i'm actually going to hang over the top oh does it okay i should probably pay attention to that greetings i need more poison i don't think i need to remind you of the terms of our deal this guy's killing off the whole town all right listen i'll tell you what got this poison it's only strength level two but i'll brew it just for you and we'll see what you say oh potion will do what i pay more for something higher grade okay let's try and see if we can get this guy higher grade poison because we don't want a disappointed poisoning customer that would be just i'd be wrong right can't have that [Music] uh all right let's drop that in there here a little bit on the other side of it maybe and then we'll throw that there i think this will get me yes okay so with a little the addition of a little bit of water we should be able to get this to slide right into the right spot maybe as long as we got it down low enough oh i did too much [Music] nope maybe not maybe not come on come on come on come on come on come on come on oh i blew it he had a three uh all right i'm gonna try that again finish potion okay give me give me what i need here buddy oh no i'm out of red mushrooms i can't do it again ah we could use the banana thing but that's that's no good i don't want to save that recipe do a fireball firebell whatever [Music] drat all right we'll try the firebell so close i had it i just i over i over poured the water um [Music] i can i can make this work no i can't i've only got one of those okay this is gonna be a real sloppy way to do this but i think i can make this work maybe this isn't gonna get me a three either guys see i don't know it'll be close it'll be close [Music] i don't know this this one i think i kind of botched it [Music] no best thing it was a two last all right fine look i tried i screwed up just buy one of these all right i mean how dead does your victim need to be anyway [Music] can't take it out yeah blap i need more recipes or more stuff oh herbs yes i need herbs thank you i'm 168 again spend what do you do when you're not gathering herbs wait am i hitting on her i usually go deep in the woods choose a picturesque spot listen to the birds sing i even try to sing myself if no one's listening then a skinny dip what what is that lava roots this root warms the surrounding soil even in winter all right give me some of them need some of them fiery plants um i need more of these it's like overused them all [Music] yeah give me that too that gives me 150 uh tangle root or tango wheat is kind of good too but it's also a little bit more on the pricey side let's buy one of those we'll see if we can handle this down listen lady i know i ordered a lot of stuff but i can't afford it so you gotta lower your prices how's that 152 perfect [Music] get out of here [Music] i thought fox had 700 he's poor oh yeah no i've got 16. i'm pretty broke should actually spend more more on uh getting higher price for things oh alchemists that was business i heard about a rare fish spotted nearby it comes italy at night needs fireflies do you follow if you can give me a kind of glowing potion i'll make some bait just to catch a fish all right so if i can get the uh where's the glowy thing missing the red shrooms [Music] ah drat i can't help him but we can sell them an exploding potion maybe that might work [Music] potion of bounce potion of poison potion of fat no i can't i literally can't help this guy i don't have anything i can give him that's gonna work [Music] unless i can find a way to make the light potion using different materials uh what i got i might actually be able to do that let's go this way dynamite fishing that's right [Music] why just catch the fish when you can downright blow it up [Music] is that gonna be enough [Music] i need a little more a little more squish on it [Music] there we go tiny bit of water [Music] don't fail me now i misaligned got it nailed it we're gonna make those fish glow in the dark baby uh save recipe no i didn't mean to do that yet answer that first we gotta heat it up now we got the light potion save recipe finish potion it's gonna be like i don't want to like blind the fish excellent the potion's perfect all right sure if you say so give me more money if it's perfect you can afford to pay more that's how this works right 60 oh 59 grand [Music] you know he started brewing beer and mead there's a one of our customers he has a brewery makes the uh the beard mead we're just making all the potion-y stuff i don't know which way the water pushes it it always goes back towards center so this is the center point here which is basically water and you'll see here there's um the lines that go out to the the potion things so when you're when you're stirring there's a line that goes from the recipe where it is back to the center point and when you get it to line up on that line when you pour the water on it it's going to go directly down that line so that made it sort of easy to line that one up [Music] uh all right i need special mushrooms for a certain ritual yeah sure you do they usually appear around this time but they haven't come out yet i need them right now so is hoping to speed their growth do you have a potion of that i do actually [Music] oh exposure will do but i'd pay more for you know what it's pretty far away so i'm not not even gonna try to make you a better one lady it's just you're the first person oh god i don't know how to hang at all oh god i blew it all oh my god this lady is not an easy bargain i'll just take what i can get 63. good grief oh i didn't get a happiness out of that one just i got reputation but i don't know i didn't get reputation i got what are these stars for stars popularity level so i got popularity but it didn't boost my reputation over her she was not happy slow down slow down we don't slow down around these parts no such thing there's only the accelerator greetings dealing with a gang of thugs today i need a potion that not only makes my sword strike true but also music with magic power what kind of magic will i trust your judgment how about strong potion of berserkerness well what about bouncing [Music] let's try the berserker potion i don't need this potion okay uh what about slow down fast growth potion of bounce you don't need that potion either um makes my stor my sword strike true i don't have anything i've uncovered yet that will give me that kind of an effect i don't think there's something over here he did say strike true ends something else so let's maybe start at the frost potion continue brewing from here and then we'll go to the side maybe somewheres can't even go to the side i have nothing to go sideways there we go poison poison we said something about striking true so i thought that was more about like its ability to hit things i don't know sort of strike true you say say no more extra strength low potion you're like lucas we just made cupid [Music] show me what we got something over here what is that let's see what this is we're gonna make it like a double potion this has already got frost so we'll see what else it makes [Music] there we go wrap that in mixy mixy mixy ah a little bit of water this one's gonna be a little bit off i think [Music] [Music] yep just a two drat fire it up what do we got rich harvest frost iii rich harvest two so when you're harvesting your crops you can freeze them in place it's really it's really a perfect setup that's not gonna cut it um huh i tried the berserker potion he said he didn't want it let's try uh you know what how about frost crop harvesting i'll buy this potion but it won't pay very much i'd like potion without side effects oh you said you wanted it but also music with magic power what kind of magic well i trust your judgment clearly don't trust my judgment customer um what about a lightning potion well that rules that out i can't make that one it's floaty fiery [Music] god i can't do much of anything other than make poisons right now i'm a little low on ingredients okay i guess i'm going to send the guy away i can't help you sir i love explosions they're a true art form yesterday i was caught in a downpour and whenever mom's useless oh crazy if i don't blow something up today uh shoot i can't make the explosions just frost on its own well he wanted something like something about striking true so i i don't know and he like wanted another another benefit too ah it's rat i can't get to the uh to the bomb stuff where was that explosion effect it's over there i do not have enough stuff to get there i don't think [Music] ah i think i can help this guy either that sucks give him taco bell people begging for bomb potions he's like listen i really desperately need to blow something up i need it i don't want it i need it now we're friends unreachable whoops god okay uh i'm gonna try anyway let's see if we can get over there with uh some weirdness it will get lucky let's see this will get me pretty far over there i don't think it's gonna work i don't think i have enough recipe stuff yeah we might get lucky though might be close uh oh yeah we can get there we did it we're gonna make a blow up a blowy uppy thing i don't know if it'll be a three uh three star value one but you don't really even need to grind that get this through them send this through its paces [Music] seems acting up tonight yeah i see that i got like a weird pop-up it's just about friends-less stuff though so i'm not super worried about it but okay from there and then oh that's gonna get me like right in there i'm gonna grind it anyway though because if i over if it's not quite right i can overshoot and then come back with water play it on the safe side should be just about right on though let's do it just a little bit a little bit oh it's so close okay and then water come on give me that super powerful super number three explosiony juice oh come on all right whatever close enough finish potion at least we got something we can give him to blow things up with here look social dude would you pay for something higher value well guess what buddy i tried i tried so hard it didn't work whoops that was a misclick not mean to click there [Music] oh 86 oh good money oh he's not happy with me my reputation is a minus 31. here uh turns out maybe they don't like when you get the maximum price out of them all the time at least that seems to be the case you go to bed and check with them tomorrow after the harvest yeah just leave them standing in the shop i don't know i don't know how long it does say they'll they don't go away but [Music] i mean i've just been haggling to try to get the maximum amount of money every time but that's probably not a best business practice maybe sure it isn't because you're giving him the harmful potions well he wanted the explosion potion that's what he was asking for i don't know leave me like maybe my reputation went down with the townspeople because i gave the crazy guy an exploding bomb i mean that's certainly possible i guess uh let's do more haggling all right i'm gonna skip wasting my materials this time and we'll see what we can we can get going on here we're wearing merchants i was passing by your shop and said it's not man i thought you might like to check out my goods what do you usually sell i don't specialize in any particular kind of goods i travel around buying and selling so my servant's always changing it's got lots of good stuff um what do we need here uh let's grab these those are kind of expensive though are not as expensive those are a deal price i guess brown mushrooms i like those up to 84 we'll grab some of those these things are good i have a few different potions that require those shadow shot trails i have like six of those already thunder thistle gold thorn and some of these things are weird goblin shrooms we got a bunch of those already sulfur shelf actually i like the direction that one goes in [Music] 224 let's try to get two of those 286 i don't know if i can handle them down that far though i might be pushing my luck let's go this way i'm not really sure how it'll swing by like 50 or by 60 i don't know maybe he'll go down by 62 i guess to give me a good deal so i probably could have gone with that higher one yeah i got it done to 189. look up he even sells pages does he yes he does uh i still have oh no i do have a multiple now shoot last i should have looked for the pages all right i thought it was showing me everything but i probably was but they were at the bottom that's all right i need the uh i need the ingredients more anyway to be honest all right thank you good sir i appreciate all the flowery things for which to poison my customers my father and head markets back went out of the way uh we're almost there we can't go to the cart do you have any healing ointment that could straighten an old man's mac i got this that work excellent this potion's perfect [Music] ah [Music] i'm not gonna go crazy with the handling this time tiny bit of very trolls and preachers has gotten to my home i haven't spotted it yet but it already ate its way through my pickles and pantry and now every night it eats the porridge i leave in the morning i want to poison the porridge to find put an end to the evil sprite meanwhile her husband gets up early that day not realizing that the poison that bridge is poisoned uh we have strength too will that work yeah whatever she'll take it haggle me good lady 32. i don't know if like over haggling like pisses them off like faster you aren't losing money fast enough yeah i gotta i gotta speed up my skill with that i hope lies on one side of a river but the rest of my village is on the other every time i go to town i make a long detour to the bridge i'm sick of it i'll try feeding freezing the river so i can pass quickly over the ice on the other side um okay let's make uh frost three oh i can't can't oh it even shows the number of times to stir it and everything that's me all right hold on sir let me see if i can make you an alternative version of a frost potion here should be able to think [Music] mushrooms huh all right we'll start with the mushroom down out of there uh throw in some of this water bloom i'm gonna run along water balloon blap [Music] what else we got here that's gonna get me in the right region uh that one i could go past actually if i do another water boom i can go past and then use water to go back to it do that i don't think it's gonna hit a level three though [Music] stir it up [Music] get in there baby [Music] this might be slightly offline i don't think i'm gonna get a level three out of this one [Music] lucky to get a level two let's see who it is i'll take it things like poison's fine in some scenarios but just now for stuff like poisoning the neighbor's sheep yeah that is a bit much right i mean people use uh use pesticides all the time it's not like poison's unusual it's just a question of what the poison's being used for sell it oh the mushroom dude do you know the mushroom man the mushroom man the mushroom man he lives on drury lane show your goods uh weird shrooms no thank you green mushrooms that's got a useful path and i don't have that kind oh wait yes i do i got one all right we'll take one of those got more of those lovely brown shrooms another sulfur shelf but that's a little on the pricey side and get one of those one of those round ones one of these i'll hang them down good enough 116. i'll take it [Music] don't think i think you're losing reputation for selling stuff like poison to the wrong for the wrong purposes oh maybe we are negative 22. [Music] alchemists i need another healing potion yesterday i was protecting some peasants from bandits i almost had them all right heal the heels you're in luck i've got the best healing potions [Music] i really do wonder whether haggling though alters the price the uh the reputation you get blamos yeah prep uh growing you were on minus 30 uh you do have a growing yeah it is improving it's improving it just i i got the guy that bought the explosive stuff that was like a minus 30. i'm a healer i need a potion to restore my magical powers can you help me um she needs a mana potion which i didn't save uh mana push it was where exactly stone light mana is up here [Music] we do uh which mushroom that seems appropriate which which is which should i add another one i'll give me like right where i need to be but don't [Music] oh the witchiness [Music] i'm gonna get me where i need oh that'll do shadow chanterelle all right coming right up one mana potion of dubious quality [Music] okay tiny little bit of water come on come on come on come on be lined up right yes boom um i got here that i can get rid of [Music] i have two of these light potions i don't need this one i can delete that and then i can save this uh recipe for the mana potion all right you're in luck lady i've got your mana powers right here don't use your magicky stuff on me man i want to be turned into a newt even if i do get better silver 85 sweet yeah i had two light potions one was uh one was poor quality another one was like a level three quality why does my neighbor always have a bountiful harvest and fat cattle well i can't grow anything not to say all my animals died over the end of winter how's that fair it isn't i must have some fire potions right i just i need one to send my neighbor some fiery justice ah see i i really i want to give him the fire potion but i can't see him burn it anyway so i think i'm gonna yeah no one wants to be neutered that's right uh i guess i'll i'm gonna skip this and see if it helps my reputation at all oh it did i got plus 10 rap out of that so you're right you're not supposed to help the bad people who knew uh morals in a game that's not supposed to happen i got really lucky with my fellow soldiers of the bear except for the lights out they all started snoring like heard of swine i don't know how long has been signed a decent night's sleep do you have anything there's a sleep potion i do actually oddly enough it's only sleep too but it'll work [Music] 60 bucks for a sleep 2 potion [Music] can't you give him the growth potion oh that might have been an idea to like grow his crops faster instead but i don't know was i wasn't really clear on whether he actually had his own crops or not or if he was just upset about his neighbor [Music] selling rupees only if they're intended for use by the person who's purchasing it [Music] just say no to violence but i want the exploding stuff explosion ones are good i just wish i could watch them blow something up with it it'd be more fun like if a guy walked out of the shop and then like there was an explosion sound and the screen shook that'd be just great [Music] uh i haven't fixed the stuff in the basement yet no i haven't uh i haven't had the merchant come by with any of the things yet i think i need to level up a little bit first before i can do that oh speaking of the devils well show me your way yeah see he's got sixteen hundred man i'm clearly not doing this game right i am broke broker that broke 160. how much can i handle this guy down i wonder you don't have enough money even if you haggle well all right fine let's hang over one page then you jerk [Music] i blew it ah ah there we go i'll pay 120. good news everybody creating solutions in the algae machine is the pinnacle of the alchemy arts grinding herbs and brewing potions in a cauldron is of course no easy task either but the machine will take your potion craft to the next level i think you're ready to solve the mysteries of the philosopher's stone and other legendary substances you'll have the scent you'll have to spend a lot of time experimenting with the machine to find the best recipes well i mean i'm kind of broke right now so let's pass on that could use fast harvest in your own garden uh i don't think so i mean when you're over there i don't think maybe rich harvest two i'm gonna go with no i can put it out here but it's the dumb it [Music] just said dump the potion no pretty sure not working smithy making weapons i spent all day sharpening swords and daggers i've honed hundreds of blades now know what i'm doing only i'm a bit clumsy i cut myself all the time i need a potion to heal my injured fingers faster or i won't be able to work well fine here you go through that there you go give me more money because that's how this works who would go into a shop and handle upwards on a price it's a little weird more efficient recipes will save you money yeah they would but i gotta get i gotta be able to get the uh the plants that will help me get there too house in our village where which once lived she died a long time ago no one's lived in the house since but lately terrible screams can be heard coming from it at night now the villagers want to burn the house down but with no uh not with ordinary fire we heard enchanted fire is more reliable oh do i heal i'm right back at zero if i give them a fire potion and it's the wrong thing let's try it anyway oh it's only a weak potion of fire uh let's try and make a stronger fire potion where is that what's over there [Music] let's go this way [Music] like that some of this another one there we go [Music] give myself a little bit of a little bit of buffer space there to go over [Music] there we go a little bit of water now we got this yes level three okay uh cook that up let's save that as a recipe now we'll get rid of the fire potion that's here we'll delete that one we'll save this one finish the potion let them burn the whole village down [Music] excellent this potion's perfect [Music] good fox shop is gonna be the fire oh no wait it turns out i'm the witch what what let's see how bad this kills my reputation oh give me a good reputation how about that new popular little four stars good job you completed the chapter with each new chapter and new visitors the idea together okay so that chapter's done we're under chapter three it's pretty appropriate with three different effects repair the alchemy machine oh this is gonna be a big one that wasn't rep yeah so well reputation is i got plus three and i got a star for our popularity level so i got reputation increase my haggling have well on my property and scary sounds started coming from her recently my neighbors and i listened and listened to those sounds and we believe it's a monster trying to climb out so i decided to throw a bomb in the well to kill the monster and collapse the well in case there's more than one creature down there uh yeah that's i mean i'm all for blowing stuff up but i don't i don't think so oh we didn't have anything like that so much for my reputation a potion of fire is hot sauce made entirely of ghost peppers good to see you again uh yeah show me your wares [Music] let me get out here i've got 10 of those now that's pretty good [Music] thorn stick that goes like way down and over that's interesting thorny and ouchy that's okay truer buy i'll buy those of you i don't know what i need them for yet but they might come in handy i guess bloodthorn goes all over the darn place that's something else covered in a sticky red glue that resembles blood that's great under thistle [Music] i don't know why i just like the name thunder thistle that makes me laugh uh it's worth 29. i'll get a couple of those i guess can't go wrong with a little bit of thunder thizzle 135 thank you out here who are you hello welcome this helped me replenish my supply of potions i had some with me but the hunt turned out wild then i had to drink every last one i need a potion that accelerates wound healing preferably not very toxic [Music] alrighty then are you a hunter right but i don't hunt animals i hate creatures like trolls ogres various ghouls sometimes harpies in general i deal with all kinds of fantastic game but the pay's decent all right it's the witcher we got the witcher in here uh yeah right healing potion right right right through that there you go buddy flap this potion's perfect of course it is i made it how could it be anything but there you go gerald a good time gerald get out of every game he's sneaking in everywhere i recently decided to grow a small garden on the balcony i already bought and arranged all the plants i want but they'll take forever to grow and i want a nice garden right now do you have a way to make the flowers grow faster i did but i kind of deleted that recipe uh so the growing recipe is down here which is in a really awkward place all things considered um what can i do to get down that direction ish [Music] see what goes i got all these options that go upwards but not as many to go downward oh yeah let's make one of these we use a thorn stick [Music] that's a good start get some of that in there sheesh [Music] terraria there we go that'll work prairie is cheap too so that's like an added bonus more terraria uh that's not gonna work all that well that gets me close [Music] oh so what is that okay let's use this like so and then a little bit of terraria will get me underneath it so i can use a little bit of water to top us up to where we need to go there got it anyone played a game called graveyard keeper it's such a good game i wish i had a little bit more content in it but it uh this is very good i mostly want more content so i can play it some more okay growth potion level three uh oh i haven't been i have any page too we can save that recipe all right lady here you go boom [Music] oops missed one ah just blowing them all there we go ninety-nine sweet any cryptic at all did i miss something interesting just got home from work we just been mixing up some potions here to uh poison and light our neighbors on fire and stuff all that good things it's funny there's no like love potions in this game they're all about poisoning your neighbor but nobody's used a little potion what kind of a towel did we move into rivers of a source nearby with a strange scar on his forehead my unit was ordered to rest him but the sorcerer has an invisibility cloak lena potion will expose him or we'll never catch him uh that is completely not anywhere like anything i know how to make potion of exposure you say [Music] um all right there's something that goes farther down oops oh that's the webbing potion but the webbing is just slow potion right yeah just slow there's this one down here that's way over there stone skin glow potion i don't know it's gonna be like a potion of like unhiding or something not that that makes any sense at all um [Music] there's stuff up here but i don't know [Music] harvesting oh what's that one [Music] all right let's see what this one is over here is we'll see i don't know lightning hides things yeah yeah but i don't know if that works with invisibility unless he like casts a shadow or something i don't know [Music] well experiment didn't find out though i guess [Music] i guess we'll go with this thing just mash a few things together and see what we get uh that's gonna be in the wrong spots [Music] yeah i'm not even i'm not sure if i can thread my way up through that little corner there i might have to go above it and come down [Music] okay yeah i can use the green mushroom to come down towards it i think if i can get into a good spot with it like [Music] it's trying to get tricky now [Music] all right let's use this again [Music] now what can't under hide things with the eyeballs what if the question mark makes the riddler appear oh no then you're in a whole lot of trouble all right we go this way and then i can use the terraria to go down to it that'll work okay see what happens i hope this doesn't go too far into the potion ruining area oh that was close okay hold on i can't see what the drift is gonna be on this thing oh uh shoot this is gonna be a bad potion it might be a little too out of it maybe yeah i got a two magical vision boom how's that for lucky okay i'm guessing this will do the trick potion will do and pay for something higher quality well i'm sorry but we don't specialize in high quality here we specialize in barely quality almost everybody we got this game got it for it's wonderful art style yeah it's great i actually uh i like the uh i like the art style of it kind of a neat gameplay too i don't know how much longevity would have in terms of like if you're gonna like put huge number of hours into it but uh it's pretty novel friends and i found a map with a red cross on it telling us to lay out of the map the place is not too far from here must be a buried treasure you can make a spot by nightfall but we'll need a potion of light source to keep digging it up uh i do have you covered i'll be a huckleberry [Music] i'll take 66. he wants to be a light potion of fire potion of anti-gravity just flies up into the atmosphere freezes to death up there poor guy [Music] yeah i specialize and give me all the money you have that's right all right more from the garden so the yeah the interesting plants don't grow it here i guess it's just like some of the basic ones oh you again oh you actually afford something blood ruby legend says the crystallized blood of fallen heroes of the past well i don't really want to spend money on these really expensive things right now come back later when i'm more richer well matt me the guys are going log hunting oh hog hunting i can't read barely i was like man they're gonna have a hard time catching those logs they move pretty quick sure we'll have at least a couple we'll sell one to the market but we want to roast on the other we need something to get the fire going our plans will fall through all right here's a fire potion but i can't i can't guarantee you that it won't just like completely emulate your hog [Music] it might be it might be a little bit too roasty toasty for that uh that crispy pig skin it'd be like jamaican blackened hog do you have any of that the potion of magic vision left no i kind of wish i did know i'd be able to read maybe hey there i'm trying to catch a mean fish believe it or not a little thing breathes fire it melted the whole my whole rod last time just give me a frost potion for my bait the fish swallows it maybe it's a fire breathing fish and not only i have all the luck with the strange fish i've got a piranha and even a zombie fish one so fire breathing fish are nothing new to me you seriously need to reconsider your life choices if that's that's commonplace for you buddy ross three oh i can't make it [Music] blast what am i missing here oh the tango uh i knew that tango weed was gonna be a problem when i made anything with it all right uh we gotta have something that's a little bit more mundane than tangleweed we can use [Music] you can use a mushroom but it's not gonna be worth saving that recipe either because i don't have a whole lot of them all right marshmallows one now use water blooms second water balloon will get me into position to use water to dilute and hopefully get a level three potion hopefully [Music] only time will tell okay we'll see here oh shy over stirred it i accidentally moved the stir stick too much i didn't mean to do it that far [Music] uh actually i guess not all's not lost yet i could still i could still throw in some wind bloom and make it slightly better just the tiniest bit over what else [Music] why is it going for the red mark i i already moved a little bit i feel like i should be able to go like straight to the right from here [Music] ah yes yes he makes the potion really inefficient that's right very inefficient [Music] i'm just wasting ingredients now i did it again oh my god you know what fine fine we've put enough ingredients in this stupid thing i can do with your level two ugh [Music] get out of my shop i sold it for 44 and i probably used like 60 worth of like herbs and stuff basically to tell us about the bandits uh blah blah blah healing all right he'll heal you i got you covered 44. all right i'm a mushroom guy again here's four gallons of level two potion i kind of get carried away pretty much uh how long have you been gathering mushrooms almost 50 years now i started wandering the woods as a lad and it became my home then i built a hut in the woods and started coming back into town just to sell the mushrooms i collect show me your goods it could be taken many different ways wow 84 for that mushroom now that's crazy uh so oh goblin shrooms i have five of those i need oh mushrooms are good i i use those up let's get marshrooms i guess stock up on those yeah the green mushroom too why not angle oh i blew it there we go [Music] i suck at this hanging thing i'm keeping us clicking [Music] 146. what type of mushrooms are you selling the magical type oh yeah we got all the magic mushrooms that's why i can't do things properly in my shop anymore can you give him potions instead of money you can sell him stuff but the potions are they uh they buy them for less than when you would sell them to other customers cockroaches infested my cellar can't live by this give me something they'll get rid of those buggers once and for all how about poison i've had that poison potion sitting in my shop for a while here get rid of it might as well employ an auto clicker i have a crush on a young man he doesn't feel the same and that drives me crazy i need a potion that will help me win his heart oh my god our first love potion which i don't know how to make um that could be a problem um okay so there's something up here i don't know how to reach it come on that's the hard part about not knowing where to go on this map to find the other potions i could spend a whole bunch of resources getting to something that i don't even need maybe this one down here kind of way over there all right let's see if we can get that one let's go uh uh i think that goes left would be good i don't really have all that many true many plans of the direction i want that's not great give her poison work for romeo juliet sort of yeah what about the minigames in cms21 would have gotten enough practice to do the the haggle thing oh well yeah you're assuming i do the minigames in uh cms21 i pretty much just uh clicked like crazy when i'm scrapping stuff because i just can't be bothered with a minigame um i gotta get down here me down there huh this is a goblin shroom i haven't used one of those yet i don't think double trooms uh not that one of these will work up get that in there [Music] round rooms [Music] more brown rooms no that won't work um i could do this crazy one but not go all the way down i guess like that [Music] and then i gotta go down to the left a bit more that's kind of close [Music] tony stick like so explosion could work [Music] you guys are all so romantic [Music] [Music] then this one [Music] okay it should give me a line where again i can use water to just to dilute my way back [Music] somebody really should suggest developers put more big booms it'd be nice if we could like make a potion wrong and have it explode actually i'd have a lot of them blowing up on my face though so i probably shouldn't wish for things like that [Music] okay [Music] water water water water water i like the pouring effect on the water it's neat oh come on that's so close i don't know what it is but low potion acid well i mean you could give that to your lover but you may not get the desired effect just saying oh we made acid that just happened uh there's another one i can go after these are getting hard roses are red violets are blue honey why is your skin melting it looks like poo um i guess we can try to thread our way up here [Music] there's another one back here somewhere some of those are hard to get to you got to get through these little gaps [Music] need something that goes up like a lot like that that'll work smash it good [Music] uh that's not gonna work um [Music] that's better [Music] okay now we can do more of the lightning joby i gotta get over to the side here and up that's gonna be a tight fit to get through there i think [Music] that one so many [Music] okay [Music] oh that'll work we get up to like here and then this one will go up and get me in the general right territory once we get up there i can we'll uh see what that unlocks for us we don't spill it on the way [Music] keep stirring oh i was right next to it look at that [Music] okay where would this go it's perfect perfect give me that try to zoom in here so we can see where the line goes come on i overshot oh my god see what happens might get lucky nope i knew it was just a tiny bit off come on give me a little potion invisibility all right i mean that's cool but not what i wanted [Music] well shoot i don't know if i can make it i don't know if i can help this laser you know would be funny if we gave them a love potion that turned them invisible so then they were in love but their lover couldn't see them [Music] you'll be like see ya i'm going to moe's uh i don't see a love potion another thing over here they're gonna try to uncover though something up here blasts what have i got here ingredient wise i'm gonna be a little stuck for ingredients soon you know what i'm gonna reject this lady she's not gonna like me but it's costing too much oh oh all right that was actually beneficial anyway helped my reputation even though it didn't help my popularity apparently love potions are frowned upon in this town divorce motions would save time yeah maybe around the heart healing to healing wink wink maybe hunting an ancient ghoul arrows bounce off and it feels neither heat nor cold people say it's immortal but i saw it run into this lair to escape a storm afraid of thunder and lightning give me a potion to harness lightning this one's only lightning too did we go after the lightning 3 potion where was oh it's not that far away [Music] my problem is going to be even if i get the lightning 3 potion i don't have a lot of good ingredients to work with that's right anyway why not win bloom worst case scenario we make a worse potion let me just make the level two one oh what direction does this go zig zaggity so if i go here [Music] smoosh it a tiny bit and then this one oh yeah just barely that's gonna be close though the bottle is gonna be hitting that stuff there [Music] oh that's a good one thunder thizzle let's go like so oh that was close okay i need this one we'll do come on i want to zoom in i can't there we go wasn't letting me zoom in but it's macgyver pretty much [Music] was like okay here's what we're gonna do we're gonna rub together some bubble gum with some honey a little bit of scotch tape and this acid and i'm sure it will fix everything ah i had it and then i blew it ah i had a level three for just a moment um i spent all this stuff to get up here i kind of wanna kinda wanna do this thing it's a waste but i'm doing it anyway you can't stop me [Music] give me give me give me [Music] come on level three [Music] oh i can't save the recipe though because i kind of blew it i used too many things ah all right fire it up finish potion all right so that got me to level three but it i can't save that one because i just i overspent [Music] the music of this game is making me want to play medieval dynasty again oh i blew it all right well whatever uh you could stir after the water uh and you had level three [Music] how do you stir after the water i thought the water like canceled the effect somebody had an accident in the garden the site is not worth the faint of heart i need the flowers and grass to grow rapidly and help behind the mess how about some acid will that work oh no they need growth again did i save the growth tell me i did phew okay here's your growth potion [Music] whatever 89 give me the money oh uh whoops i helped her hide a murder whoops all i saw was a customer i didn't see a murderer no no i don't know what to tell you i mean at least i got our money so that's something anyway uh [Music] no i did not read closely enough no i didn't someone had an accident i need to cover it up yeah that's funny hello i'm a fruit budget and i often have to transport goods over great distances some fruits tend to spoil the road due to heat my friend told me i could pour a frost potion into the bottom of my car to keep the fruits fresh you have emotion like that i have what about this one i'll buy this potion but i won't pay very much i'd like the potion without side effects well aren't you just fantastic i this tangleweed i'm telling you it's gotta go i need to i need to save a a frost potion that's reasonably costed because the stuff i'm using is not reasonably costly by the way um let's see all right mushroom need some of that some of that in there some of this in here if we get a three star this one i'm saving it because chart of having to try to make these things over and over [Music] another mushroom that was the the patented bounce toss there for the uh the squishing of the plants okay stir it slowly slowly [Music] oh god i'm not sure if that's gonna line up i think it's gonna be a little bit off just a little bit okay so then we can throw in one of these things no that won't work because that will go the wrong direction [Music] i mean i could use another water bloom i guess don't help me get it lined up i don't even need this to grind it gotta get it just a tiny bit higher [Music] like there oh this works [Music] got it yeah okay sheesh delete that one fire it up yes please save it finish potion jackpots give me the monies give me a whole lot for it though started at 51. all right 63 i'll take it actually crime of accessory before the fact sometimes referred to as aiding and abetting in necessary cases the person is the only well or it could have been that she killed them herself and she was just trying to cover the body in which case it was just murder greetings our unit is making radio attack a camp of bandits tomorrow i want to ambush them at night when they're leaders there we need something that could light up the area and blind the bandits so we can catch them off guard well we've got our level three light potion that i can't make [Music] man i never have enough herbs [Music] all right what do we got where is it [Music] some of this in here bloop oh that would work [Music] [Music] [Music] nail it come on don't blow it now it's delicate work this potion making stuff got it jackpot uh all right heat it up finish potion we got this boom [Music] 66. really big game i like the mechanics of the potion making though i feel they certainly pay more uh pay more without haggling given the ingredients you're pretty expensive [Music] it should pay more you mean yeah it seems it's hard to make money i mean i'm up to 720 now but um sometimes like you really end up putting a lot in but i guess the trick is to try to like stock up on the materials that are on sale so that you have a good supply of them because when the traders come through like sometimes they'll have things that are higher priced than normal things that are lower priced and then things that are just the average price um find a straight puppy when i brought it home it's back leg wizard or do you have a cream or medicine i've got super mega ultra healing potion for your dog [Music] [Music] give me money spock's been selling more poison to sketchy guys they had to wash up um no i i actually sold a grow potion to a sketchy person they used it to hide a body i probably shouldn't have done that in hindsight to a trade show me your goods oh i need these but she's got they're like high priced right now um ice fruit's a good one it's also cheap right now let's stock up on that it's banana fruit thing hairy banana fruit i mean i don't have to go the whole path in the hairy banana lady buying a lot of your plants today because i really need stuff to make potions with kind of been running low 396. [Music] you give me good advice on growing herbs in my garden uh don't you know why everything grows so fast garden it's all because of the enchanted trees such trees are a true rarity practically any plant can grow next to the enchanted tree even those that usually grow in completely different conditions well can i like force it to grow the things that i want because that'd be great [Music] alchemists i need a healing potion i was chasing a thief blah blah i need to recover quickly get back to work yadda yadda protect town yeah all right i got you i got you [Music] games like this make me want to play papers please i've never tried that game [Music] perhaps the plant the rare ones in the yard i don't know that i don't know maybe we let's see can i actually plant something in here that'll be a no so like it doesn't seem like we can plant them greetings did i need acid don't let me down well i have acid but i'm a little concerned about the purpose to which you're going to put this acid yeah whatever sure it'll be fine 144 need to make more acid [Music] and cell i should not help that guy like ever hello i need your help the local townskeeper uh asked me to come up with a special beer for smart around the crowd i must be able to give them some kind of sedative beverage on the house any ideas especially rowdy guests they drink too much and it costs the customers i mean i probably shouldn't be selling them a sleep potion i don't know if it's saved anyway so for 187 too man bad omen yeah the stuff that sells for a lot is uh it's a pretty good indication that i i probably shouldn't do it at all it seems um this guy wants sedative maybe they shouldn't let drunks in the tavern yeah right then he would drink the booze and bring in the money every time it has his drunks they keep the doors open [Music] ah no ah it was bad uh the person need to let's say take care of goes to the bathhouse a lot they find a good steam quite good for the health do you have anything to add a bucket of water that makes the steam less healthy no gotta recover some of the bad service i've been doing here 187 is a murder a murderer 8n america oh is that is that the code for for like a police code for murder code 187. whoops okay see what we got growing out here today same old garbage going on here same old same old oh you're back uh show me your goods i still can't afford this but i do want pages give me two of them actually [Music] it's gonna take a lot of potions to get enough money to fix that machine in the basement man 24 where to get your enchanted paper from i haven't known many mages and enchanters i buy in large quantities use some of it myself and sell the rest of the small markup this is not for money but to maintain good relationships with other alchemists so will you buy a couple i already did that's the wizard of you'll do an installment plan hello a long fella a lumberjack of the sawmill he's alive but his legs aren't bad jig anything that'll heal it yes i do got this take this thing i love how the guy's leg is all mangled and what am i doing america american healthcare system right here i'm haggling for a higher price listen i could sell it to you at this price but what i'm gonna do is charge you this price how much does this game looks relaxing i wanna try you know i actually don't know uh let's check out the store page now my price will be in canadian currency but so it's like 1574 canadians so less than 15 bucks u.s that's 10 off right now good afternoon the owner of a nearby tavern semi needs a potion that can turn water to ice buying ice delivered from the blah blah blah blah all right ice potion again this time i saved one i should be able to make there we go i go for that [Music] there we go 68. 1349 in the us yeah that's not bad that's not american health that's just the way they overcharge you period and no haggling at all yeah fair enough but they do start at one price and then go up from there i planted berries in my garden now i can't uh wait for them to grow and bear fruit do you have anything to help me grow faster did i save the yes it did oh i can't make it [Music] what am i missing here did i usable the thorn stick i did [Music] uh well what have i got here growth wise i don't think i oh that's growth two in a slow down three that's kind of seems kind of counterproductive she probably doesn't want anything with side effects either because you know people are picky good [Music] they're like i don't want my potion to do bad things right my options really suck right now for going downward [Music] all right let's start with the uh the hairy banana super weird as that sounds let's drop that right in there drop this in here [Music] what if we can charge more for the potions that we uh we have to do more work on like more blending of things [Music] oh that's a good option there let's throw that in [Music] uh yes like that oh that's perfect these marshys in here oop stir that up took a little bit extra to get down here but hopefully this will work all right [Music] a little bit of water boom nailed it [Music] hairy banana sounds like the name of a triple x movie it really does it's kind of a it's kind of an unfortunate sounding ingredient doesn't look all that appetizing either uh all right haggle give me more money lady we need to get rich and i'm not getting there very quick [Music] 109 sweet oh mushroom dude uh what do you do when you're not gathering mushrooms relaxing i sit in my forest and drink mushroom tea and write my memoir sometimes i go for a walk and feed the squirrels then i eat the squirrels because i just plump them up nicely uh i have four of those already let's oh this sulfur will be good i have three of those let's grab a couple of those uh brown mushrooms i have four left we'll grab a couple of those eight of these let's grab a couple of these i want some of these witch mushrooms because they're good 100 god it's been too much what is this junk grave truffle that is some weird pattern right there the favorite treat for necromancers yummy all right 353 that's a good price [Music] you may usually make squirrel tea and feed the mushrooms he saved that one fox i probably i probably could have saved it in place of the other another recipe uh my husband recently left me for another woman i eventually found their love nests i can't let them be happy with someone else i want wanted to feel the fire of my jealousy i want their home and their feelings to go down in flames all right listen lady get out of my shop i can't sell to you people get upset at me gotta keep the neighbors happy alchemist i need a potion that gives me strength and send me into a battle frenzy so i can battle like 10 men i happen to have one of those sitting right here boop 159 nice [Music] see how much we can get this up to it's funny how the soldiers always seem to have fewer options for haggling 194 that's a good chunk of change children can't sleep at night they're constantly worried about monsters behind the window or under the bed it doesn't matter how much i try to calm them do you have a sleeping potion for my little ones well i mean can't we just like put a light in their room or something i don't have a sleeping potion ready uh and i don't think i have one saved either i do not that was the sleeping potion oh it's way over there all right see if we can put your little darlings to sleep although with the potions i make that might be a permanent sleep fire be warned happy them to her and all that start with a green mushroom cellar acid works wonders for sleep why are my children waking up well you said you wanted them to sleep so i took care of it for you that's your problem squishy squishy i don't think i could like toss the thing around i don't know why that amuses me it's a very tactile game that way okay um that is not gonna get me where i want to be that won't cut it either that might get me there but it's kind of close [Music] this will work range room i think that'll let me line up my line up my thing so i can use a little bit of water to dilute and get what i want is the cocktails oculus of medieval times it's like a simulation game but you're like you're an alchemist yeah oh that is not gonna work okay let's uh pour a little water in here it's not gonna cut it um [Music] that won't work either that might work [Music] oh where's that gold thing [Music] now that'll get me there but i'm worried it's gonna like hit over here and screw something up on me uh blasty game oh [Music] that'll shadow chanterelle don't even need a [Music] oh i think i screwed it up i think it went slightly over [Music] oh got it nice eat that puppy finish okay i got your sleep potion lady hopefully this isn't a bad thing it turns out she doesn't like her kids and had no intention of them waking up she's putting him to sleep while she abandons them and runs off with the uh runs off the miller or something [Music] nope not good are you well alchemists no one has put a curse on you i'm quite tired today even laughing as a burden you understand sorcery is hard work you have a potion that restores mana by any chance i think i saved one i did ah crud i can't make it i can't make anything i've got all these potions saved and i can't even make the darn things [Music] these witchy mushrooms in here bloop actually might even be like two of them's like perfect two witchy mushrooms i might save that as my new recipe if this works i'm not sure if it's gonna be lined up quite right we'll find out in a second [Music] close as we can get to the map there come on [Music] perfect blow it now don't blow it now got it sweet that's the that's probably the cheapest recipe i've done for this one too uh so this one i can abandon that recipe [Music] fire this thing up save the recipe finish the potion and now we got a cheaper hopefully mana potion ooh zelda 75 [Music] 92 not bad not bad at all don't remind him to save this one i got it you guys can't you can't sabotage me rabbit maybe read her comments to see if she's evil i probably should have actually ah this is all looting stuff all right i know it's a little bit a little bit of an early end tonight but i'm going to call it a wrap for this evening we've been live for three hours already i did start a little early tonight at 8 30 eastern this is uh potion craft it came out today in early access on steam i have a link in the description if you want to go and check out the game and get a copy of it for yourself looks like it's 10 off i don't know how long that lasts for it's just like one of those like newly launched uh game sort of things but uh kind of a fun different game to play if you like this type of uh this type of simulator kind of thing it's pretty novel i actually kind of enjoyed it uh but thanks so much everyone for coming hanging out tonight appreciate super chats this evening as well i was always cryptic fox i'll see all of you next time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: CrypticFox
Views: 13,669
Rating: 4.8912387 out of 5
Keywords: CrypticFox, Gameplay, potion craft, potion craft gameplay, potion craft alchemist simulator, potion craft game, potion craft part 1, potion craft pc, potion craft lets play, alchemist simulator, potion craft let's play, potion craft live, potion craft live stream, #potioncraft
Id: RMyzqyXuQao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 184min 31sec (11071 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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