Christmas Special

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[Music] hi i'm mary i'm linda with pinky boss welcome to our christmas special and um we just um we just wanted to bring out a little special uh evening tonight we've got my little angel filming for us and we're not professionals but we just wanted to say merry christmas and just do a little something besides cooking tonight mary and chuck has worked so hard um getting the decorations put up and mary always does a great job for chuck um it's just beautiful out here and it's it's not it's not freezing and we just want to say thank you and merry christmas to everybody and you know christmas was so special with mama you know she worked from january one year until december the next making us things she made she made a lot of our presents she did she was as far as there was no excuses for her no she didn't wait until december the first to start trying to get things together she literally started working on christmas in january we treasure the things that mother made for us too show you some things yeah show you some things just a few things that's a few minutes she made us yeah and there is just like mama she can just she can make anything she can make something out of a paper sack for a few minutes and talk a little bit about christmas oh who is that hello no i'm fine i'm fine i just um y'all just surprising me maybe she's always doing things like that she likes to build she likes these things um down there santa claus so um we just wanted to share a little bit um mary wasn't expecting this no i wasn't we just wanted to share a little bit of some of you knew of what i was going to do and some of you didn't but a lot of you did so mary uh we want you to open your presents here are these my presents they are your present now me you shouldn't have done that you know i got you present but i didn't bring them back this is just something that mary she works all the time doing things for others she'll give what she doesn't have to give and she'll do for others when somebody should be doing for her so this time mary gets to benefit from yes i do oh my goodness oh well if you didn't do it like i do kept myself it says saucepan is coming soon it actually came today oh this is the lid to the saucepan sauce pepper chef sauce man i'll just be real christian i didn't i mean i wasn't expecting this i don't have a thing out here i like you santa really you've got a busy day coming up for you yeah yeah santa's gonna be a busy busy guy here pretty soon all you little kids out there won't santa come see you hope you i hope santa brings y'all all you kiddos as many presents as what i've got here i i shouldn't get this any presents linda yes you should don't watch it yes you could and a lot of our followers helped make this happen by ordering um um i'm making a mess now when the kids the grandkids are here i'll make them put their trash in a bag we'll get it picked up all right i won't put that on there now since you got so many presents here but it's a nice skillet isn't that nice oh my goodness i'm gonna put this in there okay you don't have a knife on you do you all right santa would you go get me in my house i don't mind you going in my house you go in there and find me a scissors or a knife or something santa's always a big help because i can't open this and you want me to open all these and i do oh my goodness linda oh my goodness well my fingers thank you he wants some attention too linda it's okay linda oh my goodness that's a lid oh my goodness that's a big that's a big lid that must go to something big i think that might be a 12 inch okay is that 12 inch i think okay all right now let's see what this goes to hear my son tell it he is a good dog this must be this is the skillet that's why i'm making a mess linda we're getting cleaned up i didn't know i didn't know all right this one next no i want you to open that one glass you can open this all right all right it's not too cold out here people might not want to see me open presents linda well i think they do they love you i i've often said i've never met a mary that i didn't love it's just something about mary's that are they are just the sweetest people what is this it's hot holders oh no this is things that goes in between your your um pots and pans to keep them from scratching one another scratching that's your pot protectors isn't that nice you put it in between this one isn't that nice and all this cookware has a lifetime warranty okay this is the next oh my goodness it has a card oh a little pocket scripture you know who put that there i know mike did it that is so cute that is so cute okay merry christmas i'm gonna take the time to read it right now folks i know our followers are are wondering what we're going to do next it's got another package down there you don't have to open it just like those other it's the same thing as a pot this has been a crazy year and i just thought uh linda always outdoes herself buying me gifts um i think she she makes up for not having children and pet and spoils me yes she's worth it my sister is worth it there'll never be another married like my sister oh is this a grill it's a grill pan a grill pan oh my goodness i'm trying to try to do this hardly i know santa claus has got other things to do don't worry about this all right uh mike he always has some cutest notes not uh i know what you're gonna be doing next week oh i'm going to be cooking you're going to be cleaning up yeah oh lord oh that's another job yep oh no oh this is that uh no this is the border that goes with the sand oh yeah that nice it's five and a quarter uh that is so nice yeah i'll be getting rid of all my spots and pants now skillets i have to now how long does it i've not just seen how long has it been since you've had i have married i have had one set of pots and pans and that was when i got married in 1967 my brother charles lenelle gave me a set of pots and pans that's a line set i still got two of them bought two of them and that's that i've never had a complete and it wasn't this many pieces so i have got more more than a cabinet full of pots and pans now and then one reason i wanted you to have these dirty was so everybody could watch wrap them and so you have next week oh that's it that's nice i appreciate it i do have her present i got it more than one well give you an overview i know i just wanted to surprise you with something that you well i want to just go get it one of them in a few minutes yeah i'm gonna give it to this you did this to me and you're gonna open one present for me tonight and i'll go in the house and get it this is a little small skillet you know i'm not gonna uh just take and take and take and not give you something okay this one here y'all i know now we got more stuff coming we're gonna go in in a few minutes yeah parents don't show yeah you're not gonna be all me yeah people probably have better things to do tonight than watch me open gifts my sister will come to the end of anybody that needs her oh this is the lid to one of the other bowlers that's i think that's the list that's a stock pot i won't think that okay yeah don't hurt yourself bowls so whoever helps me pick this up okay i'm gonna save them bows in my heart remember how every year we used to always take the boat yes yes we gather them up and say yes we don't do that anymore no but i i i do sometimes but it's you can buy them so cheap you know now that uh it's um they're too hard to save all right there we go oh my goodness i had been wanting one of these enamel cloths i was gonna go buy one of those when i said pioneer lady i was gonna go buy one i would want one of these cast iron knots so bad oh my goodness that thing is heavy this is good it's enamel cast iron oh that is so nice that thing is heavy it's a table and that's what i love about it when you put something in this it had to stay on the stove well uh because it is heavy it's really heavy but it cooks so much quicker than a regular yes it does because it contains and the lid is in here too all right well i don't know i don't want to so i'm fixing to go get her present she's gonna open one i didn't have her a whole tree full but i do one i'm gonna go get okay give me a second by the walk so um next week we will have some tape shows we won't be live next week of course next week is christmas actually a week from today so um y'all get to see a couple of videos that we've take we're going to be live in the morning uh 10 o'clock central time uh goodbye stuff so you come in and know they're fast what a christmas let me hug your neck thank you for your presence i love you thank you so you shouldn't have done that my goodness that's so pretty thank you oh my goodness this what i think it is well you've got linda has everything imaginable she's the hardest person in the world of idea for because she's got everything it's an air fryer now i'm gonna have to learn how to use it that's a big one it's a power excel yeah oh i can't wait to use it thank you very much you're welcome he's not the one yeah that's really really nice thank you so much um okay um i guess we're gonna go in all of it was a surprise y'all thank you for the gifts bye bye okay let's see i'll clean this mess up later let's just go ahead and go in and um all right i'll close the door yeah i'll set it right there it'll be fine okay so mary's got everything in here decorated so pretty she has just got the magic touch all the little tiny details that she does it's just amazing you're going to show them some of the things that molly made yeah when uh yeah i'll show you some things that mother made i don't know and she didn't make uh she made that yeah she made that when she comes back around i'll show you i made the candy canes over there uh my mother made this my goodness how many years ago she died no three that's been 17 years she must have made that probably probably 40 years ago yeah it's a candy cane with a mouse and it's all cloth she made these little deers they're all cloth too we got a little mouses and snowballs and and uh just all kinds of things and she made the little ho ho ho and that ho ho is really old yeah she made that uh she might not even make that na she made that a long time ago anyway our mother was very crafty very very and i gotta get my breath before i can we thought we'd sing a few songs for y'all but i wasn't expecting all these gifts my goodness this is a really old song that a lady and her sister in our church that we grew up in saying this all the time and i never hear it or i never uh experienced a christmas that i don't think about this song sharing i don't know if sharon's more of watching or not her aunt her aunt [Music] [Music] let me tell you that and i'm out of breath provoking all them gifts so just [Music] those who [Music] where jesus [Music] is give us [Music] oh [Music] the glory [Music] my voice is nothing like it used to be and this piano i bought it when i was 18 years old i was working at the telephone office in jackson mississippi south uh south central bell and um it was my first full-time job as an adult and uh i went to my work yeah yeah sure and she gave it to me and then it's going to be passed on down to my little linda and and then my upright piano that'll be something yes so um that's one of the songs that we wanted to sing for you it's an old song some of you may have never heard it um and then this is another one that we like um we're saving my favorite for last but um they're with us we're not like i said we're just we just do this have fun [Music] the stars in the sky look down where he [Music] jesus [Music] now [Music] till morning is [Music] [Music] you foreign can't read my writing christmas is such a special time and i think about a mother one of my favorite things in the world to do after a child is born and every child that's been born in our family what i love to do is wait to see that picture that first picture of mom with her baby gazing into that baby's eye yeah can you just imagine how many fails right i know and looking down into that knowing that she knew that he was a savior and looking down into her child's eyes and knowing it's just it's something about it and just it just it just gives you the chance it does so um um i don't only play slow some y'all i do know how to play fast songs she knows she can really play some fast songs y'all didn't but she's gonna show y'all one and she's just gonna play this one i'm not gonna try to sing it and i don't my hands don't move as fast as i used to so but anyway [Music] oh [Music] this has been fun tonight and i guess this is just kind of our little christmas card and christmas present to each of you who have met so much and do mean so much to us even though we have not met most of you um we really sincerely do love y'all and we pray for you each night and we we just appreciate every one of you so much yes we wish all of you merry christmas and thank y'all so much for watching me up with my gifts i did not know i was gonna have to do that but thank you all for bearing with us while i open our gifts and i hope you all have a very merry christmas and enjoy and love your family and we're gonna sing this last song for you in case any of you musicians out there or people that are listening close we're doing reverse harmony on this this is something that i used to sing in a trio years ago and paul and pam and we learned songs and sometimes we did reverse harmony and so we're gonna do this in this song so if you if you hear us singing we know what we're doing we're just you know i switched my mouth over so um anyway this is my very favorite christmas song of all time and again when i think of this song and when i hear it i can just see them in the afternoon [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] is [Music] way [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] two [Music] [Music] you
Channel: PinkyMa's Kitchen
Views: 5,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aGUweO-DfPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 0sec (1980 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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