Peanut Brittle

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hey everybody i'm rick i'm mary and we're um we're taking several today so you'll probably see us with the same clothes on yeah but we're doing this to make good use of our time and what we're going to do we've had some requests for peanut brittle this is one of the products that we sell but i'm going to just make a small batch today yeah and mary's got um she's got some pans lightly buttered and so what i started out with is i got my boiler hot and i got a cup of like k row and i'm going to do and and this is really easy to do um what i use is just equal parts of everything so i got a cup of payroll i'm going to do a cup of sugar this is a half cup measure so i'll do this twice and um the trick to this peanut brittle so that's a cup is um knowing when to pour it up uh that's a that's a big trick to it i get these pants out of california they're the jumbo redskins i like them because they make it look pretty so i buy like 40 pound bags and just keep them in the freezer so they'll stay fresh i'm just i've just got uh butter soft butter paper towel and just wiping the bottom of these pans lightly with butter right you don't want it dripping in but you just want it lightly so let's figure out the peanuts sorry about that i always put a few extra peanuts in just for goodness okay so um and i'm sure everybody knows this but if you if you don't use nuts a lot cons walnuts almonds peanuts um you need to store them in the freezer because they'll get mommy used to say rain yeah they'll get old and um so you need to keep them in the freezer to save to keep them fresh um i do keep excess nuts in the freezer but i'm i'm basically taking them out almost as soon as i put them in there because i i use so much of them but um it always helps to do that so i've got my burner on medium i'm going to turn it up just a little bit to um probably just six to get this started this is probably the smallest that's peanut butter i've ever made it's real tiny we used to uh use those pots at the church of jesus name tabernacle when i was making peanut brittle four or five times a week we're using this we'd make them this big and i was a lot smaller then than i am now and wait anyway same height we called her a mousy because she was so tiny i'm telling you i picked up those um pots of peanut brittle we'd have four pots going at one time on the big stove and i picked them up hours on end i don't know how well i did it i couldn't do it now but um but i do make it and when i'm making batches i make them in bigger pots than this so show them what that looks like so this is what this looks like here you'll see the surface sugar the syrup sugar isn't dissolving and it's going to start cooking it's going to start boiling pretty quick here and it's just a it's something fun to make it's um um we used to make peanut brittle when we didn't have money to buzz max and we did it because it was cheap and um you need a handle no um this these boilers these handles uh the rope yeah are these are this little handle fit on there um it probably will that's that's one that's that thing you gave yeah the last time that's a little bit that's a neat little handle yeah um i got those did i get those at tj master tuesday morning tuesday morning um that's something else everybody asked me about different things tuesday morning and tj maxx are two of my favorite stores i love them i'm always finding a little kitchen stuff in them and um every time i go to longview those are two stores that i always go in if i have time and most the time i find something i want in there we always do usually find a lot of what i want i'll go i'm i'm with her a lot of times and she's going in there for something pacific i said well i'll go in with you but i don't need nothing and i'll come out with something every time because i always find something i want i'm telling you i have somebody uh asked the other day there's always stuff on facebook somebody asked what is something that you have an excess amount of and i said oh that would be cake pans i've got two huge totes probably almost three huge totes of just about every kind of cake pan you can imagine from a three inch all the way up to a 14 inch and that doesn't even count the the um cheesecake cans up pans and go look at you i don't think mama made him did she when we were growing up she didn't i don't remember her making peanut brittle um you know she made peanut butter cookies yeah um she baked i tell you what popcorn we did we did a lot of the cooking wasn't that fancy but because mama sewed mama sewed all day long she could make those three dresses a piece in one day she would she did we had because mama was so industrious and she bought stuff on sale i mean she she knew how to bargain shop but i i dare say we probably had a hundred dresses we had we had a closet that was probably uh i don't know three i'm just guessing like three yards long she did that extra closet for our clothes besides our this putting in our bedroom besides our bedroom closet we had so many clothes our neighbors our friends they come over they uh uh want to borrow some of our clothes and it's okay i mean hey we had so many until we that was we did and we're not we're not saying this bragging uh probably every one of them i doubt that any addresses we had in there cost over a dollar they weren't expensive but but they were but they were nice and she dressed us alike for a long long time she dressed as she made everything i wore until i was probably yeah she's just so for you after you got wrong you know what linda i was thinking about uh because mama so so much uh i don't even know what um what how far down the relatives was there was holla they had they were they were less fortunate than we were they didn't even have electricity they lived way back they didn't even live in the same town with us but it was i think that's an augustine county one i think it was across the river yeah and um and those little girls how many girls was it two or three two of them two of them and um they didn't have that many clothes my mother made those little little dresses i don't know how many she probably made them five or six of them this is right before school started one yeah and she made those little girls i don't remember probably five or six at least each a little dresses for that little girl and they went and they were beautiful dresses too and i'm not really the jealous type but when we when we carried those dresses down there there was a little spark of jealousy in me because they were beautiful dresses you know we had plenty we did and you were just a kid and i thought she's giving them beautiful dresses away but mother talked to me on the way home because i guess you could tell i was kind of a little bit down you know and uh she said mary she said you have got so many clothes yeah and you got to think about uh how unfortunate you know how much less that they had than us and and it was okay she made and that's what mama done anytime as kids when we got uh uh get a bad spirit or ugly or something she would she tried to explain to us look you got to be thankful for what you got and and so i remember she she got me out of my little pouting spell but um i've wondered about that and you know i love that little girl i really did i i don't even remember her name but i've seen her a few times we didn't see each other i could just see their faces me too but i just uh i just um i don't remember their names i i did for years but anyway i hope the girls appreciate him as much as yes this is what uh mama had had in enjoyment and giving them to him yes she did mary and i have a we're from nacogdoches that i think everybody probably knows that now we're um we did not grow up in in the uh in the country a lot of people thinks because we have a heavy east texas accent which i do not apologize for that's who we are um we that we were from the country we did not grow up in the country we lived in town we were probably less than two miles from downtown nacogdoches we always had a modern facilities uh we had good cars and you know we weren't wealthy we were just we were just we probably at times thought we were poor because we didn't live on the side of town where the popular kids lived but we had a good home yeah we did it was a nice home it was probably probably the biggest home it was the biggest house on the street yeah um it was um we had one two three we had four bedrooms we only had one bathroom but it was a huge bathroom we had four bedrooms and those bedrooms we had two three four five we had eight full full-size beds in those bedrooms we had a lot of companies we were always incoming back then we had sleepovers you know the girl i mean it wasn't nothing for for us our now sister-in-law this marriage our oldest brother her twins we met them when she was 15. so she's been in the family since she was 15. so we just that's you know that's just another sister to us that's why we called herself pick her up and debbie too debbie hasn't been in the family as long because they're younger yeah but um uh we look at debbie the same way right but um charles would they lived in appleby which what 50 miles from that yeah and that seemed like a long ways but he would pick them up on friday afternoon and they would stay until after church on sunday night and that was probably maybe one or two weekends out of the entire time like what three four years that they didn't spend the weekend with us and we loved it or we loved it because um uh on saturdays we would uh uh i mean on um sundays afternoon we would fix each other's hair all evening we'd be singing in the in the living room we had well we had two living rooms what we used to well nowadays they call the former living room that's where the piano was and um and we were singing all afternoon linda played the piano charles played the guitar mandolin and accordion yeah i played accordion some and um that was our life that was her life we had and we had a good time they didn't eat that we play ball but we had we had we had a um we like company and mama she brother kids me at our house than for us to be somewhere else and that's so that's where we gathered it and everybody always knew they were welcome at our house absolutely they were always made to feel welcome i remember one of my cousins saying uh back years ago uh when a bunch of people wrote things uh on mother's birthday little notes and things and he said it was herschel uh mama's twin brother's son that when they were at our house if mama gave us a quarter which that was what we got if we got money she gave me sure that every kid there and and it's um it's very important not to treat not to make a child that's right if you don't have enough for all of them in my mind that's right that's right that's that's the way i do my kids my grandkids i know brady not my uh youngest grandson uh he's at my house more than nathan is and uh he feels at home here and and he does whatever and he don't mind asking me because i don't mind what do you want or if we go to the store if you want something he'll he'll pick it up and get it um but um i uh whenever i buy him something i said go get nathan something and nate didn't want to be with me but i said you've got a brother go by go there and pick him out a drink or or a candy or whatever it is he's picking up or they into these some kind of cards they just collect cards and um i said get your brother one and so we'll give it to nathan when we see him uh yeah i just don't bleed and show him partially buried his daughter i love both them boys i love both of them the same and um mama and daddy um you know we didn't we may have mentioned this before but we didn't go out to eat that's one reason we like to cook so much at home if we were in the car going somewhere like if daddy was going to look for hay to buy or something of course we had to eat then a lot of times when we were traveling he would stop and buy milk and bread and and meat we'd make sandwiches and eat the truck but um on sunday afternoon i'm pretty sure we have mentioned this before but some of our new followers haven't heard it uh sometimes we take a sunday ride and uh we would go there's a little dairy mark was that the name of it very mark i don't know i don't know somebody somebody said dear mark but i it might you know what it might have been there more it's like a dairy queen i thought it was dairy queen but it was real small right there on north street coming out off of powers and uh we would get a nickel ice cream cone and mary uh didn't ever get ice cream she always got potato chips i never liked ice cream until i started getting in my senior year years and now i eat ice cream i keep it in the freezer all the time and that was a family of six yeah so it cost 30 cents yeah for us to have an ice cream or or we had our choice of ice cream or potato chips and we would get that and that was a treat you know well i remember uh we would have uh at our church we had saturday nights was uh youth night and we had friends that would drive a pretty good weight well actually they lived in henderson and they would drive the nacogdoches or something yeah but at the church we'd all get in the car and we'd go to where sonic it was ken's we go to kill it convinced right that's right we do that too sometimes but we did we went to uh ken's um um it was a vegan store and they'd go in there and buy big bags potato chips and soda pops they and we would we would go somewhere and park in a parking lot and sit and eat now that stair that they sound beautiful but it didn't no we had never we we wouldn't we weren't allowed to go anywhere harley but they and this was the parents were with them yeah um they would eat a whole big bag each two it was it was hilarious to us we just thought it was so funny because to us that's wasting food wasting money that's what we thought how can they spend so much money on junk i'm going to show you i've got to put this back on the fire but um you're going to notice that the peanuts are splitting and they're starting to turn a little bit golden brown and of course the syrup is thickening up too so i love to hear these popping and you'll hear them i don't know if you can hear them on the video or not but when the when they they start getting close to getting done they're going to start popping and the peanuts will split i just think that's the neatest sign i know i know you and you see it take it's a long process i mean you have to stand there and stir and stir and stir now we're making a small batch but imagine making a big batch it takes a pretty strong arm it does stir all that i've got uh scars on my toes don't ever make peanut brilliant sandals and this is when i was a kid when i say kid i'm talking about a grown woman but i still consider myself a kid in my early 20s and i would make peanut girl and sandals and she made country for 10 years yeah for 10 years and i everything somehow and it went straight on my toe and my two toes they stuck together literally and i've got stars on from it but i knew not to take it off because if you get hot peanut brittle on you you got to leave it on it till it cools if you don't you're going to take your skin off with it but it was painful we worked hard but we've had some good times we did you know it's getting thicker and thicker yeah in time for your uh it's no it's still white so i've got soda and i need a little bit of salt and i need some kind of vanilla all right uh how much salt i'll get the amazing because it seems like this salt linda it's um it's saltier this is a fresh box and i just noticed the things that i saw with it i almost get it too salty and i'm just gonna put a sprinkle so probably not even um not even a fourth of teaspoon i'm just gonna put a little bit in it and y'all don't laugh at my little tiny bottle of vanilla um i bought several of these i've got but now i told you not to bring do you want me to know it's not open i hadn't got it open well down here i got some of this open here let me just take yours back home with you and i don't i don't buy them there's a car money bomb yeah that's fine how much flavor you want a teaspoon okay and um and i'm also going to need a uh probably about a big teaspoon of butter so uh what we've done we've got a cup of sugar a cup of syrup and a a big cup of peanuts i probably put at least a cup and a fourth because i always like to put extra peanut teaspoon of butter and a teaspoon of vanilla and you don't have to measure you can just eyeball it all right um mary's butter the pans yeah i got the peanut butter and we've got our soda there our vanilla and our butter and our salt and once this gets to where that i want to pour it up then i'm gonna put all that in it and it's gonna fizz because when you put something in here the vanilla and butter it's going to fizz up and hopefully it's not done you do say kyle hey you know what yeah that's a teaspoon that's a tablespoon how much bacon would you say yeah i'm probably gonna put a tablespoon in there i have a little cups at home that i use to measure and i don't even measure it i just know what go how much goes in those little cups but i think that looks about right because this is not a big um it's not a big batch we make peanut patties too they're done different than this and uh talking about stir you have to stir peanut patties i mean you have to stir them every minute for 22 minutes when you're making peanut butties after you take it off the stove so when you when you uh when you buy this you know there's a lot of work involved in it it's just time this time is what it is it's just time and no one earning knowing when to take it up you can't walk away and leave this if you do you're going to have some burnt peanut butter and you don't want that so um it smells good it's roasting yeah smells delicious and this may only make personal fantasies hey that's all right we're just we're just giving you all an idea of what how much work it goes into i'm not i'm not used to making this tiny match when i was traveling one time and i was in home of louisiana and i had made fried pies a couple of times they always tried to give us get us a hotel that had kitchens we love residence hand because they had kitchens and a lot of them had ovens and but we were staying in this hotel it was a small town and they didn't have full kitchen so we just had a microwave refrigerator and my study manager she wanted me to make fried pies and i said okay i can make them but i've got to have a boiler big enough to fry me and um so i went down to a little part of town that had a lot of thrift stores in them and i found these are these are commercial boilers and i found this board like we used to make peanut butter and jesus named tavernas were one of the big ones and it was pretty beat up but i knew that it would work i said i'll take it took it back and cleaned it up real good and made all the filling in the hotel in a little tiny microwave mind you and mixed up the dough and filled the pies and went to her apartment they they always had an apartment or a house that they rented we were in an area for two months and um so i got that big board which was this big around and i filled that boiler about this far full from the top with oil wow that was that was a mistake if you got it that much didn't it boil over well no i was watching it very close but my study manager she was she was looking cool but i could read her mind i knew she was freaking out i was going to get that apartment never spilled the drop of the grease that's right every one of them and i i she went in the living room and started typing on the computer i knew she was probably texting or typing her friend saying um open the pot place don't burn down we may be calling the fire department but i knew what i was doing it didn't steer me a bit i knew exactly what i was doing okay i'm gonna what are you ready for i'm gonna stir this just another minute or two and then we're gonna work those first butter in the salt and the vanilla in first and the salt yes i think we're ready and if you can see this you'll see that the peanuts are really kind of a golden brown i don't use a candy thermometer um the only thing i use a candy thermometer i do use it on peanut patties butter that's fine and um and i use it on divinity and other than that that's the only time i use candy thermometers okay so um said about what is it about a tablespoon yeah it's probably a scant tablespoon okay okay salt you can tell yeah i'm just just sprinkles a little bit it's just to keep it from having that block is that is that enough yeah that was probably age blended about an eighth of a teaspoon and just putting a little bit of vanilla in here you know you don't have to measure it if you don't want to instantly okay take a teaspoon of vanilla see it's boiling okay now we're ready for the good stuff now we're ready for the vanilla you mean i mean i'm sorry the soda that's baking soda okay you have to do you have to do that fast this has to be done real fast oh we need to turn this off you want to stir it real good from the bottom so no soda now if you had soda that was only had clumps in it it needs to be sifted but again we go through stuff around here so fast that we don't have to worry about that but um if you had a box of soda that's been in your cabinet for a long time you do want to stitch it because if you don't there's going to be lumps in it you see that's kind of a golden flavor yeah i'm going to go ahead and do it pretty quick don't you yeah i want to see okay i'm just gonna and you just spread it you have to take it and shake it like this or to fill the pan pop it get all the air bubbles out and i drag my spoon from the bottom because um we don't all the peanuts are going to wind up in the last couple times the peanut brittle and the peanut butter you waited for patties or just i normally do but um over the website it says they're three ounces but some of my peanut patties are a lot bigger than that but i always try to make sure they're at least three ounces but um yeah we we sell the peanut grill by pounds it's ten dollars a pound so the patties are a little bit smaller or bigger um we break them and bake yeah you still gonna you still get the same amount that one you almost got okay now it's a cooling process now the next thing you need to do is get this in some very hot water and let it sit i'm going to run the water over the outside of little bit on the counter it's already hard yeah you um once you put this peanut butter along here um some people like putting it on cookie sheets and stuff like that i'm going to tell you something i would never pour peanut butter out on the cookie sheet i use these pans and top hands we bind by the case and um they're easy to pop out because they're thin so that's what we use we don't use a cookie sheet or anything and i'll tell you something else about this too if it does happen to get on your counter yeah the best thing to do is just put a hot dish right over it like i okay all right and that way you don't um damage your counter trying to scrape it up um okay i'll take care of that later i don't know everything but i can tell you i know just about everything there is yes okay now linda these are are cool i mean i mean they're hot they're gonna take a while for them it couldn't take a while for these to clean so what are we gonna do just um um i'll tell you what we'll do we will take a a still picture of the peanut brittle we'll break some up so you can see how brutal it is because this is gonna need to sit and cool probably for at least a half an hour or something um so maybe not that long but probably so um there it is it looks like a beautiful color doesn't it it does it's beautiful so i thank you again for watching um we will um see y'all again soon okay thanks thank y'all for uh following us and be sure to share thank you bye-bye
Channel: PinkyMa's Kitchen
Views: 7,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kj5CW-DUbzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 57sec (1617 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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