Post-pandemic Classroom and Learners: Transformations and Innovations

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[Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] and hello and good afternoon teachers and welcome to our saturday stream okay so i'm gonna have one here who are now uh listening and of course joining us here live uh in our session for today okay but before we start teachers adding a program for this outing learning session for today may just invite everyone to please share our link uh educators interesting page definitely something interesting something really nice to talk about and especially we're preparing for next school year already okay so uh but before and please no again uh do share our link keeps viewers i think please do subscribe to our channel [Music] live streams and plus questions yes this is a certified session certificate um after accomplishing the evaluation thing nipple after okay um five to seven days after you have accomplished the evaluation linked so usually uh it takes me that much time to um to to process your certification you know miss sir i don't know franco is also a full-time employee full-time teacher dean okay so let me get now the teachers in the chat who are here as early no as 12 11 p.m okay 12 11 pm teacher diane gutierrez hello teacher and of course teacher regina ross rigidor teacher red rebellando teacher juliet kenya uh teacher marvin francisco teacher maureen diocknot and dog teacher jessa asciado teacher christine dantes teacher half blood princess ki sana all have blood princess no teacher glendon lee la torre teacher sheila baseno teacher dean clifford huame teacher um cherry and nick teacher teacher mary grace castillo teacher jelene palmes teacher generally in carvalho teacher dory edula teacher marie chris mark mary i don't know after some time the teacher inguine came and missed back into live our live sessions teacher lomberto pilatan um teacher danilyn devina teacher jason asis teacher danilo ecka junior teacher princess lo ann haspio okay teacher um shannon and welcome to our session for today so our session for today you know uh will be about post-pandemic classrooms and learners transformations and innovations okay so uh the first thing is that uh why are we having this session okay the the idea is really to to recap know uh our ideas about um the pandemic know what happened the pandemic what were the transformations in the pandemic and how would that possibly impact the post pandemic classrooms and learners okay or how would be the classrooms and learners know um are being transformed or have already been transformed by the pandemic and that's what we want to find out okay and this is just a disclaimer not because this is not necessarily based on a particular research okay or a case study okay primarily you know what we're going what we're going to share today not what we're going to have for today are insights perceptions ideas uh coming from from your speakers per uh experiences no and of course perspectives okay of course merely coming up important uh researchers know and um data that will be presenting also later on pero siguro just like we always tell know and with insights and uh ideas not coming from all of you okay but i mean came a share about um what happened in the classroom during the pandemic know what's happening now no towards the new shift no um to um to on-site to hybrid learning etc okay and that's what we want to know that's what we also want what we're going to expect now from all of you know that uh sharing and collaboration of ideas in the chat as always teachers okay so i hope that we can have all a very fruitful discussion so let us welcome into our stream sir alwyn reclassada and ed passel uh philippines ambassador at napadami also my co-faculty from savior school okay sir alvin good afternoon thoughts first when when this topic was offered to you okay well first of all why do you think it's important to think about now about the post pandemic i know what happened i suppose pandemics are always going to clarification pandemic teachers that were still in the pandemic why are we now talking or where are we supposed to talk about the post pandemic classroom and learners it's really important also to reflect back on what we have experienced so far and what we are experiencing why the pandemic is actually also very integral very crucial element of the transformation of the 21st century education during the last two years of the pandemic school years okay so um so that we can maximize our time for today um i'll give you the floor now okay um so that you can start your session now while sir alwyn is preparing his presentation teachers please be reminded that this is the certified session you'll be getting a certificate right uh not right after but after you have um accomplished the evaluation okay i'll be in the chat teachers as always let's talk and let's discuss okay let's um collaborate with sir alwyn as he discusses about the classroom transformations and innovations in the pandemic and possibly in the post pandemic okay good luck sir alvin thank you very much uh sir franco the topic that was uh given to me by sir franco is to discuss the post-pandemic classroom and transformations and innovations that happen within our time during the pandemic era so guyana nancy navigator franco our disclaimer or disclaimer couldn't it is more of my experiences together with your experiences as teachers and together with the different transformations that have happened within so in the previews normal scenario classroom so nasa then with the students or the learners and then you know ever reliable you know i think chalkboard and all and the teachers this has been the tradition that we were taught before the pandemic came and extra miles to some other teachers to different barrios pictures to the mountains to the eyepiece so shout outs pictures national and this is also another challenge that what we are been doing now the teachers to deliver education is face to face but we deliver our lessons to our students and then pandemic happened came in the coronavirus and which is also considered to be a black swan event and as we talk about the black swan event we say that this is completely unpredictable no one was able to predict that this will happen to us shut down among airports contact with our friends and it really made an impact hindi filipinas we do not want to get out we don't want to touch any other things aside from what we have been using or what we were used to and intended the situation that it has brought about the pandemic is in retrospect and it has been very challenging not just in our sector but once again in all secretaries thus the need to build on anti-fragility now according to talib this is learning from chaos as teachers as people because of the chaos that has been happening and when we say anti-fragility it is going beyond what is robust and what is resilient and in the field of education hindi la mantayo big nagajas kundi it was actually it was a landscape of education in the entire world thus it will now lead me to this discussion on classroom transformations and innovations and with them with the goal of anti-fragility pandemic because of the transformations innovations and experiences that we have had then vaca these following challenges because we are we keep on transforming we keep on innovating based from our experiences and how we keep on improving as teachers as educators so that we'll be able to deliver what we need to deliver from or to our students most of the teachers especially our public school teachers i know nothing i'm feeling now actually a lot of us do not have any experience of making mojos before sigourne in passing school or whenever we have our online sessions and this is also a struggle that there are some teachers who would want to keep their classrooms to keep their classes interactive better this is the real situation outside the physical classroom you know students go out of their houses sometimes kapad gusto interactive they are reeling participants activities so this has been the transformation of our classroom so aside from us not being with our students physically we are maximizing and doing the best that we can through the different applications for the different technology that we have been learning and i personally marami and we also had our different meetings sessions webinars not just in our country but in different places around the world because of this situation because of the pandemic and if we're going to take a look at this looking at the sum our model of ruben pentadora as well the definition of education that we can already create things that we that were previously but we have been delivering it already we have been doing things we have been redefining we transforming what we used to be certain tasks that were impossible and we have been so used to all of this google classroom and the different things that would have let us be already in the comfort of our homes or if ever we go to our classrooms this is we sit in on top of our laptop or satin gadgets and to think this has been our answer for agility already so dogs and all of these different things with the use of once again different apps such as kahoot hello to our first uh filipina ambassador nan kahootsa pilipinas miss me today and for us we kept on innovating doing the different things and we have been using this transformation in the past two years to make our classes more interactive with class point with promoting supporting student engagement with jinyali bansi among others and then adapt 2020 2021 2022 what now with some of the things that that ed have been telling us now and some schools who have been going to going back to face to face at sabino and then it is one of the goals of the of the edna karanathan on face to face in all schools wherein it is permitted yes i agree mom uh arlene that built in a young resilient salad teachers whether with pandemic or not that's why when we say when we are talking about the future of our classroom wherein schooling is extended education is now outsourced schools becoming learning hubs and learn as you go so when we talk about schooling extended we are talking about the participation in formal education continues to expand and we already collaborate with the use of technology to support more individualized learnings so yamaha structures shimano processes they remain in school but this time we collaborate and we become we support global citizenship there are instances wherein we now have different activities collaborate among students of europeans with the students from the united states i am sure meron tayo mala teachers determine experience in line with collaboration and please feel free to share teachers collaboration experiences that education is outsourced so before yo i think is that it is inside the classroom but now learning takes place through more diverse privatized and flexible arrangement with digital technology as a key driver so important and technology when we talk about the future of education and the future of the classroom that going beyond the traditional classroom set up we're in in the previous when we talk about traditional classrooms there are also some teachers whether we like it or not and then all of a sudden pandemic educational apps and we have been using and maximizing this all over the place and according to some of our for example quizzes according to quizzes we are the sixth in the world squeezes that's how powerful now this digital technology is that even if we are already or even if we are not with our students we see to it that we are helping them reach their full potentials with the use of technology then schools as learning homes we're in schools remain but diversity and experimentation have become the norm changes or innovations and transformations within the school and the classroom and we have been opening the walls connect to schools to the communities favoring ever-changing forms of learning civic engagement and social innovations so segura's a learning hubs i suggest maganda young princeton dating miss me on uh making learning hubs uh which she presented last month using wayclip so we can use this this app for us to build on our learning habits as well and then learn as you go so education classroom way to work on your assignment library nyon with the use of digital media together with the different gadgets spreading pretty much anywhere anytime that's how flexible education is now or we can also say the distinction between formal and informal learning and not when you support non-teacher the teacher prepares everything but the students can now learn anywhere basta merocilan connection melons in the internet or they can also bring their modules anywhere with them so yes my validation footage from but this time we need to learn we need to focus so that we'll be able to meet the demands and expectations of our students our school and the community in general and once again ibaba kupo i'm happy ever famous na traditional classroom and together with our favorite manila paper name inside young fold this is our traditional classroom a classroom that we know as of uh early 2020 and then it became a classroom fully online it became classroom that have been classroom uh with the help of technology where in our students attend our class for us for me for example i call or label my zoom as my zoom classroom so because this is where i interact with our students so before pandemic the classroom that we are talking about is the physical room wherein we meet our students face to face and then we now have the online classroom wherein we meet our students online already and we interact with them online and then another thing happened the karun tayanang permission to work on face to face so this is a picture from one of my classmates uh graduate school miss nora bel kalusai and this is her uh a picture from sultan kudala we're in bagoon a classroom so ios to follow the protocol of the government and this time with the use of powerpoint according to her before she's um almost zero technology and then with the use of her chalkboard and then the projector projector tv so this is now a transformation in the classroom the cataract classroom to deliver our lessons better and for our visual learners massaging engaged in and then we now go to a buzzword which is high flex so teachers before pu proceed on high flex setup experience a hybrid or not practiced on a hybrid last school year so happy marco teachers let's use the chat box book and how is your experience on high flex so according to sir joseph gabriel one main concern as i have always reiterated in convos with other educators is the need for a stable robust and wide-reaching connectivity infrastructures and saying hello to high flex for i do believe that our educational system would be great if they support digital innovations that can be used by teachers so while waiting for the others to share about their experience on the high flexi guru and let me proceed and this is just a recall of what a high flex classroom is or most of us are aware of what high flex already is classroom or the ideal set up in our classes in the near future so according to mom early sdodas marina city nagpa seminary napo last year about hybrid classes and according to sir franco my experience nasha for four days yes go sir franco so basic definition on high flex when we talk about high flex this is actually hybrid and flexible so when we say hybrid so and potaya ditton and set up with the use of online and face to face so this is a mixture and they take courses to a new level of flexi flexitivity so when we talk about this when we talk about hybrid set up once again the kahrun thailand learning in the classroom and learning online but when we talk about there is also special kind of high flex which kamehameha is concurrent high flex we're in sabai online and uh face to face so what are the benefits of high flex according to uh educause this gives students the freedom to study when and where they want to base on their own needs desires and preferences and actually this kind of idea will be limited by by the school ko anubayun set up that is why we work on flexsit that's why we say it is flexible and students can choose to take the class online in the classroom or both so similar then uh as we implement high flex in our school nayon meron students na papaso for one week for online than the others because with the limitations that we have and we divided our classes for those who would want to join the physical uh face-to-face it the class was divided into two for week one week two young and if you are not in the classroom physically then you are studying online everything is simultaneous then course material is offered in traditional and online formats and students can choose how they attend courses weekly which can resolve many scheduling conflicts so let me go back sharing uh according to me infrastructure upgrade and upskilling of teachers re-enter orientation of parents and students and that's for their high plex for mom princess together with my co-practice teachers are here watching hi mom for mama melinda for her she said that she doesn't have any idea of what high flex is mom i hope that i'll be able to share to you some insights about high flex although um maybe the discussion is not in full uh full-blown discussion on high flex but it is also sharing about our experience or my experience with the high flex set up so for mom diane one week online one week face to face with 20 to 25 only per room yes ma'am that's also uh the limitations that we are facing right now with the high flex and some of what we see what we see online uh this is a set up of jose rizal elementary school in the division of pasay city when they tried to do the pilot testing for hybrid or high flex teachers nah about the infrastructures or the materials or the gadgets that they are using in the setup it has two projectors camera then may tv they made the one laptop and then students meron silang gadgets so this is jose rizal elementary school then in pinakbuhatan high school this is from mr michael morelia when they they had their pilot session on hybrid so sakhani ranaman kanilang set up they also have two laptops and they all have two televisions tv it is for the students or online students so they are on full-blown hybrid and in xavier we also have this set up so our students are some of our students are on site then we also have our tv then we have our computer camera projector and uh speakers and mic so this is also the setup that we do for high flex and this is also an experience that anthony sir franco last week uh for for his classes but the thing now is what we see these are the things that these are the classrooms that we would want to have or these are the experiences that we would want but after all the transformations and innovations that we have had during the pandemic challenges what are the challenges that we need to face or we will be facing when we go back to the classroom especially if we are going on hybrid setup or high flex set up or in the near future so teachers for me to uh discuss this to you especially on the challenges let us take a look at these challenges in a more positive way so groundwork because i will be taking a look at them or this is part of the things that i will be talking about so the first thing is institutional and classrooms infrastructures together with resources so in our ground level classroom can kayak develop or human gadgets or how can we have these different activities and according to uh mom desiree major coastley and and set up high flex constabilizer on face to face at online yes it is really is that's why we have to go back on the infrastructures of our respective schools and classrooms because aside from the gadgets that we are going to use internet connection can we deliver it and what are the different resources or where will we outsource this different gadgets and different materials that we are going to use as we deliver this is for me if we don't have the resources then it is very challenging really to move on with this new setup next refine and redefine it is somewhat easy for us already to work and deal with technology and deal with pedagogy with our online setup based from our experiences what are the different means that we could use how good the teachers already are in line with digital technology and how literate they are so maraming trainings webinars not just in the philippines but even outside the country because of the pandemic and then then technological tools and we were able to explore different pedagogies whenever we are teaching but this time when we are moving to high flex setup or when we are going to a different setup aside from online then we need to refine is applicable i'll be able to develop or i'll be able to promote or i'll be able to support learning better so this is one way for us to take a look at how we could refine or redefine our lessons or as we prepare for hybrid setup so teachers another disclaimer one of the reasons why i am focusing on the discussion on the hybrid set up is because this is one of the ideal set up or one of the things that a lot of schools and institutions are gearing towards right now especially in our country because our goal is to deliver lessons uh face-to-face and as much as possible we deliver lessons online so if we're going to take a look at this this is a set up and this is from the linden school this is the hybrid learning model especially on the high flex so anu yundapat guwen or makikita natins is a high flex in a classroom so a teacher uh when we say this in this high flex classroom this is on concurrent high flex set up online at face to face so for example in the first one we see the picture the teacher gives the introduction either a lecture a video or an example so students in class could be observers in person then students at home they are observing take down notes then the technological tools that we need are camera mic and video conference and in our case we use zoom and then we can when we are talking about work with school group maybe as a next task of the teacher then it could have it could work with two different things so the teacher in class or those who are in face to face they are working with a teacher and then we we may assign an activity to our students for asynchronous tasks so whether or not i think you split your acting class at this moment and then we can go back right after and then we can uh change the design again so you can give the task to your teacher to your students in class and this time of focus students who are at home so based on my experience from our pilot test together with young start nagaming highflex uh teachers not important that our zoomies or the students who are online are not left behind that's why we have to refine our lesson planning now we have to define or redefine the way we deal with our students because there is a tendency to students who are online experience it is maybe because we miss having a face-to-face interaction with our students and minsa nakakalimutan students who are studying at home so we have to consider once again that we are working with two different types of students here and when we say we have to change or give them tasks we also have to consider this time a link tasks and must applicable capable student i online at aligning tasks applicable kapaging student by face-to-face so let me just give an example young spreading two different tasks at the same time or pretty much so in my experience in what i did when i did the introduction to volume to my students so i use realia so i i let my students in class discover the different sides of a solid figure and we work on that solid figure as we discussed and since i cannot technically require young real you know that naga meeting because some other students for who are online what i did was i made and i searched for an ed puzzle video and i assigned an ed puzzle video for those who are online so same time you know nagamit namin i gave 15 minutes to those who are online and i discussed for 15 minutes to those who are in in class so these are the different things that we can work in line with the hybrid learning model and most practically this is from the linden school so the next thing that i would want to consider teachers is impact and isa but nothing might promote and highly support is student agency because no matter how amazing our lessons are no matter how amazing our presentations now with the use of genially canva organic and support student agency what do we mean by this so when i say student agency this is now to take a look at the capacity to set a goal reflect and act responsibly to effect change we're in human students not in they are now the ones who will be who will own their own learning so the students know how to act on this different challenges that they are experiencing in their respective houses or in class than being acted upon and we are they are shaping rather than being shaped and making responsible decisions and choices rather than accepting those that are made by others so this is now one of the key terms that we should be considering as well because when we talk about the impact of education now we know that it is very challenging we know that we have been hearing some negative negative things negative comments about the way education is being delivered or education is being watered down because of the pandemic or sasabe we hear this uh there are instances that we hear this like this and like that that is why let's now work on the idea of student agency as one of the things that we have to consider when we develop our lessons now and much more in the future on the impact of the lessons that we are giving and working on similarly when we talk about impact of education to our students this is for us to give our students motivation to own their learning and continually improve because of the challenge of engagement that we know right now that we are facing right now and even in the future it's based on experience then teachers i have a student uh the sobrang well sobrang absent-minded when he is in online and then when we did our pilot testing last march and he chose to be one of the volunteers to go for face to face he is always active he is always participative he did all of his tasks on time and then i asked him nah how come it seems that you're so different so online sabina i prefer really online i prefer really to be uh in a face to face because i learn more so it is also a challenge for us when we develop our lessons to motivate our students more because say what if young student not them in the future active pero the moment that he goes to online class he becomes inactive then skills students will need for work and higher study and life in general we're in we now give the ideas in line with the skills that they will be using in the future and in real life so hindi long not because we need to meet the different learning goals that we have but we also have to consider their context and in the future because uh if you notice there are instances that they said that banking was not taught to students or they were not taught how to uh divide properly the different tasks to for them to do to be multitasking among others so these are life skills that we also need to impart and i hope that our students will learn them as they learn from our lessons and our activities for them to be more engaging should be real relevant and purposeful for our students and improve standards of education and behavior and higher efficiency within the school including more time available for teaching and this are from promethean and finally redefining the ict or with the use of technology so if we see before but for example you have been a user of ed puzzle teachers so promoting and puzzle as always so when we are using for example when we are using edpuzzle in the previous what we do online is that we assign the video to our students but the challenge now is what if the students are face to face will they get the benefit that they used to get from the online setup or we have to redefine the way we use technology already useful technologies so teachers in this case when we say we are we need to redefine the use of technology in our classroom then for example with the use of video lesson from ed puzzle now what we do or what we are exploring is to do it live or use live mode uh the live mode feature of ed puzzle so that we can use or we can do it with our students live so this time we can discuss them immediately we can give the feedback right away already so this is a way for us to engage the students who are now online or who are now in the classroom rather so this is a change from the main idea that we are doing when we were in pure online so for the students we can assign this video as asynchronous tasks on the other hand for students who are on who are uh on site we can do the live mode or use a live mode so that we can have an engagement with them face to face and as we say we are redefining ict we are now emphasizing on breaching the at the attainment if we have been uh following certain uh several researches in the future in the previous wherein there was a learning gap there was a learning gap that because of the pandemic we have watered down some of the skills that we need to give for the essential competencies we were not able to address we were not able to address what we need to fully address because of the limitations that we have it is not our fault it is not the fault of the education sector but it is the best that we can do to deliver but when we say we are emphasizing now when we do this we emphasize now on not just bridging the gap but attainment gap already so we have to work on this idea that we have to double time siguro but this time with the use of ict or with the use of technology and when we say we are bridging the attainment gap we explore new ways to design monitor and assess learning and always embed the tactile's best position to enhance this at this reaching the gap technology they experienced this already in the previous pero again teachers now since we were experts of technology in our own ways already now we have to innovate another way to innovate another way to use another way to design so that we'll be able to help promote and support learning from our classroom so baka hindi napo effective codes there are different ways for me to collaborate with my students who are inside the classroom with the use of wakelet or i can use kahoot in a different way quizzes in a different way or i can let them explore the use of chanyali in a different way so marami potayon iban apps and they were effective in the online setup but again this is a challenge a challenge with technology and with the use of technology on redefining ict so once again teachers uh our disclaimer for our discussion today on the post pandemic classroom this is how we visualize it this is uh our we have some parts of the discussion or sharing are research based but i would want or my discussion more is on our experiences our context as teachers in the philippines together with the possible challenges that we are going to meet so with the post pandemic classroom that we visualize and with the post pandemic activity that we will be doing with the use of hybrid set up let me just go back to the challenges that i have mentioned it is always important to meet with the groundwork still problematic so perhaps it is better for us to really focus on our infrastructures first and to be sure nothing to work on it because when this crumbled when our network is so stressed we were we will not uh be able to deliver well then the setup that we will be working on will actually fail so it is very important for us to build on the ground guyana because we are not we are not actually giving the solution if we are solving out of touch so we have to be in touch with what we are doing so that will be able to refine and redefine the way we teach and what we teach to our students and as we redefine our pedagogy we have to take a look at the impact to our students so that we'll be able to promote and support student agency and finally we'll be able to use our mastery of technology in a different light so teachers those are the challenges but let us be positive let us be flexible and let us always work with grit so um sharing for today and once again i am always and i hope that i was able to share something and share some uh insights on the post pandemic classroom on transformations and innovations sir franco humble okay um actually the meaning itself okay the actual word greed it's also very applicable i think the the post-pandemic classroom will be a test of greed for our students a test of greed for our teachers we know that we know since our first run of the highplex setup in the in the classroom um very in a very um um you entirely you know idea in the present mr alvin is really really amazing um like negative feeling no perishable requinting hope and of course uh frustration in a way features the high flex setup needs a better or a really good impressed infrastructure that's that's that's a must okay we can't really run a um highplex setup without that no we can't expect our teachers to be bringing their mobile devices or mobile internet to support their own classes that's good not going to be possible anymore so um okay so teachers um we have a dedicated uh q a later on minister alwyn uh [Music] uh because we still have a second part of our session for today again okay so teachers uh let's now move on with our next one okay next a session um thank you so much for that and of course teachers know let me back up no young session mr alwyn with uh a more focused um inquiry uh which is on the learners okay uh it involves the entire classroom not under your teacher and new students technology uh young pedagogies and strategies etc actually no scope so what i'm going to do now is to just really reflect more on uh the post pandemic learning so see no toma encounter for um for for the next few years no after the pandemic or even during the pandemic or the continuing a continuation of the pandemic but of course okay so let me start with teachers now with an introduction again i'm franco nicole one of the administrators of gagapay teacher and i'll be sharing just like sir alvin i'll be sharing uh my insights and perceptions uh from my own personal experiences okay of course no i still back up with some information data that i have gathered and collected no from the internet okay from from research but otherwise most of the things i'm going to share now you know are based on my own ideas okay perceptions okay so you're more than welcome to criticize maybe or to to add to it um or to want to correct me if i'm there's something wrong about it okay so teachers just like nina i also want insights no and um discussions in the chat active nang chat not in canada um during the discussion of sir alwyn okay so uh for our session flow we'll just uh do uh and revisit um the pre-pandemic uh learner profile okay so really visit uh learners not enough pandemic uh partly and partially you know uh sir alvin already covered most of them okay um madame do some discussion sir alvin also reflects the kinds of learners that we've had before okay and of course the post pandemic learn the transformations and innovations in the pandemic no also some of them already mentioned by sir alvin and we'll talk about the post pandemic learner then we enter to the question and answer together we're together with sir alwyn for today okay simulating teachers para so of course now if you think about the learning uh i don't know profiles kfr students k learning style support students okay so a lot of theories uh are actually floating around in order to understand you know the the how how students learn okay or our learners in that so let's look at first some learning models now that are quite popular no i just speak like um out of the many uh learning theories prior to the pandemic okay so of course no um always so this is actually coming from uh from the multiple intelligence uh framework which is the bark model uh where in it basically um i don't know um um divides the learner profiles key into the visual to the auditory to the reading into the kinesthetic okay so according to uh to this to this model okay um our learners are either visually motivated get to learn okay so it means that they react better to visualizations okay to presentations get to posters to pictures to images or the demonstrations okay if they see something they actually learn better okay um or they are either auditory which means um hearing basically um listening okay so there are sometimes students who are not actually looking uh when you are talking before no i've encountered students like that before no imagination and you think they're they're doing something else and then you realize that they're actually auditory learners no they actually listen to you and pick up more information okay and of course reading uh learners learners that are more or less into reading text no engagement with um with the written text no and that allows them to to uh to acquire more information through reading and you also have anesthetic okay um all of them definitely uh has um adhd offers sometimes long telegram in order to acquire information aesthetic learners that actually manifest in some way in a two to like um like holding a pen or kayamer in order to to this move because that helps them know um to acquire information can you make aesthetic learners that in case you think again learner profile some of the learner profiles no pre-pandemic is it still true uh post-pandemic well could still be true no pero ibanez this one is interesting right uh let me just um a change um um this is the cold learning cycle at um it's it's anchored on four important um aspects which is the feel the doing the thinking and the watching right and whenever we and these combinations know the feel the watch think and doing um aspects no if there are combinations combinations actually result into certain things right say for example okay if students are feeling and doing they can actually accommodate okay so they're able to accommodate information new skills uh or tasks all right uh if students are feeling and watching they're able to diverge so they're able to um the further and then not to further um um i don't know expand their their understanding their their their learning or if they're doing and thinking they can actually converse about it right so they can start talking about it because they have done it and have thought about it okay so they have like deeper understanding of the concepts or ideas or uh if they're watching and thinking okay they could actually assimilate um and then uh that's basically uh allows them to to um acquire new information okay or do uh the information okay and um what's else what else about it knows that um they're actually able to do processing okay feeling and thinking you're able to do perception okay it's not the new model okay and in the the state takes into account your acquisition of knowledge that our learners know even pandemic are learning in multiple modalities multiple aspects of the language and in order to uh really you know um catch that or or um i don't know accommodate your different learner profiles okay santa me okay know that the calls learning cycle nevanyan okay this one is another yet uh i don't know interesting uh idea now this one what i really like is that it uh it um proposes no um four different aspects no or four different uh profiles of your students they're either um logical no they're just these are the analytical students okay so these are more on like problem solving on on very hard science escape or you also have your playful imaginative these are the creative students who are mostly uh engaged no into um into thinking different things no outside of maybe the content or outside of the i don't know the instructions so these are the very creative no very innovative minds that you have kim and organizers these are your planners no um organizers the planner student king mostly they are the ones that are uh usually engaged in in creating events or uh managing events or maybe leading classes sometimes leadership styles um or attending system organizers latin and of course you also have expressive and the emotional okay so you have i don't know um this this different learning profiles know from different learning theorists pretty pandemic okay and aside from that okay um this will not definitely you know uh like pigeon hole all our students get into this different observations some of our learners are content heavy learners okay i don't therefore the students are also so much engaged in more content okay they are like really content uh throughout uh they're they're i don't know they're um they're and then their learner learning pandemic which is a good thing right heavy learners okay but of course textbook teacher dependent learners okay i also don't know from the experience one um uh our students learning instruction like get one for it uh teacher is it one half or one whole scenario that's actually also i don't know a characteristic for learning so talagang very heavy on or very dependent on teacher instruction okay teacher instruction pattern very doubtful okay and of course textbook dependency okay um what's in the textbook no they will stop uh they would automatically or assume some information malina okay yes and therefore then we have uh teacher dependent learners know uh as a result to that okay and merendi students not in very school pace okay learners okay if it's not like um dictated by the school okay for example activities no uh or um mandated by the school hindi la gagawan okay engage they will not inquire into other things okay uh etcetera okay and that uh it's very school please note okay that's uh that's very very characteristic now of um of um the uh our learners the pre pandemic okay and of course anjandanyamanga limited use of technology for learners okay for learning among students know how to share documents in the cloud or even sometimes and all other um uh technology uh based no communication systems okay better forgetting is a technology that can be used in education sobrang limited master okay unless the teacher now requires no or uses it in the classroom a technology so encounter yet and that that's what we have um we have been handling for so many years okay um pandemic no and um that's also the learners that we actually brought know the pre-pandemic learners were subjected into okay so resulting into the post-pandemic learners okay so that's that's uh definitely there's definitely transformations to our students in the post-pandemic era or expected transformations no in the pu into the post pandemic okay transformations and innovations that we encountered no um just a recap no and then suddenly you know uh february and then march no uh we have declared now already um lockdown and then to italy natalya and then um schools opened uh still um uh although later no um i love kona open coming that that time around july it's not a mistake compared to other schools okay while other schools opened in um october 2020 okay agenda by the way the next start and got by teacher support and they start coming by uh by june 2020 okay and then midway you know in terms of like uh system scheme um our um our approaches uh into the pandemic no matter my students must settle them a teachers know after one year of um of um pandemic school year okay and then um going to uh 2022 okay and of course and the biggest question uh for us now is that as as pandemic noises uh that's lockdown uh uh has been reduced the challenge now is that what's going to happen to our classroom setup okay we have like implemented these things no um um throughout no for two years okay so what's going to happen now okay young hype like setup no the post pandemic classroom okay so that's actually one of the things that definitely you know is a key transformation of uh 2022 for education okay now some transformations okay so we have definitely the online learning is one of the biggest transformations of 2020. the modularity or the production of modules the the learning packets etc uh was also one of the biggest transformations then okay uh synchronous and asynchronous and of course the young heavy use of um technology okay uh it's also very very evident no change in um in the pandemic because um for example no just um we'll go through it one at a time okay so yes we're going online and we're bringing online um everything online our biggest challenge is challenges that we have to face now when we brought on uh education online okay are our students prepared okay how good are they uh to be able to survive online game second or are they even equipped okay with the ability to say online okay our teachers okay okay uh how trained are our teachers in terms of like handling online classes okay we haven't done that before okay um human online classes nothing are for the most part are very very rare or very few no uh pre-pandemic okay experience coming in during the pandemic that actually helped bridge the gap for the preparation okay and of course no okay um i'm talking biggest question attend when we brought online is that will our internet actually hold and we'll be able to capable of or upholding classes online okay now in capabilities not to deliver faster internet connection okay i still remember know when the pandemic started we are between kbps mvps and speed diamond teachers uh internet on the wi-fi india mobile data i2 when we run the first webinar here at kts we were running it at 1 mbps ganon coming next start okay so those are the questions no um so yes we can bring it online but can act can we actually do it okay or are we really really capable of doing it okay but teachers okay congratulations because we did okay we did uh brought no uh education online and uh not only no no um hindi langsha like um i don't know on the other uh operation we know that we can't deliver instruction in in full like we did before okay uh prior to the pandemics um so aside from the implementation of the milks though modularity was also introduced in first ever webinar nothing producing modules using um producing milk compliance sorry designing milk compliant modules to be able to deliver content no we had to chunk it so that we can print them because individuals and also it will be very hard to deliver these learning packets okay so we had to to to redesign our way of designing and planning for our lessons okay yes no sister i'll win yes session i answer um during that time okay and of course no malama online learning teachers also conducted video conferencing to deliver lessons okay um the the teacher needed to be there you know okay transform language role in my teachers that and we have our teachers becoming coaches facilitators okay and uh overall no designers of learners uh learning uh learning okay um [Music] like biggest transformations pandemic scenario for example no sir always a high flex set up nothing for example in the post pandemic or right now know that we are easing um into the into the face-to-face setup okay um the asynchronous and synchronous um modality will still be used sessions and how you deliver asynchronous sessions okay that will still be used in the post pandemic for example last week okay so your combination of synchronous and asynchronous or as as we call them or as we call it the bichonus modality okay and of course there was a exponential increase of technology integration in education okay teachers questions um pre-pandemic okay had uh for the most part i was using google form google classroom uh before gomez 20 educational technology tools pandemic so from zero to five i can confidently say i have used no i have experimented i have integrated at least 20 tools now okay powerpoint like talaga before okay it's actually a progression already know it's already a trend not towards the pandemic teachers even before the pandemic technology integration use of technology et cetera what the pandemic did was to hasten everything pina bilis okay now how about innovations innovations they encounter nothing during the pandemic okay so we have the milk okay teacher communities teacher brands collaborations and the learning hubs okay and teachers teachers and biggest innovation attend it's not really related to technology for me which is for our education is the reduction of or the auditing of content okay which was done using or through the no no um that resulted to the milk okay once in one period okay prevents students from um i don't know opportunities for deepening opportunities for enrichment and opportunities for making meaning okay but the milk know somehow with the reduction of content it allowed us that okay essentially teachers know we also have to recognize that uh the 21st century is not just about the content okay i've always always know um mentioned about this na getting some technology integration um uh oh okay um teachers in young teacher communities okay teacher communities okay so of course that became our support during the pandemic okay um we had i don't know we had so many uh communities information or webinars or training sessions no from those different um teacher communities no we survived somehow okay uh the pandemic schoolers because of this teacher communities okay and becomes part of what we called our professional learning networks okay so that now permanently becomes sanimo again permanently becomes our part of our professional learning network to say that will continue to grow for example we'll continue um um moving forward now with all of you okay that's another one okay and of course um collaboration with different brands all right so dumating the no or not and our students also get to experience a more engaged no more technology driven uh instruction because of this different collaboration okay teachers based on my experience talagang they're now looking at the philippines now as the new market okay okay expect new teachers human companies um educational technology tools because they realize how much the filipinos are so eager to use technology international educational tools are looking at the philippines known as the new market new zealand the philippines now is one of our i don't know uh their uh best markets to to conquer expect aside from class point ed puzzle and of course no our most recent collaborators here at ktsno d2l brightspace all right so the dummy pen teaches and of course students when we transform our learning design with technology ultimately the experience of our students will also be transformed and of course teachers which i really really love that's like out of this world kind of collection talagang gravy and grabbing um and how everything actually is really connected okay and if you're a student can you go to miss miss collection you would definitely learn even if miss me is not there okay or the teacher is not there okay and that's what we want though learning hubs okay actually is what what provides no accessibility to learning experience no regardless if it's synchronous that can that the students know can go into you know even uh your class already ended me uh young learning support the support is not as always there okay of course there are always teachers are very dedicated who would always know um um going beyond uh their duties no to to support students pero the student can easily go there and find more support okay um so the students don't feel like support from the teacher okay the the learning hub becomes that continuity to the student support okay and of course uh young increased student agency and independence you know uh with the learning hubs the student can actually pace themselves okay uh they actually can own um how they want to like consume information for example i i it's i'm i'm having a hard time with lesson number one um can i do like lesson number two first okay uh since spiral so okay can be different and of course um independency you know the ability to actually engage with your learning lessons or your lessons no without the teacher instruction without like you being physically there is such an empowering thing for our students okay and of course opportunities for personalized learning um not as personalized maybe because here no matter what and i can't blame our teachers okay because no matter how dedicated our teachers how compassionate our teachers are uh if you have like 60 70 uh students in your class and here are my personalized learners and you have like what um 60 to 70 students per class so a total of what they're looking at um more than 200 300 students at any given time okay that means and more than pa okay that means preparations okay so things like that so many limitations okay but with this kind with our learning hubs okay there are more opportunities for personalized learning so students can be given differentiated instruction or differentiated resources in order to make learning more personalized for them or customize for them so let's now go down to the post pandemic learners now see you tomorrow my encounter is nothing may encounter nothing among learners okay again this is for my perception and this what i have gathered so far from the last from my um i don't know researchers and encounters with with some teachers in in our community and if we look at our post-pandemic learners pandemic uh in in the on-site um um um face-to-face no encounters okay or set up okay um it will transform the classroom okay the hybrid modality you know okay we'll transform the classroom it will also transform how we engage with our students okay and therefore the hybrid modality will also impact how the students learn okay um there are two primary permutations every simultaneous on-site and online learners okay so bixabihen nasa onsite um coming in at 20 students per per ons per random upper class case amero coming 20 students at the most know at any given time in san class and then men are coming tv monitor my classmates so simultaneously i have on call while also i'm in the classroom okay so again so that's how our classroom is actually set up um in the hype like setup name okay um biggest problem nothing is that um infrastructure in this case for you to be able to carry out this kind of setup the american on-site and online at the same time you need infrastructure okay um shifting schedule of online and on-site students right so instead of for example having uh simultaneously okay uh the teacher will attend no um um classes no uh on a shifting schedule on-site means okay so that it does not require no a classroom setup equipped not with those kinds of equipment to to carry out a simultaneous um learners okay primarily um to set up you know permutations very challenging management for this hybrid setup okay um okay young set up net n4 what kind of students are we expecting then okay given that this um this scenario of hybrid setup high flick set up etc profile the first one okay they have a different ways of cognition now all right song our students now um acquires information engage with information differently compared to before okay is the information available online okay if so okay then can we just can i just read about it okay or um there are more students now for example that might want to uh or mastasana for example or they realize that they learn better with all the visual um presentations such as for example video recordings right and okay and of course um hopefully hopefully we have more independent students not in or parent slang to do all their work we would be expecting a more independent students on their own before during the pandemic then it will actually help you okay it will actually help you a lot okay okay um emotionally charged no uh yeah into someone gigging um encounters nothing teachers know our students will definitely also coming in emotionally charged right either they are um anxious about the the onsite or the hybrid setup or or other things or other concerns or cutting on social awkwardness because two years silence online etc but otherwise really we'll be also encountering emotionally charged students now both on the positive spectrum and onto the negative spectrum of emotions okay so expect that no may encounter nothing okay let me just answer no uh this question from teacher eileen dillion mr eileen um our protocols know for uh for the absent students student absent because of uh maybe for example the currency symptoms okay because of like really sick no and can't join even the online dental again mark absent pusha okay for high flex or the on-site learning station so teachers a survey is really going to be very important though um for us in saver school we also did a survey prior to designing our hyperplex setup protocol and routine slamming for the high flex setup were also driven were also uh in a way no um affected by um by a data i don't know by by by a survey okay so given this all of this no i don't like new challenges with the new learners okay with these kinds of learners that we have okay challenges nothing as us educators no teachers disclaimer okay these are all challenges but i don't think uh i don't necessarily can think no uh ways of uh answering all of these challenges cause i'm just going to present them to you okay maybe we could share ideas as well okay uh collaborate on this challenge at um so please do help me out all right because i don't really have all the answers to these challenges okay the first challenge is that learning designs now should now con constantly consider online options right so we can't simply just go back there on site and just do what we did in the pandemic okay mcgee problematic and teachers or for example uh um uh meeting with your students okay and you deliver the lesson um or neither that knowing directly per they will always have that in mind no this can be delivered online okay or this can be like assigned asynchronously right so uh sign or in the science asynchronously so teacher scheme when we design when we approach the hybrid hyperplex setup and we start designing our instruction that should be constantly be in our mind okay can this option can this uh part be delivered online okay or can i package this online okay or are there online resources about this etc okay so you online mindset nothing should continuously constantly affect know or impact our thinking mindset mindsets of course as well even their cognition okay um will also second mental and emotional well-being is no longer an afterthought right it must be an integrated well into education okay of the social emotional learning of check-ins etc by greeting you teachers no or shouting you out okay and um so indiana petting like uh like an afterthought or like an incidental consideration side education it must now be something that we also try to address no uh in our instruction okay mental and emotional well-being of our students but of course um all this is also true for our teachers young mental health and emotional well-being of our teachers should also be constantly uh be checked as well okay challenge number three our students are digital natives and tech savvy but not digital citizens yet yeah no biggest misconception at the end okay digital natives or tech savvy digital citizens are maybe tech savvy maybe digitally native but not all of them are digital citizens okay so we have to transform them to become better internet users okay and responsible users teachers for that matter okay uh young morality in the ethics of um of um being an online new circa such an important matter now okay students encounter online that are like behaving um like really beyond no uh measure in a negative way okay and we don't want that okay so this is what we really want to do to address as well okay so teachers came down and then of course challenge number 49 sustain student agency in transition to hybrid or full face-to-face teachers the biggest temptation when we go back on site is that the classroom okay becomes teacher centered once again okay and two to shift the classroom into a student-centered classroom okay um a classroom a teacher centered um now we have to consider know that um and to bring that student-centeredness into the hybrid full face-to-face setup okay uh teacher centered uh classroom that we had pre pandemic teachers let's not forget no base on a discussion of uh i don't know of um of um uh father go before know that the teacher in the 21st century um which basically reflects no the the post pandemic is that the teacher becomes the designer of learner okay the coach in learning and the facilitator of learning all right [Music] source of information we now have three uh more important no or transformed um roles in the classroom yes and teachers know that's a big temptation okay for example in the first few weeks to go back to that normally some temptation in this lesson plan okay that will continuously shift your classroom into a student-centered classroom okay and of course no maintaining learning hubs um this one please do not like let go we're getting close hybrid classroom etc teachers please no okay you have just created two years of like really really good online resources teachers okay keep it there okay keep using them okay uh find new ways no um try to redirect no try to redesign okay because it's a hybrid or full face to face worth of all the instructional materials that we have like develop over time okay so keep them okay so again special mentions may miss me keep that that way click collection okay wagner okay challenge number seven develop personalized learning track or support for students okay uh particularly those that may have lag behind in the pandemic no teachers i know um please correct me if i'm wrong public school teachers okay if i'm not mistaken please do correct me if i'm wrong okay um okay um [Music] and not because the content were too heavy or maybe the instructions were not as effective as students into the online setup okay and that 15 days no second definitely it's going to be like a really really tight okay so aside from the 15-day remedy support no uh or uh i don't know personalized learning track for students during the pandemic school year okay um challenge number eight continuing continue integrating technology you know find alternatives to on-site setup or redirect other technologies for other strategies drop and drop everything and live technology okay we can easily read direct no or um i don't know find alternative views okay to these different technological tools for our students okay yes no um look for some other ways to use it for example um video conferencing for example a way to engage your students with other students in other countries that's a possibility okay or other parts of our country okay or for example right now in google docs why not use it for like um like collaborative note-taking or um for group research technology no so we can still bring those technology into the hybrid even full face to face set up nothing okay so what i'm drop and leave thai on okay so let's continue okay so teachers [Music] pandemic learners okay hey one um let me just leave no sigurobago type of starting um um um closure okay and of course our open discussion with sir alvin king is that let me just end with this quote now am i sharing with this code okay which is when we say learning learning is not actually the product of teaching okay is that you cannot like create learning okay we can't no no matter what we do teachers we can't create learning we can only design learning to happen right because the learning is actually something that happens with the students okay so s chances are the learning is not really occurring okay so how do we make learning happens by making our students engaged with the learning process okay so teachers okay um let me just invite you know to share um some ideas some thoughts um for our session for today okay uh via this uh ziplet um activity okay um please go to and then use my pin 789-251 there's a live question right there kit that will ask you uh about how do we support our learners okay so please uh share your ideas subscribe [Music] and then let me share my um yeah and how do we best support our new learners on questionnaire okay uh let me just refresh that orientation approaches and we can still use technology to integrate the new normal in face to face classes okay ayan uh and again i told my cop new words now i mean common words um orientation continue being student centered integrating ayanna okay and going the extra mile okay um helping other others as well okay um or supporting our students so teachers let's keep on asking that question to ourselves no okay how do we best support our new learner okay in order to um to continue or to allow them not to to survive no and be able to be successful in a hybrid setup okay so yeah teachers um that's um it for my sharing okay and um i think we're now ready now for an open forum okay let's invite back our other speaker uh sir alvin reclosado sir alwyn good afternoon good afternoon a little bit sir uncle good afternoon teachers and teachers okay um i think we're now ready for some questions or maybe uh insights or things that you'd like to also share um to our other teachers in our live session for today and teacher patricia jane um okay give encouragement teacher desiree design coach facilitate okay the teacher joanne carabeo give tasks and assignment in manageable tiny increments include student interest and experience in lessons while acknowledging their feelings and experiences motivate them according to teacher juliet and from a to z provide model suggestions okay how about you what is the main challenge that you foresee yourself if ever is a hybrid question what is your what's the challenge you are expecting as you go you still like do it you get in there you know you get dirty and you do it anyway according to teacher emil john nassareno eye management [Music] into the classroom and of course this is also like some panoramas among administrators to really provide that that slow and gradual transition of the teachers know into the on-site um teachers and students right according to teacher um teacher ambaba is some of our students doing their work on site challenge um even shifting schedule you mean some on-site online it will take time uh for and then form management okay what do you say about this so according to sir jp philippines educational system especially the public sector had problems when it comes to modernizing their technology question how easy or difficult would it be for such technology to be implemented so uh actually it's not just uh in the public sector it's a private school mahindra when we talk about uh infrastructures um so two things to consider is that aside from infra thing we also need to help our teachers especially we have some teachers even if they have used technology already in the previous parapanic mean sansa classroom but it's a new field uh training of teachers or retrain teachers so i it's really difficult sir i agree with that uh it will never be easy let's get dirty okay yes really drive your designs okay uh according to your data guys students and teachers and you prepare let's push for that home school collaboration so i really agree with teacher joanne let's keep the parents let's keep involving the parents this one is from uh yes no grabbing adjustments um that's actually a good kind of pressure for schools now schools will really have to go beyond the idea of uh people go have to go to school because it's a requirement okay before getting the ba hello school is a requirement anyone students will um schools now know it's a little bit more pressure to go beyond that narrative okay okay so there must be that something that the students would actually want to go into the school either it's a like a better curriculum um better learning experiences etc so i know my uh there is a flexible modality no offer this is financially challenged and cannot go to online on a regular basis full onsite offer you know since we're talking about flexibility as well of our modality right now in the future predicting option human students are my problem parents it's really happening i think the concern teacher patricia is actually coming from the limitation in the classroom size so kai it's a student um song i'm preferred until we get to really push for a higher um classroom size no your maximum maximized nation 40 classroom size nathan that we had before okay um you and then distribute to those that are going to be online right so ibrahimovic would actually help the community okay sir we know uh and unfortunately teachers that's the only time that we have no two for this uh part to entertain your questions okay and uh but again thank you so much keep those uh uh your insights coming up to teachers thank you so much now for for joining us no um in today's session okay but of course um make um we will not um end our session without thanking our speaker for today necessary halloween who delivered such an amazing amazing um um to show our appreciation okay and of course um this um certificate of appreciation to sir alvin king um please receive this certificate of appreciation uh this is respectfully awarded to you sir alvin reclassado for sharing his knowledge and expertise in the recently concluded webinar entitled post-pandemic classroom and learners transformations and innovations to be awarded on june 25 2022 uh and to be signed by joseph angeline santos paola meji mendoza angelo and franco nicolopi salamat sir alwyn okay from seguro is for us to keep on exploring and keep on getting dirty um when we integrate our technology when we explore new things when we go into the ground what puta and then let us remaster our craft as we progress this is new waters for us to test because as we continue to do all of these things we go and innovate we go and we go out there for us to learn so that we'll be able to share more not only to our students but to our community thank you very much okay so thank you so much okay so again teachers know uh as to enter session okay um please do evaluate the session at https colon slash js22 part four okay um and please do let me know if the link is working so they can do something about it okay yeah we'll just wait teachers know for your confirmation uh for our uh link now if it's working welcome is better than perfection thank you pts working for according to teacher alan brutas no stickers thank you thank you so much now for joining us once again okay you have always been our source of strength so please um continue moving forward with us okay and as i always say in a statement stay safe please stay negative from copy 19 but please stay positive in life [Music] sticky [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Franco Nicolo Addun
Views: 63,559
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Id: zOJbxgmxV2k
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Length: 149min 43sec (8983 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 25 2022
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