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what's up guys welcome back to another tutorial this tutorial is how what is it what's what's the title how to pose a not professional model how to pose a model how to close enough for non professional model propose a subject how to propose what's up guys welcome back to another tutorial this tutorial is how to pose a model that's not a professional [Music] [Music] we get asked all the time how do you guys pose your models how do you guys pose your seniors your engagement couples all these different people I'm gonna let Kirby take over she's much better at posing girls than I am and she's gonna show you guys a couple more tips that can up your posing game so this is our beautiful stand-in model Morgan she's actually our niece and doesn't have any professional experience so I thought it would be awesome to show you guys how to work with somebody who isn't used to doing this everyday so she is gonna be our guinea pig for the day an awesome way to make your model feel super comfortable is to play music so we usually bring our bows mini sound speaker and connect it through bluetooth to one of our phones if the model has awesome music we'll say you can play it or most the time they're like I don't care and we just put something on so it makes it super helpful to have something in the background which is just a really good tip to kind of like kill the awkward silence we are at the top of a parking garage and for posing it's really cool to be able to incorporate part of your background with the model and the pose so I'm gonna have Morgan sit up against this railing and then use her arms to kind of position above her head to make it interesting and not symmetrical and then we're gonna go from there and then across one leg underneath your knee yep just like that so bring your right foot closer to your butt perfect so if you can put your right forearm on your knee just let your hand hang and then loop your left hand kind of over your head on one of those beams yeah perfect beautiful so also bring your elbow in closer okay [Music] so another awesome way to make your subject look like a professional is to give them an action to do so it's super helpful to give them some movement and direction instead of putting them in a stagnant pose and then just having them sit there it makes it look a little bit more real and believable whenever they're moving so I'm gonna have Morgan slowly walk up this ramp towards me and I'm gonna photograph her as she does that even if she doesn't get it on the very first try the awesome thing about photography is that you can do it ten other times until you get what you want so that's what we're gonna do next so it's cool because the wind is blowing this way and catching your hair and not blowing your hair in your face and the sun's behind you so you're not blinded so this is perfect so walk super slow towards me does that jacket have pockets or what if you did like thumbs and your belt loops or front pockets or yeah just so you have something to do with your hands and then I want you to smile and either look at your feet or look kind of off to the side so not directly at me okay so go ahead go slow perfect beautiful so I'm gonna have you do that like three more times [Music] something that people often forget about posing is facial expressions so instead of always concentrating on what to do with arms and legs it's kind of important to remember how to direct people's smiles furious face eyes expressions in the face so some of the things that we're gonna do with Morgan who's sitting behind me with some close-up shots are how to direct her face so a couple of really cool hints art if you bring the chin down it automatically raises up the top eyelids in your subjects face and makes their eyes open up really bright and wide also just telling someone to smile sometimes doesn't always work so making them laugh is helpful or telling them to shake their face out and start over and it kind of like makes their cheeks relaxant URI smile and serious faces can also make people look really angry and that's not exactly what you want unless that's what you're going for so instead of doing angry serious faces having them do a smirk or a soft smile just to where the corners of their mouth are lifted even if their teeth aren't showing can be really helpful too so so we're gonna go do so a little tip that helps make people feel a little bit more comfortable is to kind of give them some distance so right now I'm shooting with the 70-200 lens which is awesome because I can get really far back and zoom in and still get close-ups without making her feel like I'm all up in her grill you can shoot with a wider angle lens or a prime lens but it's better to work up to that and make sure that they know that you're gonna be in their face and they don't feel like you're encroaching on their bubble so it helps to give them a little bit of space across your ankles and then make your knees a little uneven yeah and then hands and you're like behind your hair so like on your neck on one side yeah that's perfect and the other one can just kind of hang so these are gonna be head - like shoulders so you don't really have to worry about your feet or anything like that yeah so we can start with a smile [Music] so now we're combining two of the previous tools that we've already singled out before we're gonna do close up still and have her focus on her expressions and then add movement into it which is what we did earlier and then get some really cool shots of both of those two things together perfect got it awesome [Music] so the last important thing to remember whenever you're posing is not to panic so whenever your gear starts going haywire or your brain is in other places it's hard to remember or to come up with new poses so I think that the most important thing for me that I remember is to kind of have a safety net pose so for me the my safety pose is leaning you can always lean on something no matter where you are whether it's a fence or a wall or a door or whatever so we're in a corner and it's not really the most like beautiful place because we're at the top of a parking garage but if you have someone lean it could become super flattering and we're just gonna get really cool pretty sky colors behind [Music] so I'm just gonna have you face this way towards me and then lean both of your elbows back on that railing behind you yep like just casual leaning you can even do one hand if you want I'm gonna be down there yeah so whatever feels more comfortable and then either cross a leg or just make sure your weights all on one foot and then serious face and look up the stairs for me [Music] [Music] we just had an awesome time photographing with Morgan she did super amazing thank you guys so much for watching like we always say we don't know everything but we're always super happy to help the share the little bit of knowledge that we do know so like subscribe support all that fun stuff and we'll see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Justin and Kirby
Views: 2,543,617
Rating: 4.9312358 out of 5
Keywords: posing tutorial, how to pose seniors, senior shoot, posing seniors, justin betancourt, kirby betancourt, canon, 5dmkiii, westcott, rapidbox, c100, austin photographer, photography tutorial, how to pose, posing ideas, off camera flash, osiris luts, photography.poses
Id: BWfc90vd1IE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 26sec (506 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 26 2017
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