Photography Student VS Pro Photographer

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hi guys jessica here in today's video we're shooting photography student hello versus pro photographer right so joining me today is photographer maha i've actually known her for god like over 15 years hello my name is maha i'm a mixed media artist i studied fine arts and photography i do a lot of mixed media photography stuff so i like shooting film and then collaging over it or i'll take like digital photos and print them out and then cut them up so just mostly mixed media i've taken film classes i've taken like black and white one and two and then i've taken digital photography classes where i learned how to use like a dslr and like composite images in photoshop and awesome so are you ready for today's challenge yes okay so let's grab the model go to the location and get started with the first round my strategy is going to be just to get better shots than jessica i don't know we'll see hi guys my name's sophia i'm 21. i actually just graduated from msu so now i'm taking a year to model full-time i've been doing it for about five years now and i'm really excited to do the challenge today camera and lens i'm using today is i have a canon 80d and then i have a 50 millimeter 1.8 lens she has a pretty cool outfit on we got a bunch of friends here the ducks are like gonna take some like back here first all the way back here could you put like your left hand like on your waist and then put your other hand like higher i'm gonna stand here i'll just like talk people through things i usually have like some kind of conceptual idea of like how i want the pictures to look before i take them can we take some of you like sitting down um somewhere where there's not a garbage but like in the shade like one vent maybe oh it's so bright hold on so for me maha is the definition of an introverted photographer it's so interesting to see how she shoots she's very calm she's very reserved she gives direction here and there not too much i'm just going to take something okay yeah i see the model also you know asking like oh do you want me to move this way do you want me to move that way so it's a collaboration between the both of them for me it's it's a little bit different because i've been doing this for so long i know what poses i want i'm very assertive with my directions and everything but that's after years of doing this maybe after a couple photo shoots show she'll start bossing people around you know what i mean she'll be like me should you put your hand like higher up when you do that yeah like so the shadows on your like face and your eyes yeah yeah then just stay there move your hand a little bit yeah i think i should be done like i got a few good shots so i hope i don't ruin all your camera settings right now i'm going all the way down to 1.8 let's go okay here we go wow we got that creaminess in the back it reminds me of a can of campbell's soup creamy right no bad joke yeah usually okay i tried it yeah have your hands kind of like even in the middle right here yeah right there we got that sunlight coming in can't really see but it looks good actually oh this looks like senior pictures oh gosh nope senior pictures okay we already well you got you graduated college so this technically is your senior but this technically is her senior pictures because she just graduated you should have brought your cap and gown i feel like this water's making it look like senior pictures when i'm sitting down yeah okay let's go okay let's do um the tree trees are vogue so we're going to the tree right but that's also senior pictures too if it looks weird then it's good for the picture don't have your hands too out yeah yeah right there and then looking this way so i noticed just a lot more vocal than me and she gives better directions i'm not as vocal but i generally have a vision in my head but considering she does this all the time and i don't really take portraits too often i think it's it's interesting to watch her work and let's just do like a classic portrait like a senior picture the theme of my photo shoot is senior pictures great job yeah don't move stay right there lift your chin up a little oh these oh my god you're gonna you're gonna love these maha are these jpeg or raw they're wrong that's how we know she's a true professional i love you i think using mahesh 80d kind of reminded me why i don't use a lot of primes anymore um i have to move around quite a bit which i don't mind but having 24 to 70 it's a little bit more versatile and i can just zoom in and out and i'm able to get a variety of shots whereas with the 50 you can just take more portraits unless you're backing all the way up into the next parking lot over so i don't know it was it was definitely um a blast from the past i guess so now we're going to be using my setup it's going to be my 5d mark iv with my 24-70 i'm really excited let's go so this is the second outfit we changed sophia into this beautiful black dress uh it's gonna flutter out a lot we can get some dynamic shots with it and then we also added this headpiece i got it off of amazon for like fifteen dollars we're gonna be using my setup it's gonna be the 5d mark iv with the 24 to 70 lens it's really heavy so are you ready for some arthritis my he's ready to get arthritis using my very heavy camera setup so let's get started do something where you're kind of yeah bring in your shoulder yeah yeah stay right there okay so i feel like i got that shot hopefully you know it looks the same as it does on the screen um okay and let's do one of you just like standing let me be like right here i feel like i'm in jumanji or something okay i swear to god like where'd the street come from it's been here for like 200 years yeah don't move stay right there have like one leg out a little bit more yeah i need an updated eye test after this i can't see anything this is something kind of like very soft like you just read a book and you finished the book and you really liked it yeah just like yeah that's beautiful that's very nice i like the the you had your hand over yeah a couple other things i noticed about jess when she was shooting the second the second outfit in the second location is that she has the model move around a lot more and she's also like always continuously shooting she's she's getting as many shots as she can in like each pose yeah don't move stay right there so that went awesome i had a little bit of difficulty using my flash i was really trying to get the sky exposed as well as sofia but it was so tricky to figure out the settings for the flash like the brightness and then the settings for my camera so it was like i really only got like two or three poses out of that because i was so fixated on just using the flash and it was so incredibly heavy like this by itself is really heavy and then adding the flash was even heavier so otherwise we did it good i hope the pictures turned out i mean i know that they turned out good oh i said do you keep it on 70 when you shoot generally and did you drop your lens because it's look looking a little dingy [Laughter] it's okay my lens was like 99 on sale i don't like your camera jessica you like that touch screen huh i have a touch screen we're not that outdated yeah we don't use buttons here can we stand over here all right just like right in the middle over here i don't like that patch of grass it's ugly but do you spin like slow pollen just flew up my nose it's good the clouds don't show as much as i would like them to we just changed that could you scrouch down so i could get a shot from like above your head i'm just short just like this um yeah that's fine matt said i was more vocal in the first round didn't she oh you know i have a big mouth i'm always talking so she probably picked up on that because i noticed now she's giving a little bit more direction my head likes to stand on picnic tables she likes to sit down she likes to uh zoom in go wide she likes to do a little bit of everything she was getting different poses she was doing all types of different light which is amazing and i feel like this round she's a little bit more assertive i went to college for photography i did not so it's going to be so interesting to see our two perspectives someone with a formal education in photography and then someone like me who just who's self-taught and really didn't know what they were doing i had no i don't know i didn't know from the start but i learned and so it's going to be interesting to see the two different perspectives so i'm trying to get a picture of sophia on the table but the sun is peeking through the clouds and the sky is overexposed so i'm trying to expose for the both of them wanna use my flash yeah so we want to expose for the sky so you keep turning this until the sky is exposed the way you want it and then you take a test shot so take a test shot and then you kind of adjust the brightness on here to fill the model i can add more on here yeah there you go whoa oh that's so much better love that perfect it's gonna be the one it's gonna be the one that ends jessica so the sun is setting it's i don't know what time it is it's like seven o'clock right now so it's it got a little bit dark it's pretty cloudy i tried to use just as external flash i was having like a little bit of difficulty exposing for both the model and the sky everything was coming out super overexposed yeah we we made it we got through it we got a couple good shots card full it's okay i think we got we got this shot the only difference i really noticed is with maha i kind of say oh like is this good do you like this pose what do you want me to do and jessica's like do this do this do this and i'm like okay sounds good if someone kind of tells me the mood they're going for i can pretty much do whatever pose but i do kind of like validation from the photographer saying oh that looks really good in the picture because i have no idea what i look like so when they're saying that's a great pose it helps me feel more confident in the pose if you're interested you can follow my journey as a model this year i'll be doing it pretty much full time so my instagram is at sophia heidemann h-u-i-t-e-m-a wait i think i said it wrong it's sophia i think both rounds went really well would you say so yeah i had a such fun time you did so good sophia let's just take a moment to appreciate our amazing models again one of them is sophia i work with her so much and you did so well and like thank you so much just thank you oh thank you so much follow her on her instagram she's gonna be modeling full time she just graduated so i'm gonna have her instagram down below and also check out maha's instagram she has some cool stuff on there you have your collage art on there too yeah are you gonna be submitting some photos that are collaged to this challenge maybe possibly so we would love to thank sophia for modeling for us today and then maha for joining me and photographing alongside me check out all the links down below let us know which photo you guys like best and we'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: Jessica Kobeissi
Views: 843,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photography tips photography tricks portrait tutorial tutorial editing, portrait tutorial, portrait editing, skin retouching, portrait retouching, professional skin retouching, professional photography tutorial, photoshop tutorial, photoshop editing tutorial, outdoor photography tutorial, fashion photography, beginner photography, photography tricks, photography tips, photography techniques, photography retouching tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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