Porygon Fusions Only! Pokemon Infinite Fusion (Fan Game)

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welcome to Pokemon infinite Fusion the fan made game with over a hundred and seventy thousand possible combinations as well as over 50 000 custom Sprites made by the community let me just say that some of these custom Sprites are insane so make sure you stay to the end of the video to see some of the coolest Sprites this run has to offer because of how much you guys have asked for it we're going to be doing a run using Porygon fusions so no matter what fusions we use it has to use one of the three Porygon forms without wasting any more time let's dive on into the video Let's also try to hit 4816 likes we started this run by naming our rival Bruce we then grabbed our first Porygon from Professor Oak then lost to Bruce's double Roserade Fusion what a starter we quickly ran an errand for Professor Oak grab some pokeballs from him and went out to create our first fusions we caught a bunch of different Pokemon and ended up combining this ghastly with Porygon by the way with the updated game the fusions makers now listed underneath which is an awesome addition thanks punko we also fused Porygon 2 with a Caterpie making this funny looking dude the way we'll be doing this run is by starting out with a Porygon and a Porygon 2. after every gym We'll be adding a new Porygon to the team so after gym 1 we'll get a Porygon Z and then another Porygon that way we can see a bunch of different Porygon fusions with our two new members on the team we headed off through Viridian Forest and to Pewter City where we could grab our first badge and face Brock and his poison types and before you start running to the comments to say uh Cosmic Brock's a rock type gym all gyms trainers and encounters are randomized we're also set to hard mode so the gyms and trainers are going to be somewhat over leveled the entire game anyways we blasted through his gym trainers and went straight in we barely managed to take out Brock's neatojit with pory P we then go down to ekball's bite and unfortunately this is when I realize I forgot to heal my team after the last battle so portly Falls to bite as well luckily the second attempt pory P was able to take out nidaja easily and we managed to out speed and finish off his Echo with cybeam winning our first badge Port P evolved in a pory pod after the battle and we grabbed a Porygon Z from the box to fuse with this Gyarados I love the glitch textures these spiders make on our way to Cerulean City we ran into a Nurse Joy and a trainer who'd recently been robbed in the nearby cave Brock comes to look after the injured trainers and sends us into the cave to investigate while exploring we find a few more Pokemon and ran into Team Rocket running some sort of experiment it involved moonstones and three Pokemon after interrupting and defeating the scientists they'd taken hostage the machine runs into some sort of issue and they flee with what they can that's probably fine I have more badges to collect anyways so without reporting back to Brock we ran to Cerulean City where a rival Bruce was waiting to challenge us again his loploo manages to knock out our pory dose and then is quickly knocked out by our ghastly Fusion unfortunately his starter then makes quick work of all of our Pokemon preparing for the rematch we trained up a little and evolved our pory pod into pory which looked amazing we then handed back for round two this time portly was able to knock out his laplum without taking any damage then for some reason Bruce switched into his Rose raid fusion and then back out to his double unknown which eventually knocks us out with hidden power Corey Frey then is able to come in and finish it off with gust as well as his double Roserade we then finished the battle by defeating his gropo with psybeam with Bruce defeated I decided to go to Misty's bug type gym to challenge her for her second gym badge she let Han Pon and arporidos was able to eventually take it out with bite we then were able to bring beelax down to Red before it took us out with body slam leaving an easy knockout and winning us our second gym badge time for a few fusions we fuse Porygon with Beedrill making this adorable Minecraft bee as well as eradicate making this computer mouse though I decided to go with this Onyx Porygon making a fruit snake and scissor with Porygon 2 making this glitched out version of Scizor from there we headed north to help Bill Infuse himself from his ride on which beg begs the question what pokemon would you want to be fused with and why I can think of one or two anyways comment down below and subscribe if you're enjoying the video with nothing left to do here we headed down south to Vermilion City on our way of course we caught more Pokemon and made our way to the SSN once on the ship we grabbed the key for the Captain's Quarters battled this fisherman in his Golem Infernape Fusion not really the type you'd want on a boat and for a fisherman but whatever and then on our way to the captain we are stopped by Bruce wanting a rematch everyone say hi Bruce leading hitmon Erie we decided to switch into portly Bruce then switches into gliscal and he manages to take us out with acrobatics Portos was able to finish it off though with a bite and metal claw from porizor finishes off as hitmon Erie and drift you only as starter was left luckily our porizor nose recover so he healed back up and we took it down with metal claw Bruce runs off and were able to help the sick captain and in return we received the HM cut from there we head to the third gym rummage through some trash cans and find the button on the first try now it was time to face Serge's grass types poor Nick sets up stealth rocks but is quickly defeated luckily poridos comes in and knocks out his polygrowth with a bite Flinch combo we finish it off with side beam and slugs or comes out and is also knocked out by side beam leaving his final Pokemon feral chick luckily again we have recover so we're able to stall it out with confusions from Psy beam winning our third gym badge time for a bunch of awesome fusions Furret and Porygon 2 made this amazing stripe digital monster aegislash's coated sword looked amazing though I just had to bring this one along as Big Hero 6 is one of my favorite newer Disney movies Porygon and Wooper made this literally and ponita looked absolutely gorgeous we also evolved ghastly into Haunter and headed back to the route where we caught some new Pokemon we battled some trainers like this adorable ponita fusion and this awesome low Pony fusion and press forward to Rock Tunnel eventually making it to Lavender Town and like any good Adventurer I had to see what this big tower was and there he was waiting for us Bruce LED togethers and after several boosts we take it down with metal claws well as his starter Bruce then sends out a dark right oddest Fusion look at how smug he is so to wipe the smug look off we use flame wheel regius comes out and poritu is able to knock it out with Shadow punch beating him once again after a battle had concluded we watched old man Fuji being escorted up the tower by Team Rocket with no Silph Scope to pass the supposed ghosts Bruce leaves but I wanted to see what would happen if a ghost caught me Andrew just sent back but what if you dodge them and make it all the way to the stairs nope Gengar stops you and sends you back darn guess I'll have to come back continuing our hunt for gym badges we made our way to Celadon City we found Erica outside on our way to her gym and after hearing a Mr Fuji's capture she asks us to take down Team Rocket that apparently made a base in their City sewers which is Nash nasty but we help her we took down some strong grunts made our way through a conveyor puzzle and arrived just in time to watch Erica get beaten by Giovanni we wouldn't let him get away our poor Azor was able to do massive damage with signal beam and though we were paralyzed we knock out his Pika slash with minimal damage we then do almost nothing to Chennai and scissor faints we then send out Baymax to minimize and reduce accuracy we heal back up with recover and take it down with psybeam somehow we missed takedown several times and slosus knocks us out with Zen headbutt luckily poridos makes quick work of it with bite defeating Giovanni and we sent him running Erica invites us to her gym afterwards and so we grab the Silph Scope left behind and we head to face her and her dragon types for Kai kwaza Fusion wrecks us until our poridos gets a freeze with icefang her Magmar Fusion that knocks us out quickly showing again how under leveled we are in the city we managed to find a link cable and evolve Haunter to Gengar and we head back in to get defeated again and again I still start to wonder how I'm going to be able to beat it with this current team I have we even managed to make it to her final Pokemon rayieri and it proves to be just as strong as the other dragons we started getting over leveled because of just how many attempts it took to take on this gym on attempt number 14 we managed to get a critical hit with icefang from our Gyarados we then used aquatil and we were able to knock out magon after surviving an earthquake poridos is then able to weaken harrieri and use up her Citrus Berry with icefang putting us in a great position porygar comes in and does almost nothing with payback and then is knocked out by air slash luckily our scissor Fusion was able to survive an air slash and knock out her final Pokemon with Slash winning our fourth gym badge after way too many battles with four badges in hand I decide it's time for more fusions Jirachi made this cute little pop-up window while lopunny made less cute pop-ups foreign guys I swear it's not what it looks like agron's head was glitching off its body while Roserade looked amazing Gardevoir made more ads what are you looking at I'm just reversing the fusion get out of here go shoot there that is much better Deli bird made Iron bundle and Gallade was playing VR beat saber primeape was just trying to have a good time while Evie was not then I had no idea what this Politoed Fusion was but I loved it with all these awesome fusions here's the ones we added to the team and we headed back to the tower to save Mr Fuji at the top of the tower we defeated this ghost girl in her Ram toys which was a cool fusion and then found Mr Fuji doing just fine he randomly gives us a pokey flute and sends us back on our adventure as we head south we battle some fishermen with this amazing Bastion on Fusion as well as this Machamp Dragonite and suddenly we run across to sleeping Snorlax blocking the road what do you know the Pokey flute we had from Mr Fuji helps wake it up and we run it off Janine then invites us to fight her fall other Koga the next gym leader so that's exactly what we do his fire types don't stand a chance Koga leads blazes and after a cover stalling our poor relayed he switches out skiplift stands no chance and we knock it out with close combat we then managed to get his Maguire into red before being knocked out by lava plume poorly it finishes it off but unfortunately gets burned which allows Comer Comer calmer this to knock us out luckily our pory toad was able to take it out and his Latios Fusion was easily knocked out with bubble beam winning our fifth gym badge like I said didn't stand a chance since we're in the area what took some time to catch some more Pokemon in the Safari Zone like this Mewtwo and caught at first ball the Safari Zone is crazy for these types of games we also evolved Ponyta into Rapidash and made our way to Saffron City for our sixth gym badge though it looked like there was an issue with Team Rocket going on so we made our way to silco the center of all the issues after saving all the innocent people people inside battling our way through some grunts we finally made it to where Giovanni was you know Bruce this is probably the worst possible moment you could have chosen for a battle but you know what boom bang anyways as I was saying now it was time to face Giovanni unfortunately as Dragonite bitsharp Fusion quickly took out her own Rose raid but we retaliated with moonblast from Gardevoir snubno finishes off his Rosary Grovyle fusion and his klato and Suntrip both quickly fall to moonblast beating this boss again with that it was time for the next gym challenge Sabrina's flying types proved to be a little harder than expected her Clifton refused to fall to discharge from poridash and even managed to take out poori laid with air slash our poly toad finally took it out but was knocked out by dokro leaving our Rosary to fall to his adorable cubat our second attempt we LED our poly Toad and after a switch we were able to take out dokro as well as qbat poori Dash was was then able to come in and quickly faint as did our Gallade Fusion but it brought it to Red then our Rosary Fusion was able to finish it off leaving only Pony G to fall the discharge six badges down two to go which brings us to Cinnabar Island we ran to the basement of the Pokemon mansion where Blaine was waiting after getting him back to the gym we headed in to face off against this rock type Pokemon his first Pokemon ligma don't need to make a joke manages to take out Puri Dash with earth power but her Gallade Fusion takes it out with Leaf blade his duskel Fusion doodude Falls quickly to Leaf blade his ax cargo then quickly Falls to moonblast from porrivore after dealing massive damage with gallade's close combat we finish off his Dark Star with moon blast and easily we have our seventh gym badge after defeating Blaine I wandered around the island and witnessed Team Rocket stealing this man's boat and headed off to mount Ember I knew I couldn't just leave him be so we decided to brave the wild currents run straight into the mountain where I knew Giovanni plan was unfolding his triple fusion experiment from earlier as well as Silph Co and their master ball technology was all so that he could fuse the three legendary birds into a beast named zap mulcuno with three health bars one assigned to each head as well as being able to attack with each head every turn this Beast was unlike anything we'd faced yet we started the battle to finally defeat Giovanni and then I realized we were 12 levels behind this thing it quickly finished us off but we did a decent amount of damage overall we took some time grinded up our levels and went back to stop his plan for real this time by using discharge to hit all three heads our Rose raid Rapidash and Politoed fusions managed to weaken the Beast especially thanks to the paralysis that we were getting our Gallade Fusion then sacrificed himself using close combat to take out Articuno leaving two heads to go with primeape out we went for thrash to maximize damage and finishing off Moltres defeating the monster and winning the battle's second try I what Giovanni now defeated in his master plan ruined he fled back to his gym so it was time for us to follow him back and beat him down one last time or so I thought his Ghost type team proved to be quite a challenge on our first attempt we were able to knock out Chandelure by using discharge with Roserade then Gallade made quick work of his Rotom Kirlia Fusion suddenly his band Trio came out and it managed to wreak havoc on my team with his fast and Powerful earthquakes finally poor yape was able to take it out but by then it was too late and kofanium finished us off with body slam we went in again and again and again and honestly I lost count of how many times we were defeated his ventril was just too strong on an attempt somewhere far in the future we managed to knock out his Chandelure with night slash but got burned in the process we then barely managed to take out as curly a rhodum and his band Trio was sent out I thought we were done for once again but for some reason Giovanni got greedy and used fissure and Mist this let us do some decent damage before we fainted to burn allowing us to send in pory toad as he healed which allowed us to get off two surfs for free knocking out band Trio without it doing any damage his kofanium then managed to tank our hits to bring purito down to 14 HP but somehow between confusion and paralysis it managed to not attack for three turns in a row and it allowed us to knock it out finally his last Pokemon faragar went down to poor yape's outrage which meant we had won our final gym badge and defeated Giovanni for the last time this meant only one thing stood in our Journey's way the Elite Four on her way to Victory Road we ran into Bruce one more time his Mew carp going down easily to Rose raid's discharge cyorb stood no chance to try attack and mam tomb almost knocked out pory Dash but we managed to land and a fire blast and knocked it out Gallade was then able to take agler to red and Poirier finished it off elect toys tried to take us out with explosion but we survived only to be taken out by his mega Roserade we then sent out our own Roserade and managed to burn it with try attack we then took it out beating Bruce and allowing us to make our way to Victory Road we then arrived at the Indigo Plateau which as you guys know by now means a ton more fusions hey guys if you've been enjoying the video so far consider subscribing as less than three percent of my viewers are currently subscribed and also if you want to take part in choosing our next runs and staying up to date in community news check out the Discord in the description anyways back to fusions giraffarig and Porygon became this awesome Mario and chain shop reference while Fortress became a shulker box from Minecraft quillfish was also a guardian Steelix looked insane and oh did you think we were done with Minecraft references no no Makar Argo nah obsidian and lava and its reverse has a freaking nether portal on its back love these references mamaswine looked like this goofy dude and luxray looks cyberpunk I'm not sure what this was supposed to be but it is awesome clean clang becomes some sort of robot don't know what this is and Darkrai looks like well sassy Coffer grigas possesses a Game Boy and cleft key becomes a paper clip from my childhood if you guys know the name of this one make sure to drop it down in the comments below and age yourself Torterra is playing Pac-Man on his back and for those of you that know Digimon here's Charmeleon and Charizard I believe these are referring to Digimon Golem makes this and Kabutops looks insane a possessed skeleton Dragonite looks adorable and typhlosion's Flames seem to be glitching out Slugma is well anyways Aegislash becomes a Minecraft sword wielding a pick Jackson shield and zorark is trying to break through the game finally Rayquaza is absolutely insane with that we made our team here's a quick recap comment if you would have used someone else and sorry I forgot to name them this time but I would have named luxray saber the sword's name would have been Steve Rayquaza would have been Mainframe the paper clip well you can find the name in the comments unless I'm the only one who knows who he is Torterra would be arcade and Dragonite is my buddy it was finally time for the Elite Four and to see our team in action first up was lorelei's Ghost Pokemon our Minecraft sword slashed through her Han rock with Shadow Ball and after using her cover and King shield we weaken Pharaoh lurk's attack enough that she had to switch out crooklet then went down quickly to Shadow Ball with no issue and she brought feralurk back out I couldn't stall him again so I switched into portray and we were quickly knocked out by earthquake Ironhead then knocked out Torterra and it wasn't looking good our Dragonite took massive damage but luckily snagged a freeze with Ice Beam which I think is only like a 10 chance and we finished it off mopet then took a dragon rush and knocked us out on one HP but then quickly fell to our paper clips kiss play rough was then able to knock out drift palm and we had beaten the first member with Bruno using psychic types we let our paper clip to set up spikes it did its job and after fainting our Rayquaza came in and used air slash to knock out jump poke but it switched before we could finish it off Mew bar then came in and we barely managed to take it out with a try attack and extreme speed as Akin then came out took us out with Brave Bird as well as Sky uppercutting our luxray but then we were able to send him pory slash we unfortunately get burned but we did take it out with Shadow Ball and jump poke faints to spike damage his next Pokemon S2 managed to survive as we fall to burn but arcade was able to come in and takes it out with earthquake leaving his final Pokemon Mr Wrath who also stood no chance against earthquake and we won our Second Battle Agatha has finally randomized this run and is using Steel type Pokemon we managed to get a couple layers of spikes up before cortris knocks us out and luxray comes in dealing massive damage with discharge and even paralyzes it causing her to switch she sends in coffin who Falls to discharge and her third Pokemon metatar comes in ready for battle it knocks us out with earthquake so we send in Rayquaza but it falls two to Crunch luckily Torterra comes in and is able to take it out with an earthquake of her own then barely surviving a hydro pump from quill seed we're able to take it down as well gear Leaf comes in knocks us out with solar beam and then uses healing wish to heal up cortris but it does nothing as we knock it out with Shadow Ball three down one to go alliance's normal types end up being the easiest of the Elite Fours he leads with a Porygon of his own we set up spikes as always and poori Flores switches into milgon who quickly Falls Rayquaza's extreme speed suitler then comes in knocks us out but in turn Falls quickly to dragonite's Ice Beam zotret Falls to ice cream as well as poor e flora and even this cool shaped Parasect after missing zap Cannon Falls to try attack beating the Elite Four which means there's time for one final showdown against our rival for the title of champion in this battle Bruce leads genterra and manages to knock out her little paper clip before it gets Spikes all the way up we then were able to send out our own Torterra fusion and completely choke as we use earthquake against a levitating Pokemon we instead send in Rayquaza to Dragon Dance all the way up and use air slash to finish it off ampable comes in and while a cool dude and a leather jacket it falls to extreme speed shenderion then flare blitzes and we faint luckily they didn't have levitate this time so earthquake knocks it out and Bruce returns a favor by knocking us out with his loop loom luxray does decent damage but is defeated by pedal dance Steve then comes out and with King shield and Shadow Ball we are able to scare him into switching into execufo rig some of these names are crazy unfortunately he knocks us out leaving only one Pokemon left our Dragonite we managed to knock out his execute for rig with ice beam and Bruce's Lugia Fusion comes in it takes a little damage from spikes and faints to Ice Beam as well it was now a 1v1 goofy Dragonite versus mega Rosa raid we tank some magical Leafs and with two ice beams we managed to knock it out defeating Bruce once and for all and succeeding at becoming a champion with only Porygon fusions guys if you enjoyed this video check out some of our other fusion videos as well consider joining our Discord Community where we will vote and discuss on future projects and videos and again thank you for watching consider subscribing and peace
Channel: QJCosmic
Views: 198,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, fusions, pokemon fusion, infinite fusion, fan game, fakemon
Id: cXPpYuLOu4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 54sec (1374 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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