Can I Beat Pokemon Infinite Fusion Using Only Ghost Types??

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Pokemon infinite Fusion is a fan game in which you are able to fuse any two Pokemon together there are currently over 176 000 Pokemon in the game which is insane some of them look amazing While others are just straight up weird and in this video I decided to make fusions using only Ghost type Pokemon since it leads to the best combinations just like any other Pokemon game it all starts at Professor Oak's lab thanks to the randomizer option I was able to get ghastly as a starter which is perfect since it was the first ever Ghost type a rival fused the other two stars together which was a Hulu and anoreth to create this monstrosity my guy cheated and still ended up losing the battle anyways I caught an Aaron on Route 1 and in the Mar in Viridian this delivery guy gave me a Luxio for no reason at all which I will take any day of the week I could then buy DNA splicers which is the item used to fuse Pokemon combining Aaron and Gastly together created gas run by combining their best elements to give such a cool Fusion near Pewter City I found a Yamask which is another Ghost type Pokemon and combining it with Luxio gave yaxio which is still sticking to that Egyptian theme even though I randomized all the trainers Gym Leaders still keep their original typing so when I challenged Brock I still knew I was up against his rock type Pokemon and it was a weird coincidence that he had two air on fusions as well before Mount Moon I found a Charmander and a Ludwig which was another Ghost type so I combined Gastly and Charmander into gas Manor which was okay but Charmander and Litwick made a way better Fusion in my opinion while I was busy catching Pokemon Brock was busy catching up to nurse Joy's standards inside mount Moon I found Shuppet as well as ninkada and I know Nincada is a bug ground type but it can evolve into ninja which is a ghost type litmander started to evolve into litmelion which shows some great potential for when it fully evolves I beat Team Rocket and their schemes of what looks like fusing three Pokemon together I don't know if that's a thing but that would be absolutely nuts Ghost type Pokemon are pretty rare and there are only 14 different species in this game so I got a few more backups which will come in hand until I find new ones using Piplup and Gastly was so cool because it got this Emperor kind of vibe with its Creston Cape Butterfree and Ludwig was what Butterfree would look like if it was thrown into a microwave I wanted a grass type Pokemon for the Water Gym so I also got belly here which is looking pretty funny by the way let me know down in the comments what your favorite Fusion was in this video and make sure to watch till the end because you definitely don't want to miss out on the best fusions heading into the battle with Misty our yaksio dealt with her weird Squirtle ladybug fusion and even though our grassy Sprout is pretty Derpy it still got the job done some of my Pokemon like gasp and gas run evolved and unfortunately they just lost their coolness Factor well you on the other hand didn't have any to begin with we then went over to Bill's house and it just so happens that he fused himself with a ride on and after infusing him you're probably wondering what happened to the ride on well don't worry about it on our way to the third gym I caught a Lampent Duskull and honage all of them being able to create some amazing designs the unfortunate thing with Honedge is that in order to keep it at Ghost type most of its fusions end up as swords this one honestly just looks like a freaking prank I actually don't know if I can show that on screen or not trap engine honage combined into a sledgehammer using trapinch's Jaws which is pretty clever and Larvitar and Lampent fused into lamb tar basically making it a torch considering the state of my gastron I switched it up using a Duskull which only gets better from here Solosis and duskool combine to create this cube of death jelly which I thought was really cool and finally clink and honage fused into this Scrappy weapon which is looking pretty nutty what kind of Captain wants a back rub from a 10 year old anyways now that I can cut down trees Lieutenant surge was my next opponent but first I had to spend a good half hour looking for my dignity in the garbage the gym battle on the other hand was a complete joke my trapage just ran through his side with bulldoze to give us an easy duck even though I feel should enjoy with some pretty powerful Pokemon it has some pretty average looking fusions which is kind of sad but to be fair you can't do much with its body I then made my way to Celadon City where you normally find Team Rocket's hideout in the casino but instead they moved it to The Grubby sewers we teamed up with Erica to take them on and in that time Duron evolved into Duron my jelly boy evolved and messed up that great Fusion but I could reverse it to its alternate form and get the even cooler Fusion my luxury and copper Greek is combined to perfectly fit that ancient Sphinx of the Egyptian region and to top it off my lit million turned into litizard which has such a cool color scheme unfortunately trapage got stuck with the short end of the stick but it happens confronted by Giovanni it was now time for my team to step up to the plate he had some really cool fusions of Bisharp and 80 slash but he still didn't stand a chance and with that we got the silk scope some notes on his table mentioned something about triple fusion which would be insane as a boss fight this has to be the least threatening Kyogre Fusion of all time dujin suddenly took a dark turn and ended up getting trapped in this hell spawn looking DNA cell which was pretty awesome the grastium was next in line and let's just say that Erica got demolished by my new sets of Evolutions it was then time to go back to the drawing board kafa griegas puts Raticate in its place it's like dead on The Mousetrap which is so creative from cute to deadly papatoig ain't playing around that's for sure dusko and Gyarados form dudos which is pretty state-of-the-art as far as duskal fusions go I played for quite a while off screen just leveling up and catching new Pokemon and these are all the new finds that I ended up with and hopefully I get all the different Evolutions to get some cute fusions which is lacking with the Ghost type as I made my way through silco looking for Giovanni I got a lot more cool combinations evolving doujin made it so that it broke through the glass casing and it's super awesome that the evolution line tells its own story dusclops and Gyarados was quite creepy considering dusclops's eye is now in gyarados's mouth almost looking like an empty shell of itself one of the very few things I confused do Blade with was Don fan converting those sharp tusks into blades I was just messing around and this had to be one of the more Derpy looking fusions melopony and gengar's fusion did not disappoint that is one mean girl that you don't want to mess with litizard evolved into lampazard taking a more darker shade while Larvitar into Pupitar was super funny because it's literally just a lamp now a turtwick and kapha griega's combo slowly became better and better as it finally took on the look of the Egyptian pyramids its Ultra reform happens to be a coffin with elemental hands sure I guess Duron evolved into dugran which looks fantastic but then I decided to fuse it with some other ghost types as well to see if I could top it the mask and banette's fusion look so innocent and then all of a sudden it turns into this monstrous demon but one of my favorite fusions so far has to be that of zorark and Bennett it keeps most of its attributes but just has more of a bright ninja kind of vibe just as I was about to walk up to Giovanni Mr simelio later here thinks it's a good time to battle maybe if you use the last two of your brain Souls you wouldn't have taken the piss now would you the best part about band Roar is that I can still have fun with its illusion ability and catch others off guard after defeating the big bad it seems as though Team Rocket have stolen a bunch of master balls under production gear but luckily there was still one left so I took it I decided to do one new Fusion before entering the saffron gym Gengar and magnazone combine to form Perfection with the gas lease in place magnemites it looks so sick and this is the creativity I love about fusions as for the psychic gym Sabrina had some pretty decent looking fusions but my bandwork and agar took charge to obtain our fifth gym badge I then headed back to Mr Fuji at the lavender Tower to get the Poke blue it was time to start fusing more Pokemon together Parasect and Banette formed a perfect match the parasitic creature shredding through banette's cloth is awesome but it's not just the one form that does it justice the alternate form is just as good considering these are two Pokemon that people barely even care about the road infused with ariados turns into an electric spider web with a really cool design while pairing it with Leafeon just turned it into a lawnmower drifblum and slacking made for the grumpiest kidnapper you will ever see and fusing it with a Wailord turns it into a blimp who would have guessed our dust gloves for unicolas Fusion reached its final stage when dust War takes over ridiculous body Torterra and dust nor fused together ends up replacing the tree with a Trevenant on its back which makes a lot of sense Lucario combined with it turns into a Reaper of Swords but sickles his weapons while wapony was just a straight-up joke to me I could be like what the finally Lantern a weird Choice somehow turned into this evil Spawn from the Bermuda Triangle my next stop was Fusion city which has one of the best places to catch Fusion Pokemon in the Safari Zone getting 30 balls for the cheap price of 500 there were plenty of new Pokemon for me to catch especially once I found myself in the Labyrinth of the Safari where I found golet another new Ghost type Pokemon fancy meeting you in here I could now focus on the new ghost I obtained being colerk and this led to some pretty cool Titan fusions using it with Diglett pretty much made it into one of Team Rockets machines from the anime the tour Terra Fusion looks like when you walk up to an ancient Titan in a forest snorlurk the Snorlax Titan is looking real funky and I like that you can see the food in its belly pairing it up with the rose raid gave it your typical Titan who was ready for battle I just love the entire aesthetic of Luke alert its eyes actually being under the head and it's getting up stance which is dope I did not expect this after infusing with lopunny it looks like it's taking control of the armor and its design seems inspired from its Mega Evolution when I reached Cinnabar Island I had to make my way through the Pokemon mansion to find Blaine to make him go back to his gym using Snorlax and cough egregus made it into a money theming scumbag while reuniquest in the coffin created a little mummy on the inside which I thought was pretty cute one of the better ones for me though was Cafe griegas taking over gyarados's whole body which looks really menacing Banette and Porygon Z was just more nightmare fuel it is such a psychotic looking monster klefki thankfully turned things around with a pretty cute form but the best Pokemon Fusion by far has to be the one of Banette and scissor like look at that thing tell me that's not one of the coolest designs you've ever seen I mean for that design I'd Peg you all day if I cut King Peggy the battle with Blaine would have been tough but just before that I was able to get myself a water type with coffa dose and sweep through the fire gym with a couple of dragon dances on the pier we learned that Team Rocket has stolen a ship and set sail for Mount Ember where they plan to catch Moltres we couldn't let that happen as that would mean that they would be able to fuse the Legendary Trio together by the time I got there it was already too late Giovanni had his hands on all three legendary birds and started to fuse them and just as we got through his grunts the fusion was ready this battle was gonna be intense because not only did I have to face Fusion of the Legendary Trio but also try to beat them individually now this is a boss fight I can get behind my band Rook lead wasn't able to do too much damage to the Zapdos but that allowed me to throw in Jen Zone which had the move discharge being able to hit all three of them super effectively at once made this battle pretty easy and gen Zone happened to be the perfect counter to Giovanni's plan after making him feel like a failure I then headed back to Varian City to rub it in his face but before that I had the chance to catch myself the Legendary Trio so I went to each of their individual homes from the seafoam Island to the power plant and caught all of them it was now time for some more amazing Fusion so starting off with Gengar pairing it up with Wailord makes it absolutely terrifying that is the essence of nightmare fuel right there Metagross turns into medigar with a pretty simple yet very clean looking Fusion using it with cling playing makes it crusted my own apparently but reversing that Fusion to its alternate form gives I don't even know what that is but look I found my first shiny Pokemon gen Rona the Volcarona Fusion has a bit of a paradox Vibe going about it while pairing it up with Sylveon gives birth to this demon dog ready to pounce at any moment Diglett an out of the box Pokemon surprisingly gives one of the better looking Gengar fusions kinda looking like Mega Sableye shifting from Gengar one of the best Charizard forms has to be that of Chandelure the purple Flames go perfectly with a dark theme and again has that Mega Charizard Y aesthetic Aegis lash and Lucario was a weird one I'm not exactly sure what the backstory behind this was but hey it still looks cool I did all those fusions just a battle the Viridian gym with my single kavado sweeping through the ground gym I had now obtained all eight gym badges so I could make my way through victory road and wait a second what are you doing here well unfortunately I killed it so there goes that possibility before entering the Elite Four I wanted to make the best ghost fusions known to man so I caught all the remaining Ghost type Pokemon being mimikyu Miss magius and spiritu starting off with spur two combining with farrothorne gave birth to fairtube which has a very cool shadow effect then I tried fusing with puke which makes use of its features really well using it with Teddy Ursa form Teddy tomb which is somehow both cute and creepy meanwhile miltank was sadly turned into a bottle of milk which is pretty funny Miss magius with spiritual formed a unique design with it being summoned from a book and a combination with dust nor led to a simple design but what I didn't understand was its alternate form being spiranoid which somehow turned into this demonest bull the design is awesome but this looks like a fusion of five different Pokemon the best of the lot for me though was fusing with dark ride which has this whole blood summoning ritual going on and the colors fitted perfectly now let's move on to mimikyu fusing it with Porygon 2 turned into a Derpy little monster who's out to get my money apparently mimeon the Vaporeon Fusion was being controlled by its skillful puppetry Agron on the other hand got the short end of the stick and was turned into an action figure below surprisingly turned into a seriously awesome looking ghost type Fusion although Gardevoir just ended up getting stabbed in the back with a hatchet minimally the Gallade Fusion looked sick with that ax turning into a shadow sight while Solosis weirdly changed into a dish of jelly and I liked how you can still see the ghost underneath I wanted to see what Pikachu would turn into but it seems like mimikyu was pretty happy just being its costume which is adorable mimikyu being the fake Pokemon decided to turn dark Rider legendary into a scarecrow my guy did not deserve this treatment however Haxorus changed into this fabric dragon with blades and a scissor which was really cool while Bisharp got shafted when it converted it into a chess piece moving on to miss magius using it with Flareon changed it into this witch and it somehow looks better than Delphox which has the same lore cardboard just formed a very clean looking Fusion which was a nice change of pace and somehow fusing with clean clang turned it into a crystal ball although Empoleon came out with the best Fusion taking the best parts of both Pokemon I kind of forgot that I caught the legendary birds so now it's time for me to put them in the spotlight Zapdos combined with mimikyu is what wiggle would look like if it were hit by a thunder coffee this is always a safe bet when it comes to designs but most just by far look like the best of the trio but Chandelure paired up with Articuno was the icing on the cake it looks so Majestic I just had to have it on my teeth Aegislash turned into a pretty weird looking sword while Rotom just turned it into a fridge the absolute disrespected oh my God anyways duskel combined with a trio also looks fabulous and this is what I meant when I said that dosko really is the best Pokemon to fuse anything with I had a dark rise so why not try some more fusions right dustbourne straight up turned it into this Grim Reaper and it's pretty much fair to say that if I had to choose another Pokemon to battle Duskull as the best of the best it would have to be darker eye as it gives some of the coolest fusions out there with all the fusions finally being done my god did that take a lot out of me let's have a look at my final team for the Elite Four we have banzor shandazar gen Zone dark tomb and shandikuno as we enter the Elite Four our first Challenger is a Lorelei and her ice types her first Pokemon itself was a clefable Articuno Fusion but my chandazard obliterated with a single fire blast her fourth Pokemon ends up being an Articuno rotofusion and bands over with the Swords Dance was able to break through even after obsessive use of potions and then she throws out another clefuno really like one of them wasn't enough I took it out and with that we were one trainer down the second Challenger was Bruno and his fighting types my dark tomb lead was pretty strong and having taught its psychic made things even tougher for his Pokemon shantokuno then came in to sweep up the remaining of his Pokemon including a cool looking marowaka late Fusion to get us to win you guys might be thinking that blue is my rival but no my real rival is right here Agatha and her Ghost type Pokemon was the one I wanted to beat having been an expert on Ghost type Pokemon myself I knew every single one of her Pokemon's strengths and weaknesses my bands are swept with swords dances and Shadow sneaks to Crown myself the best Ghost type user in all the land but now comes a true test of skill Lance and his dragon types actually never mind this man thought it would be a good idea to have not won but two fusions of Dragonite and Magikarp that had to be one of the least threatening battles in my entire Pokemon Journey finally we made it to the champion Hall where I smelled a scent of disgust that's right our rival blue cheese was waiting to beat the crap out of me but little did he know what I came packing with he led with the Rio toys which was a pretty bad choice for him early on it did get up a rain dance though making my chandazar less effective Jen Zone was up against its starter when he pulled it out of battle for me to defeat one of the Pokemon that I cared so much about on my journey eventually he switched again to his credely Aegis lash Fusion which my very own banzor was able to hit super effectively with a Phantom Force that now left three Pokemon remaining even though my shadow was weakened thanks to being owned by such a dumb trainer it got the kill on Armor out that brought in amgor and it was finally time for my dark team to shine a single Dark Pulse defeated the happy looking monster but that meant he was down to his last Pokemon wait a second deal slash are you really telling me that out of the six Pokemon he used four ghost types come on man that's my thing Darkrai somehow outsped the speed demon Deoxys and took it out of commission with that I'd beat in the Elite Four and taken my place as the champion of the region having had the best Fusion Pokemon as a ghost user it was bound to happen that brings an end to my run of Pokemon infinite Fusion if you want to see me play through this game again let me know down in the comments and if you enjoy the video make sure to give it a like And subscribe with that being said I'll see you all next time
Channel: SilverLuck
Views: 337,018
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SilverLuck, Pokemon, Minecraft, infinite fusion pokemon, infinite fusion, pokemon infinite fusion, pokemon infinite fusion best fusions, Ghost Type Pokemon, Ghost Fusions, Fusing pokemon, Pokemon Fusion
Id: ggXsU5JLUV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 26sec (1286 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2023
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