PORTRAIT IN EVIL | HITLER'S S.S | Full l Length War Movie | English

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] vision [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] I'll tell you sir apart from Hitler Rome is worth a whole bunch of them put together so hair huffman I think we may proceed the child is to be christened Johannes Verner is there today no just Hans honks hammer I'm sure you appreciate that this is a solemn occasion and one the less so laws of the troubled times in which we now live stationmaster all breaks huffman you as a price servant of the state railroad no let me your wife Garda and your son's car and helmet are gathered here today goodbye pasta I go why did you contradict a pasta I didn't I told him it was handsome not your heart what's wrong with that I noticed you didn't contradict him when he called you stationmaster what's that supposed to be but it obviously means that that promotion the railroads been promising you all these years has finally been granted by God or someone close to him if that's accounted on since they teach you in university you might just as well have stayed here been only boy like Carl we're going to stand around here all night we're going to freeze to death yeah why don't you folks go home Carl I going for drink Yakko you bet bye Hans and don't forget the man in there says you have a great future and you should know it's his profession does this mean you two are gonna be out all night no unless we get very lucky right [Music] what you beers there's two Stein Hagar's please Christmasy it's in there somewhere I'll tell you here hey Walter what kind of circus have you got back there tonight a Nazi a circus I thought you liked that kind my brother does he thinks the wave of the future yeah well come on what happened in the meeting you remember now what what how do you bet not just a weekend I have to be back in Munich on Tuesday last time I saw you was when helmet to me to that football match wasn't it ah the only game we lost all season are you doing here that you were training to be a teacher no no no Mitzi has now decided to become a singer which means that instead of dis punishing children she can punish everybody that's always been the secret of helmand charm the fact that he doesn't happen you've noticed that too huh how where do you do your singing wherever there let me do that please just up the battle straw sir I'm studying there next week the shrine Templar are these fellows pay for your time or war no uncle Walter you are that's what I thought you too Oh incidentally how can you brother oh he's fine and we don't need any more jokes about good choose our old bye Lindsay don't be silly I think it's marvelous oh yeah just what we need six million unemployed and a new baby I can alter what's happened to the lousy beer we have to wait forever for it all right sandy if you ordered it into visa listen here little poisoned dwarf what are you go home before somebody steps on you hey fellas it's come full of stinking socialists or commas I don't know Oh pig smell the same to me [Music] let's go come on now buy a drink somewhere respectable hey shouldn't have to pay for our drinks good evening gentlemen I'm afraid we don't appear to have a table at the moment that's all right we want the bar this restaurant has no power here Meisner would you be kind enough to ask that young man whose companion to join me for a drink [Music] Palmas how are you this sit down sit down ah listen to your brother Carl of whom you always spoke so well oh yes every time I try to pay as helmets academic talents he would say no hair professor I would much rather be able to play football like my brother and is not what you have now become a footballer huh not exactly no huh what will you gentlemen have to drink ah beer Ruby as hell Meister please two beers here professor so how are you finding life of university well murex certainly improvement on this place but I don't know as things are I sometimes wonder if being at the university is just a bit irrelevant but in three yeah yes in three years I can be an assistant professor helping to prepare other students for jobs that don't exist you don't believe in the acquisition of knowledge for its own sake not when we have six million unemployed roaming the streets no that's not if you're looking for a practical solution I I must admit that the academic life does have a certain aspect of irrelevant sir how about you now that you are no longer a footballer what are you up to well I'm an unemployed motor mechanic I know it it's very difficult for young people today to know what to do I must confess that I am rather happy well I'm no longer young myself speaking of solutions Carl has been thinking of joining the Nazis do I take it you disapprove well don't you it's not the party I would have chosen for myself that I can hardly tell ow you are his brother I should think you find your opinion much more relevant I just don't think they'll deliver what Carl seems to think they're promising they may call themselves National Socialists but if they ever get to power you can be sure you'll never see anything that even remotely resembles so what is it makes you so sure of that oh I don't doubt your stormtrooper friend Rome has dreams along those lines but Hitler certainly doesn't I never did I'm afraid he may have a point there but I can certainly understand why you would find their promises new order in all this chaos very appealing you can't oh yes but I must warn you you may find the price for all this good order and discipline a rather high one well I gather the Nazis have better soup kitchens and all the others and these days that should be reason enough for joy good to see you he'll look thank you Tom good luck yeah thank you very much [Music] why did you have to embarrass me like that for ember well he's Jewish isn't date so what well that you don't go asking people like that what they think about joining the Nazis I don't see why I don't tell me you don't have the courage of your convictions look if you're gonna start apologizing for things you haven't even done yet you may not be quite what the Nazis are looking for anyway oh yeah I may interest you to know that I'm not just thinking about joining them I already did I signed up this afternoon cute you coming little Dylan well that's fabulous now if anybody gives me any trouble I can just set my little brother the storm don't count on I got through Ottoman ops escapes as it is you dragged me into them Jelena or whatever listen I don't like this dump let's go I'll hit luck hey yo just a minute yes you didn't you hear me say Heil Hitler that is not a greeting with which I'm familiar is that right well you soon will be maybe you should start practicing come on then hold Hitler let's hear it don't I know you yes of course I do you're that Jew professor from the Academy aren't you my name is Ludwig Rosenberg and yes I am don't you know better than to address a man from the essay without first removing your hats now pick it up and we'll start again shall we why don't you do it yourself go on then pick it up [Music] thank you thank you very much it's all right no harm done hope not if you hardly be able to indulge and that kind of gesture if you decide to join the party well thanks again right my brother the Stormtrooper yeah you're exactly a spectator yourself on the contrary that's exactly what it was and that's exactly what I'll be the next time you start something yeah forget it come on let's go see if we can find anything open well I can see you got a great future the Nazis first day in the party is caught out by beating free love [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh you're too much for me I'm inside the slinger yeah it's about time you had a couple of decent scars to show don't you think they're just a little bit oh hell no the girls love them that's enough do I know you what's your name poplar Helmut Hoffman you could be good but you're vulnerable be careful with that left arm that balance you're always home are you at the University what subject classics you do better to take a serious interest in fencing yes be here at 8 o'clock tomorrow see if we can make anything of you who's that bizarre character you don't know him it's reinhard heydrich personal assistant to heinrich himmler in the SS oh yes those people yes they tell me if you ever need a friend he'll sell you one so why should you worry he wants to make a fencing master of you who knows maybe you'll end up at the Olympics meanwhile he made it better to drum up some votes for uncle adult I understand he may be needing them stop the car this matter with you nothing I just got a job that's all but you already had a job driving for the safety oh that's just part time I don't get paid for it this is for money I'll be working as a mechanic down at the bus garage are you gonna be in for supper tonight no sir after meeting not another fight with us red front people no it's a proper election meeting I say the roads gonna be speak I don't like that man he looks just like a pig yes I'll tell him you said sir they can yells on down to Munich no I'm driving Biegler he lives here yeah lucky they'll still be going down to Hannover I'll probably up all night never mind babe huh I shall tell him look keep his SS clowns out of your way damn it old man they already ever supposed to be the Fury's personal bodyguard now they're ordering everybody about even me you know what it's hardly a real soldier amongst them however when Hitler becomes Chancellor there'll be some radical changes in that department too very radical your driver may be prettier than mine but doesn't seem to know much about motorcars yours doesn't look too bad either maybe I'll borrow it one day pile hip hop [Music] [Applause] we're told why he's an eunuch says he won't be back till Christmas what are you drinking oh nothing for me you know the rules all right give me one of those creme de menthe yes a creme de menthe it's only colored water but they'll still charge you an arm and a leg for it that's all right I just got a job doing what meeting up a lady at no no there's just my spare time so what do you hear from helmet well not much when I seem to hear from him when he want something yes I've noticed well I liked your song only one I just what have you been up to and that lion tamers after the building sir we had an election meeting we need to be having elections every two months okay this one could be important why is that your people planning a little push if they didn't give enough of a little push oh no you better as Hitler he never talks to me about that kind of thing oh hell they're Steinem I'm sorry I'll have to go he's the owner wants me to meet someone who needs a singer for a place he's only next year I said it's something really exclusive we just imagined country thanks for coming by and say hello to Helmand you get a chance wake up car performance watching you what do you think you gonna hold up well what it needs is the crankshaft for grinding yeah I can't see him forking out any money for that let's make sure the bearings all right to them a will increase the oil pressure of it go listen when I took you on you said that you'll be willing to join the union that's right what you never tell me you were the Nazis they never asked I'm right that's true enough then you think it's a bit of a contradiction I mean being with a nap season I want you to join the union I don't see why we both want the same things I come pop don't tell me you're one of those people actually believes that the Nazi brand of socialism has got anything to do with a brotherhood of manner or something why not because the fact is if your friend Hitler ever got what he was after there wouldn't be any trade union socialists otherwise that's nonsense it's not gonna do anything to hurt the unions I like you call what's more you're a pretty good mechanic but you don't know a damn thing about politics ever mind as it turns out you don't have to fight about it now anyway will we MJ had been on the radio this morning heard what about say the elections you dummy the Nazis lost two million votes and 34 seats in the Reichstag 34 that's right that's Ted Horne apses will have to go along the backside [Music] [Applause] you're improving but not as much as you should tell me have you had any more thoughts about coming to work witness yes that's for the parsing the SS is the party or better soon we'll be anyone told that to Rome or his si stormtroopers yet Majesty foot soldiers of the movement make no mistake it's the SS that will be in control yes but apart from anything else I still have two years at the University left two years before you become what exactly some impoverished teacher of literature probably is the frankly I don't believe in the party's philosophy Neve didn't I care what you believe I want your intelligence not your belief you can forget about Teutonic Knights and Germanic destiny leave that people like him I'm talking about an organization that's going to control not only the party but every aspect of the state itself now tell me the truth when your right to be part of something like that well it sounds fine but I mean the party has yet to get to power and judging by the last election results there could be some time and besides I understand they're running short of funds is that a fact are you attending any lectures of vital importance tomorrow mm-hmm then I suggest you join me for a trip to the raw you're not lacking intelligence Hoffman you're lacking information [Music] um [Music] Kurt von Schroeder controls the biggest bank in Cologne the one on the rights Fogler United Steel the other ones Burtka he manufactures baby food nice combination that's any old kid or he'll be celebrating his 85th birthday next week that's if he makes it up the stairs meanwhile he owns enough coal fuels to keep your warmth to the next ice age our Chancellor bond Schleicher says Germany is on the road to recovery pity you won't be there to see it well hard to think his government at last two months maybe three and then why that according to our revered Constitution President Hindenburg will confer the type of Chancellor on someone else and ask him to form a government yes but who owned a Hindenburg will of course listen to these distinguished gentlemen after all they owned the country why should they have a voice in running it they're here to decide who's going to be the next Chancellor they already know who's gonna be the next chance it's simply the price they're hacking [Music] they think they're getting a lap dog for their money a mongrel that can be house-trained but surely they'll be demanding some kind of price for their support obedient workers dose I'll trade unions plenty of profits nothing he wasn't planning to give them already of course they'll expect to hear a lot less inflammatory talk of a second revolution from Romans si friends in fact they'll be expecting to hear a lot less from Rome altogether do you think that's too high a price to pay well he needs revolutionaries when the revolutions already been achieved [Music] hell were you thinking of it's much too old for him rubbish she understands it perfectly does your father Oh God you should be wearing your comb why'd you think I bought it yeah you can't do it like that you have to undo it first here give it to me no no leave it oh it makes me look like a anyway it's too expensive everything you bought they're much too expensive you must have used your whole allowance no don't worry I'm gonna be earning some money you won't have to support me anymore you're not thinking of leaving the University I already have I turned in my books a week ago you're not going back but you're still going to teach you're still going to be a teacher aren't you no but listen I'll be earning more than I would after 10 years as a teacher 10 years are you going to be some director of a bank or something alright maybe not quite that much right away but it'll certainly be more than I get from teaching and I'll finally be doing something doing exactly what I'm going to work for a man called Heydrich he's in Munich and he's setting up or a Heydrich you talking about the SS yes I thought you didn't believe in all that / he did not see philosophy well of course knives primitive rubbish but listen all that ideological nonsense those lunatics keep spouting is neither here nor there they'll probably be told to drop it when the party gets into power anyhow what now you admit we're gonna get into power sure you win but then you are going to be faced with actually running a highly complex modern state and those crazy idea lists like your friend Rome wouldn't even begin to know how it'll take practical young professionals to run this country some somebody with common sense people like you I suppose that's right people like me do you really believe all of that but of course I do why shouldn't I I don't know Helmut sometimes I think you just believe whatever happens to be convenient for you at the moment [Music] come on hey [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] not in honor of our new chancellor Hitler if I gave away free drinks every time we got a new chancellor I would have been broke a long time ago sure you can probably remember when Bismarck was Chancellor yes I can when they didn't have sown daughter pimps then either the horse vessel here talking about horse vessel was coming to fight against the communists back in 30 I don't care he was killed by troupe of performing monkeys he was still a pimp then all the same so what if he was in his spare time we weren't gonna make a living enemy I don't see why you real talent for making friends no never mind if he makes jokes like that in the future you can probably have him shot anyway it's time I picked up Mitzi from that glorified brothel did you ever look her up like I told you yeah just the once she didn't seem very pleased with you why well for one thing she never seems to hear from you unless you're in town what's the point of hearing from me when I'm not in town no you do take her a bit for granted though don't you oh you think so dude come on girls are always getting upset about something she'll be all right Jonah come with me what Florida hold your hand cheer up the Fuhrer says this thing will last for a thousand years I'll see you tomorrow so they afraid they'll lose you know it's just a bit of nonsense I suppose it's supposed to make us feel as if we really belong what do you think will happen now well like I told you Hitler will wait for Hindenburg I live with us if you're going to Berlin I don't suppose you'd be back here that much well maybe not not for a while what would have happened if I can pregnant last you but you weren't but suppose I had been you seem more upset that you weren't pregnant [Music] [Music] ah so young Hoffman is off on his travels again and no what are you doing here I just came to say goodbye to dr. Leibowitz where he's leaving the country no no things haven't quite come to that yet no he's giving some lectures in Hamburg well all the same it certainly looks as though we're in for some bad times again doesn't it you mean the official attitude toward the Jews I mean the official aptitude towards everybody certainly can't imagine that the Jews will be singled out for preferential treatment well I think you'll find that the anti-semitic aspect of all this will blow over sooner than you think yes that's what the surprising number of my Jewish friends keep saying I wish I could share their optimism so you're off 2 million ask uh Berlin I've taken a job I'm going to work for the security department of the SS yes yes you're leaving University to enter the SS but why why you do you remember that piece from Goethe you used to quoted us something about making decisions you must the hammer or the anvil B that's it that's the one well I finally decided that people like us Hoffmans have been the anvil long enough maybe it's time we started doing some of the hammering yes mind you if dirt had spent much time in the blacksmith shop he might have noticed that the hammer tends to wear out much sooner than the anvil I'm sorry I've disappointed you haven't I just try to do your hammering with a little discretion won't you omelette [Music] [Music] we're what's happening who the hell are you why is it happening we're celebrating Mayday workers of the world unite Auckland reporting from headquarters transportation section you're late we have to send for another driver I have you better stand up if you're too hung over last night we just got back wait here you in charge it that's right curry you know playing at secretary wrong little man and today the union is suspended and this is government property so go celebrate your name somewhere else [Music] go Oh [Music] [Applause] Mitsy let's say here man the US will you ask him if I can have another drink I don't think he can hear me in fact I think your staff are you deaf huh I think you'd better leave why is that it's all right Hines I know him I'll take care of it Poldi why don't you get us a cab oh we're gonna go someplace else another peg Oh God so he go you know we did today why didn't you tell us about it in the cab I don't want to tell you about it because I guess I'd forget that's why but I do think that we should have another drink I certainly do think yes speaking Helmut who do you think well I should I know it isn't as if you called every day anyway they somebody said Berlin and announced the Oberst impose if it were a message from God oh I see yeah well our switchboard people tend to be a bit military in their manner I suppose that's why they're paid for anyway listen I'm coming home this evening we could have dinner I see the Oh Bush don't feel I was visiting the provinces so I get to have dinner yes all right listen Carl's here I think he wants to speak to you Carl what's he doing that he got a bit drunk last night I'll let him tell you about himself all right put him on business back my office anymore no two doors down Thanks and who are you Hoffman assistant to Heydrich another one he's got so many special assistants no one ever knows what they're all doing nobody except Heydrich you mean exactly Karl what have you been up to now never mind that now listen you're the one who's supposed to know everything how that actually it's the union Testament I'm sorry to disappoint you but this happens to be one of the times when I evidently don't know everything I'll tell you what I'll talk to you about it tonight I'll give you a call Magadan okay bye I forgot to introduce myself Becker attached to set d-trix headquarters leave Stan Tata ah one of the Furious personal bodyguards well if I ever need anybody shot I'll know who to come to hunter always happy to be of service there you are where have you been longer in the front room she wants to talk to you here where did you feel all night she says that sherds some Union office where her husband got hurt or something why didn't you tell me because I just got in but what happened what's it all about nothing the union's been suspended we took over the offices that's all why why did you do that cuz it's full of Bolsheviks that's why communists have you like mr. longer is a communist well how should I know what he is did she say anything about did she say how he is she doesn't know yet the doctors say he's got a broken spine [Music] the police came last night they say was an accident I'm sure they're right but you could said we should speak to you first first before lodging a formal complaint against the SA against those members of the SA responsible for mr. Landers injuries you saw what happened you could be a witness my husband always speaks very well of car I'm sure he'd be the first to help us if it were possible [Music] apparently not I'll request my section leaders report if there's something in it you ought to know I'll tell you about it that's presumably the same report to please base their opinion on right [Music] damnit Khan if you don't stop suing this thing you're gonna talk yourself straight into a concentration camp do me a favor bitsy tell him will you tell him what what I've just been trying to get into his thick head I think he's trying to tell you of the business of throwing elderly trade unionists downstairs too important a subject for discussion amongst the rank and file of the earth whose side do you want anyway listen as things stand longer is still entitled to a pension you start stirring things up and they'll probably decide he doesn't even qualify for that your name will stink and he'll starve is that what you want listen it wasn't just some isolated little event you know it happened all over the country and it was ordered by the party yeah in that case maybe it's high time we had the second revolution there isn't going to be any second red or mystical like a sooner you realize it the better Pierce wisely because wrong doesn't stop talking about taking over the army and antagonizing the entire establishment there's gonna be one hell of an explosion and when the smoke clears you'll have disappeared I was gonna get rid of him the SS Rome has been Hitler's personal friend longer than any of them it doesn't have any personal friends [Music] [Music] come on drink up this place is too expensive for us to be wasting good wine remember the first night we were here the night I told Rosenberg that you were thinking of joining the party was he amused he wasn't offended if that's what you mean I suppose you know they kicked him out of his job last week what how do you know who told you my landlady the cleaning woman works for what the hell does it matter who told me you talk as if it was some kind of big surprise to you all right I'm sorry it wasn't a surprise I just thought he might have had the sense to retire before it happened you'd have found that less embarrassing would you [Music] [Music] get this man [Music] I'll see outside I trust the hair jr. found everything satisfactory yeah over stuff yeah to you yeah why yes sir of course it took me an overshoot yeah well he found it that it would look and keep the change [Music] anyone to think I could feel Rosenberg out myself huh living your SS people can take on the essay you really think your Rome is bulletproof [Music] yes as marvelous news we'll be with you for breakfast come in oh you remember getting my sleep tonight we have to be in Munich by 7 o'clock tomorrow morning yes sir anything else sir tell me is it still your opinion that the essayer become nothing more than the party's garbage collectors so you think our Fuhrer has neglected and betrayed his old comrades do you don't you sir yeah I was beginning to often I must confess I was beginning to that's all gonna change now we're meeting with Hitler tomorrow realm and all general officers of the SA this time it'll be the army and those damn politicians that'll be dancing to our tune for a change all right Hoffmann I'll let you know where to pick me up just a minute you know you should be an officer by now probably would be if you weren't always so damn provided in stanley's here this Langner business for instance demanding to see your section leaders report did you imagine that would do you any good no sir I thought I might do mr. Wagner some good and did it alright never mind [Music] come in [Music] do you think that the army finally believes that Rome is about to move against them no I don't think they really believe it but I'm sure they'll be very happy to have been persuaded and having been persuaded of this clear and present danger will they tolerate whatever measures we may think necessary if they've already agreed to cooperate presumably they'll tolerate anything that appears to be in their interest yes that's what I think too tell me Hoffmann is it your intellect or your relatively humble position that causes you to agree with me on this occasion perhaps both perhaps you mean perhaps we ought to promote you in order to really find out don't don't get out stand by in your office this could be a long night [Music] well my friend things are finally beginning to harm I I've just been told to take two companies of the leaf standards down to Munich the Fury's personal bodyguard I thought he was in the Rhineland he's meeting with Rome with the rest of that sa scub in the morning all of them and rose our town on the lake dead tire leadership Oh remember asking me about ever wanting anyone shot well maybe now's the time if you got anyone in mind Thanks if I happen to think of anyone I'll send you a telegram if I'm going to be stuck here all night I'm gonna need cigarettes no no no no no no I'll get them if anyone wants me I'll be about 20 minutes but see let's see yes I'm sorry I was asleep Christmas collar here no what are you talking about well it has been known as that I'm sorry to disappoint you but he doesn't make a habit of staying here any more than you do all right all right but listen this is important have you seen him at all yes I saw him this afternoon he said he was going to Munich tomorrow driving people yes I suppose so why see if you can find him don't call the neighbors tell him yourself tell him to report sick tomorrow do whatever he wants but stay home what's going on what's happening I can't talk now just tell him and tell him to keep his mouth shut I'll try and call tomorrow [Music] I [Music] I go I go [Music] [Applause] [Music] my god Oh [Music] I have a message for you [Music] what's your name my name well the devil you mean my name I'm groping toward a big lock down her check if it's not what about him don't leave him there put him in with the others look uh tell these people who I am they know who you are but I haven't done anything what have I done what have you done what have you done you're a traitor all traitors you're gonna be shot all over you shut yep good now we could finally get moving inform your duty officers that all further instructions will now qualify as direct orders from the Fuhrer himself bring me kill dish [Music] [Music] hi [Music] Wilson Eric Ministry of transfer see them personally then report back to me I shall need you again later hi [Music] Klauss numbers involved with Rome to know that I know I know but now we have the opportunity we might just as well be Sara get me Keller and hide lung damage al where did you idiots learn to shoot Chagas Kriegler the Fuhrer hon wife Chancellor has condemned you to death sentence to be carried out immediately but Dietrich you're my friend Fuhrer would never do this I can't believe he would do this believe what have you liked what about Rome Villa is a man of great sentiment he may decide to party ready Hey long live the Fuhrer ha ha [Applause] I'll Hitler indeed pure theater was pity we couldn't provide him with a better audience [Music] tockman speaking I thought you were gonna call me back someone's whose TSA has been disbanded or something do you know what's going on uh no I don't but I'll certainly try and find out Chad call you later no don't call me I'll call you at home okay yeah goodbye don't worry if I don't Carly's probably decided to stay on him you Nathan get good and drunk [Music] cheer up another 24 hours in our little house we'll be in splendid order the situation in Munich has been resolved the Fuhrer is still vacillating about Rome but the others have all been dealt with no problem with the rank and file were you expecting on it without crumble a bit but when it comes to the point they'll do what they're told everything in order yes sir good good now the Fuhrer has just got back from Munich I'm on my way to the charm Surrey now do you have any thoughts just the question of Rome sir yes well one naturally admires the Fuhrer a sense of loyalty but I'm afraid the full support of the army won't be forthcoming unless Rome is properly disposed of yes that's gurus view too but I think the Fuhrer feels that losing Rome might upset the balance within the party well then perhaps the Fuhrer should be reminded that the balance within the party is whatever the Fuhrer chooses to make it as for Rome well as our young friend here once observed who needs revolutionaries when the revolution has already been achieved did he now incidentally if the Fuehrer were to be persuaded at the necessity of eliminating Rome who would you suggest as a reliable person to make the arrangements how about I care thank you camp commandant and ow oh yes of course what am I thinking of I'm sorry the last few days have been very trying Eike Eike like I'm sorry I can't because governor of this prison I have to tell you this really is most irregular irregular bit jams per job ese wrong arrested and dismissed you have forfeited your life if you give you one more chance to tour your companions you have ten minutes [Music] excuse me but what am I to do about this prisoner it does not appear in my report what's the charge that is the problem he has not been charged but I believe he struck an SS officer did he did he indeed I'll let you know what about that other prisoner why didn't you send it to ikura data maybe he can teach in some manners [Music] you [Music] hello Hoffman to Frances English for stressful deal so what time is your train back 7:20 won't they even tell you how long they're going to keep him there I told you they don't have specific sentences that what they're pleased to call reeducation you get out when they decide you're ready for it but why can't I go and see him that man you work for hiking she could get him out couldn't he if he really wanted I already told you I'll talk to him it isn't exactly easy Mitzi she's picked up Hans with her kindergarten it's really been a tremendous help to me you don't seem to realize it's gonna be bad enough telling Heydrich where Carl is never mind asking him to do something about it I didn't know you'd be coming I just took the day off to come and tell him about Carl I go back in an hour - would you like for coffee no thank you isn't there anything you can do I don't know why the books going oh not me I didn't put in there in the first place did I [Music] hungry listen a fellow Peterson may be a degenerate but he's got a good nose for food like this genuine black bread straight from the officers mess don't worry I don't have to do any favors that you wouldn't approve of wait a minute there's a man dead here we design you stand in this place free my overall Cody the hoarding I was wondering if I could go and raise the subject of your brother in Dachau I'm surprised you didn't pick up the matter sooner or did you perhaps suppose we might remain unaware of the situation but the fact is I act is that by security people have already looked into it they term it that your brother is relatively harmless given the right direction he could even be of some use to us unfortunately a release from Dachau is solely at the discretion of the Commandant nevertheless nevertheless would surely an official request from this office issues orders not begging letters anyhow I have no intention of having my personal requests on file with an ambitious dwarf like I try so perfectly yes from the other hand if it amuses you to see I can yourself you can give him my regards if you know I imagine he'll be interested to listen to what you have to say I'm sure is quite aware that he is names on our files were whole and if he should let you have it make sure that your brother learns to behave himself who you might find that you're running short of friends yourself so Reinhardt Tristan Eugene Heydrich sends his regards here funny I always thought he didn't like do you think I've been too sensitive here so I've really had time to get acquainted that we never mind perhaps you'll come back and see us again sign this what is it it confirms that you've been well treated that you won't discuss this place with anyone after your release don't you want to eat I'm going back to Berlin I just came by to let Karl know that I spoke to the people from the garage it seems we have some influence there me all right the SS if you prefer anyway they say you can start there again next week do you think that's what he wants what else can he do I don't know but you might have asked him first you don't understand they're going to be watching him now if he doesn't settle down and stay out of trouble they could send him straight back to Dhaka they who's they Helmut you mean your people don't do you mean the SS look I don't like some of the things they've been happening any more than you do but the only way you're gonna change anything is from the inside you're not gonna change anything from the inside on the country they're changing you where do you think Karl would be now if it weren't for my position in Berlin one day you'll wake up and find out you're no different from the rest of them and meanwhile you won't have changed a thing oh really and how is it you know so much about it have you added political science to your other accomplishments no I just know because I used to be in love with you you don't have to worry about Kyle making any trouble I don't know what they did to him in that place but he won't even speak to anyone what he wants to do is play with Hunt's well anyway time about the job huh good luck may I come in yes of course of course come here all means I welcome I know it's not quite up to the standard of my own Villa the lunch to Arthur but as you probably know your people I mean the the authorities decided that it was too good for me and so they confiscated it and told that they're going to auction off the contents in order to pay for their expenses yes I know I managed to buy back a few of your books most of the best stuff and already gone afraid elective affinities I wonder what Gerta would have to say now well anyway I just thought you might like to have them unless you you're very kind to think of it very kind indeed I'm most grateful the fact is I only really seem to feel like reading newspapers these days even your National Socialist woman well I suppose I show may I offer you a cup of coffee I've become very good at making coffee no I I really miss Karen well thank you for the visit it's always good to see old friends well why don't you just I mean have you thought of emigrating where would I go I don't know England America what would I do there teach of course I'm afraid the study of German literature is not going to be a very popular pursuit in the near future don't you agree besides it's rather late in life to learn a new language anyway I'm much too German I would probably get homesick latest reports from Paris indicate that the life of ernst von rough let its secretary at the German Embassy there who was shot two days ago by the Jewish students grunspan is still hanging in the balance rice Minister dr. Joseph Goebbels said today why didn't you tell me you were coming is anything wrong no no no I just got a couple of days loo you would you rather I stayed in Berlin at once you've been promoted how do you know that can't you see he's right though I didn't have to do anything very clever for it it happens sooner or later anyway can I see your gun no not now oh go on let me see it huh you want to go to your meeting it's time to go and wash your face in the minute no no so what's been happening you tell me you're the one who always hears everything first well house comm goes to work and comes home he never talks never tells anyone what he's thinking well at least he managed to stay out of trouble did you hear the radio today about our man at the Embassy yes and that poisoned dwarf gurbles is playing it up for all it's worth isn't he do you think they'll be trouble I don't know but if I had any Jewish friends I'd certainly advise them to stay home for the next few days Hans can't wait to join the Hitler Youth ah oh you won't like that well yeah I don't know perhaps it'll be better than him being unhappy because all of his friends are in it and he isn't have you seen anything of missing huh nothing at all she's got a job working at a club in Munich you know oh yes so they tell me well come on Karl I must be some news into this hole we're all flung that finally died yesterday if you think that qualifies his news whose Rolanda he was the foreman at the bus garage the job in the wheelchair yeah what was the matter with it he had a broken back and a broken back isn't good [Music] I want to make a statement well it is tonight yes concerning the death of Rudolf longer how about a dress Buckman Strasser 27 dogma Factory Strasser isn't that the fellow used to work at the bass carriers did he just die a couple of days ago yes of injuries caused by members of the SI in May 1933 just a minute now what's your name Hoffman Carl that's it yes Hoffman what are you talking about that case was closed years ago my statements going to reopen it listen son I already know your name but I can just as easily forget it I've learned to forget a lot of things these last few years why don't you do the same and go on home I just want you to take my statement listen any statements I take here go straight to the Gestapo they won't like your story they won't like you either do you really want to end up in Dec ow Chewbacca come here witness the statement [Music] well Hoffmann how are you my old friend fine new tell me why don't we let us see each other anyway I don't know March that's right just laughter we went into Austria wasn't it yeah it's a funny thing you know tell him when he gets bigger all the time and yet the world itself seems to get smaller does that a thought of your own or are you quoting from a book I should have read no the fact is I had a call from a friend in Stuttgart this morning uh Fritz Ritter maybe you know Ritter is with the Gestapo isn't it well as far as that guards concern you could say is ggest alpha anyway ah guess who's being interrogated right there in his office your brother come did I character your brother's knee what's he supposed to have done now you didn't know well he's been making rather nasty allegations about something that supposed to have happened way back in 33 tell you the truth all right I think Fritz would just soon drop the whole thing but um tell me after all what's the point of sending young Carl back to Dachau trouble is um Prince has got a bit of a problem well surely he's free to do whatever he wants yes of course but that's not the problem no his problem is rather sell as yours i what he might call a family matter see Fred says this brother-in-law wants to join the SS and I I think it'd be a real asset but the point is he can't produce that area of family tree they make so much fuss about at least don't one that goes right back to 1800 it's not his fault of course but there are some distinctly non-aryan skeletons in this particular cupboard which makes membership of the SS quite out of the questions and you want me to talk to Heydrich about it no no no that wouldn't be a good idea at all no but I'm on the other hand you do have access to Idol brands Department don't you they deal in those genealogical certificates I bet you could get Fritz a really nice one couldn't let me think about it oh I I told Fred side : my back what it could save a lot of wear and tear on your brother - it's going to take time on your Fritz can wait for a week or two ah stuck up double seven double one please hello Fritz back here listen um that problem you were telling me about yes yeah I just talked it it's all settled yeah so now you can just drop that often I think are you oh I see it's already on your books what listen Tom he must be just about due for military service around now anyway yeah right well why don't you just give him to the army a little early exactly why deprive the country of another soldier who knows we may be needing people like that before long fine thanks fritz you know if you and I really cooperate there's probably no end to what we could achieve well I I think golden day and uh the screen over young [Music] [Applause] Denine Mitzi thank you we hope you enjoyed our entertainment ladies and gentlemen that's all we have for you tonight oh one thing I almost forgot someone asked me a request would I sing the Polish national anthem anyone know it mm-hmm you know well no matter it'll be obsolete by Christmas anyway like the Jews have you been what happened to you you know I know I called Helmand Valley after go to Tommy you've been arrested is it all for look it's better than back huh sit down how long you here for do you want a drink I sure I'll have a beer please well we're just outside of town I have to be back in barracks tomorrow night brandy what's he this is Carl a friend from stupid now we rarely know there's going to be a war there's an idiot from the Armed Services entertainment department over there next thing we know we'll all be war sick making jokes about the Polish movie did he offer you a job mm-hmm what do the Nazis want me for they have enough clowns of their own and hit them Thanks I heard you sing well yeah what did you think you know what I think oh why don't you tune nauseating lovebirds go home go to bed do it for the fatherland leave me to adjust my mucky Irish in peace I'll go and get my coat goodnight [ __ ] see you tomorrow Thanks no and Hitler [Music] here there will be a warrant for I'm not until tomorrow anyway [Music] you tell me hoffman have you been doing anything reprehensible recently not that I'm aware of well if you had you'd certainly be aware of it wouldn't you but our people in Berlin persistent having doubts about you they seem to feel you like a certain dedication cuz it's just your manner well the same is best to keep it in mind Poland take a good look a few days it will have ceased to exist and the Fuhrer is already given the final orders however in the interests of world opinion it will be a good thing if the poles are shown to be guilty of extreme provocation we have therefore arranged for a number of incidents there in Gleiwitz for instance on the night before the outbreak of war our radio station will be attacked and captured by a detachment of poles they will broadcast some inflammatory propaganda and then retreat back again across the border also at least it will appear I take it these marauding poles will in fact be people of our own 150 SS officers in Polish uniform - capable of broadcasting in Polish of course 150 isn't there a danger that some of them will eventually talk no not at all now in order for these incidents to have credibility these poles of ours must suffer a few casualties that's where you come in providing suitable bodies is Gestapo mullahs responsibility however mullah tends to be a bit crude I don't want the entire area littered with a bunch of dead clowns I want corpses that look like Polish soldiers you will therefore select seven suitable candidates and deliver them to where with the selection take place you're familiar with DAC aren't you pancha beg to report prisoners ready for inspection sir [Music] you [Music] [Music] really see them [Music] this is just to keep the goods on ice so to speak until we get them to glide it's provided with some convincing bullet holes in the show heavens [Music] how often killing cells with it's Hanks aronia have you heard anything oh by the way fritz sends his regards free Twitter I can stop a first-look gun his brother-in-law has just been at sector to the officer school in branch work [Music] man congratulations Hoffmann I just heard from Muller he said that the goods that you delivered aren't just the thing I noticed here there that you selected only one political prisoner all the rest were from the habitual criminal category is that some kind of indication of your political simple or is it simply that you think that criminals make much like young-looking polls [Music] you have been listening to the ever-popular later in the program we shall be playing you some selected excuse me maybe the program [Applause] savvy vomiting local say Beppo - descent we Ensenada more co2 ions nest our provocate see our mini Mets key if what Savini Polsky shoes [Music] [Music] oh no I thought I was too late you come back I mean for me can't anybody else be coming back for can you hey come on [Music] you how's our Panzers roll on to Warsaw Poland must pay dearly for her continued and unprovoked aggression against Germany which culminated in them Cohen radio station in guidance shortly before the outbreak of hostilities in countless towns and villages our boys are treated as 12 generations from the polish regime that is consistently persecuted the german-speaking population are those strucken backs people yes this section has been extremely thorough is he submitting reliable figures yes admirably so we estimate that of all the so-called upper classes in Poland only 3% remain to be dealt with [Music] she buy the boots from shredders yet Striders clothes they took him away what do you mean they took him away he's not Jewish Zeke would that look at me I had nothing to do with what happens here in Stuttgart anyway if you're talking about the Schroder hi remember the one it used to be a socialist I guess he just couldn't give his mouth shut the old fool should know better do you really believe that I don't believe you anything where is it to do with belief nothing I'm talking about reality God in heaven you're talking about one silly old man if you had any idea what they are doing to tens of thousands what resign you don't understand anything nothing [Music] if you're writing to Carl better give it to me I can get it to Monica [Music] she keeps thinking cow will be coming home soon but from the way our traffic's moving east the railroad people reckon we'll be starting on the Russians any day now [Music] what do you think what yes probably who knows so you're finally back eh I don't know you do it do you manage to fiddle more leave than anyone in the SS so tell me what illicit pleasures of you being pursuing this time well speaking of pleasures the similar sin for you yet hmm what for well laterally is reassigning a lot of hydrates assistance Timmy to say you didn't know you see that's what happens when you spend all his time on leave you don't even know what's happening in your own Department what Friedrichs leaving for Prague he's just been made reichsprotector of Bohemia nice title there I'm very grand what does it mean well I suppose it means that Czechs are gonna get a good kicking if Heydrich isn't taking you with it you better hope in Mars or Java or you'll find yourself fighting Russians Heydrich seems to think quite well of you fact you could almost describe him as your guardian angel we shall obviously have to find something worthy of your talents very good I'll let you know by the way this brother of yours has he been behaving himself I take it he must have been sir I believe they've made him an officer [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and now I have a wonderful surprise for you we bring you at enormous expense all the way from Hollywood California America's darling Shirley Temple [Applause] I'm so sorry last Monday the Fuhrer declared war on America they surely can't come it wasn't Grundy it was Tuesday but we have our own darling from Berlin the wonderful mid-september [Applause] [Music] [Applause] when I [Applause] [Music] I'll think [Music] you [Applause] I'm expecting someone else never knew what cold was hello you come here often no use my telling you to go home to bed this time is it for the perfect time for me to go sightsee I'm told this village is an absolute gem of Soviet architecture in a hurry the truck will be here for us at midnight [Music] [Applause] right [Applause] so Hockman you've lost your guardian angel eh this is Griffin furrow dr. Bess currently attached to the foreign office he's interested in the measures taken concerning the murder of reinhard heydrich i shall be appointing you to keep him informed yes sir what is the situation present it it's a matter that hasn't previously been my department sir nevertheless it is now and I presume you have at least kept yourself informed as I understand it some 10,000 persons have been arrested in the further 1,200 executed in addition the village of liditz say in which the assassins were believed to have taken refuge has been liquidated and the inhabitants it was the inhabitants I was referring to sir [Music] why don't you close that door the Bombers will be as soon enough without you showing them the way what's that Freight doing on siding five eastbound re-routed from Frankfurt but Hannover commandeered the locker there's no way we get it shifted before daylight there are people in there on there yes I know Jews from Holland look don't worry about it where they're going they're in no hurry you hope [Music] of the shrieking signal box here if you're still waiting for your boy the Berlin train just putting in now for our time - hey listen you're running about that Freight on siding five casts it's ready to roll as soon as the burning train clears the line good for the fix attracts all but the downed line from Frankfurt working on it now it's been quite an eye day hasn't it just oh thanks you took your time the way you people are running the trains it's wonder I'm here told haha thank my relief will be adamant you wonder wait we can walk down two hours together fine I'll get some coffee the damn trains of 12 hours I'll see in the hole [Music] this resettlement can you tell me where they're going to send me don't worry you'll like it next [Music] Jewish what took them so long getting right to you no system is quite perfect I suppose [Music] Rosenburg a professor Rosenberg you taught my brother gara gara dicker oh yes yeah very intelligent boy he was killed at Smolensk Doric so now you're reporting for resettlement oh don't you know what pre-settlement means yes Yoel [Music] unfit to travel go home disappear if anybody asks you show them this take it [Music] next when your own head be it [Music] [Music] come on short cut [Music] in spite of its beleaguered city the iron wind so during the speed to Stalingrad once again justifying our bureau's unshakable faith in the unswerving loyalty of its people [Music] [Music] [Music] who those people partisans partisans well why don't you ask them hmm so you're one of the boys has been suspended Lea trying to leave our people in Stalingrad eh yes I can't understand is why they should detach you from your regiment at the present time and post you to us will it be because of your political opinions I think it probably has more to do with the fact that my regiment no longer exists hmm let's hope you find your time with us more profitable I'll see you in the mess later we make quite a tradition out of celebrating New Year's Eve [Music] Oh [Music] come on gentle heart is nearly midnight before we usher in the new year I would like to suggest we observe a minute of silence to honor those comrades that have fallen just a moment sir we're doing this all wrong you remember sir you're supposed to change uniforms from the nearest officer in the mass mustn't break with tradition [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me all right what are we gonna say the colonel was about to request a minute of silence for all of our comrades that have fallen in battle this last year that's a good idea very good but as you know our Fuhrer the greatest general of all time is kind enough to take over the conduct of this war himself and of his performance at Stalingrad is anything to go by perhaps we should add a couple of minutes for the poor idiots to be slaughtered next year as well I'm serious that's three minutes of our time at three minutes just think of we're being asked to observe a minute for all the people that we've slaughtered and our friends in the SS of Stockert [ __ ] it spend the rest of our lives in total silence [Music] what this man transferred to a punishment battalion yes sir I think that's all together just as I want it done by morning [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] going home I fat chance nine months ago they're happy leaving for dead he's de something like this practically qualified as he is a1 is sending me back to the front sure unfold should have cut it off when you say me again it all right yeah I'm so sure that probably would prop you up in a tank good luck here I know the truth they won't be seeing me again in a hurry [Music] [Music] myah myah the 1940 Hermann Goering said if the British ever bomb Berlin you can call me Maya make way for the degenerate please al Hitler I don't know where you find your nerve doesn't take much nerve to play the fool being a messenger boy that takes nerve Otto wants me to carry an envelope to his underground friends and put Stan here's to comedy and all its practitioners I know my baby how did it [Applause] [Music] don't fit now but I think we're being ignored howdy-doo I have just heard that Carl has not returned to his unit do you think it hurt no damn fool is deserted I don't know whether he'll fix he can go but if he should get in touch with you turn for God's sake to steer clear of Berlin I'll let you know if I hear anything [Music] why wasn't I introduced oh she's just a family phone from Stuttgart not your type at all and who the old fairy with us he's a comedian quite funny but they tell me as jokes tend to be a bit political doggies harmless just likes to say little bit close to the wind [Music] I like about you you greet me as if you're expecting somebody else [Music] shelter Hey [Music] sorry Terezin hey six what does it matter you don't have to go anywhere anyway do you well not today anyway what I keep moving so I'm gonna survive how can you live that's not from my ration documents of feed an army a travel documents of transport one but Helmut says they're looking I'm doing that for nearly a year you surprised how much of the scarf is a country I've seen in the last few months but if you lifted up the deserter and they did you know Terry police can only discover - they hold you long enough to check back with somebody outside of ice if your papers are good if you don't let your face get too familiar then they believe you're in transit because your papers say so yeah that's eat talk about it later fräulein template our labor yes what is it is it important I'm just getting dressed no no I'm sorry I would just distance the radio they say it's going to be important in Iceland I thought you might want to listen oh yeah thank you I'll do that we now bring you an important announcement from the Reich's minister of information dr. Joseph Goebbels men and women of Germany shortly before noon today Thursday the 20th of July a group of despicable traitors made an attempt on the life of our Fuhrer Adolf Hitler by placing an explosive device in his front line importance the chief perpetrator of this treacherous act in front of the Bell then flew to belief level that the Fuhrer was dead and that he and his fellow conspirators could take over the government I can now tell you that because of what I can only describe as divine [Music] you idiot why now why today well I wanted it to be sooner but the trains are running on time anymore you know what's happening out there I can imagine they're arresting everyone on site it's gonna be the night of the Long Knives all over again do you have any travel pills I'm supposed to be in transit to Munich and that's where you better go no no I wanted to stay here you can't they've already arrested your comedian friend that's impossible but he's know nothing to do with all this it makes no difference he's on the list they'll get the name of every soul he's ever known that means they'll be coming here you better sleep somewhere else tonight both of you that's right trouble is every time you're right Holmwood everything gets worse but he won't tell them anything he wouldn't talk everybody talks how can you say you don't know any names you know your name don't you all right let's start again your name is Bootsy my name is Gerhart this gentleman's name is Becca and this man is Hoffman now let's see what other names we remember shall we or perhaps you prefer to tell us some more jokes why don't you see what you can do I'm afraid our friend just retired from the entertainment business maybe he just didn't know any more jokes [Music] if you're looking for the huncles they're not here anymore they were in there both of them [Music] what about the boy boy oh no he wasn't there then Hunt's went to Berlin no before that Berlin the votes to him Roxton you know the new Defense Force their cells yes yes I know are you sure he said baloo yes ants told me so himself said he was going to defend Berlin to the last round or something I think there were some brothers too [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my name is Hofmann I understand someone is looking for me are you sure [Music] what the hell are you doing you must be out of your mind did you know that Hans was in the Volkssturm that he's here in Berlin yes he's in the barracks if Donovan Crassus ain't in your helmet he's 13 years old you think I don't know that some of the boys out there were even younger what the hell can you do and get him out get him out and you can get him the hell out of Berlin you bring my friend the hops dump your large schnapps and how come how do you imagine that I can conquer writing as my father said that's how that people shot tortured beaten to death but you can't make a 13 year old boy disappear I've never done your sitting so no notify we've had other people doing it for us now you're gonna get haunts on yourself now those kids will probably never even leave the barracks in any way how much longer flawless laughs you've been saying that for 12 years don't worry Carl it won't last what you say when they crippled longer what you said when your people murdered the last of the opposition don't worry called it godless I'm gonna change things from the inside Hank probably what you told Rosenberg isn't it don't worry professor nothing lasts forever but we were wrong helmet they're all dead all of and we might as well be too and it is going to last forever or I come I'll go and get it I don't know what good it'll do but if that's what you want does he know about his parents yet an air raid two weeks ago both [Music] [Music] - what someone said to me today enjoy the war peace is going to be terrible [Music] see Mitzi she all right she should have left Berlin longer she had some weird idea that you want to stay where you'd be able to find me I'll meet you there both of you you and pots all right and for God's sake be careful those lunatics out there a shooting deserters on sight you better let me go first hello Hans hello now listen I only have a few minutes you see that corner over there right do you think you can get away to meet me there after dark I don't know they say we're going to the front tonight yes I know that's why I want to get you out of here you want me to run away no no now listen you'll be coming with me we can go home don't you want to go home but I can't I'm a soldier we're going to defend Berlin the honor of our people shut up you idiot what I parrot right [Music] I'm sorry Hans but it's all gone there is nothing left to defend you're going to desert - will you stop talking about deserting don't you understand anything it's all over you'll be getting killed for nothing you Pig I thank you you're a traitor just like Carl you're all traitors all right all right Hans leave it now we go home would go home together all right give me my rifle going back to I'm sorry it seems we taught a little brother to women fraps you're right perhaps this thing really does last forever no what what are you gonna do well they say the Imperial Guard is supposed to die with the imprisonment though I think you'll find my cell just crawled back into the woodwork you'd be surprised how many new identity papers officially and every one beyond reproach you say hello to Mitzi for me [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] identity papers don't I know you [Music] you [Music] you [Music] [Music]
Views: 811,526
Rating: 4.5936236 out of 5
Keywords: portrait evil, Schutzstaffel, Schutzstaffel movies, Schutzstaffel history, war movies, war film, 80s war movies, ss, full length film, full length movie, full movie, full movie english, english, war action movie, Reinhard Heydrich, Karl Hoffmann, German army, PORTRAIT IN EVIL, ss movie, hitler movies, sa movies, SA SS, hd war movies, Hitler's SS, hitler ss, Hitler SS 1985, PORTRAIT IN EVIL 1985, PORTRAIT 1985, EVIL 1985, John Shea, history of the ss, ss movies
Id: YQgRi3jHpto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 144min 57sec (8697 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 28 2019
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