Pork Loin Ham

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welcome to Mike Brown barbecue today I'm going to show you how to make smoked homemade ham from start to finish on this 250 gallon Offset Smoker stay tuned all right folks now it's time to do the brine for the pork loin ham we're gonna go with 44 grams of pickling spice let it get warm and toasty on the bottom of that pan and kind of release them aromatics foreign when you really start to smell those aromatics as you're heating them up that's how you know you got them started going real good and these are smelling real good I'm gonna go ahead and add my water here just like with the uh pork butt three quarters of a gallon of water I'm putting in here mixed up will be our salt along with our cure and salt next up I had two pounds of sugar [Music] Stir It Up and we'll Heat this up till it dissolves I will have the links down for these recipes in the description how I'm grinding these it's the first time I've ever made homemade ham I've done a lot of research on YouTube and came up with the uh the recipes that I got all right guys well I'm gonna let this simmer down let all these uh let all the salts and sugars dissolve and the next time y'all see me is when we put our pork loin in the brine all right guys so what I got right here is a full pork loin all natural so we've got the water in here now it's time to add this water in there or hot water with our brine and these things they float there's two ways you can combat the floating here you can put a plate on top of this to sink it or you can flip it halfway through I anticipate this brine right here this pork loin to brine in about three days maybe four it's a good thing about leaving this hole is on the third day I come in here and I can cut this in half and see if my brine penetrated or not all right folks so we'll come back to this in four days and it'll be cured y'all stay tuned all right guys so it's been five days I said I was gonna let this pork loin go for three days but I ended up letting it go for five days I could tell that it's cured the meat is firmed up real good it's not soft no more so the next step of this is I'm going to take this out of the Brine and I'm gonna cut it in half so we'll kind of straighten it back out it's very firm I'm gonna eyeball this and cut it about right here so what I'm actually seeing right here it's just a little bit of gray right there I don't know if it shows up real good on camera so this needs to go back into Brian so what I'm gonna do is put this in the brine where my pork butt is and let it go for one more day and it should be good if you're out there and you're a beginner and you're wanting to Brian basic knowledge told me that based off the research that I did that five days was going to be enough for this I don't know if you can see it real good on camera or not but there's a little bit of a gray spot right here this thing needs to brine for one more day so I'm gonna put this back into Brian and then we'll take it out tomorrow y'all stay tuned this is my next little trick right here is I like to put those hams and fresh out of water and I'll let them sit there and soak for about five minutes what this does is it'll draw the excess salt out of the exterior and your ham won't be a salty all right so the pork loins have soaked as long as I want them to at this point I like to take them out put them down here on this wire rack and I can see this one right here it's got a bunch of excess flap on it I'm just going to take a pair of sharing scissors take that down a little bit and I'll leave that in here off to the side I'll cook that for a little snack and a little mistake that I'm already making is I want to put this meat side up just like this that way you can dry up while it's in here because why it's drying out it'll form a pellicle that follicle will help you smoke adhere to it and now what I'll do with this is put this in my refrigerator for the next 24 hours and let the exterior dry out the same with the pork butt next time you guys see me and these hams is when we do our cold smoke all right stay tuned it's the next morning it's time to cold smoke these hams and this is what pork loins is looking like they're looking real nice smell great got a pellicle form pellicle is when the meat dries out and it gets kind of a sticky surface so we've achieved that smoke we'll stick to that so that's what the pork loins are looking like so let's throw these things so the pork loins the smaller the meat I'm gonna put them closer to the door where it's colder right here and the pork butt I'm gonna face the bones toward the Firebox right back here that's how I'm going to do these meats and we're going to put meat probes in them all right so we got those Put on We got the probes in them so we got those all set to 150 internal temp that's where I want to bring these two on this initial cold smoke I won't run to smoke quite like I do a sausage smoke it'll be just a tad bit hotter we'll be running internal temp of 160 170. trying to get these smoked anywhere from six to eight hours or two I like the color on them so we'll shut this down and let's go build a cold smoke fire all right for our cold smoke fire we're just going to go in with a full chimney full of lump charcoal a little small coal bed I will not burn down a cold bed for this this is all it's gonna get I got one dense piece of red oak right here that's really heavy I guarantee this is probably about 35 30 in moisture it's heavy for its weight we'll put it in right here with a bark on the inside you'll go right there and then since it's cool outside here in East Texas this morning since it's only 50 degrees out this morning I'm gonna put one log right here and the other one right there and that's going to provide me all the smoke that I need for this cold smoke so for now I'll take this and shut it down it's about two inches three inches open and uh at this point the cook of the cold smoke is when I want to throw a bunch of dirty smoke on it you can't overdo the ham this is not like sausage so you can't flog it with too much but you can flog it with just enough to achieve your your uh your pit temp we're gonna run this 150 to 160 for the first three to four hours and then we'll probably crank up 200 to get it up to that that 150 mark so with the lighting the way it is I don't know if you can see that real good but that's the kind of smoke that I'm going to roll with not quite as heavy as my salted smoke but heavier than my typical smoke and uh pit tips are below 50. when you're cold smoking something like this you want that true cold smoke hitting it so this temp will come up the pit gradually and uh it'll be probably about an hour maybe two hours before I actually hit 150 160 on that pit but it don't matter because our meat is cured so since our meat's cured we could take our time bringing this up and we don't have to worry about no botulism or anything like that so next time you guys see me will be the two hour mark we'll open that up we'll take a peek or when we manage that fire stay tuned look at all that good smoke that is exactly what you want right there but anyway guys we're roughly an hour into this cold smoke but that's about as high as my heat has been able to get 125. it's time to go throw us a little bit of kindling on the fire so what I like to do at this point yeah let's put these small split up pieces of red oak on there kind of to replenish that coal bed just a little bit thermal piece right there throw a piece right there not like putting these little splits on right here because they'll help replenish the pole bed and give you a little bit more heat and as that denture wood dries out it'll help it burn down a little bit that's just the way that I like to do my cold smoking so we're now we're into this cook and this is going to help bring me up to the 150 a two hour mark we'll open the lid up and I'll show you guys what it's looking like stay guys so we're at the two hour mark just a little bit past it with the two hour mark That's internal temps we got 48 degrees on the pork butt which is to be expected it's way bigger 87 on one pork loin and 81 on the other so that's smoking down somewhat even so let's open them up and see what they're looking like and they're not looking bad they're taking on a little bit of color some moisture still drawing out that comes with the cold smoke but they're not looking bad I'm about to throw some more smoke on them get the fire a little bit dirtier and give them some more color but uh the moisture's still drawing out of them and uh I normally wouldn't open this lid for about four or five hours but since this is a how-to video I'm gonna do it every two hours and show you guys uh the product and how it's coming along so we're going to close this door down and we're gonna go back here and manage this fire make it smokier stay out folks so let's see what we got on our fire here so that little camera we put in there is burned up typically what I like to do at this point in the cold smoke let's roll these logs horizontally just like this bring the front out and let it breathe just a little bit and then at this point I'm going to take another dense barking log and I'm going to put the bark down right there on top of that that's going to make for a smokier fire and give me what I want for those hams we just looked at them they still need a little coloring but they're in the process where the moisture is still drawn out of the skin so they won't take no good color on until the moisture is drawn out of the meat at this point we've gone two hours and we put a bunch of cold smoke on them we're going to crank this heat up to about 175 to 160. and uh kind of speed the process up a little bit more and get them cooking the pork loins I'm not too worried about they're going to take as long as they take to get smoke down the pork butt ham is the one that uh I'm gonna bring up gradually and then the pork loins will just finish up when they finish up I'm gonna go ahead crack this door down a little bit foreign four inches and I'll bring you guys back here in a little bit all right so you just managed that fire about five minutes ago and we got us some good dense smoke going that's what I want but that smoke is going to clean up as the fire burns on so this will help you give them hams some real good color but this is also how you get that real good smoke flavor in your ham when you're running a smoke that dirty like that and I say it's dirty but it's not really dirty you see how fast the smoke is coming out of the stack it's got plenty of airflow it was coming out real slow and bellowing then that would be really a dirty smoke since that's got good airflow it's coming through there it's blasting them hams with all this nice smoke and gonna give them some real good flavor and we're rocking 150. on our temp gauge and I'll keep an eye on this I don't want to go no higher than 275 at this point to cook so like I said we just managed that fire about 10 minutes ago and I wanted to bring you guys in to show you this stay all right folks so we are officially at a four-hour Mark we'll bring you guys in here show you what these are looking like our internal temps we're sitting at 82 in the pork butt 108 and 109 in the uh pork loin so those are caught up to each other and they're cooking pretty even now so let's see what they looking like Let the Smoke Clear out a minute and they are looking nice they're looking good I'll bring y'all in try to get you a close-up they're starting to get some good mahogany color to them especially the uh pork butt back there is looking real nice that's what those are looking like right there you can see they're starting to get a deeper red color on them which is what you want pick them up a little bit sometimes they'll stick to them racks oh they smell nice too got that good ham smell to them that's our pork butt back there you can see how it's looking and yeah these are looking real nice a good color home that's how they're supposed to be looking at this point in the cook so we're going to get this shut back down we'll go back here and manage the fire now since we're at this four hour mark and I'm starting to get the color that I like I'm going to keep my heat at a minimum of 175 to 200 degrees at this point mainly because the pork butt is going to take a while to smoke and we'll get these uh pork loins up the temp so let's go manage that fire stay tuned all right so so let's see how our fire is looking it's cold smoke four hour mark both of those Channel logs about smoldered out so I'm gonna do is I'm Gonna Roll this dude forward for a minute just like that smash these up until our next hole bed and we'll control this dude [Music] he's gonna go right here and I've got this little piece right here and it's not quite burned up yet I'll put him in the middle clean the front of this out a little bit some airflow can get in there and then we're gonna go in with two logs I'm gonna put a real dense log on this side over here just like that and then I'm gonna put a barking log down right there in the middle on top and close that down to about an inch and that right there would last me probably two hours maybe a little bit longer and put that dirty smoke on there that I'm looking for we'll keep an eye on it and I'll bring y'all back here in a little while stay all right guys so we're at the five hour mark of the cold smoke we're sitting right on 200 degrees with just a Max temperature I want to be at right the pork butt sitting at 96 degrees and the pork loins are both one sitting 121 and one's sitting at 118. so those are coming along nicely pork loin we'll probably finish up in the next uh two hours and the pork butt's gonna go probably close to eight to nine hours but I am going to crank the heat up when we get to our next two hour mark I'll show that to y'all when we get there but I'll bring you back here and show you what kind of fire I'm running that's the smoke we got coming up there it is kind of cleaned up a little bit because the wood's done burnt down some all right so you see I got my door cracked probably about an inch give you a little peek of this fire right here it's motoring I'm running real slow that's what you want for these cold smokes so I'm not going to keep this open very long because this thing will start to burn faster I want to keep it right there where I've been at so the five hour mark folks on the cold smoke I'll bring you back again six hours I'll open it up see what everything's looking like stay tuned all right folks let's see what this fire is looking like you doing good so like I said I'm gonna do it again what I did on the last one I'm Gonna Roll this log over here foreign up yet on The Middle still some coals off of this side over here put them over there [Music] don't roll that up on there we'll space these bottoms a little far apart and I'm gonna go back to my four log setup [Music] because I've done got the color I want on this and I've got the smoke level that I want on it so we're going to close that down to about an inch and let it do its thing and I'll keep an eye on these Temps at this point I want to run 225 to 200 so and bring that pork load up to an internal type of 150 and then pork loins so I will bring you guys back when them pork loins finish up and then we'll see how everything looks at that point all right guys instead of pulling these at 150 like I said I was going to I didn't want them to get no darker than this so I pulled them at 145 which is still done for pork and as you can see it's looking real nice got a nice deep mahogany color not too dark but not too light so what I'm going to do with these at this point shock them in an ice bath what you want to do with ham is just like the same thing you do with sausage you shock it in an ice bath and stop the cooking process this will help that smoker color get deeper and uh everything will look real good and it'll stop the cooking process let it sit in there for a minute and then from here it'll go in the refrigerator and it will sit in the refrigerator all night uncovered after this the next morning you could take it vacuum seal it and save it up for Thanksgiving here in a few weeks but we're gonna we're gonna I'm Gonna Save one and I'm gonna finish one out smoking it just like that folks that's all you got to do with it this washes any excess discoloration from the Smoke Off and stops the cooking process so the next time you see these ham and when we do the Hot Smoke on them tomorrow stay all right guys so these are rested in the fridge overnight for 16 hours and you can see that deep red color they got they look real good I'm shocking them in that ice bath and then letting them sit in the uh refrigerator overnight they look real nice that's how they're supposed to look thank you pork butt it's got good color to it also good smoke color when I go to smoke these again here in just a minute I want to bring this to 160 and I want to bring this pork butt to 180. we're slicing and if I want to do a pulled pork ham sandwich so we'll see all right folks so here's the final product on our pork loin ham it got a little bit darker than I would have liked but uh that's what happens when you double smoke so we'll start right here from this end and take us some slices and it looks like we got a good cure all the way through that look how juicy that's the that's the uh the advantage of a drive run versus a wet brine is that meat comes out so juicy that pork loin is super juicy so let's try it out all right guys so let's give this a try and as you can see how good that looks and all the juice dripping out of that so here's the moment of truth well that's not too bad folks it's definitely cured got a handy taste to it first time I've ever made ham so not too bad here's the end cut right here get all the juice in that let's give this one a try well folks I think that was a success for my first time making ham I think next time though I'll deal with a lot of other websites and uh Paige is said to do is and inject some of that solution down in there to get that uh ham flavor a little bit more pronounced in there I mean it's there but it's not as strong as uh I would like it but still very very good I mean you can look at it you can tell that it's cured it's got a pink color all the way through it's not bad it's not bad at all well guys if you like this video please like And subscribe
Channel: Mike Brown BBQ
Views: 16,615
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Id: IZZ-CXyYs_4
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Length: 25min 37sec (1537 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2023
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