How to Make Pork Loin Hams

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hey now today i am going to uh begin the process of making some awesome little uh hams out of pork loin uh what you can see here is just a whole pork loin it's cryovact this is one of the best deals going in meat at least where we live this is over four and a half kilograms well over four and a half and it was 20 bucks and that's a really good price around here uh what i'm going to do first off is just i'm just going to cut off the corner of this run off as much of the juice as i can into the sink and when we come back here i'll have this padded off with some paper towel and ready to work with okay so here we are it is all unpacked obviously and padded dry just there's not a whole lot of juice flopping around here and running around the kitchen when i go to cure this right now i'm actually just going to split this into three fairly equal chunks hopefully and the reason i'm doing this is because i like to cure this in ziploc bags and if i'm using the one gallon ziploc bags this size here will fit really nicely in there so now that i've got these split up i'm just going to go ahead and get an individual weight for all of them so i can do my calculations for the salt the cure number one and the brown sugar and when we come back i'll be ready to start playing with that okay so here we go um now what i'm using for a ratio so i'm using uh nitric here so just cure number one and i'm going with point one eight percent that that's a lie that's a filthy lie it's point two five percent cure number one not 0.18 that's what i use for bacon so 0.25 and then i'm going with 2 each of pickling salt because it's it's my favorite salt using for uh for using for curing uh and then like i said two percent also of brown sugar it doesn't really matter which brown sugar that you use uh and in order to prove that i actually uh had a container that was sort of like golden brown as well as demerara sugar and i just dumped it all in okay so point one eight percent cure number one two percent pickling salt two percent brown sugar i'm going to give that a nice little mix right there and then to each of those i will also be adding um just a little bit of spicing here so i'm going for juniper berries uh and um whole peppercorns and those it's about a half teaspoon of each and then just a little bit of bay leaf here as well um yeah and it just depends whether or not you like these flavors i think pepper is definitely a must with this the bay leaf from the juniper that's really just up to you and what i'm going to do with those is just use my handy little spice grinder used to be a coffee grinder a little blitz there yeah a little bit more for that bailey and you can see that it's decently uh mixed up here okay i'll just be adding that to the container i'll do that for the other two containers as well you can see what i did too i numbered these containers here just so i couldn't mess it up i know which which piece of meat is which but just because really with that cure we really want to be careful how much we're using so i have those numbered so i can't mix that up so i'm just going to get all three of these blended with the spices and the sugar the salt and the cure and when we come back it'll be time to actually rub the meat so our spices and cure blend here is all prepped up and ready to go so it's time to actually get that onto here so i really like to use my meat tubs you've seen that when i've been playing around with some of the charcuterie and stuff that i made check my other videos on that just a good way to make sure you can get a solid rub on this meat without getting a mess all over the counter i'm just gonna get all of that onto here give this a good rub try to get it all over and any of this excess that's fallen off i'm just going to end up scooping into the into the ziploc bag with the meat but at least this gives a decent coating over the entire chunk of meat there we go okay i'm gonna get my assistant here just to hold open that bag for me we're gonna try not to get any of this on the outside of the bag perfect all right so i'm just like i said i'm going to scoop this stuff up i'm going to add it into the bag and do the same thing with the other two and we'll be back in a minute all right so that was easy i made sure to uh rub them as much as possible get it you know relatively even distribution all of the ex extra stuff in the pan went into each bag as i was working through them at this point i'm going to get them in the fridge and give them a couple of weeks which is probably a few days more than i actually need for curing them but it will ensure that they are fully cured you can't really go overboard with time it's just you don't want to under do it and that'll also give it a few extra days just for that the seasonings for the the pepper and the the bay leaf and the juniper to penetrate here uh if you're doing something like this if you don't like one of those seasonings or there's something else that you want to put in maybe you can make a little spicy or something like that by all means do so i just really like this blend so at this point they just go into the fridge and every day or so i'll just go in there i'll just give them a light massage i'll wind up flipping them because you will have liquid coming out and getting into the bag and it's just a good way to ensure an even cure so we'll come back to these in a couple of weeks all right so it has been uh just shy of three weeks and it is time to actually get these pork loin hams smoked up so yeah you can see all the the liquid in here from the cure and stuff that was extracted from the meat itself so the trick is i'm just going to get these things out and then i am going to rinse them off i don't need to bother freshening them or anything like that because having done the salt and everything by weight it's already the exact salinity that i'm after so i'm just going to use cold water rinse off the meat just a little bit here this is just in preparation for smoking this afternoon [Music] just like that is good enough um i'll get this water out of here and um give them a really quick secondary rinse just because this water has um you know stuff on it there and then i'm going to get them set up just on a rack and let them kind of form a little bit of a pellicle here okay so i just patted them dry and i'm going to let them sit on this rack here i will refrigerate them just while i get my smoker set up and then we'll be good to cold smoke well here we are it is a beautiful 1 degree celsius day out here i'm going to be doing this on my weber charcoal grill i could use the brick smokehouse over there but i mean look at all the snow that's in the way that just doesn't seem like fun and since i'm doing just a small quantity just a single pork loin i've got more than enough room in here especially with this little basket just to do some cold smoking so i don't have a lot of the coal fired up just a little bit it will be creating enough smoke and then i do also have um some of these maple wood chunks um and i'm just going to put these in here and then they will slowly catch as well and just keep this nicely smoking so i will take my lid get this on here i've got the bottom vents just barely open and i'll just open up the uh the top here a bit as well and this should keep it nice and cold um which will hopefully then get a nice smoke character to those uh pork loins but then also not actually cook them and dry them out at all so i'll check on this in a little bit once it's smoking nicely so after just a couple of minutes we've got some nice tbs uh little thin blue smoke coming out of the top here which is perfect i just want to have a nice gentle smoke for at least a few hours here just to to nicely season these um probably after a couple of hours i'll rearrange those pork loins so that'll be a good time to take a look and see how they are coming along at that point okay so here we are halfway through you can see what these guys are looking like here so i'm just going to reposition them and carry on well we got about five hours of some just really nice light cold smoke on here which i think will will do for this time around so i'm just going to pull these guys off and let them off gas a bit okay so this has had a little bit of time it smells amazing now tonight we're also making some detroit style pizzas so i'm just going to cut off some slices of it here and cube them up and we're going to have them on the pizza slice them off like so cube them up and then you'll see them when we go to actually toss them on the pizza there we are beautiful cubes of that ham on this pizza about to hit the oven well we just got out of the oven and look at that beautiful ham crispy on top of that detroit style pizza fantastic cannot wait to dig into that all right so with the rest of those uh pork loin little mini hands i've just gone ahead and portioned them out so each one of these is uh like a good meal size for us just to reheat goes awesome with like scalloped potatoes or something like that it's fantastic then i have a couple of little uh end pieces here that i'm also going to package up and those will be perfect to do just like i did last night there with those pizzas just for cubing up you could also cube them up and fry them and they'd go great with pierogies or something like that so at this point i'm just going to vacuum seal them get them packaged and in the freezer and they will be ready for whenever i need them so yeah folks this is a super awesome easy way to like little uh to make little mini hams that are good for many different uses it's super cheap and it's just fantastic so yeah um if you like this video subscribe check out more of the stuff that i have coming down the pipe and yeah until next time keeper at 11.
Channel: This Dad Goes to 11
Views: 24,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pork loin, loin, ham, pork, smoking, smoker, curing
Id: H250G8cnXQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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