How to Make Pork Loin "Capicola"

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hey now poor coin it is easily available it's cheap it can be delicious and I've got a big piece of it right here in fact this is 1.688 kilograms of this and I'm going to turn it into a uh a beautiful piece of charcuterie very very similar to my capicola that I like to make in fact it's going to be basically identical to the spicy capical I make other than the fact that the cut of meat itself is not the Copa muscle so let's see how it's done so four ingredients this is a really basic recipe I am using three percent in this case it's pickling salt you can use pickling salt kosher salt anything you want is we're just looking for not a lot of additives or anything crazy like that I'm going for 0.25 cure number two and that's because this is going to be a nice lengthy dry aged piece of charcuterie so we want that cure number two or product powder number two I'm going for also 0.25 of crushed red chili flakes and that's because they're super light and this is actually a decent amount of these chili flakes and I'm doing that just because that's going to help kick up the spice level a little bit now I'm going to mix these up here to kind of help distribute that cure a little bit more amongst these other two ingredients perfect I'm also going to be using this hot pepper paste here and this stuff is awesome I love using this on my capicola you could also use like a calabrian or calabrian or calabrian I never know how to pronounce it Pepper powder but I have some of this open up so I'm going to use that for this particular product so on to the meat which I've got right here I've got this in a large Meat tub I really like applying here and whatnot using these because I'm able to capture any ingredients that sort of Splash off and then get them into the bag where everything will be curing I'm just going to rub this on here applying it everywhere on the meat to ensure a half decent distribution we're going to be carrying this for a while so there's going to be lots of opportunities for here to kind of get around inside the bag and get every part of the meat but this just kind of gives it a leg up initially so now I'm going to need a second set of hands so I can get this into the bag here all right now the first thing I need a second set of hands for is just to hold my jar steady so I can get this paste out of here so I'm not bothering to measure this my my plan is essentially just to get a good coating all the way around rubbing this on and this is where all the flavor is going to come from with this particular meat all right so I think that's all I'm going to need for that I'm going to scoop up some of that extra stuff that came off here and get it back onto this pork and now the second thing that I need these hands for is getting it into this bag so I'm just going to adjust my angle and we will do that all right so now we've got this FoodSaver bag perfect and I'm just going to get all this extra stuff the other nice thing I suppose about using this pepper paste is that I can then just kind of scrape with my beautifully gloved hands into the bag here to pick up any of the extra cure and salt and flakes that might have fallen off when I initially applied this and get it into that bag because again over the next month or so while it's curing in here it's going to have an opportunity to distribute around so time to get that vacuum sealed so prior to vacuum sealing this I'm just going to kind of Moosh around this paste a little bit now one thing I should have mentioned with this pork loin I left that that bit of a fat cap that was on there even though I know that there's a little bit of that kind of silver skinny material underneath it because I plan on using my slicer to shave this so thinly that little bit of uh of um silver skin should not should not be a factor and I shouldn't really notice any kind of chewiness or anything like that so now I'm going to go ahead and vacuum seal [Music] now a person could also just use like a large Ziploc bag to do this and I've done that before especially when I'm doing large bacon runs and whatnot and I don't want to go through a ton of this material and I had Ziploc bags kicking around however doing this you can ensure that you're not going to have any kind of accidental leakages or anything like that if the bag gets torn open I also like to double seal it so I'll I'll get two two lines of that seal across there just to ensure that nothing leaks out I do the same thing when I am cooking stuff using my Precision cooker for sous-vide cooking and there we have it you can see I've got the the two lines across there and this is ready to now refrigerate and cure so now that it's all sealed up I'm going to toss this into the fridge and give it at least four weeks which is more time than I need for actual curing for the for the Cure to penetrate and whatnot but it's just going to give it a lot of nice extra time for this hot pepper paste for those chili flakes for everything to really be absorbed and get into this meat and just result in the most flavorful flavorful piece of charcuterie I can get using these ingredients so into the fridge every day or so I'm just going to take it out give it a nice little massage kind of smoosh that's a technical term smoosh things around just a little bit and always be flipping it and whatnot during uh during that process so if you're wondering how much of this paste I used this is a 25 and a half ounce or 720 gram jar and I use right around half of it for this so yeah look at all my disaster mess that I've got going on here Perfect all right to the fridge so there are several items that I have for this next step first of all I've got a collagen sheet you can see the size here that I'm going to be using I've got some nice big netting that I'll be able to use for hanging the the charcuterie I've got some scissors I've got a little bit of vinegar just to help sanitize things and then some hog ring pliers and some half inch hog rings just to kind of seal everything up all right so after five weeks I am ready to deal with this here wound up giving it an extra week just because I took around at a time and didn't have a chance to deal with it beforehand but that's certainly not going to hurt it it's just using some cold water I'm going to spray off a bunch of this hot pepper paste here because I'm going to give it a layer of some fresh stuff here just before I wrap it up [Music] prior to wrapping this in the collagen casing I'm going to use some more of this same hot pepper paste I feel ridiculous I'm just going to point that out I ran out of my proper vinyl gloves so I've got these gloves I accidentally bought one time makes me feel like a Cheesy Sandwich Artist or something like that anyway let's just give a little a little bit of this paste on here just to give a bit more of that flavor while it dry ages I don't want nearly as thick of a coating on this as I had originally but just enough and this will also really help that collagen casing adhere really nicely so anyway just like that perfect all right so I've got my collagen casing out I have everything kind of sprayed down here really lightly with vinegar just to sort of eliminate any initial mold growth I've got my beautiful piece of pork loin here now that it's down and I'm not going to touch it again rid of my horrible gloves thank you just gonna go like this and I'm going to roll it like so let's get rid of that little bit of that paste I'm only going to Long here now I I definitely have some overlap here with the collagen casing but that is certainly not a big deal and the purpose of using this casing of course is just a sort of help further restrict how quickly the moisture is lost and also just to offer a little bit of a protective coating here for the meat itself using half inch hog rings here because they're nice and big because I'm going over quite a bit of bulk here all right we've got that now I'm just going to give it pokes these little stabs I guess is more like it with these prickers to help some of this air be able to escape particularly once I've gone ahead and got the netting on here because that'll help squish some of that out so let's cut off some of that excess casing and now I've got my netting here and this has been sprayed down with vinegar as well just without the same reason and we'll just kind of roll it up like that to make it far nicer just slide in it so rolling it up and a little bit too far initially but that's okay we'll just slide it down perfect just like that now I can go ahead and use these hog room pliers it's pretty much the perfect amount on this end so we'll have to trim away any of the netting and then over here as well my lovely assistant doesn't like me getting my hands in the way there we go and trim off a little bit of that excess there too just like that okay so now I'm going to quickly get a weight on this and calculate my target my target weight after 35 weight loss I'll just kind of smoosh it around a little bit here which will help some of those little air pockets disappear there's already hardly anything in there so perfect so here we are I have my original and my target weight with that 35 weight loss I just tied that on with a little string here I like to use this painters tape it's just really easy to work with and it shows up nicely inside the chamber so now it's time to get this downstairs and hang so I've got this pork loin now in the curing chamber I've got it set at 73 relative humidity and 53 degrees Fahrenheit and the waiting game really begins I've got some nice looking little meat in here too all right so let's check out the weight on this capicola pork loin so our Target here was 11 35 and it's at 11.63 but actually that's with this weight 11 35 so we are 19 grams heavy I don't care I'm going to pull it now okay so after that seven weeks that this had in the uh hearing chamber I'm going to unwrap it and still in that collagen casing but that's all good there's a little bit of mold here that's white mold it's certainly not anything to be worried about however um because I'm going to be vacuum sealing this any mold that's in there will it tends to get kind of gooey and nasty so I'm just going to wash off there just use a little bit of vinegar on this scrub brush toss this into this vacuum seal bag I'm going to seal it up and then get in the fridge and leave it for one to two months depending on my patience level just for this to equalize and then we can slice into it well I've been very patient I let this go just about four months and it should be very very equalized and it is time to slice into it and taste it the most exciting of days first of all we will remove the vacuum bag here and I still have on the casing I'm just going to cut this end off and peel it off just like so and looking at this I can still see some of those little pepper flakes on there a little bit of that a little bit of that hot pepper paste but let's slice right into the middle here and see what we're working with so there we are really nice even Equalization throughout it's funny you can see how some of that paste actually worked its way in there gorgeous let's taste okay so I'm going to slice this up using my avatu slicer I'm taking this off at the 0.5 setting so it's really nice really nice and thin just like that you can see through it huh let's take off some slices here okay I need to try it here we go that flavor that pepper paste just a little heat coming through it's one of my favorite flavors probably my favorite charcuterie flavor is this capicola recipe and honestly it's it's different using the pork loin you don't have that all that really nice those big thick ribbons of fat running through the meat but you do have some fat going going around the little fat cap that was on there there's little little bits of fat um in the actual meat itself right and so it's a little bit firmer I would say than the capicola not quite as light and sort of fluffy when you eat it but the flavor is amazing and for the price it's really hard to go wrong so huge proponent of of hearing and dry aging these uh these pork lines absolutely fabulous so give it a whirl if you haven't and until next time route 11.
Channel: This Dad Goes to 11
Views: 29,697
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pork, meat, charcuterie, calabria, loin, dry age, curing, cure, curing chamber, prague powder
Id: p8-CbVMd8EQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 31 2022
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