Populating Meshes Along a Spline | Tips & Tricks | Unreal Engine PCG

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hello everybody today we are going to speak about how to create this level map just in a few minutes so this is normal static mesh so we will create all of this a complicated level map so just in a few minutes before we start don't forget to subscribe for my channel and like for my video and let's get started first of all we need to go to a new level and create basic level so this is the empty level map after that after that we need to create new folders for example a test so this is our empty folder after that we need to create blueprint class so actor test zero one okay double click so now we need to create SP line so if right here SB line is just SP line so if you go to this area we need to tag and and for example test zero five okay compile but make sure don't forget this name test05 or SB line or as you like could be save and close okay next step we need to create BCG graph so if you didn't find this BCG graph make sure go to edit and plugin and bro said URL generation framework okay check it and restart unreal and you'll see this one okay right click BCG BCG graph so maybe we can make it for example elevator or anything so double click so this is input and output okay we don't need any of them just we need to make get SB line letter okay this one so a actor filter now we need all wallet actor so if you remember we have actors selecting a selection tag this one we need to make it test zero five okay the same name of our SP line okay now we need to make now we need to make SB line sampler SV line sampler after that we need to make here this subdivision we need to make distance so we need to make gap between every mesh because we need to make it spline we can use it for any mesh after that we we can use this distance between every image so now we need to make aesthetic mesh spoiler so save after that we need to add our mesh uh you can create for example any Cube from here or you can insert any static mesh from any website uh or from Marketplace so I have this model this is static mesh okay this is normal static mesh okay this one I will download I will connect this one to our static machine so just what I'm going to do now we need to go to this area elevators and select our static mesh here index after that we need to add our mesh drag and drop here now we need to insert our SP line so if you come to test and in drag and drop our SP line if you look here so you will see this point we need to make here alt dragging the drop and draw anything so here there is nothing happened why we connect everything is good but we need to drag and drop our BCG here so if you come here you will see our static mesh so this point is so small we need to make difference between scale so just we need to make come here and trans for okay transform point and we need to disconnect it control and left Mouse and come to this area now we need to make control for this scale just here scale minimum for example six and maybe nine or ten or anything okay now if you look here this is between each other so the size is good but the distance is not good so we need to make different uh so we need to make distance so if you come to a Speed Line sampler we will see distance here maybe we can make it 300 okay you will see now it's working nice okay maybe we can for example come to this area and make play for for example now okay nice okay now what I'm going to do now we need to make this one here and we can like set okay maybe we can draw alt and make come to this area and here and make everything okay sorry so if you look here for example maybe we will disconnect everything just you need to come to this area just move it a little bit okay now we will come to this area okay nice remove and now we are going to change the make difference between material so now here come here now okay nice make sure we don't have conflict this area so now we have nice shapes but we need to make A variation between each material so how can we do that but I think here distance we need to uh decrease it a little bit so distance maybe we can do five and 205 okay nice so maybe we can play our start point we need to make it start from this point nice okay so if you didn't see the hour point we need to mix this wire frame so we will see this point here make it like that and maybe this one this is endpoint okay nice so go to normal let mode play so [Music] nice but we need to make variation between so maybe you can come to this area and maybe you can duplicate it again for example like that make more complicated sequence okay so now what I'm going to do now we need to make variation for this material so is this all of them they are the same we need to make change so uh maybe we can come to this area aesthetic mesh here so we can make here another one so copy this model and we need to come to this area waste what we need to come to this area we will see years overwrite material so we can choose for example any material in material now if you look here we have different material between each other so maybe we can make it or you can add another mesh um so now for example the same mesh or we can override material which one here from the overhead material choose follows um this is material safe and do close so we have different material for each one so you can increase and decrease for example as you like now we will start from this point look now we have different material and you can add here anything as you like for example maybe this material water material so you can add here any material as you like for example here and we can start from this area now you can start your game and make complicated game like Roblox or something like that maybe so all of this just as we can create your complicated game now everything is working amazing you can make a variation between light Ctrl l so if you like this video don't forget to subscribe for my channel and like for my video and see you in the next video take care
Channel: MR GFX Unreal
Views: 2,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: social media marketing, red camera, tiedtke, content creator, videography, influencer, vlog, red raven, komondo, music video, fujifilm, xt3, fuji xt3, tutorial, cinema 4d, blender, vfx, editor, short film, films, director, unreal engine, ue5, unreal 5, unreal engine 5 preview, spline, splines, mesh, blueprint, bp, actors, tool, free download, quickly, game, dev, development, virtual production, arri, world building, ian hubert, sensei, 4.27, free, gumroad, landscape, train, track, street, streets, city, procedural
Id: lejUw7XoBF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2023
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