PONSHOP Wheat Paste Tutorial part 2 HD.mov

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hi I'm Gabriel pons and this is part 2 of the wheat paste tutorial that I'm giving part 1 of course we made the wheat paste using flour and water and here in part 2 we're going to be applying a paper poster to a wall using wheat paste I'm using a black and white poster cutout which incorporates my one of my signature pieces here and we're simply going to be applying it to the wall what's really fun about doing paper paste-ups is you can begin to further remove paper from your cutout to create kind of interesting conditions whereas the poster will kind of mesh it'll kind of merge more with the surface that you're pasting it to okay so let's get started here I have my paper poster I'm just going to hang on to that for a second if you notice in our last tutorial when we're making the wheat paste I cooked it till it got nice and thick I've been using this here and there and it's been kind of around honestly it's been around for almost a week I've been keeping it refrigerated it's a little bit more viscous it's less like a thick gluey gravy and more just like a thinned out and kind of oatmealy mess I'm using a kind of just a three inch 4 inch brush to wipe it on if you want to get serious about it if you're putting a big huge swaths of paper you might be good to use a push broom size brush and dip it into a bucket of wheat paste to really cover some area first thing I do is start to apply my wheat paste to the wall and I'm basically just eyeballing an approximate area where my poster is going to go kind of roughly my poster is about this big and I just want to cover that area with wheat paste thin layer of wheat paste for starters so areas covered what I like to do as well is I like to put a thin layer of wheat paste on the backside of my poster so here I am just putting a quick thin layer of the wheat paste on the backside of my poster in fact as you can see I'm using that the we paste that's on the wall to kind of stick and hold it down as I do so beautiful and when applying it to the wall I simply hold it up is evenly as I can the way I want to see it and I and you can even use your hands to press in like I said we paste is very forgiving what's important is that you don't want to trap a lot of air beneath beneath the poster so once I apply kind of a central area then I work I work out from the center towards the outside to start to press the paper down and I'm applying a thin coat of wheat paste on my brush and essentially back to the paper and now what I'm doing is I'm putting a coat of it on top on top of the paper see here I could I could trap and wrinkle I could trap and wrinkle the paper if I'm too hasty but instead I'll just kind of work it down and there you have it now this will take a couple hours to dry because essentially if you remember we paste is just flour and water so it's definitely wet doesn't feel sticky it just feels wet and I'm going around I'm just going to wipe a little bit more around the edges to make sure then the edges peel off and this should dry up in about two hours it's 40 or 50 degrees out here today so it'll take maybe two hours and once it dries you'll have your graphic your poster sealed nice and tight arms to this wall and it'll be very difficult to to remove all right so this concludes part 2 of the wheat paste tutorial thanks again and please do subscribe to our YouTube channel as well as visit our brick-and-mortar gallery in Fredericksburg Virginia pawn shop studio where at 7:12 caroline street please visit our website pawnshop studio.com and i'm gabriel pons and thanks to that story The Temper dish
Channel: Gabriel Pons
Views: 36,857
Rating: 4.9105692 out of 5
Keywords: Wheatpaste, wheat, paste, demonstration, making, street, art, poster, collage, mixed, media
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 21sec (321 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 25 2012
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