PONSHOP Wheat Paste Tutorial part 1 HD.mov

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hi i'm gabriel pons this video is about how to make we taste i use we paste in a lot of of course a lot of my collages cuz i find it a little bit more durable and resilient and of course it's a lot cheaper well without further ado let's let's head up to the kitchen and I'll show you how we paste alright so here we are in the pawn shop kitchen and we're gonna make some wheat paste and like I said downstairs we paste is made of a proportion of one part white flour or multi-purpose flour one part flour to four parts water simply put and I say parts because no matter what unit of measurement you make is simply a proportion of one to four we're going to use about a cup here a lot of people asked well what if I use the whole wheat flour what's the difference yes there is a difference if you use the kind of a whole wheat or like a brown flour your glue will be kind of baiji and sandy okay so I dumped I dumped one part into here and I'm going to do four parts water one thing I enjoy about wheat paste is its simplicity like I said it's just flour and water and also in the tools I bring with me there's a beat-up wire whisk that I'm going to use to whisk the flour and the water together obviously this kind of wooden spatula spoon to scoop it out and the flour and in the water so anyway I recommend the whisk because what we're going to be doing next is we're going to be heating up the flour in the water after we mix in and you have to kind of consistently stir it start the stove on low and we can start kind of whisking this together I will use my wooden spoon spatula spoon kind of just get into the bottom of the see how it kind of chunks up a little bit around the corners of the pot just to kind of break that up and to ensure that it stays well mixed and also that it heats at a very homogenous rate or a continuous rate you do have to stir it already it's starting away if you look now the bubble the froth is dissipated it's all smooth and shiny of course the steam is rising and I'm starting to get that and this is exactly where you want it I'm gonna actually turn the heat on low for a minute so now that we have the wheat paste at its consistency and it is in fact cook cooked I'm gonna add just a little bit of sugar because I have some sugar you can add sugar to your to your wheat paste of course to make it stickier and there we have it we're going to let this cool off and you can join me in part two where we'll actually use some wheat paste to do a large scale paper ways so I'm Gabriel pons from pawn shop thank you let's whisk it
Channel: Gabriel Pons
Views: 13,023
Rating: 4.9633026 out of 5
Keywords: Wheatpaste, Wheat, Paste, Demonstration, Demonstration (people), Making, Street, Art, Poster, Collage, Mixed, Media
Id: lAJGeai0Z-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 51sec (231 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 25 2012
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