How to draw skulls (quick and easy)

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hello everybody and welcome back to the channel I hope you guys all enjoy cause I'm pinout at the moment in this video with you guys I want to share with you how I draw skulls or skull character faces now if you know me and I've been following me for a while you know one my favorite thing to draw is actually skull characters like this and basically I'm just going to break it down and start the finish how I chase in go into detail and then build from there so yeah I won't waste any more of your time I jump straight in to make sure you guys how how I'm doing this so that's good okay so the first thing we're going to do like most things when you start drawing is just do the basic shape to the begin with starting off with a squash kind of circle shape like it's not a full it's not a nice perfect circle but it's more a bit squashed angle there and from there I'm just going to do a cross line going straight for it this scope here we can have it facing this direction to begin with I draw your couple so you get a good idea of different angles and then hopefully the repetition against your head of how I'm breaking it down know the basic shapes that my should will be used in from the start of the skull is this it literally is two circles and a triangle then you look at this you've already got like the basic shape of a skull there even though that Skull Candy logo but yeah fun that's time to line the first sort of circle I pay first circle in place I don't actually quite a fairly big size if you see my other tutorial how I draw the girls it's basically the same sort of principle but or see it's the socket so you've got the whole eye in place and from the other side here instead of drawing a circle which you're probably thinking the same don't do that the reason you don't wanna be doing that is because it's flat especially from an angle it's flat if it's looking from this direction you're not gonna see the whole circle here so basically what I'm going to do to fix this problem you drill more of a rectangle shape and form the rectangle shape I'm just going to curve the corners in like this in here and then round off okay and now once you've got both eyes in place I'm going to do the nose similar again we're not going to do a face if it was a human face I'll be place to place the nose down here obviously cuz there's no it's a skull so it's got me no sort of skin area here we're just gonna go straight for the triangle so just put a triangle shape here okay guys as you can see already you could play it out like okay the skull is forming the skull is forming the next thing I'm going to do it I jump to is using the circle line the original circle is you a good indication about a cheekbone eyes so I'm just gonna sort of follow this line and put it towards the nose they still going all the way to the nose just sort of flick it down here and follow that line imagine like the lines going straight across and it is that same on the other side there we have it and now you can see I'll simply a skull can start be formed and following this I again where you go up I'm going to pick a line following that now for the top row teeth like to do this I put a little line look at this eye and half of your line draw a small indication there just to give you a bit of guidance and now imagine a downward triangle coming from this side to the center there's the center and the same goes here and I'm actually I'll show you something that's very advanced here I'll show you something so fitting in shapes is for this line the triangle let your hand go loose and pin these these dirty circles just keep it loose almost like this falling themselves now this literally stayed when that line is stable the triangle I just put in these little square shapes because we'll visit will scold us go to schools are saying so it's not your game for a perfect result you literally try to try make each school different if you will okay so once there that's the basic front of the face just go in place and seeing this edge here just one of Calca maybe three millimeters to the right I'm going to follow the same curve line there so I'm just gonna curve it to there I fall now you can easily connect it to their cheek cheek bone and here for just indication line that's the perspective lines so when this cheek bone it's there like this I'm going to drag a line going back just give up way more dimension as well so that line goes back and same goes for this flow that for that shape in a little trick for you if you've studied a lot of skulls is there's a little gap here normally which you can see through pitting this pitting this little line it is in whose it just show that you understand how the score is and that will no you be the background they're a bit of background that comes through obviously you wanna go out into the real world and study real skulls to get gray understanding of where holes will be or where certain aspects of the skull will be placed but you can do that in your own time okay for the to form the two skulls as well there's normally a line I'm not sure did not name the live as I can crack that goes from the right to the left side so the same as the teeth it doesn't actually matter hat where the lines going too much but you want that curvature hitter that's the line you want but then the set your pencil go loose now we have it that's like the basic now from that from the right side I'm going to go angle back into this beginning shape angle up and I know you like to pull it and give it a flick and then carry on the line above and now from here I like to normally pour I'm aiming to get maybe about there so I'm gonna pull the line back and the slow curve to this point now I've hit perspective line once again the same as soon over here so I'm aiming to now work form well work from this side which we work for them at the beginning we're now working at this angle back so where this line is hit with prospective line I'm pulling back and I'd give it a small overhang and pull it in where this draw line has ended so that for you I pull that in maybe a bit further back maybe a little bit more further back so that this line in here now this is just me just aiming up the middle and the same that side just uh sister after effect after effect like I'm a liking my do be iodine place and that is the basic premise of a skull that's our that now this one hasn't gone yep I put a job in Assam quickly just cause it's tutorial your bone start off with just drawing that it's like a rectangle straightaway you can play all right last you can see the indication of where I'm go in a few small teeth a few small teeth in place the governor teeth is you know that we have to think too much where you're placing them because as long as I sin on the line you pretty much golden especially for this sort of star as well that sort of illustration and the nation style and yeah I'm just pulling lines to about this point of the skull that's where the draw line would be sitting so I'm just going to pull this line back in and a little trick for you is I don't usually lie in the back bit of the jaw which you see here I just fit small indications and actually shade it gives you a much more better sense of it's been pushed back up the lines holding in place if this looks like a spur over back yeah [Music] it's looking like Skeletor come here man I have the power all right guys that's school number one you know what so that does state that does not let you down you know you've got a few skulls come in so if you've got the time which I know you have cause it's quarantine I'm gonna go for your few more processes but for now I'm gonna speed up this video and just time not to this because this is just a rough basic down from here you can see oh cool I want to add I want to add a little a little ant across on his eye or arm pair pair hat on in from this stage for it you can actually do whatever you want to this skull because the basics are down and what's the basics is down you just build on top of it so you understood speed up before you guys right now and I'm just going to next goal [Music] [Music] it's as simple as that now we've got this Skeletor looking guy it could mean as hell and that's how you doing you've got to break down the simple shapes and build upon that don't pressure yourself don't zero in on it and be going to yourself this has to be perfect just throw it in quick just quick and loose and then build up but that's one skull for you that's once go and now I'm just going to jump into the second one starting off with the same sort of principles boom I'm actually stuff changing the face shape a little bit so like I said if you keep it loose I'll show you how this process works okay so a simple shape that's I had a squash a circle for that this Devanand or with a rectangle central line in place same thing with the eyes again this time we're switching sides so where this I was here put that circle shape in like I said it beginning two circles and a triangle but remember this one we add in that curve shape here so it starts of a circle and then you spend in so one second circle in place with the bend in there so it sort of looks like a Pringle if you know what I mean I think that's first time anyone's ever referenced a Pringle as in an art lesson but so that doesn't really do whatever people do crazy guy and triangle now look at my basic shavers like squirt already in place where I picked this white right side I'm going to do it exactly the same and pull it in but instead of going back which I did there I'm actually gonna go with the square I'm actually looking to copy that square shape and this is how you can have the same the same subject material obviously a skull but I just messin around with a few shapes you can have a completely different look to it a different style which also if you can character development you probably know this already it's just you start with the basics and I'm pretty much copying the same principle as this I'm putting in the cheekbones and the same goes for this this cheek bone and pull it back and with this line once again the same process up and back nose is in place and remember the triangle shape we did so from the nose just do like a central down and aim for a point if you want to go crazy you could literally put the triangle down to this sort of point for me when I said that's already low but let's do anyway might learn something from it I'm putting this mouth bit to that size of the triangle and pretty much more pull that triangle is why I've hit it pretty bang on so I'm gonna copy that and now for about this sort of point loosen the teeth but all heading towards this direction could even do no tea Freddie if I do no teef just don't add the bottom bit just go up so just up no bottom well it's quite a quite a exaggerated shape right now and as it goes well you can adjust things as you go so I like that I'd be pulled forward a little bit I want just to come in more and these are the slight adjustments it's not actually technique here it's just your personal preference and now we're following a square of shape so the my face shape I don't have to think about it now that's the great thing I took it all that mental bandwidth out and local think too much because it's already in place form a form of rectangle which layer one helps me down the line I know it's hard sometimes when you sketch because well for me I wanted things to be perfect from start to finish and that was a problem it kept stopping me from having more flow a lot my image you start looking the same but how do you keep practicing you start realizing that by being scrappy at the beginning a lot of times leads to a better finished product so sometimes there's beauty in the mess it's kind of kind of like life sometimes you have those real bad moments and at the time you're like oh this is a mess but when you look back on it you realize to yourself that happened for a reason and I learned so many lessons that are actually better because of that so the same for drawing just keep it keep it messy keep it it's not meant to be perfect and they one down the line it comes together and then you can use the starting shapes to create something which is actually unique because you're even broken the form a little bit there you go guys a completely different skull using the same principles from the first one and now I'll just come and go out again I'm just going to pick up with the end of kit or the indication for the lines on the keep skewed is exactly the same yeah but sometime that's it for you guys so you have to sit there for the whole 10 minutes or so and watching it so I'm just going to get time ups this for you [Music] guys how styling the different basic shape from the very beginning can give you a whole different skull basically yeah one more scar show you one more just so I'm just try and drill it into you like the process of this so you see how I just you know - I see it firm time deep in your subconscious mind when you go to draw something it's there it's primed and you can just create your own skulls and create a nice skull family so third skull we've got two angles let's just do this one central with the same process so you know what's coming start off with a circle so bang I call this its face in central like the - you like this light coming that way it's like I'm in this way a center line is also the central and from two circles upper triangle so from the center lines circle and this is where you do put a circle here because it's straight on it was an angle you want to take that angle perspective into place and I'll show you this on this go with we done is imagine these invisible lines coming across like that and the same for here okay the perspective is these two points a lot for a lot firmer way because it's closer to the person the viewers eye compared to this point here which is lot smaller because further away if you really want to go crazy perspective and with how you do that is you adjust these imagining a third shot you adjust these so if my perspective line was here and then join that line here there the respect that perspective and that would be mad it to be even crazy but obviously then you have to adjust everything else as well and that's playing with perspective anyway we're going off of track now you've got me off track so just keep that in mind you wanna pin it perspective if you want a lesson on that I show you but back to the Australian tutorial for the people that way in so circle one circle to two circles equal distance between the central lines and a triangle it's just like being in math class or logo again bang isosceles there you guess there you go miss Probert so max did come in handy after school and fun down is gonna put in the strategy line connecting the two circles and already scholars being formed forming those and that central line I'm just gonna draw a little indication here and I've got a little a little dip shape and I'm gonna square off these circles a tiny bit so square a month and then next to each look it leave about half centimeter gap and line upwards to line upwards and underneath do you like to cheekbones so you're aiming for air for that liner yeah that's all line there's not a straight across but it's got an angle going downwards so put it in and the giving one once you've got these basic shapes in place is it in the case there where the teeth are falling so I want my teeth to come to this point so cheek bones actually be pulled in and the jaw the top of the mouth sewing will start should that be pulled in and hit the start somewhere around here and triangle it back into that little indication of damages you've got this sort of shape now being formed [Music] I don't just like to have a spaceship thing going on right and teeth and for just rotten teeth of course that triangle line this is no in the app anatomically correct obviously guys in straight style in place keep a few run flips in and I'll actually drawn the back of the skull is you're aiming for you're aiming to put it in a tiny bit so each sides put in a little bit I hope they go out a tiny bit and back up in out in out shake it all about and then you get to a certain point it's harder when you get to a point maybe from this ascent where you started and then it gives it dips in quite sharply like this [Music] and I know it's looking very blocky but these are just debase big shapes of how things are being fallen so this isn't gonna be the final zone just tighten the few things in bring this in a tiny bit more it's tend to align on a cheekbone see I'm just gonna add a little so it dips and it hooks back in there [Music] a tiny bit just adjusting it and hitting the jawbone just going to do this straight one to a point so paint in a rectangle and triangle lines down to the center and then this penalty pick once again well if you miss it hit one in here I'm just indicating them in tell you that and now for these lines I'm just gonna add a few notches into it to give it more of a shape [Music] and that is the basic of a center face and skull just no to the others once you put them in place I'm just going to speed the video up now and just tidy up things and add the pose I want to keep and they will form they're built from the basic shapes all right and there we have it guys that's free different styles of skulls to start the finish to show you the basic shapes and building up from there you've got cooling size and obviously facing forward now I'm gonna let you just do this work and go into the time to go learn this because I know it takes a little time to sit down and learn this process so I'm gonna go and stick with it and draw with you guys I'm gonna end up filling this sheet just for the skulls just going to time-lapse all that way I can save it down as a PDF with you guys and just download that you can trace a few you can print it off add bits to it from there yeah guys we're gonna pit in the book together so this way you guys get the grow I get the grow and we can just create a sick art community so yeah I'm so why not forward and then just crack up a bunch of skulls using the same process so if you're watching time ups watch peep the game and see the process give appeared [Music] right everybody there we have it I think it's seeming as I'm doing a lesson I'm not gonna let you guys pintle to work yourself because trust me sitting down studying sometimes it can be long but I'm not going to do that so I'm going to chip in and make sure we just get together and all just practice and grow together so thank you to everyone who stuck around to the end it's been a it's been a journey this video I enjoyed making it for you guys um firstly I want to say a big thank you to everybody on the patreon team that's Billy Jeff the girl secrets Gibble's and Tyler thank you so much for supporting me on my patreon so far and if you guys have any requests on your questions please just drop me a message in the comments section like subscribe all that our YouTube how BAM bang and I'll see you on the next video take care guys and one last thing just before I go there will be a PDF download in the description box so if you want to download this trace of it copy of it just learn from it you can't do so so yeah peel that in the description box yeah that's it take care
Views: 369,475
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Id: _fvR99jivgE
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Length: 28min 24sec (1704 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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