Making Wheat Paste glue

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hi guys today i want to show you a sort of like basic tutorial on how to mix the wheat paste glue from flour sugar and water i'm going to show you like a very basic basic um sort of approach to how to do it and i just want to be clear that you guys understand that what i'm showing you now is not the exact ratios that you have to follow because i'm only going to be making it for a small amount and you guys could actually then take what i'm showing you and adjust it and utilize that and sort of like build it up so that you if you need to make more you have a sense of what the ratios need to be because there's no exact formula for this for this mixture um and if you feel like my my example is not clear enough is i can send you guys a couple of videos online because uh there's quite a few other people who've done this and made video tutorials over that you can access on youtube if you feel like what i'm showing you is not clear or um you just don't understand what i'm trying to point out to you guys but um so essentially what what you need is a bucket i'm just using this like whatever bucket i found here a mixing tool um i'm gonna be using a fork just because i don't have anything else at my place right now that i could use um and essentially what what i'm going to be doing first in this bucket is i'm going to be mixing a really thick paste kind of uh mixture of of the flour which i've got in this cup over here so i'm going to be using like basically one cup of flour with about a cup of water maybe just maybe maybe i'll use two cups of water and you don't need that much sugar but i'm gonna be using half a bag of this 250 gram bag of salati sugar it's like uh so it's plus minus about 150 grams but this is not exactly like so what i'm trying to point out you guys it's not an exact science right so essentially for the paste you want it to be thick right because what's going to be happening with this paste is i'm we're going to be putting this into a pot of boiling water which i will start up and i'll show you guys that next part as well right so essentially what we're going to be doing is just mixing down these the different ingredients uh just very simply just put it into the bucket you know so i'll throw the water first and i'll throw the flour in next and the sugar essentially what the i mean like some other formulas and recipes out there they people don't even include sugar i just like to use it because it makes it a bit stickier so when you're actually doing the the pasting and gluing um this is a better sense of the stick that's happening right but it's not necessary that you need to have the sugar but i prefer to have that right not just all the sugar in at all i don't even throw all of it and best and i'll just start mixing that together what you want to kind of do is just make sure everything mixes you know so there aren't like too many like clocks or big clumps left of the mixture and you probably want to keep mixing this thing for about i don't know like 10 15 minutes 10 minutes continuously you just want to like make sure everything is mixed right so i'm using a fork but like i said if you have something better to use as a mixing tool you can use that but essentially you don't want to use anything that you're going to be using you want to have like some some items that you could like probably throw away or not like using the kitchen again right so essentially you want to keep doing this and mix up the stuff so mine is not super pasty but it is quite like thick you know so you want it to be like slightly runny but the idea is that it's not too runny just keep doing that until it's all mixed in okay guys so while i was doing the other mixture in the bucket i had some water boiling on the stove and as you can see what we're going to be doing with another mixture is mixing it into this boiling water and it's essential that you get the water to be boiling and the measurement over here is usually if there was one part one part water one part flour in the the mixture that you made before you'd probably want to triple that right so you probably have the equivalent of about three cups of boiling or like actually four cups of boiling water compared to one cup so what i'm trying to say is if you've had one part of flour and water in the cold mixture you want it to be at least four times more than that for the boiling water right and so i hope you guys understand when i say one part two part it's like the the measurements can differ depending on the size and the amount that you want to produce right so if you if you're needing to make a big 25 liter bucket you'd have to up the measurements quite a bit um and i've gone through packets of flour you know like like complete packets of flour just making like really thick pasty um mixtures of glue for 25 liter buckets right so what i'm showing you now is a very small mixture it's a small amount but you should try and adapt what i'm showing you to make larger amounts if you need it for the much bigger posters you're going to be making okay so whatever so now the water is boiling i'll take the cold mixture that's in my bucket over here and i'll just pour this into this this part gets very tricky because what's gonna start happening now is this stuff starts cooking right and you'd have to be stirring it all the time because essentially what happens is it is a cooking process and you'd want this process to go on for at least at least 25 minutes constantly stirring because you can actually start feeling it thickening up at the bottom and what you don't want is it to burn at the bottom or to clump too much because you'd have all these like look you can see what's happening over there that's it's starting to cook so you have to constantly be stirred in this mixture all the time and you want to like i said 25 minutes at least if you want a really good glue and you can actually see how much it's thickened already right so this is now like constant you're going to be standing here and studying the same because you don't want the glue to burn you don't want the mixture to burn you don't want any clots um in the mixture you want it to be as sort of you want to keep it the same consistency because you can apply it to the walls and use it how you need to you don't want it to be too many clots and clumps because that will just look unsightly it won't look nice and it'll be hard to work with right so this goes on for like i said at least 25 minutes of constant stirring so you're always aware of what's happening at the bottom because you don't want that stuff to stick like and don't be afraid if you do see these things happening it's part of the process that's why you have to keep stirring it right so don't be afraid of using any of these clumps that start forming already that's fine just keep slurring so as you can see here and i've just finished cooking the glue and the consistency has actually become a lot thicker than i anticipated it would be right but this is really the perfect almost like close to the perfect sort of way that you want it to be it's quite creamy it even looks like it could be like you know like millie mill um basically it also this is essentially essentially what this is is basically pancake batter without any eggs in it right and that's kind of what you wanted to look like because that no that then you know you got yourself a really good mix of glue and i'm still even though it's still quite hot and it's off the heat i still keep stirring it and basically this mix could last you you could use this for uh two days after the second day it would probably start like molding and you probably wouldn't want to use it anymore because it might start smelling as well so for the next couple of days this mixture of glue over here is is usable right so what i do from now is take what's in the pot and just pour this back into the bucket that we're going to use and i would advise maybe if you could try and use like um like things that you don't necessarily want to use again you know like a old pot if necessary a bucket that you not really too worried about you're going to be buying a bucket specifically for this i think that's fine you know but i so after i've poured this mixture in now um what i usually would tend to do is i just keep stirring because there's a little bit of like you know clots and clumps in my mixture so just to keep but that's also because i'm using this fork right and it doesn't mean that's unusable when you see those clumps there just it's just they can show themselves when you're pasting the posters on the wall you'll see these like big knots of like flower and stuff like in the on the wall itself but the glue would still work and i just keep stirring because it's still quite hot but you don't want to use it just yet you want this glue to cool down as well so while it's cooling down just keep stirring you know and you kind of just estimate how long that takes um how long the cooling of process takes but you just want to keep stirring it while it's still this hot because there is still a bit of cooking that is happening over there right and that is essentially so once that happens once it's cooled down you could use this and that's the glue like i said um i'm only showing you like a guesstimation of how to make a really small mixture but you should take the formula that i've showed you and multiply that so that you have a you can make a much larger consistency of these things for your much bigger pastes right and don't be afraid to use more water because like i think from i've never made a mixture this small before but um you could actually use more water than what i use so you could actually use six times more water than the water you used for your cold mixture you know what i mean so because what actually does happen is like because the flour and the sugar in the cold mixture they just start thickening up so quickly in when you throw it into the boiling water that i think you can actually use a much larger amount of boiling water and you would still get a pretty good consistency like i said it's the first time i'm actually making an amount it's this small but this consistency is great and that's basically it that is wheat paste glue um if you guys don't want to use this sort of approach you can actually you can also buy wallpaper glue at the hardware store but the only difference between the two of them is if you're environmentally conscious wallpaper glue is quite toxic right and and you until it's water-based so you just get like a little sachet that you mix in with a bucket of water and it's much simpler than this process but it is also quite toxic and it's made from chemicals right whereas this is just flour sugar and water but that's up to you i would say i would suggest that you also you try to use this and try to make this because it's actually a pretty good you know exercise and it's a nice experience to try to have you know made glue out of you know household products that you just find in your kitchen right and it's also environmentally friendly and that's it that's wheat paste glue
Channel: Jarrett Erasmus
Views: 25
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: vxm0c1NHwVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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