15 Minute Dinners that Will Change Your Life (part 2)

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all right so you want more quick dinners i get it but remember i only have about 10 of these i'm not giving out dishes that i'm just making up on the spot these are the meals that i use in my everyday life that are customizable with the ingredients i have in my fridge and pantry that are diverse in flavors and most importantly that come together in 15 minutes so that's what you're getting in part two four more 15 minute dinners that hopefully you can master one or two of them and add them to your own docket so you're still eating great homemade dinners even in your busy life we're starting this one off with another one of my favorite pasta dishes and of course pasta is just the perfect 15-minute meal because it's just one thing for a meal you don't need a ton of different elements to bring this together really if you've got some fresh sausage and some herbs you can make some version of this pasta of course first step get the water boiling so this type of wider saute pot with a high lip is perfect for pasta because when we boil our noodles and put it in there it'll actually fit and not spill over so i'm just going to get that on a medium heat we'll get a little bit of olive oil in there to start the action now with these sausages i like to just slice them right open always take that casing off and just boom dab it in there that's gonna render and get nice and crispy wash my hands we've got some cremini mushrooms right here but this is a great dish to use whatever you have in your fridge wonderful with roccolini spinach peppers i don't care the goal is to customize it with your own ingredients okay now this is what you're looking for doesn't take long to get some really nice browning on that in the meantime thanks to the power of induction that should be on high we're pretty much at a boil so we'll pop in our pasty and let that go this is tagliatelli i believe you can use fettuccine again anything you want i don't care and now i will work on my pesto so i turn that on like a medium-low i'm monitoring that pan in the meantime i'm gonna make a really quick pesto super simple fresh herbs i've got some parsley here traditional pesto is basil which i have as well but i like throwing in some extra herb nothing wrong with some extra flavor in there outside of italians getting very upset but what aren't italians upset with when it comes to traditional food making okay i'm gonna grate in a little bit of lemon zest extra flavor never hurt and i'll also go in with the juice of half of the lemon ah karate chop one garlic clove now most of you know that pine nuts are very expensive and i rarely have them in my house i'm using some almonds my culinary team highly suggested using walnuts and not almonds because they have more oil in them like pine nuts but i really like an almond pesto oil let's start streaming in some oil so instead of going crazy with the oil i'm just going to take a little bit of pasta water not the pasta the pasta water we're gonna make it a little more liquidy with that pasta water boom much better okay that is looking great ready to go into our saucepan see how that is cooked down and look at those little brown bits of goodness right there that's what you're looking for all that flavor on the bottom of the pan that will also come up pesto in sure you get it all ah smells amazing we're just gonna cook that pesto for about 30 seconds and then our noodles should be perfect how you doing noodles pasta don't get mad at me you know where pasta came from it came from china where noodles were created so there's your tradition now this is why i suggest a pot like this we're all contained it's not flying around all over the place food processor stills plenty of pesto in there into the pasta water need a little more of that oh wow finally go in with some fresh parm salt pepper a little bit more pasta water to lubricate cook for another 30 seconds and we serve [Music] dude not only will i call pasta noodles but i'll eat pasta with chopsticks that is everything you want in a pasta dish creamy meaty flavorful tangy so good you've got two pasta dishes now that you can make under 15 minutes so sorry for the uh the set change here but i just did a little quick renovation took off the front doors of the cabinets and this is exciting how much better does it look already just a little brighter kind of preparing getting in the mindset of this renovation i'm gonna do doesn't that look better but back to the next recipe which is actually inspired by my brother who told me one of his favorite 15-minute meals is a sog an indian side and it reminded me that i do an indian coconut curry dish with tomatoes all of the time it's like my quick go-to curry so i'm going to use a little inspiration from his dish combine it with what i do and show you i'm using a 10-inch non-stick pot for this but something of this size will work great get that on a medium flame most indian curries start off with a ginger garlic paste i'm not going to make a paste because i don't have time but a quick rough chop of both of these will do the job and this is young ginger so i don't need to peel it i'm happy with that right there coconut oil but you can use ghee now base aromatics frying away make sure they are moving they don't burn i'm going to slice up a little bit of chili for some heat boom chili in now while that's frying tomatoes all you got to do is rough chop them you don't even need to peel them fine with the skin especially in 15 minutes these will break down even in a short amount of time okay coconut oil infused with aromatic flavor now we throw in our tomatoes all right i'm an idiot i forgot a step this is the curry powder essential flavor for this dish i like to add it before the tomatoes so i can bloom the flavors really toast them with those aromatics before the juice of the tomato goes in so i suggest that but i'm still gonna get some toasty action right now let's crank this up just cook that for about two minutes and you'll see those tomatoes starting to really break down and guess what i got my friends we're moving on from this to a real masher we're just going to mash those tomatoes just like in the pasta recipe so what we have right here is just a super flavorful and aromatic tomato sauce this is how a lot of indian curry start off now what i still don't have is a can opener as you can see here i used a hammer and a knife to get that open i'm pretty much just buying things as i cook as they come up so to cream this up i'm just gonna add some of that coconut milk that was about a cup oh yeah that transformation quick flavor here and i'll take this over to josh's special ingredient which i think is genius frozen spinach this is the sog aspect of this dish add in a few chunks of that and we'll just let that cook down it's already nice and thick though so obviously if you've got some leftover rice use that to serve this over or if you think you can make rice under 15 minutes go for it i've tried it doesn't work the other option is some type of bread like a non-product so you can take one of these store-bought flatbreads or nuns brush it with some butter fry it up in a pan with a little curry spice not too shabby but i'm trying to do as much from scratch as possible so another great trick anyone who's got a sourdough starter instant flatbread all this is is a live culture of yeasted bacteria you mix in flour and water it rises like this right here check out what i'm about to do take a little butter oh damn that is hot induction burners all right well that just turned into brown butter real quick get in your sourdough starter oh globby globby goodness we're burning we're burning this is a disaster still learning these induction burners in this studio oh i'm messing up everywhere some curry powder i've got some cilantro that i'm using for one of the next dishes i'll take the stems and just slice those right onto there little crunch you get some leaves that's all right i can't forget salt let's see if i burnt the bottom one not burnt the other side should look a lot better so we've got the pancake thing cooking away this beauty has been stewing down there's only one more thing i want to do which is season it i don't think there's any seasoning yet and add another veggie so you could really add anything at this point some fresh broccoli in there maybe some eggplant what else would be good some zucchini this is where we're really just blanching a veggie for two three minutes just to get it tender so some fresh asparagus in there one of my favorites again just adding more veggie goodness to our dinner we'll let that cook for like two minutes and we're done let's give it a taste good spice a little more salt oh i know what it needs definitely needs some lime don't underestimate a little acidic kick to brighten up your curries yes okay should be ready check that thing out curry and cilantro encrusted sourdough flatbread [Music] mmm that's flavor right there and that that's vegan is that vegan oh butter not vegan almost vegan and i know a lot of you were asking for vegetarian dishes packed with flavor customizable with any veggies it's all about building that base of aromatics and just adding on to it pretty simple stuff right here add it to your arsenal and i guarantee everyone in your household will be happy there are times in your life when you just eat too many carbs it happens to all of us we're all guilty and that's when this next recipe comes out when i'm done with the carbs i need a break from the rice or the bread what do i got in here how do you turn a head of lettuce like this into a yummy dinner well you could make a salad but i don't know for dinner maybe you don't want that so what i'm gonna do is lettuce wraps which i make all the time and the best part about it is i'm pretty much using just ingredients from prior recipes plus a few pantry staples so i'm gonna get this pan rock in on a medium heat and add in a little oil now i'm gonna do the same technique from the pasta by removing the sausage from the casing so i can rip it up into little pieces and get it frying in this pan i'll start breaking up and stirring up those sausage pieces to get the action going and while that's cooking away i'll work on the aromatics i'm dicing up one onion remove the skin slice slice slice diced diced dice and i'll roll through one clove of garlic and the same for the ginger all right ginger garlic onion aromatic [Music] [Music] feeling a little bit dry just a little splash of oil to help that out salt okay that is a wonderful base but since i only had those two leftover sausages this is where our friend mr cabbage comes into play cabbage is one of my favorite veggies because when you cook it down and caramelize it it gets so sweet and delicious costs basically nothing and it's just such an easy way to bulk up a dish like gonna take off that leaf cut off the stem that right down the core take out the core chicken food this can be super rough it's all gonna cook down now if you had more time you could keep cooking that down and rendering it even more building more flavors but that's tasty enough right there for me in goes your cabbage and we'll cook this down for about a minute or two now look how much that has wilted down didn't take long so now all we have to do is season common pantry these are like my four classic essentials use whatever seasoning you have but i'm going in with obviously the soy tangy rice vinegar need that acidic wee hit of sesame and then just a kick of fish sauce for some funk because i love them sesame seeds and that will help deglaze that pan you see all that flavor is starting to come up into our mixture that's where we want it we don't want it on the pan we want it in our food see clean pan okay now just one final taste oh my god you could add a little bit of sweetness some honey some sugar but for me that is perfect there was plenty of sweetness developed in that caramelization unbelievable so what i like to do to serve is just bring this whole thing over to the table put something under it that is heat proof take your lettuce these outer leaves that's chicken food and this is some bib lettuce that is just the perfect lettuce cups look at that that is a perfect crunchy little cup of heaven get a big fat spoon dude not gonna lie some type of drizzle i don't know exactly what it is like a jalapeno creamy mayo sauce that would be incredible with this but i love that like you can really enjoy that salty goodness of this mixture because you're eating it wrapped in just fresh juicy nothingness it makes it feel alright so a lot of you seem to enjoy my struggles in part one with my lack of kitchen gear which i find funny considering this channel well it's all about optimizing your experience in the kitchen but luckily there are companies like mizen the sponsor of today's video who's really on a mission to enable great home cooking through their products when i moved into this kitchen a few months ago it was a no-brainer for me i headed over to mesan.com and was pretty much able to stock this entire kitchen and get up and running quickly and the shopping experience isn't overwhelming because they are hyper focused on just those essentials that you really need nizen not only makes high quality products that work great but they happen to be beautifully designed so you won't have any issues showing them off in your kitchen and finally they are affordable so you don't have to break the bank for a few stainless steel pots and pans and they're constantly developing new lines of kitchen gear so i'm always pumped for their new launches because their research their development and their production is top notch so if you're interested in any nissan products click the link below use codeword pro home cooks and get 20 off your first order now back to the next meal so i try to put in as much effort as possible to really balance all of these meals out so you have options depending on what you're craving how you're feeling and all of that and we already have two meat recipes we've got a vegetarian recipe and i think this last dish is perfect it falls somewhere in between but first we've gotta gather some supplies first off check out this little asian pear orchard that i planted six different asian pear trees three different varieties about four years four or five years this is gonna be epic but i'm interested in what's over here these beauties have been growing very nicely a few have been eaten by bugs and deer but these two angels are ready for harvest but the most important ingredient this is an egg dish well sort of an egg all right so what we're making is a cauliflower fried rice which is an amazing way to cut down the carbs but you still get the heartiness from the eggs and it's just packed with veggies and it's really simple to make and takes under 15 minutes to get the dish started all you got to do is chop up some peppers and some onions get them frying in a pan and add in some sliced garlic we've got veggies cooking over there in the meantime we can work on our cauliflower rice which is really really simple pour that right there boom cut it up into some small chunks so the food processor can handle it i think we can probably save this piece in your food processor add your cauliflower close and pulse you don't want to take it too far just far enough so you've got you can see it's starting to get rice-like perfect so just a few pulses got our rice but now i'll hit it with some chili salt we've got our lovely purple bok choy just break those off right into the stir-fry they'll wilt down just like with the patsy you push aside more oil precise i might do three for this to really bulk it up three it is scramble mix now we add our rice cauliflower rice crank that flame up soy sauce sesame oil got some lime left over so just let that cauliflower soften up just a bit fry all those flavors together and they're pretty much done last step i actually haven't tested this in a while and i slightly overcooked the cauliflower i would suggest only cooking it for a few minutes you still want it tender so it has that bite similar to rice it's got a little too soft it's still delicious all you keto people that keep emailing me for recipes this is perfect a wonderful dinner experience it feels very uh not guilt-free but it feels light without all that rice so there you go that's eight 15-minute dinners in the last two videos now i'm running out of ideas and i don't want to just start making things up that i don't actually use in my real life so what i was thinking is i might start bringing on guests other food youtubers and seeing what their 15-minute dinners are because i know everyone has at least five in their back pocket that are their go-to's throughout the week so stay tuned for that if you want more quick dinners boom boom boom these two videos and thank you for watching this video thanks for nissan for sponsoring and i'll see you soon
Channel: Pro Home Cooks
Views: 4,152,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 15 minute dinners, easy dinners, quick dinner ideas, dinner ideas, weeknight dinners, fast dinner, sausage pesto pasta, easy pesto pasta, coconut curry, tomato coconut curry, quick coconut curry, how to make coconut curry, Indian curry dinner, cauliflower rice, keto fried rice, keto dinner ideas, lettuce wraps, mike g, pro home cooks, mike Greenfield, what to cook for dinner, fast recipes, 15 minute cooking
Id: PN-5UUzj7SI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 04 2021
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