Polyurethane Concrete Raising VS Mudjacking

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[Music] when contractors market against each other important facts can get overlooked in this video we'll provide an accurate look at how polyurethane compares to mud jacking in terms of water resistance health and safety injection hole size as well as strength and cost for a long-lasting repair concrete lifting materials should be water resistant let's look at the difference between polyurethane and mud a customer had a little problem with a slab that he hired a local mud jacking company to fix the interesting thing that I saw about this was all of their material pumped out the front of this slab raising this back edge way too far the material as you can see is not real strong we're gonna go ahead and get a sample of this and we're gonna take it back to our shop and do some testing mud jacking companies talk very highly of their material and speak very poorly in regards to polyurethane so our our theory is to work on facts not opinions and to show you guys something that actually makes sense when it comes to concrete raising so we hope you find this very interesting [Music] erosion is one of the top reasons concrete drops or sinks so what's the best material to raise concrete and help prevent it from dropping again polyurethane or mud jacking mud in a controlled environment we're going to test the effect of water erosion on equal parts of polyurethane and mud jacking mud using mud jacking material collected from the mud jackers worksite we formed a cube and allowed it to fully dry for maximum strength mud jacking mud takes 24 to 48 hours to fully cure to ensure a fair comparison we selected a same sized cube of fully cured polyurethane polyurethane takes about a half an hour to cure we have here two water filter housings filled with sand and pea gravel now we'll add the cube of polyurethane to one housing and the cube of mud jacking mud to the other next we'll test the water erosion effects on both materials at the same time under the same conditions by adding water since leveling materials are injected underneath concrete we've placed a piece of concrete on top of each cube of material this will simulate a realistic environment for testing the filter housings have been connected to a common water supply now we'll turn on the water and film the effects water has on polyurethane and mud jacking mud we'll be switching to a time-lapse mode to speed things up a bit okay now we're gonna take these filters apart and take a look at what's left inside this filter has the polyurethane and you could see it is fine it is the same condition it was before we started this test now for the mud as you can see the mud degraded and it plugged up all of the gravel and sand beneath it not allowing any water drainage at all [Music] that's what's left of our mud sample [Music] there's just nothing left of it material strength is an important consideration get the facts at writing before you make your choice the strength of polyurethane has been proven in laboratory tests and it is also reflected on product datasheets because of polyurethane shear strength and water resistancy it is relied on to repair tall ways and interstates highways are heavily trafficked with large vehicles and require a superior weight bearing product polyurethane is so strong that it is the only repair product accepted on certain highway projects mud jacking bids aren't even accepted the Illinois Tollway wrote bid specifications requiring the use of polyurethane for repairing it settled highways right here in Chicagoland areas within a 42 mile section of I 294 were raised up to 5 inches using polyurethane we wanted to provide facts on the strength of mud jacking mud but were unable to find any consistent data mud checking mud varies from mud jacquard a mud jacker each mud jacking contractor seems to have a different description of their mud they also claimed their equipment as somehow special from that of their competitors we couldn't find any data to support this in fact the only data we could find on the consistency of mud checking mud is that it isn't consistent at all after your concrete has been raised it shouldn't look like Swiss cheese holes should be minimal in terms of placement and size let's review the difference between my jackin and Polly jackin injection halls here's a drawing that graphically represents the most common difference in hole size between polyurethane and mud jackin but it's just that a drawing so a better way of understanding the difference between the two is to look at what's really going on here is an actual mud jacking nozzle alongside a polyurethane injection port this mud jacking nozzle requires an inch and 5/8 hole about the size of a golf ball the polyurethane injection port only needs a 5/8 inch hole about the size of a dime for mud jacking the operator will stand on the injector to hold it down with their foot and pull on an attached rod to keep it wedged in there there is no mechanical connection here it's dependent upon the operators ability to physically hold it down in the hole polyurethane is completely different the injection gun attaches to the port by either a quick-connect swivel fitting or a simple clamping mechanism either of which provide a secure sealed connection up to 10,000 pounds per square inch the mud jacking nozzle is nearly 7 times the surface area than an injection port for polyurethane so what do actual mud jacking holes look like here are some pictures we took at estimates where mud jacked concrete had dropped again it's easy to see that large patches are very noticeable but more importantly they run a much higher risk of failing the large patches can crack fallout and leave big gaping holes we've even seen weeds growing out of them here are a few photos of concrete that had been raised with polyurethane the injection sites are hardly noticeable and being so small have little to no risk of failing in the future mud jacking mud is generally considered to be safe now let's take a look at the facts regarding polyurethane foams some companies resort to scare tactics in a desperate attempt to trick potential customers into selecting mud jacking this is resulted in numerous false claims here are some facts regarding how polyurethane affects personal health safety and the environment in the search for accurate and truthful data we decided to look at a manufacturer's safety data sheets polyurethane foam has no hazardous components and does not list it as a carcinogen ecologically it is not a marine pollutant and shows no mobility in soils disposal is permitted in any municipal landfill accepting standard construction and demolition debris polyurethane is not regulated by the Department of Transportation polyurethane foam is not considered hazardous per osha 29 CFR 1910 dot 1200 it is a well-known fact that polyurethane foam is chemically inert and will not leach into groundwater polyurethane is a common everyday material found in furniture carpet cushions bedding packaging insulation construction sealants surfboards watchbands and thousands of other products including medical devices price is always a factor when selecting a repair option will reveal useful information to help you navigate this tricky landscape did you know raising concrete with polyurethane is often less expensive than mud jacking our project in quotes underpin mud jacking on a regular basis a mud checker might tell you PAH jacking is too expensive polyurethane is after all a far superior product and the material itself does cost more than mud jacker mud however the polyurethane delivery system is far more efficient and sophisticated when compared to the system that mud jackers use advancements in polyurethane technology have create better product one with higher efficiency and reduced labor costs these substantial cost savings are then passed on to our customers and are one of the reasons why we regularly underbid the competition if you receive a project and quote that's significantly higher than much I can quote looking to the provider of the service is the provider and actual concrete raising specialists like Acme concrete or is this a company who simply offers pas jacking as an add-on service like a waterproofing or a concrete installation company a waterproofing company who offers highjacking as an add-on service will undoubtedly sell calculation services at an inflated rate it would be similar to buying a gallon of milk at a convened store for the best service at the greatest value don't sell for anything less and company's primary focus is polyurethane conquer raising we've worked hard to present facts regarding how polyurethane concrete raising compares the mud jacking here's a quick summary of our findings so how does polyurethane compared to mud checking let's review the facts we conducted a demonstration showing how mud jacking mud and polyurethane hold up to water during our demonstration we found that mud jacking mud doesn't hold up at all the mud is just that it's mud and mud washes away quickly when introduced to water mud jacking mud is not water resistant polyurethane on the other hand is water resistant and will not erode like mud water will not penetrate or break down polyurethane what about material strength polyurethane has superior weight bearing strength the material is so strong that it's the only product required for certain highway projects projects that won't even accept mud jacking bids mud jacking mud varies from contractor to contractor we couldn't find any consistent data on what makes up mud jacking mud each contractor seems to mix up their own slurry and those flurries can change from job to job with mud you don't really know what's being injected under your concrete now let's talk about hole size polyurethane holes are much smaller than that of mud jacking holes they're about the size of a dime holes for mud jacking are about six times the surface area of polyurethane holes mud checking holes are large and sloppy material is pumped in using a loose fitting pipe often held down by a much jackers foot the injection process for polyurethane is neat and efficient polyurethane is injected through a tightly sealed injection port carefully placed into your concrete the injection port helps deliver the polyurethane quickly efficiently and under a very controlled delivery system there is no messy slurry or loose-fitting pipe like in mud jackin injection sites are hardly noticeable my jacking leaves large gaping holes which are more likely to crack and fail over time now polyurethane is found in thousands of common household products like furniture bedding packing material even in medical devices chances are you're sitting on polyurethane at this very moment when reviewed we found that material data sheets show polyurethane poses no risks to individuals or the environment now for cost the polyurethane material itself is more expensive than mud however raising concrete with polyurethane is as affordable if not cheaper than that of hiring a mud checker with the sophisticated polyurethane delivery system labor and delivery costs are minimal allowing us to pass that savings on to our customers polyurethane quotes often cost less than mud checking quotes don't settle for mud jacking we recommend a polyurethane specialist for the best product and value for your money Acme succeeds where concrete fails so what about that failed mud jacking job as shown earlier a mud jacker tried to fix this customer stoop their mud jacking material literally pumped out the front Acme concrete properly fixed the stoop using long-lasting polyurethane we use commercial grade polyurethane on every job we do Acme succeeds where concrete fails [Music]
Channel: Acme Concrete Raising & Repair Inc.
Views: 133,114
Rating: 4.3375158 out of 5
Keywords: Acme Concrete Raising & Repair, mud jacking, mudjacking, Concrete leveling, Concrete Raising, Concrete Lifting, Polyurethane Concrete Lifting, Polyurethane concrete raising, Poly vs Mud, Polyurethane vs Mud, Polyurethane vs Mudjacking, polyurethane concrete raising versus mudjacking, mud poly compare, polyurethane and mudjacking comparison, polyurethane foam strength
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 18sec (978 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 03 2019
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