Polyphia made me Neurotic

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why waste i know why you're here go [Music] oh whoa those are fancy guitars [Music] it's like tron and angels had a guitar baby [Music] already with uh seductiveness [Music] and then some flaxs of course [Music] all right this is a bit more like semi-older like 2015 onward [Music] less classical [Music] they live in slides they're slippery dude next video game stand in the background [Music] that it almost sounds like ariana grande's voice [Music] like they are the lead singers that's crazy [Music] okay [Music] nice little melody hangs [Music] [Music] it's happy they ain't sad boys [Music] okay [Music] damn we shredded it up all those are fun intervals yeah this reminds me of uh the album right after inspire [Music] that one has like champagne and stuff on it [Applause] [Music] you also like jesus those drums dude dude lives in groove [Music] is that did i just get banned all right we're gonna blur this out because i don't know if that's to ties right there cool art swirling that's it internet what just happened okay there's lots of digestion wow it's yeah it's like it went by so fast i guess that's a good sign right it was just very entertaining um so it's it's overall like this just to start out like it's definitely different than the last track right the last track they went this very like classical like almost like spanish-y vibe i i don't know like classical stuff which was really cool a lot of harmonic minor a lot of dark melody choices a lot of you know mixed in chromaticism and then halfway through it changes to like that very major-y happy jazz like [ __ ] major nine kind of vibe which is really cool it's very cool and they blended it super well i loved it it was very unique in this space and this track it looks like they more so i mean they have their electric guitars back right which again they looked uh decked out now it looks like they got some i don't know extra gear on them like extra add-ons i don't know what to call those plates but yeah that um and they're bringing back a lot more of the old-school like not inspired because that was like more their gent stuff but like the stuff right after like i said like during that champagne era something like renaissance vibe as well and um it's again that stuff's great it's it's older politia it's very melody focused they they are the lead singers which is you know pretty apparent now like that's why they can pull off the instrumental thing unlike a lot of other instrumental bands is because they understand melody very well like very well like they know that they have to create really catchy hooks but they're doing it with with lead lines instead of vocal lines which is really cool and they're still technical like they're still technical like i still look at my guitars and they like just are like nah nah you you are not for us and i understand that right um so they're they're playing that part really well and again it's it's it's a lot more of that like lydian slash major like very happy sounding stuff which i personally really love like the darker trap harmonic minor stuff they're doing um and i like this stuff too but i do like that stuff a little bit more but it's cool that they they're going with this style for the second single it's like damn all right that's that's that's ballsy and it's very old polytheia it's the grooves too like i love the grooves there's they're so fun there's a lot of little like kind of metric mods going on here and there and then clay on the base too like this is the only one of the only bands that actually care about the bass like the bass is actually really dope and i never say that so huge huge collapse to my dude um but yeah like and i loved a lot of the shredding again you could like these are core kids like these are these are dude these are metal heads like you could tell on the style you could tell how they're shredding it's just instead of putting like a high gain and crank the you know presence to 11 and scoop the mids they're just playing with crunch tones like that's it crunch tones and then they have like edm stuff going on and like synthy stuff and like those types of like very poppy vocal samples going on that are laced in all the melodies but they're metal and these a lot of these licks are metal licks which is really cool to see and it does translate very well with this stuff um fun song good melody good structure chorus was really hooky again like if i had to compare the last track like that track glass track playing god's just a masterpiece i i would say this song doesn't excite me as much as like playing god because it's it's something i've heard from politia before this song you know what i mean like it's it's the same kind of style they've done before and they do it well and it's great and it's catchy and it's hooky and it's got good replay value and it's a well done song um and that's great but we just got playing god and i felt like we weren't playing god on this one we was playing with like some clouds and the clouds are puffy and they're fun and they're great like i said but not as like oh and surprising as maybe the last track but that's fine again not every track needs to be like the game changer i think this is a great track good replay value good song yeah simple as that good catchy old but new politio there you go and the video was super fun i don't know what's happening there was naked lady floating with wings it's good to know uh if you guys like this be sure you'll show them a link to visual videos down the description if you like this video hit the subscribe button down below comments below to hear it core kid.ca thanks for putting some streams on twitch twitter description will come hang out uh if you want patreon stuff and support you want to support it's always a help patreon a lot of cool perks and more videos here bye oh god
Channel: Nik Nocturnal
Views: 206,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Polyphia Neurotica, polyphia neurotica nik nocturnal, polyphia neurotica reaction, polyphia neurotica cover, Polyphia, playing god, polyphia playing god, tim henson, polyphia new song, polyphia reaction, polyphia nik nocturnal, metal musician reaction, nik nocturnal guitar cover, nik nocturnal, metal musician reacts, nik nocturnal reacts, nik nocturnal youtube, Metal, metal musician, metal reaction, guitar, metal, nik nocturnal guitar
Id: lnHaSgQ29o4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 18 2022
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