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hello there everybody welcome on back welcome i'm back more isaac it's repentance time baby repentance time baby let's do i'm gonna go back and forth back and forth back and forth wait a minute why the hell does forgotten have the mother oh i know what i forgot his mother done uh co-op i was like what the hell i didn't do mother with the forgotten uh just kidding i guess i did but i didn't play as him or maybe i did i actually don't remember no i did not play this whatever right um is bethany is bethany we're gonna do a fun thing called unlocked tainted bethany evfj86mh it's been look i mean look i mean look i mean freaking look dude i mean look i mean look um it's been like a good week since i've unlocked a tainted character right we unlocked tainted jacob that was a freaking ride for sure i am excited to get another dogma kill in the books obviously uh bethany is bethany is an interesting character at heart uh because of her her book of virtues i was about to say revelations not the name of it by the way um but an interesting character because of her ability to get a little wacky with these hearts uh obviously also we have a black heart chilling in the system right now let's put a bomb here okay i mean it's still fine i'll do it right i'll do it the more fires we have the happier life is also keep in mind that bethany is you know definitely different from anti-birth right which those of you that have distinct memories of bethany in anti-birth like myself um it's a very different character than what we once played so there's a lot of fun synergies to encounter here there's a lot of you know unique interactions to take care of and see what what happened and i'm i'm excited to to find some of those today i have not played nearly enough bethany uh in this game to be perfectly blunt with you i i have played bethany i think like twice since repentance started which for a new character that's that's freaking nothing dude that's freaking nothing so i i gotta i gotta bump those rookie numbers up i gotta get myself some some good bethany chaos going on here we're also uh honestly the damage right now definitely not too bad it's not too bad i don't like him respawning people but when you look at you know the kind of the sheer amount of damage these four fires are bringing us it's hard to be upset about it uh let's pop this i am gonna skip the item room because of course we can just do we can just do uh you know the things we can just do the things we can do planetarium hunting and searching i'm liking this all right good talk uh how about instead i still want this secret room man so let's let's do it here instead and then that provided me with three more bombs okay um let's bomb this guy for no money nice then you know what i'm gonna bomb the shopkeep i'll bomb the donation machine a little too just to get us a nice even footing for our run here and then i should keep a bomb but i'm going to get greedy and i'm going to grab our super secret room that's going to provide me with three red hearts that i just don't care about it's time to go it's time to go so would have been sick nasty and also awesome all at the same time if we would have gotten uh i mean like a temperance machine on that floor would have been sick with all those hearts that we had you know there's there's a lot of things that could have made the floor better but i i'm still happy i'm still happy and our damage output here early on this floor uh is kind of insane now normally when our damage output is super high in these dogma runs right there is an incentive to say frick it let's skip you know as many item rooms as possible uh and try to make the the planetarium dream a reality i still think that that's like probably the best play to do for the record albeit it is a little scary so i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it i think i think i'm gonna do it i'm also probably going to skip um the devil deal here unless i get hit in which case that's gonna be a much worse situation um but i am probably going to skip the devil deal here to get the guaranteed angel deal i i just think that the chance at some angel items provide me with a little bit more value early on in this run she starts with angel deal i completely forgot about that so i mean honestly that makes a ton of sense um so like delirious holy water is really good now but delirious does it turn book of virtues into a 12 room charge or does this just become a dude i don't remember how this works okay you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna look this up real quick because i feel like this is this is a really important moment for this run because we could end up with a really broken synergy the recharge time will be based on the other item okay so i take holy water i think that was important to make that distinction right i think that was important because if we had the ability to get a four-room charge delirious that sounds hilarious right and i would have loved to to pull that one off but that's sadly not how this works so let's not get too ahead of ourselves dude i'm gonna tell you right now there's a large temptation growing inside of me to play this room it's a bad idea right it's a bad idea because we don't have the red hearts but if we find red hearts on the floor that's a tinted rock it's a super tinted rock okay i i at least i know i'm not completely insane just like mildly insane i need a bomb that that super tinted rock is extremely okay extremely interesting to me um how the hell am i getting the bomb i don't think i'm getting a bomb dude and i don't really want the stopwatch again we can also we can go as slow as we want on this run which is good right it's good i like going slow i'm gonna play the soft sacrifice room and is gonna give me a bomb and you're all gonna look like a bunch of weenies when it gives me a bomb so yoink there's my coin then we're gonna get angel deal increase which is completely inconsequential to my life in a lot of ways but then the one after that is random chest and that's where we want to pop dude that's where we want to pop so give me this then we come down and why do i want this you know super tinted rock so bad i don't know dude i mean it's it's not often that you get those beautiful and a bomb he's so good he's so freaking good okay so then you go right here i dude i'm gonna tell you right now i feel i feel vindicated i really do i feel freaking vindicated then we're gonna put a bomb right here we're gonna come in here we're gonna get the soul of the lost super weird right super weird somewhat with it i think but still super weird um let let's go get this red heart from up here is there a red heart for sale in the shop because i would be tempted to mess with that a little bit too we are super slow now i mean that that's one thing to really keep in mind is our our ass is slow so we don't want to do too much messing around but like blood bag is a speed up could be a full health pill um bethany was also she she'd be pogging in their room um okay i'll i'll bite i'll bite what are you health up okay i mean good is very good but not really what we were looking for in this situation i will go down 21 chance of a planetarium the planetarium chance mod has been uh updated and apparently works now so that is very exciting for me uh we accurately see the 21 chance that we are fitted to have now it is a a 41 percent chance we are fitted to have very good vati then you just don't die to this champion and life is but a freaking dream life is but a freaking dream okay i'll be honest with you this is going to come off a little bit cocky i'm aware but i'm really not concerned about this run right now i know that i'm sitting on one heart and thus i should be like at least an ounce concern i'm not really an ounce concern i i have no fear i would love to to have fear because fear makes you uh makes you think differently about your life right when you have something to fear you have something that stops you from doing other things unless you're also i mean you could be full of fear and be confident in your abilities which i am for the record i'm extremely confident my isaac play but i also recognize that i have one heart um i gotta think about this i think i do want to do this now i'm not so lost forever yeah that's fine though i think this is your your secret room okay do i have no freaking clue where the secret room is then i guess it has to be here it's a kind of wacky floor design okay but what do i know um i guess it has to be off the starter room but that's like really strange what okay let's do this then there's no fire in here very strange okay so we're now we're rocking that that one heart life which means that i have a really really strange decision to make and it's a strange decision that you're gonna go tyler what the hell are you doing i'm gonna become the lost and then fight this as the lost because i'd rather i i'm confident i can beat this boss if i can only get hit once so i might as well become the lost do this i actually haven't been hit on this run so i can have uh i can have a little perfection trinket i'll pop the pill telepills okay that's fine then i do want to do the mere dimension just a tiny bit we're not going to get too crazy but just a tiny bit uh we're going to fight the boss in the mirror dimension the hope is we get you know one penny and then also a uh a key in here and then that will provide us with uh the ability to go to our shop so there's the one penny i asked for now the luck upgrade perfection's great right we like perfection we're happy to have it perfection is not the end-all be-all for this run because it doesn't really do anything we don't have any luck based things right now so i mean we get we get high luck which in turn will give us more it will give us more drops in the room uh which is good right higher chance for a key to spawn for sure um you know we're getting these chests that gave us a key so i i feel like that's a positive um i'm gonna fight the boss because i'm not a little weenie to be honest like this is actually a very easy boss fight for us if i ever connect my shots to him i i was batting you know oh for over four two walks and a double um it would not be over four if i had a double two walks and uh a strikeout right am i allowed to make baseball references i feel like i'm i'm normally i i normally make basketball references right so i could say something like you know uh ooh feeling like devin booker at the end of game five baby oh that's right the lakers might lose does that get people going i don't know if that gets people going dude i have no freaking clue where these secret rooms are like you're actually out of your damn mind at this point i i could not tell you a singular location of these uh these freaking secret rooms i swear i bombed every possible location it's gotta be north of the mirror room which is a stupid spot if i'm being honest so we dip back down the main floor uh we will go up to a 61 chance of a planetarium i just want to point out uh how ridiculous that is i should hopefully see a planetarium on this floor everybody and their mother is going to complain if i decide to not full clear these floors looking for the planetarium so i will be full clearing don't you worry could also play the sacrifice room here get a little sus but we have the health to do it to be honest there's a weird runner in though i mean we we have the we have the heat right now just because of our book of virtues that i'm i'm working extraordinary hard to keep book of virtues alive right now like all of our our fire is alive it'll be very easy for us to lose them especially in a room like this right you know we have to make sure our padding is you know as freaking perfect as possible dude holy water is so damn good now it's absurd it is actually absurd it's such a good item we we just straight up love to see it we also love to see running into a room and getting ourselves in a lot of trouble just to then get our ass saved also makes me feel very good but i'm i'm done with only basketball references just so you know we we've evolved as a channel um i will be now making any english um i will now be making uh any sports references possible so this run has me feeling like rafael nadal on the on the green turf villanueva lawns i don't freaking know anything about tennis i'm gonna be real i've played tennis um my my girlfriend's sister played tennis um so i occasionally because i'm just such a kind person right i would occasionally play tennis with her to help her practice but i am i am major butt cheeks at tennis um tennis is the kind of sport dude it requires you you look at tennis players and you you're kind of like how hard can it be right you're just hitting the the racket with the ball the hardest thing about tennis is not hitting the ball it's it's the fact that a good tennis player can hit that ball wherever the frick they want right that's the hard part it's ridiculously difficult to hit the ball where you want it to go you know it's like with basketball sure you you shoot the ball and it you know hopefully goes into the basket right that's the whole point but i feel like there there's a little bit of wiggle room in basketball where when you're you're shooting you're in control of the ball because it's your hand to the ball right if you told me hey tyler play basketball but guess what you got to use uh a wooden paddle to hit the ball up into the basket that's fricked man like that's extremely difficult uh to do that and that's essentially what tennis is now i mean the the whole you know big court is a lot bigger than a singular basketball hoop but in reality like tennis players are still putting that stupid ball pretty much wherever the hell they want it right because you know the whole goal is to get it to touch the other side where the person can't get to it so i'm i'm i'm today i stand tennis players i think you guys are are extremely underrated when it comes to uh to sports i think you guys got it harder than a lot of other sports do i also think i hear here's other sports that i think are extremely underrated anybody that plays curling you're underrated too because i have no freaking clue how the hell to do anything with curling so that in turn means that uh you're cool in my book i just used all of my keys to get absolutely nothing which feels good um i will black ruin that because it's trash for one um i also think i just used the book of uh book of virtues charge and i don't actually um didn't actually get anything out of it maybe i did but i don't i don't think i did this also god it feels like our secret room okay i was gonna say i'm either cursed to a new level or i have no idea where the hell the secret rooms are frick off for five seconds okay uh guess what chat it's another floor of me uh having a 61 chance of a thingy and not being able to get one feels very good really loving my life uh i am going to now though this is extraordinarily dangerous by the way but i'm gonna do it anyway uh i'm gonna come oh here we go we got this still i'm gonna come over here oh you son of a damn okay i'm gonna go right back down do not even do not even sweat it i will go right back down i'm gonna get into the boss trap room and it's gonna give me good stuff okay four pennies for that humble bundle helping us out a little bit we can get the teleport to the angel deal obviously we've already been there so it don't really matter also if this item is trash we don't care i think it's actually good enough i think it's good enough i will say that this puts us in a little bit of a weird spot i just hemorrhaged like all my fires in this process and now this sucker is in a little bit of a strange position i'm doing i'm still hitless i'm i'm trying to i'm hitless in seattle right now i'm trying to keep it going can you imagine uploading the video and saying hitless run people would go freaking crazy they'd go absolutely crazy okay um luck up we're now up to 12 luck which is good i don't know how i'm playing so damn well but i'll take it smack there's the teleport we don't care and then either one's good but give me the item uh it's fine it does require me getting hit though which is obviously a little less than ideal uh then we spawn you we leave let's collect some hearts we basically just want to get to the uh i mean i guess seven seven soul hearts doesn't really matter um it would give us our fires back so i i guess that's good and 30 coins also doesn't really matter because we already have 61. um okay well this will get us to 99 a hundred percent do we even have anything in the shop worth buying did we even go to the shop we did go to the shop but i don't know if there's anything of value here let's double check 99 cents and uh i want none of it okay um we we might as well buy right there there's no reason not to buy i don't need the boomerang um i guess the boomerang would i mean it would go on to our book do all of my fires fire oh my god dude wait a minute um um um um we have infinite fires we have infinite fires because apparently the boomerang is super busted and just keep spawning them [Laughter] okay yeah i mean that's that's like really good that's really good okay oh but it's just for the room that's still really good i i'm i'm still happy with this what a weird situation to be in okay um how strange how very strange i will go down we have an 81 chance of a planetarium i swear to god um if you do not give me one dude it'd be sick if i could keep some of these though like i'm on i'm on spacebar spam duty for the rest of the run oh this is super annoying man so here's our planetarium that is saturnus which uh is fine right it's fine demon judge nope you know what we'll play him i i think there's no reason not to i also want to use the sun card man to get some mapping for the floor sure we know there's i don't what do we know in the rotation hema verb which gives me another i'm drowsy luck up okay let's keep the sun and then let's keep the the ball rolling beautiful sun card still a very strange run right now but that's okay weirdest secret room of all time on this floor i would also say okay so infinite fires but at a cost is what we're calling this right now i gotta i gotta really be using boomerang to get my damage how how strange how very strange i still have not been hit on this run which is probably like the biggest miracle of all men i would have definitely gotten the achievements for uh don't get hit while going through the the different areas of the game thing it's just another item that helps me not get hit by the way okay just keep it going keep it freaking going is this this is not the floor we need to be on so we still got more stuff we can do keep in mind that we we also we're still going to get like a chunk of items as we move forward on this run asa clubs in all honesty uh really weird i didn't expect that but um i still think it's uh a good room to do this and and then we'll just keep keep this going so i am so lucky dude that was a haunted chest and i i just blatantly ignored it for a second okay i'm still trying to comprehend how to best do why are we getting bombs for the enemies oh that was a champion that makes sense um trying to figure out how to best handle creating fires [Music] i i can't believe that boomerang is is the true mvp of the run it just does not happen often right it does not happen often that boomerang gets to really shine for us so i'm happy to see it i really am ah we're fine this would be a great time for an angel deal it'd be lit to get an amazing angel deal item good good first step decent second step but you you failed me a little i'll take the rosary it is a tears up now um just allows us to shoot a little bit faster but i'm i'm still in dire need of a little damage up i also do have to drop a trinket at some point um i've been very bad at remembering to do that on this run but to be fair i'm not sure we found any other trinkets besides uh besides our beautiful thing also i just realized the flames are boomerang that's amazing dude that's actually amazing so we oh i got hit we finally got hit i can't it's the clickbait title dude how the hell am i gonna survive there's also a lot of money in there i think okay you know what i i think we'll survive i i don't have to post a clickbait title for this video to do well uh do you want to give me a key though game okay i mean yes if on freaking q right as if on cue give me all the keys our shop is obviously like pretty valuable to me i don't know what our hp is at i know we have at least four red hearts so i i really could play that but i i feel like there might not be a reason to what do you got i kind of expected that this was going to make an appearance soon steam sales kind of a stupid item on this run you know this is one of those times i feel like whenever i have this much money the only thing i crave is getting membership card and i would freaking love to have membership card right now like that would be a delicious addition to the run but we just aren't uh we aren't quite there yet so i think we're on we're on one heart but we we might be on two now three i don't remember but we can take minimum two hits here i just wanna get to the item right possible item thanks for the chest then possible item the teleport's next then item after that so take this we we are playing with fire a little bit but who would i be if i didn't play with fire a little bit let's also we we should find our our super secret room which it could be anywhere but it's probably gonna nope it's not gonna be there where the heck is it um damn i will be honest i really thought it was gonna be down there um i guess it's going to be off of this room it's a really strange spot for it okay i guess it was it really is really not here i have no idea where the heck it is i don't know i don't know i will we'll find it we'll find it i'm not at full health now though which puts me in a precarious spot it can't be here dude where the heck is it now now this has me like actually a little shook it can't be there unless unless it is here but it shouldn't be here it's not there am i losing my mind i think i'm losing my mind it okay just humor me for a second okay now humor me for another second while i come do is is it off of the curse room it's not here it could be off of the cursed room is this gonna be like uh a tyler is a freaking dumbass moment because i'm really starting to believe it might be it's not off of the planetarium is it like it's not here not off of the shop i mean i guess it could be but i am i am in minor disbelief to be honest i feel like the only place it actually like possibly can be is off of the this is blowing my mind it really is i feel like the only place it can be is off of the the curse room the rest of these are are not physically possible because we checked here and it's not there i'm gonna check again though i'm i'm i don't know please don't talk to me i think please don't talk to me i just wasted 12 bombs looking for that i swear to god i put that there if i didn't you're allowed to look me in the eye and go you're a dumbass but i i really really don't think that worked the first time okay well that's that's my i had a stroke moment of the day um happens to the best of us this would be sick if it gave me a trinket and then after it gave me a trinket uh i mean i like to drink it i do but i can't i can't drop that to get a cracked key i would love to get a crystal ball as well another magician fantastic give me another trinket you stupid idiot like the soul hearts are fine but they're also completely worthless to me so you gotta you gotta help me out a wee bit here i know i have i mean dude i got three luck this should be paying out way more than what it is i've put like 40 cents into this sucker there's another car if this is a magician will lose my mind okay the world would have been great to see the the super secret room doesn't actually show it now that i think about it but that's okay that's okay keep them coming 20 cents left this is the biggest waste of time and money that i'll ever do but where's the fun in not doing it what are you it's a joker card okay we we did get a angel deal on this floor so i really don't care about this i can't believe that this thing did not pay out with another trinket actual disbelief okay uh well screw you you stupid machine um if i could bomb you i would but i spent 12 bombs looking for the super secret room that you were in so uh does that make me the fool probably let's head down we'll keep the joker card um we are long past the ability to do boss rush because your boy decided that he was going to min max on this run and spend like eight years doing nothing so that's good we also have had a self-sacrifice room and i swear to god pretty much every floor of this run um we have to get a trinket here although we actually don't people told me that i can drop a trinket um keeper's box huh keeper's box is intriguing uh people told me that i can drop a trinket in the room with dad's note and that actually works so that's something to think about um we could do it we also have so much hp dude like we we could have definitely played uh we could have played the sacrifice room last floor a little bit longer we could i mean we could play at this floor and save the joker card use it next floor that's an idea to be honest it's a little bit of a weird idea but we could definitely do that um depends on how many hearts we get on this floor i suppose but if we got a decent number wow way to be i actually dislike yeah i dislike you i dislike you that's my second hit i've taken on this run i ran into a fire this is one of those runs where i feel like i'm i'm kind of like legally obligated to win this one at this point [Music] because i've talked a little bit of smack not a ton but i have talked a little bit of smack and uh i've also i feel like i've just played well it would be disappointing if i died so give me the fool we we are obviously going to go fight the boss asap but i i i think that there's still i you're here for the long haul grab grab your freaking snacks okay because you're you're here for the long haul um i i have a lot of min maxing i'd like to do on this floor the the self-sacrifice room really has some potential to give us some good stuff i feel like self sacrifice rooms are one of those things in repentance that are like 15 times more useful than an after birth plus because of how good angel deals are now you know there are so many good items in angel deals and to be fair after birth plus they were still really good right but it's the angel pool being buffed that now just gives you that potential to to stack you know a bunch of good items on you for essentially free depending on how you know your hp setup is on your run it's definitely something that the normal like standard player can't do a lot of because you know your hp is is valuable but for someone who has a little bit more skill such as me running into mom um and then me running into mom again and then me running into mom a third time um people like me we we got we got what it takes okay um this is the worst timeline this is easily the worst timeline i swear to god dude i am going to die in this fight this is going to be the worst video i ever upload if i die in this fight okay thank you very much give me the freaking negative for now dude this run is not that good it's not that good and that pisses me off to an ungodly degree but we uh we're here and we are definitely vibing we we gotta keep on doing a vibe check a little bit weird but let's do it right oh frick it's good oh frick i think it's good chad i think it's actually uh yeah it's actually good okay it's good and it's weird which in turn makes me a very happy man let's find our secret room which is right here good talk uh let's find our secret room which is right here good talk let's try to find our secret room which can best be described as it ain't right there so i'm not even going to try uh let's find our secret room which is best described as being right here am i do i look like i got a stupid tattooed on my forehead and for the record don't answer that what a great item what a great item you are you are a beautiful blessing okay now we danced now we freaking dance i have the hp i do think that i should consider being a dumbass i should consider being a dumbass and by being a dumbass i wholeheartedly mean i should that's my trinket dude um i should consider except i didn't have it when i went in so i am a little fricked i am a little fricked but apparently i can drop it in the uh in the room the center room room ascent but i will probably forget and then we're gonna be fricked okay happy times happy times they await happy times they'll wait young today young junkie the oink the happiest times await please good talk um okay one two two our our invincibility frames are so high three four i hate you for the record very very unkind um buy this yoink sure sure sure now we have a lot of stuff it's a hema pill okay very good come down here yoink then give me a teleport sad give me the angel room item sad okay it's just literally everything that could have gone wrong did right there um i think you want the boomerang back and then i think you pop the joker and then i think you take you you probably take active contrition for the tears right or do you take flight flight hp do we need tears i feel like tears are not a bad thing i'm gonna take the flight in the hp dude i i think that's that's the baby way out right that's definitely the baby way out but you know what i'm a i'm a big old stupid baby so what what can i say right what can i say let's go down i do have to drop this trinket in the boss room when we go down so do not forget do not forget if i just keep on saying it we're not gonna forget that's how it works just don't freaking forget hill bombs are key the one time i think we're actually like pretty okay with it continue also my soul hearts definitely keep subtracting themselves which feels a little cheap i would say high priestess emperor emperor is intriguing although i also think it's like kind of bad and a little stupid like why would i ever pop the emperor on well i mean i guess as soon as i find my item room and my um item room shop on this floor then i kind of have no reason to stick around so i might as well ace of diamonds which seems like a great room to pop it thank you more like a bunch of annoying enemies that i don't want to deal with so happy birthday happy freaking birthday whatever you do i'm just gonna keep on repeating you gotta drop the stupid thing inside of this room that's right when you go into that boss room you just gotta drop the trinket it's so simple even a child could do it you just drop the trinket in the room just drop it in the fricked up room you're dropping in the room life is good you don't drop into the room you cry yourself to sleep tonight more so than usual so please do it hangman a key strength card just don't care to be honest i'll donate the rest of my money i don't need moving box a lot of people have an obsession with moving box because uh ooh tyler i watched tear grace break the game with it once don't care uh i will just leave i will just leave please as soon as we find our item room we're going to be able to have a little bit of happiness back secret room contains a pyramid scheme just like the pyramid the hit roguelite pentathlon style in the showcase what the hell is this friend finder spawns a random friendly monster that mimics my movements no i'll take yo listen probably should have taken friend finder we had friend finder we had that once on a green mode stream run and that vod probably does not exist yet so i promise you it'll be there in the future i also got 19 bombs so bomb bum gets uh a little bit of happy time i don't expect him to give me anything of value but if he paid out and gave me like sad bombs or something i'd i wouldn't shake a stick at it he has taken a lot of my bombs i'll go down to five on them and how about next payout next you know what right here i just don't care actually i just don't care now weird very weird i have a bomb tear i think i want boomerang back oh lord dude okay the bomb tier yeah you know what there's there's a lot of there's a lot of question marks related to that one and i think there are question marks that i would do best without answering the question some question marks are meant to remain a question mark forever uh others i'll answer but that one not for me that one's not for me what do you got you think i care about a little bit of money in a bomb what do you what year do you think it is it ain't time for money in a bomb okay take this um you gotta drop the trinket like i really i am i'm one thousand percent positive that this trinket must be dropped inside of this room like a thousand percent certainty that we're gonna find the super secret room right right okay you know what it's fine drop the freak and trinket drop it thank you and then please take the note okay so we start the ascent i think this run is still bad by the way um but i it does not mean that it's it's a bad run did i just say this run is not good but it doesn't mean it's bad or did i say this is bad but that doesn't mean it's bad either way i think the run is fine but we are definitely in a position where i am in dire need of one thing and that one thing is to have um an actually good set of items appear at the beginning of this ascent right because we skipped like four item rooms i think so we're getting four items and some of them are going to have a spicy choice in them as well so we are looking for i mean i don't need much right i don't need much but if we could get an ounce of heat that would be it would be great right something something fun and synergistical and weird right i'm not asking for a lot i'm just asking for you know something that completely carries the run nothing crazy he's selfish and disturbed just like his father i also i apologize i haven't used freaking uh shut up maggie i haven't downloaded the laugh track yet i apologize i know there's a lot of people that are looking forward to uh isaac's parents fighting over the seinfeld laugh track um i feel like ed would probably be pissed if i did that then again i kind of don't care what he thinks that sounds horrible it sounds horrible i think it's supposed to be for the effect i know but come on a laugh track dude it'd be so funny it'd be so funny as much of an as that makes me okay okay okay let me up let me up i think this is where we officially started skipping items is that correct maybe maybe i i just want to get some heat we're like in a position we are only using our saturnis tears because our normal tears are not that good and if we ever get you know into a position where the saturnis tears are gone which is like as soon as we fight a boss we're in rough shape we're in rough shape we're also hemorrhaging a lot of hp which is also very bad so all in all i mean things are going couldn't ask for for anything else on this run it's going great it's going so good uh thanks for the heart three hearts on the board right now yeah isaac we bout to get down get down yoink is like really good it's really good um would have been good to have it earlier although it does do you take a full heart of damage in the ascent i don't even remember to be honest um so maybe it's actually completely worthless i i feel like it's probably good in some way though this is where we could really really crank some stuff try to get a good drink i got 10 luck dude what the hell that's too much luck okay do you even care how you sound pray with us bad what if dad's name was like rick do we do we do we have a cannon name for dad because i'm gonna tell you i'm coining him as rick roll though now i'm realizing that rick and maggie just sounds like a really bad attempt at a meme i'm sorry i did not mean to make uh i guess some of you are probably not intelligent enough to understand that you have to have really a high iq to understand that joke okay meet strangers without prejudice some of these are good tips chet you should live by some of these yo brain worm is extremely pog champ very good lies yeah follow that one chet the devil in disguise blame nobody but yourself thank you i do every day why so blue [Music] i'm blue blah okay i will stop doing that before you want to kill me but i am not done playing this machine because someday dude someday is paying out with freaking i don't even want to know what that would look like but someday it's paying out with uh i i guess i don't even really know what i want which is not a great look i feel like uh freaking flip button switch lever boy something like that uh is not the correct trinket for our run either since every time i pop book of whatever probably would not be uh a good idea to teleport since we popped this you know like 20 times a room most of the time okay well the party's over hope you enjoyed um was that worth it absolutely not i sang um what's the name of that band eiffel eiffel tower 42 sang their song for a little bit all your ears and then uh here we are here we freaking are no you gotta die dude he's so tanky he's so tanky okay we are back up to full hp against all odds uh i also know that there is a beautiful item room sitting waiting for me on this floor and i know i have a freaking choice i've got a freaking choice dude show me the money is bad okay we take speed ball i mean speed ball is not it's not the end all be all dude i thought i didn't have crack key for a second i was about to scream i'm waiting to somehow screw that up but it hasn't happened yet book of shadows is one step closer to bookworm but i do not need it i do not need it charge key we don't care about i was that was the most satisfying kill on those guys i think i've ever had um so in reality dude i'm looking at the items that we've gotten this run is just like a little not great right it's just a little not great and i know you're looking at it going tyler it's a really good run and you should shut the hell up it's good because of saturnus that's it okay the rest of this run is not that good you know yeah hey my locria is a damage up but i don't think the runs that good maybe i'm being a big old baby i might be got the mom transformation i don't know maybe the run is good i think we'll we'll really know if we if dogma is easy but i don't think dogma is gonna be easy i think we're in for a massive rude awakening when we get to that fight and that's what i'm afraid of he just materialized into a pill what a strange situation okay go up um we did do what we came here for right we got our uh we got our beautiful weird we got our beautiful uh tainted bethany unlocked also uh we bombed the carpet here someday i'm telling you drippy 35 he's sitting in there we just don't know yet we just don't know bomb the big carpet this is a new one uh drippy drippy chills out in there sometimes uh this is completely worthless thanks we go down and uh say hello to she's got a hole in her head dude weird very weird the zealot okay thank you isaac very very cool um i will be now fighting the boss but that means that i would like to if possible use my fire a lot so i can get damage because that is where this run has had some difficulty and you're starting to see that this run is not that good chat right did you believe me yet because i think you should believe me now um the fact that the first wave took that long and maybe i'm just used to like really strong runs against dogma recently but uh it's it's a little weaker than normal and i think you know even though the the infinite um the infinite fires is really good right it's really good but it's really only good in boss fights like this is the only time it's good that is like maybe the fourth time i've gotten hit on this run i've not gotten hit a lot okay there's the fifth never mind i've gotten hit a lot of times now i think about it but i was doing really good at the beginning i was doing really good at the beginning i felt proud of myself that that pride went downhill really fast though okay you are dead my lady keep in mind that hey malacria is a like horrific item for the beast fight it and flatstone are like terrible what the frick is going on here okay never mind maybe it's no it's still bad it's still bad i i think i gotta do the freaking angles that you gotta do this are they're not great i gotta i'm i'm freaking tossing this dude softballs i i gotta shoot down at them yeah okay i have a new least favorite item for this fight and it's called hamilacrea because this is horrible i can't shoot this man the shots just go over his freaking head okay it's a new one that's a new one for me i can't i can't i can't hit him i simply can't hit him this this is it's really bad really bad please sos has so freaking s i i made it through one wave in a lot of ways i think that's good enough for me can i call it quits here how about what if i uh what what if i just bomb you to death yo why is why are his tears following me what the frick was that all about that felt bad this dude has he's he's earned my wrath get fricked loser i'm gonna do that to all of them man i got 16 bombs and i'm not afraid to use them come here war come here daddy yoink yoink yoink okay that was definitely not a good one yo you gotta you gotta not go so freaking high with these bombs dude stop doing that okay you're you're doing great work sir you're doing great work uh yeah i forgot you do fire okay we are uh we're hurting we're hurting am i playing stupidly yeah you could you could say that for sure you can say that for sure okay we're fine we're fine stay stay out of the realm okay good talk bad very bad this gets wonky weird the bomb floats on top of the heads the heck was that all about did you see that okay i'm seeing attacks i've never seen before which is a sign that we've been in the fight for too long i'm out of bombs dude that is bad news there's bad news the fight has gone on for far too long dude i told you guys this run was not good all of you that were doubting i could hear you all doubting this run was not that good we're still probably dead but i'll do my best the bright side is this son of a gun is like the size of the screen so i can just fire away it's weird it does freeze him but it freezes him in a little bit of a wonky manner i guess i can freeze him from doing attacks to me but it doesn't freeze the doesn't freeze the screen so i don't know if i could actually like maybe stop him yeah i can stop him from doing that attack but to be honest with you that made life significantly worse i i don't think that was the move at all i'm staying up here you're gonna do your charge thank you thank you great blessing on this earth sir okay good stuff good stuff keep things nice and and sturdy and standard sturdy and standard we sturdy and standard in this house extremely sturdy and standard i've been hit don't this is the first time i've seen this from this angle i'm not prepared i'm not prepared keep in mind there's going to be a large brimstone beam though stay up stay up stay up stay up fight is too long sir is too long you know he's gonna transition into the next phase soon but we ain't there yet we ain't there yet he is transitioned okay very good very good very good and by he i mean she i know it's mom chat i know i know okay having a bad time having a bad time one heart and a dream one heart in a dream would have been sick if we would have uh flawless this one from the beginning but that's okay that's okay we're we're like i'm telling you we're he's one hit she's one hit away at this point it's going very well it's going very well we're proud we're happy we've done it sure it's an hour long run jar of wisps has been unlocked most importantly tainted bethany thank you all so much for watching as always liking the video much appreciated i will see you guys next time you have a good rest of your day bye [Music] you
Channel: Olexa
Views: 9,401
Rating: 4.9345603 out of 5
Keywords: yt:quality=high, olexa, games, roguelite, roguelike, the binding of isaac repentance, the binding of isaac, binding of isaac repentance, binding of isaac, isaac repentance, binding of isaac rebirth, binding of isaac repentance gameplay, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance gameplay, lets play binding of isaac, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, isaac, new binding of isaac, new isaac content, final boss repentance, antibirth isaac, antibirth repentance, binding of isaac antibirth
Id: S8mmHaaOhn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 0sec (3720 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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