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in this video clip we are going to have a look at ten amazing educational technologies that are available to us online our first tool is going to be no hands that's the link we're looking for no hands see Heidi what no hand app is initially is a random student selector once you land on the no hands home screen you will see a quick intro are what the app looks like and it's really simplicity this is what I like about no hands app is because it doesn't take a lot of space on your screen it's just a small tray that it can customize what it does basically wants you tap on the tray that it will select a student from your class what it enables you to do is to have your students engaged you can click on this tool and a student I random name will pop up it's called no Haynes because basically it eliminates and need for you to see as students to raise their hands if you would like to learn how to customize this tool how to import your class name list I will be doing an in depth tutorial which I will link in the description moving on to the next tool it's really powerful in terms of organizing your workflow it's Google classroom once you sign in to the Google classroom and create your class you will be able to manage the workflow you'll be able to see your students who signed quizzes assigned Symonds assign materials to collect those assignments grade them all in one place this will be a storage for a different materials for your students to access instead of having shared links everything will be stored in one place in your Google classroom is simplifying and streamlining your workflow alright moving on to our third tool which is going to be flickers Yap flickers flickers plea curse that's the tool you're looking for clickers calm you create a question for your audience to answer once you pose this question in the board all the audience to have is this plea KO card your students don't have to have laptops or iPads or anything really each student half he's at her own curricle students will show their car to skin with your phone that you'll be able to see the data right away or you can go to score sheets can go back and see that tool does not require any technology apart from the projector and your phone and while those sales cards tool number four going to be padlet padlet is collaborative workspace for your students which enables you to create a padlet pedal is basically at wall you can choose between different designs I prefer canvas and what padlet does initially creates a wall name with new wall they could customize colors everything but for the sake of time I'm not gonna do that are you gonna start post what did you learn today once you've done that once you share this with the students students will start answering your question it's a social tool they are able to see each other answers in your posts you can embed video clips you can post links as a way to engage students in sharing their thoughts in in a virtual space if you would like to learn more about how to begin with the padlet the link to the in depth tutorial will be in the description right so moving on to our next tool socrata v' at a platform for summative or formative assessment really easy to use I'm just gonna demonstrate and after you log in as a teacher you will land on your home screen where you will be creating quizzes best part once you assign the quiz you've created to the students you can see the real date so once students our answer you can see on your phone or on your computer the real data help students who are not doing well or see students who are doing too quickly and we can assign a more tasks available on your phone or he can launch it from your computer everything is in there really smart way to go about your grading there are short answers as well so it's not really multiple choice and short answers as well but you will have to mark them yourself actually no no no sorry sorry don't don't take my word for it you can the circuit if you can mark short answers as well now moving on we go into Nearpod and Nearpod calm all right Nearpod is I think brilliant tool in putting lessons together you knows how sometimes you have a PowerPoint you want to show to the class you have another video that want to watch do you have something else you have Cui's maybe in all those things in different places what Nearpod allows you to do is to create one seamless lesson that you put all those things in one lesson and add content from the web you can add your own content like a PowerPoint or whatever use but then the beautiful part about Nearpod is that you can embed in your class all those activities like open-ended question matching pairs quizzes halls and stuff you can do a live lesson which you control or you can do a student paced lessons so students just go through your lesson through all those activities you've created at their own pace if you do in the students paced lesson as a teacher you can see what students are doing whether they are on task or not on one hand you provide autonomy for students to go ahead and do what they want but all that a hand you still have this limit of control so that was Nearpod at the next tool we're going to have a look at is going to be Edie puzzle comm once you set up your account and add puzzle you will land on your home screen and what edpuzzle is it's a tool that enables you to work with video clips I just want to show you a little example this is a clip on day in life of ancient Athenian those gray marks here are questions once students watch the video clip a question will pop up they will need to well in this case they need to select a couple I haven't watched the video clip so I'm just gonna guess it that the correct answer the hem they can rewatch skip or Contini and so it goes just a beautiful tool to have to enhance video clips not just simply project them on the on this overhead projector and have students watch but instead you can embed questions beautiful tool I will be doing an in-depth tutorial as well the link will be in the description right moving on to the next one okay actually next two are going to be tools for classroom management so the first one we're going to have a look at it's called class dojo land itself especially well too elementary and middle school students not so much for high school what class dojo does creates little avatars like you see here for students when students accomplish work or they demonstrate behavior you want to demonstrate you can assign points to them and that's incentivizes the learning process getting points for being a task or whatever rules you set up in your classroom and then they can spend those points some teachers set up a token economy where they earn those points but then they can spend those points on getting classroom privileges like changing a seat let's down to you how you set up your token economy about what what classdojo does for you as a teacher it enables you to create classroom management and then you can connect it to the families share what students are doing a regular basis there's a parent connect you can control it with your phone entirely there are a lot of tools that are embedded in class do you like classroom timer voice meter random students selector there are a lot of tools there another class management tool a bit more sophisticated than class dojo but yeah but still pretty cool stuff it's called class graph dot class graphed invites students to create their character inside the class and they will be leveling up great way to gamify a classroom bring this gamification factor into your instructions you can create quests the students completely get points that you can that can bypass they can customize their characters they in ecosystem that you create inside your class again you can only use limited version of class crap just assign those points have them students level out but you can also go as far as to game refine your entire lesson and curriculum and there are a lot of resources on class craft webpage that will guide you through the process if you've done class doji looking for something else something more exciting this is a tool for you to try out all right finally tool number 10 and thank you if you haven't quit thank you for bearing with me till the end minecraft education if you're not familiar with minecraft at all minecraft started out as a game but at the made its way into education and right now we are fortunate enough to have an official minecraft education edition which has features specifically geared to classroom use it's much easier to use minecraft education edition a rather than simple minecraft but anyways what minecraft is essentially is a game that is so versatile is so creative they call them sandbox games basically it means that it's a sandbox and within this game we can do whatever you want with the resources available in Minecraft cases a block so they're the whole the entire world is made up of blocks and students can create they can solve problems they can do you know whatever you design them to do inside the Minecraft we've used minecraft for science math language arts a lot of things and this is just a couple of examples that demonstrate what students can do if you've never seen played experience minecraft that will not make much sense to you but to kind of give you an idea what the students are doing they're solving problems together either creating storyline or solving a math problem or doing an art project within a Minecraft world and you as a teacher have overall control over the world you host this world as students connect from devices to this world so it's a multiplayer experience and that what makes minecraft so powerful because they are interacting with each other within one world either on problem or creative story writing you know the there's literally no limit to what you can do with Minecraft that's why if you go to the minecraft vacation website you will see so many resources on math computer science and some teachers go to great lengths creating those beautiful worlds you can download those worlds it's an open source so there's an alignment with a common core curriculum innovative source talking about 21st century skills critical thinking problem solving innovation everything is in there everything is in minecraft strongly encourage you to find a person a community at Tech integration specialist in your school in your building who will shew the ropes or start learning into yourself I'll be doing a series of in-depth tutorials on minecraft as well and I'll link them in the description of this video clip so let's wrap up really quickly the first thing we looked at was no hands random students selector really easy to use the simplest tool you can imagine but really really powerful I'll be doing a tutorial on how to set up I set it up a bit later the second tool we looked at was a Google classroom beautiful and simple tool streamlined your grading streamline how you share resources with students really nice tool once you get a handle on it the third tool we looked at was plickers a low-tech yet really powerful tool to get formative assessment data to create questions get feedback the fourth tool we had a look at was a padlet workspace for your students to answer questions collaborates we look at Sauk relief as well as a way to get formative summative data creating as exit tickets creating quizzes and heaven and over via live overview of what the students are doing Nearpod I was the next tool where we talked about putting all the materials together in one cohesive lesson and then either doing a livestream or teacher paste a student paste embedding all of those formative assessment different activities collaboration boards discussion boards all in one place everything everything is in there at puzzle which enables you to embed questions in the video clips works beautifully for any grade level class dojo and class craft both serve the same purpose of incentivizing their learning by giving points given some rewards so the students but class dojo lasts learning curve for will be four years the teachers very simple to use class graph on the other hand is much more advanced much more versatile a lot of learning on your part should happen before you start but also once you get to grips with the class graph you will see the rewards you will see the engagement level skyrocket on behalf of students you will see a lot of things in a different way finally we looked at minecraft brings together critical thinking collaboration all those buzzwords we hear all the time and there's strong community as well strong support community if you get started looks a bit complicated especially we haven't played games before I might be a bit daunting but once you start learning once you start and step by step it's a it's a learning curve but there's a lot of resources that are available oh yeah that's so that's that's it for today these were ten rules to help you integrate technology into your classroom there will be in-depth tutorials that follow if you'd like to explore any of those tools in more depth also leave a comment let me know which tools to use in your classroom in which those you would like me to feature in the future yeah so that's it for today thanks for watching feel free to subscribe if you like the content I produce and come back for more at Tech video clips see you later bye bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Evgenii Permiakov
Views: 457,019
Rating: 4.945364 out of 5
Keywords: best apps for teachers, educational apps for teachers, school apps for teachers, socrative teacher, classdojo for teachers, english teaching apps, teacher parent communication app, best educational apps for teachers, math teaching app, best apps for teaching math, apps for teachers and students, kids learning apps, learning apps for students, useful apps for educators, best apps and sites for teaching and learning, edtech, educational apps
Id: vTDh-h7Xti4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 06 2019
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