Police Stunned After Scuba Diver's Found This Missing In The River!!

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bingo bingo chop shop in action right here man that's crazy what's going on everybody welcome back to another brand new video of depths of history if you guys remember in the last episode we went scuba diving here and i found one of the oldest bottles i've ever found it was actually called a hutchinson's bottle and it's super rare it's from the 1800s but today we know that there are two motorcycles there's one motorcycle over by this pillar over by this bridge and then there's another motorcycle over by that bridge so today we are going to try to get both of these out of the water and hopefully if they have vin numbers we're going to call the police and see if they were stolen or not if you guys are enjoying these scuba diving videos don't forget to press that like button subscribe if you're new to the channel and also hit that bell notification as it'll keep you updated on every single new video that i post but let's get in the water hook up these motorcycles get them out of here and let's see who i'm diving with today so johnny what are the chances you think that we'll be able to pull these motorcycles out of the water man i'm i'm thinking 100 with that winch and it doesn't look too far i think we'll be able to get them out i haven't seen how buried they are though yet so as you can see we've got jeremy's truck and the winch is all hooked up and ready to go we've used this winch before in a separate video what makes today so special uh because i get to use my winch and i get to use some of my toys that makes me happy the new ones that you the viewers have gotten us jeremy actually has a wish list online and he was able to get a bunch of chains and pulleys and different stuff from you guys so we definitely do appreciate that so the plan for today is i've got this rope and you can see it has a knot at the end when i go down into the water i'm going to loosen this up a little bit pull this knot out and after we pull the knot out i'm going to wrap it around the handlebars of the motorcycle like just underneath it there's actually like a thicker part of metal that i think is going to withstand us pulling it with the winch so after i do that i'm going to hook it back with the knot and we're going to tighten that up we're going to take this little hook from the winch and as you can see it's got this hook right here and how many pounds pulling force does have jeremy 10 it's definitely going to move something this is 10 000 pounds of pulling force with this rope and with this pulley so with the truck today we're going to be able to get the motorcycles out and it's going to be really cool for you guys to see this process underwater so wayne you were just telling me about a story that happened what was it your buddy he was out fishing yeah he was out on the river fishing these fishes by this big log yeah a couple of miles down from the boat ramp well he comes back in you know got a pretty good little fish in his boat the game won't check he make sure he's all legal and he's yeah yeah you're legal yeah he said boy i'd like to go fishing with you sometime if i ever catch you down here a few weeks later the whole game warden seen him putting his boat in got more totem set up hey i'm gonna get off here in a few minutes you mind if i go away he said sure come on well they're getting his little old boat run up reverend here comes that log that few miles down the river you know little guy rachel's in a little brown sack gets a stick of dynamite out puts fuse in it lights it throws it in the water boom fish starts floating yeah the game war says hey buddy that's against law i'm gonna take you to jail for that oh god he just roaches in there and gets him another stick of dynamite sticks fuse in and lights it tells himself hey you gonna talk or you gonna fish that's a good one man i like it that is good so today i've got my scuba tank that's going to allow me to stay underwater for an hour and 30 minutes if not more i've also got my finds pouch down there so while i'm getting the motorcycle if i see any trash or debris or anything i'll be sure to put it down there as well and this is the full face mask i'm gonna be using it's really nice because i've got a gopro attachment on top and i'm gonna be able to talk underneath the water while you guys listen to everything i say and also see everything that i'm seeing underneath the water all right everybody so i've got my mask with my gopro on it let's get in the water and get this motorcycle it's gonna be good it's gonna be good [Music] all right this is where the bike is so i'm gonna go ahead and go down [Music] all right let's find this motorcycle first where is it i think that's part of it right there [Music] i'm literally right on it man all right and so they gave me a little more all right jeremy so i was able to get it rigged up we've got the line it's super tight right now and all set up for us to drag this motorcycle out yeah definitely it's moving it's moving you guys see it don't get hung up on it all right so the rope pulled off so i'm gonna get my goggles and go back down and try to re-hook it again i think it's slipped on possibly a log or something else so we're gonna take the j-hook down there hook it back on and hopefully this time it'll pull it up all right since i'm not gonna be touching anything in the water i took off my gloves and my scuba tank because it's shallow enough now to wear gavin you said you can see it [Music] nope it's the top of the motorcycle so i might be able to go down there and get the rest let's pull this up though yeah so we just got the top of it up this one does have a vin number on it but obviously it's not the oh yeah it's got the whole vendor oh you want to go out there and see if you can hook that motor yeah i might do that but look it's got the hole vid number right there so yeah it says it yeah it's a it's a yamaha um it's a yamaha moto motorcycle i don't know which which kind it is but could be it could be it's pulling it up oh it's another part of the frame another part another piece of it for sure 100 yeah we'll get the whole thing now i mean the rest of it's got to be down there all right we're pulling it right now i think that was either the engine or some other part of the motorcycle all right so as you guys saw we got the bike and the bike pieces out of the water it is a motorcycle i believe it is a chop shop motorcycle which basically means they chop up the different parts of the motorcycle and throw them over the bridge to try to hide the potential evidence that they could leave by i was talking to johnny there is a vin number on it so we might just call the police and let them know you know that we have the parts of this bike that we found on the side of this bridge and let them know the vin number and things like that if they'd like to come out they definitely can but it's just going to be one of those things where we notify them and let them know that we found it so that they can mark it as found property or take it into found property if they need to so what were you saying johnny you were saying that you thought that is a good idea and just at least let them know that we have a serial number or a vin number we can read it to them so if it is stolen then they can come out and take it and then you know worst case scenario if it's nothing we'll just throw the back of the truck and take it home with us all right so i'm going to give the police a call obviously we have the bike over there with the vin number i'm just going to call them and see you know we've found this motorcycle that's been chopped up into a bunch of pieces i don't know if they want to take take a look at it or not they might just tell us you know they don't even want to come out here but we're going to just call them and see what happens good hi there my name is britton lockhart and i was just over at the here let me tell you where i am the uh the bridge that crosses the my buddies and i were scuba diving and we came across what i believe to be are like chopped up parts of a motorcycle and it does still have the vin number on it i didn't know if that would be something you guys want to get a deputy out for to check out or anything but it just kind of looks suspicious like somebody's just stole it and chopped up all the parts i don't know okay i will call you back if i have any more questions but i have an office all right thank you i appreciate it all right well they have an officer on the way so that tells us they definitely do want to look at it i just told them you know we found motorcycle parts it does have a vin number on it that's legible so they might be able to claim it and you know say okay this motorcycle has been found it was stolen definitely by the looks of it it's been chopped up in a ton of pieces but when the police get here we'll turn back on the cameras and see how this goes how's it going officer hey we came across a few motorcycle parts they do have the numbers to see if you guys could check it out for us okay it's always a few cars in it it's only the whole frame i know right yeah isn't that pretty crazy that's crazy yeah it's not actually attached if you want to pull the handlebars forward that whole it's kind of holding it for me a little bit man do they stamp them into the frame at all you know but it's always a sticker sometimes i do sometimes they don't so i'm assuming you'll have a youtube channel afterwards yes yes we just scuba diving in the rivers and try to pick up trash and stuff and sometimes we come across guns or motorcycles or really anything i'm sure you're all familiar jigging with jordan yeah yeah he's friends with jake you might have heard of him d almighty [Music] he's in victor cousin zero one he's in the search parties awesome what's happening oh this is only the second time we've been over here because we're normally in uh over near kennesaw area kennesaw marietta but um we i actually i saw like the handlebar and um then we were like let's rig it up and and he he's got a winch so he he pulled it up with that they're kind of hoping for an entire motorcycle don't expect to be chopped up was crazy one time there was someone out here doing metal detecting metal detecting yeah magnet fishing that's what oh magnet fishing yeah yeah they found a wild grenade a live grenade holy cow man we missed out that's crazy yeah we had called gbi out yeah we found a bunch of pipe bombs here a few weeks ago at uh uh atlanta yeah over in atlanta so we all travel all across the united states or just georgia pretty much wherever they were pretty much wherever water is most of the time we're just trying to hunt for water it's not muddy like this you can barely see anything but it's good enough so is there a lot of like crime in this area would you say or uh it comes and goes comes and goes we dove the chattahoochee in atlanta and that just there were guns laying everywhere over there it was crazy like six seven guns we found in one day and we turned them all in so he's going back to the car now i believe he's gonna talk to their supervisor and see what happens so but he's going to be running the numbers right now through their system to see if this bike is stolen he's going to give us some updates but he appreciated us calling him any news or no yet you it's not stolen wow that's crazy nothing we do with it yeah really i can't take the dishes it's a banana property though okay sure you don't want it i'm gonna put it in the bag i ain't that much room back there yeah it's not sold no it's not stolen at all wow i mean they ran a few different ways however they can figure it out cool all right well we appreciate you checking coming out thank you got the first motorcycle man we can shine it up good there's the sheriff leaving and uh really appreciate his help today well guys the cops came out they were able to determine that this bike was not stolen they said they didn't know why it was thrown into the water so that was definitely cool it's not a lot of the times we've had some cases where guns haven't been stolen and they've given them to us after 30 days but this is really cool because we can take all these items and throw them in the trash or scrap them whichever we want to do if you guys enjoyed the video today don't forget to press that like button subscribe if you're new and press that post notification bell as it'll keep you updated on every single new video that i post but with that said thank you so much for watching good luck and we'll see you guys on the next one [Music] you
Channel: Depths of History
Views: 135,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: police stunned after scuba diver's found this missing in the river!!, Police Stunned After Scuba Diver's, police stunned after scuba diver's, Found This Missing In The River, found this missing in the river, news, missing persons cases, After Scuba Diver's Found This Missing, after scuba diver's found this missing, Police Stunned After Scuba, police stunned after scuba, Diver's, Found, Missing, River, Police, stunned, diver's, found, missing, river, police
Id: gK9A4w8oQeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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