SNEAKING A Painting Into National ART GALLERY

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That was a good ass video

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/_BatsShadow_ 📅︎︎ Aug 14 2020 🗫︎ replies
i am nicole milano and i'm going to sneak a painting into the national art gallery why do you ask because there's so many paintings in this gallery yet there is no representation for my movement the ndl we need to be given the respect we deserve and i'm gonna make that happen [Music] all right guys i want this painting to be by the ndl for the ndl which means i'm gonna have to draw someone who's part of the ndl you know what i'm saying however if i'm gonna be stopping people and drawing them i'm gonna need to look a lot more professional [Music] george look at me i am a masterpiece all we need to do now is set all of this up and then we need to find an object or a person for our masterpiece right here let's do this let's talk to this woman excuse me i feel like you shouldn't be here why because you belong in the gallery over there you're damn right what's your name the queen of shiva you've got an accent where are you from um russia georgia really did you say russia yeah you sound russian you need to be jumped in that pool we don't often get russian people in england i'm not russia where are you from atlanta georgia in russia i feel violated why do you feel violated i love russia queen shiva please i'm down with you i want you i don't need you that's what you better keep on chasing no i don't want to chase anymore i'm devastated we couldn't get the queen of sheba on our side but there's many more people out here all i need to do is just get one person you what's up guys i need you guys guys you free i need all of you to be in my face not me mate please guys no man are you willing to be drawn how long it will be about three hours come come with me this is this way let's go guys trust me it will be a romantic picture wait before i draw you are you members of the nbl say yes yes yes great news i knew you guys were this is going to be a very professional painting so guys yes that's the way okay are you looking at me yeah yeah great news now if you can balance this on your head for one second okay all right because i'm drawing yes okay now i need to use the paint to really get your infrastructure done yes perfect you what's your name andrew okay anthony listen when i say your name anthony i want you to tell me your favorite color anthony yellow all right i'm going to use pink i think it's also my favorite color then i'm using i'm going to use orange they're trying to kill me i was creating a masterpiece putting massive attention into detail and i really wanted them to be one of the art i was making right here i have your drawing both members of the nd are right here my god this is beautiful like masterpiece masterpiece yeah okay now i'd love to give this to you both i actually have to sneak it into the art gallery so thank you smash the like button right now if you think this painting looks exactly like this beautiful couple 169 000 likes or i will never upload again i mean it so like the video please and subscribe if you haven't already too many of you are not subscribed so subscribe okay continue say flight back home enjoy yourself thank you i appreciate that as right as augustus was there was something about this painting that truly didn't sit right with me and it took me a while to put my finger on it we're all thinking the same thing here it needs to be me on this painting which means ah this painting will not do we're gonna need someone from the ndl to make it because uh yeah i can't draw myself this is a massive call out to the ndl listen i need one of you guys to draw me as the mona lisa it's very important draw me paint me whatever do it as fast as possible and the best one i'm picking up in person please help me out the competition was a go which gives this precious little canvas a new lease of life this is now the canvas the winning painter will be stowed upon i just have to choose which one shouldn't be too hard and then masterpiece after masterpiece after masterpiece of the masterpiece some serious entries here i can always trust the ndl but there can only be one winner and that was at locked rose's underscore so after telling her she won george and i went to pick the painting up to give her the personal standing ovation she deserved this was our winner and it turns out her little sister also entered the competition great paint in there and her whole family cooked me some food wow i love them so much got a new family right so we're back at the house and we need to get this painting into a frame i will not rest until it looks professional and ready for the art gallery such a beautiful painting now it's just working out how to sneak it into the gallery but i've already got a plan this is how we're going to sneak the painting into the national gallery at the front there's a man who scans tickets without tickets we don't get in so that is vital next up a security gate no suspicious packages beyond this point so whatever we carry the painting in will need to look completely normal as if i'm a tourist who's been shopping all day once you're in the gallery there is approximately one security guard in each room but luckily i believe they're easily distracted how do i know this well i've already got experience all you got to do is ask them about the art on the walls and they're out the picture and i'll bring in one of my friends to do that one thing we can't avoid is the cameras on the walls but fortunately i'm not breaking any laws as i'm not going to mess with any of the art they have in the building because there's already a spot for our painting to fill and that my friends is the plan on how we are going to infiltrate one of the biggest galleries in the uk let's do this it's game time my job is to stick the painting in and put it on the walls and we have agent here who will be distracting the security for us this plan cannot and will not fail this is going to be a legendary day for the ndl if you don't have representation you have to force representation let's do this [Music] first thing we had to do was make it into the gallery without any suspicions here we go filming it right now for 4 30. all right let's get you in quickly shall we yeah take it get there just fine thank you thank you all right how's it going mate hello what's your time please sir hi um it's the 4 30 a bit late thank you so much man i appreciate it yeah thank you we had made it into the gallery and all of us were in the same room sick aj was sat down and ready so it was time to give this isoscely schmuck the signal to distract the security and show his waffle painting you know skills benedict is so he was a sprinter in 2008. that's a gone troop cold another one i'm looking for is vincent van next yeah no van next i needed that next oh no no no not van gaal van gogh is that dutch one yeah he's doing that chopped off today isn't it uh van next he's very good do you like art i don't understand why he has a bigger bundle than her while aj was waffling it was my time to put the painting up but i was wasting time and wasting more time bottling it basically just waiting for the perfect opportunity to put it up until i just went for it [Music] i genuinely can't believe this worked that is me right there i'm back i'm on the wall could you take a picture of me my friend it's just quite important as well with my great grandfather the pictures were coming in our painting was on the wall in one of the most famous art galleries in the world and the security had no clue no idea no idea fits right in but our painting wasn't getting enough attention so i had to get the public to pay attention to this true masterpiece this is pretty nasty right yes dead if you want to see some nice hearts you just go look over there it's pretty good yeah it's way better than any of this trash that's not me it looks like me it's my great great great great great grandfather yeah very good he's a beautiful man i think very well it's it's not like it's me or anything like that yeah yeah exactly you've seen this my my friend have you seen this painting right here no oh my god resembles the mona lisa i think that donnie who made that copied this um nbl painted this one this one's not too good it looks like it was made in five minutes if you want to see a good one you should go over there it's impressive right the mona lisa was inspired by this it was inspired yeah it's not the same like the other pictures yeah it's better than the other pictures yeah of course much better it's like you put it on there that would never happen you smoking crack if you want you can kneel before it it's um i won't judge you guys as well this gallery has paintings from the most famous artists of all time vincent van gogh leonardo dicaprio and now the ndl we finally have our representation even the security knows our painting belongs here i mean look at them they just keep walking past and i decided to talk to them about the other paintings which they had excuse me you have some amazing art in this um gallery all just masterpieces all around it's there that's just a masterpiece it's all just incredible i'm not too much of a fan of most of these paintings in this room just between me and you but there is one painting did you put it here no this has been here for since um time began i would never touch the painting i think he's like i was looking at this painting because i think it's the most beautiful painting in the gallery and i think he's just confused as to why i was looking at it for so long no it's not it's not you it's nothing to do with you oh oh thank you i appreciate that no it has nothing to do with me oh yeah there's no play probably should have done a better job with that it seems we forgot the plate every painting in the gallery has a description next to it and mine doesn't so i had to waffle up a reason as to why there was no plate there i think i saw someone take the plate earlier for it yeah they took the plate okay i will maybe not take it i think it just dropped probably and flew away yeah yeah yeah yeah just started flying no no no i just think it dropped and then slid under the tiles camouflaged you don't get it yeah yeah thank you i'm glad you know it's nothing to do with me though i appreciate that i said that the plate flew away and they believed me i can't believe that this is all working i've completely finessed the system and the best way to celebrate is by taking an instagram pic which you should all go and like right now but we didn't get away with it forever because then more security rolled in how would it be mine sir it's one of those paintings i think i've seen it here when i've come before beautiful right it's beautiful painting oh the boss man's here no i'm not i wouldn't do that and just like that he's clocked the camera i needed to think of the best excuse for why george has recorded me no i don't think it is filming i think it's just the camera believe it or not my amazing excuse didn't work the security forced us to turn the camera off and they realized that our painting doesn't actually belong in the gallery we've done the picture this morning oh you didn't see it this morning i think it's been here for hundreds of years honestly like i asked the gentleman uh what's your name sorry george george are you trying to know each other i've never met him in my life and then they took the ndl's masterpiece down this broke my heart and then the head of security escorted me out and i was expecting him to try and sue me i think he actually might have been a member of the nbl never fought your target had to come eventually my friend had to go eventually thank you i appreciate it all right let's go george what a success honestly the national art gallery is my new favorite place right we've put this on on the walls and we've escaped with our lives and ajv isosceles man got out the right angle and scale leaned his way out of there as well my friend that was fun we have done it my friends another sneaking is complete i want to thank you guys for staying loyal to the channel and now the ndl is back and bigger than ever all that's left to say now is subscribe right now to join the nico defense league we are growing every minute and be sure to comment down below on what you guys want to see me do next all right peace out my friends follow me on twitter and instagram as well thank you
Channel: undefined
Views: 3,177,655
Rating: 4.9698119 out of 5
Keywords: Sneaking, sneaking into, Sneaking niko, fake painting, fake painting prank, fake, art gallery, niko, niko omilana, NDL, sneaking in, prank, expensive paintings
Id: m-OyRZoNb6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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