Police Car Challenge (Part 1) | Top Gear

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oh good got the Carabinieri have arrived feast upon my magnificence hang on stand aside what's that Boadicea conquered the entire Roman army using something very similar to this so I should be able to easily conquer four hoodies in the stolen that's what happens if you just pull up next to the pavement and there are some women and children walking they'll have their legs cut off in jail no one can hear you scream scary Boadicea wheel attachments scary you presumably have nothing wrong these four nozzles yeah our paint guns yeah so you drive in front of the crims who are trying to get away these fire a great cloud of pink paint all over the windscreen and they have to stop cause they can't see all you're gonna do with this is generate headlines police chop more people's feet up all you're going to do with this is respray the front of people's cars James then demonstrated his siren which he got from an ice-cream van they're gonna be really impressed with that on an American police video no they stopped for an ice-cream and then they're nicked well mine was much more high-tech all right now that's the car things were not going well and then they got worse Oh God in heaven your pet cop boys are here yeah no wait the police yeah well the police are coming the police do the police you saw me coming in straightaway one of the biggest problems the police face trying to get somebody out the way with blues and twos on I've got a lot of Blues and twos they will see me coming well that we got to ask okay yeah you noticed that yeah this is it's genius it's a stinger okay you get them the point over your radio that you might need to stop a baddy rather than pulling out and blocking with your car which is frankly dangerous you just stop very quickly and then it was unmistakably a doormat with some nails in it so we moved on the police car has to be fast to see how quick your cars are the Stig will now drive one timed lap in the standard British police issue Vauxhall Astra diesel all you have to do is beat his time in your cars bonus points will be awarded for flamboyant driving style which will look good on a police kill Action Programme yes yes right flamboyant and fast only one person can win this three two one was proceeding in a westerly direction honestly giving the British police cars like that to save money is the same as the Queen say well changing the girl but no we're praying in comes Eliza's army they were in beach towel because that saves money how would the Blues Brothers have look hello one minute 428 148 it's quicker than most of our celebrities try wrote it in the Lacetti there yes is it then it was our turn and the gentle touch went first three two one go I'm be going away I pulled away sadly James's idea of flamboyant driving isn't quite the same as everyone else's that'll look excellent what if it's got traction control I don't think it's necessary tires go from the 1970s like prison food Krenz looking good but it's I squeal maybe they'll be a bit more here I'll make it out away Oh can I help you sir that's not bad X is 10 minutes point O 3 it is per 2 minutes James I was next to give it a bash in my Fiat but before I do I want to make it look good so I'll put this move all right you're on your own you see you go for the soft focus see now when I set off swooping J turn soft focus you just going for extra points for flamboyance yeah Oh we in soft-focus as well I fear my yes I fear the Boadicea wheel attachments have affected the wheel balance somewhat it wasn't an option on the original car Boadicea spikes you hear people driving around say I've got a Fiat coupe a it's great I just wish the rear wheels were a bit heavier and out of balance they look good ok they're gonna cut in for a shot of a driver you can hear a lot of noise but not a lot of movement it's very much like Jeremy that I was out represent a good check hideous to their I'm suggesting getting back I think you're always thinking further with those things on the side further still and then a flourish to the finish and flash the lights what about that what did I do it in um two minutes death two minutes and eight seconds slower than yours yes sir yeah well that's been a turn you chose to do the j-turn we didn't make I go to a villain as a police officer I didn't mean that just if you come back and wait can you just come back another hundred yards well I do need my turn again well except I won what you just didn't and finally from the streets of San Francisco it's got boil drivers named Joey I'll lose the drummer of the star but at least it needs a cook I'm not in four-wheel drive anymore painfully slow how can I do fun buoyant driving in this a new points although he's broken the thing off look he's broken his tongue I deploy my stinger there is he still on the oh look of that that looked good in slow motions you never thought to do that didn't pass the gratuitous boxes to make it look good so we step back as who knows handling wise what might happen there its back enough there's gotta be points off for that yeah that's not flamboyant hey listen there's an electrical problem three minutes forty but you see in the front of your car yeah but you see you get points for flamboyance remember we make this is gonna think it is practical I've just given right I'm gonna give you a big push and off yeah you
Channel: Top Gear
Views: 11,283,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top gear police car challenge, police car challenge top gear, top gear police cars part 2, top gear police cars, police car challenge, top gear funny police car challenge, top gear police car, police cars top gear, top gear, top gear bbc, bbc top gear, bbc
Id: _BqCU7YfTeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 23 2014
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